An estimated two million people in the UK have an addiction to some form of substance or activity. Addiction is a complex illness with physical and psychological symptoms, affecting not only the patient, but their family, friends and social environment too.
♦ - crossing the line from social drinking to addiction
♦ me of the most commonly used illegal drugs, these synthetic drugs used as
♦ lp with some conditions, but also cause psychotic illness
♦ - renowned for being one of the most dangerous drugs
♦ r short-term effects include an increased heart rate and raised blood pressure
♦ - as many as 350,000 people in the UK have a significant gambling problem
♦ owned for being one of the most dangerous drugs
♦ - one of the most powerful hallucinogens known
♦ timulants with effects similar to amphetamines, ecstasy or cocaine
♦ - a mimic of heroin used to combat addiction
♦ - one of the most powerfully addictive drugs
♦ - sometimes known as a silent addiction
♦ - over 35 million people worldwide have been prescribed this antidepressant
♦ cent or more of the population experience sex addiction
♦ - may be used to relieve anxiety or induce sleep
Treatment and support
Many different organisations in the UK provide treatment, support and advice for people with addictions. Many people consult their GP first, but help is also available from community addiction centres, where you can drop in without an appointment. Local support groups give you the chance to meet other people with similar experiences. People can be addicted to many different substances, from alcohol and illegal drugs to prescription medicines, as well as to some types of behaviour. There is a wide range of advice, treatment and support services for addiction in the UK, which anyone with a substance-related problem should have access to. Ask your GP for details. Most local community drug units also run drop-in centres, which don't require referral from a doctor. You should be able to find information about these on the internet or ask at your doctors' surgery.
♦ be frightened to discuss your concerns with your doctor
♦ - treatments aim to minimise harm to the body and mind
USEFUL CONTACTS: Alcoholic Concern Talk to Frank
Support for young people, parents & carers regarding
Telephone: 020 7395 4000 Helpline: 0800 776 600 Alcoholics Anonymous
Advice & support helping recovery from alcoholism.
Alcohol and Drugs Helpline: 0845 769 7555 Addaction
Information & advice to help individuals manage the
AL-ANON Family Groups
Help & support for family & friends of alcoholics.
Telephone: 020 7251 5860 Helpline: 020 7403 0888 ADFAM National
Support for families affected by drugs & alcohol.
Alcohol Focus Scotland Telephone: 020 7928 8898 Helpline: 0141 572 6700 Turning Point
Services for people affected by drug and alcohol
Drinkline - The National Helpline Helpline: 0800 917 8282 National Association for Children of Alcoholics Telephone: 020 7702 2300
For children growing up in families where one or both
Giving up smoking
NHS website providing advice on how to quit smoking.
Helpline: 0800 358 3456 Helpline: 0800 169 0169 Cocaine Anonymous
Information & an online email service to help smokers
Telephone: 0800 612 0225 Telephone: 0141 959 6363 (Scotland) Quitline: 0800 002 200 Council for Involuntary Tranquilliser Addiction OTHER ADDICTIONS
Information & support for people addicted to
Gamblers Anonymous UK
Support group offering help & advice for compulsive
Helpline: 0151 932 0102 Narcotics Anonymous Telephone: 020 7384 3040
Information & counselling services to gamblers & their
Helpline: 0845 373 3366 Parents Against Drug Abuse
Support for parents & families of drug users.
Helpline: 0845 600 0133 Helpline: 08457 023 867 Adult helpline: 0845 634 1414 Youthline: 0845 634 7650
The University of Chicago Hospitals Department of Radiology PREPARATION FOR CT VIRTUAL COLONOSCOPY “OPTION #2B: MILD PREP WITH STOOL TAGGING” (START TWO DAYS PRIOR TO CT) 1. Purchase: one 10 ounce bottle of Citrate of Magnesia and Bisacodyl tablets (four 5 mg pills) (which can be purchased as a kit: LoSo Prep by E-Z-EM) at any pharmacy without need for a prescription
Publ. datum : 20010512 Esbo har måttet rågat med sopor Fullmäktige i Esbo har framlagt önskemålet om att i grannkommunerna hitta ett nytt ställe där man kan grunda en soptipp. Soptippen på Käringmossen är redan Nordens största och den skall ytterligare utvidgas. sonja hellman copyright Esbo. Fullmäktige i Esbo har godkänt en rad hemställningar som gäller soptippsområdet