Domestic Payment Orders – Bankgiro
General Conditions for Payment Services
Payment orders that are not received on a Business Day, or which are This product sheet gives a brief description of the main features of received after the Cut-Off Time on a Business Day, will be deemed to this payment product “Domestic Payment Orders - Bankgiro”. As such, have a Time of Receipt at the start of the next Business Day.
it forms a supplement to the General Conditions for Payment Services which apply in full to the relationship between the Client and the Bank Revocation of Payment Orders
in respect of this payment product, unless otherwise stated in this A Payment Order cannot be revoked after its Receipt by the Bank. product sheet. For a full representation of the applicable Terms and Conditions we refer to the General Conditions for Payment Services. To revoke a Payment Order prior to its Receipt by the Bank, please Terms Capitalized in this product sheet have the same meaning as the contact the Approvals department, on ‘phone +31 (0)20 5204481 / terms defined in the General Conditions for Payment Services.
Refusal of Payment Order
This form of domestic payment is based on a standard payment In the event of refusal of a Payment Order by the Bank, it is deemed form (“Bankgiro”) on which your name, address and account number not to have been Received. The Bank will inform you about this are pre-printed. It can be used to make payments in euro from your electronically, in writing or in some other way determined by the account to another account in the Netherlands.
In addition, the Bank will explain the procedure a Client should follow Applying for bank giro forms
in order to correct any factual inaccuracies that led to refusal of the Please contact your GE Artesia branch who will arrange to have a set As these forms can be used to make payments, you should keep them in a safe place and never sign them in advance. The GE Artesia branch where your account is held can provide you In the event of loss or theft you must report it immediately to the Client with full details of fees for payment services.
Support Department at GE Artesia Bank, ‘phone +31 (0)20 5204328 or by e-mail to [email protected].
Minimum requirements that the payment orders must meet
• Name, address and city of the payer (pre-printed) • The payer’s account number (pre-printed) • Amount and currency (only EUR possible) Method for giving Orders, Consent and Time of Receipt
You can send the duly completed and signed Bankgiro forms by post to GE Artesia Bank, Postbus 274, 1000 AG Amsterdam. By signing these payment forms, you give us your consent to execute the Payment Order. The Time of Receipt of the Payment Order by the Bank will be deemed to be the time at which you have given the If you have concluded an Artesia Internet Banking agreement for our Multiversa IFP payment product, you can also submit these payment Orders through online banking. Please refer to the relevant product Cut-Off Time
The “Overview of Latest Delivery Times” shows the Cut-Off times, i.e. the time on a Business Day by which a Payment Order must have been Received by the Bank to ensure it is processed that same Execution term
Bank Giro Payment orders which have been submitted in the manner prescribed by the Bank and for which there is no ground for refusal, will be credited to the account of the payee’s bank at latest within 4 Business Days after the Time of Receipt. General Information Sheet
This section briefly explains a number of general matters that apply to National Holiday (30 April), 1 May and 5 May (once every 5 years), all Payment Products, in addition to those contained in the individual Ascension Day, Whit Sunday and Whit Monday, Christmas Day and Product Sheets. Please see the General Conditions for Payment Services for a full description of the Terms and Conditions applicable to the relationship between the Client and the Bank in the area of Cut-off Time
Payment Services. Terms Capitalized in this product sheet have the The “Overview of Latest Delivery Times” - available from your GE same meaning as the terms defined in the General Conditions for Artesia branch or on our website - shows the Cut-Off times, i.e. the time by which a payment order must have been Received by the Bank to ensure it is processed the same Business day. Payment Orders that Information on GE Artesia Bank
are not received on a Business Day, or which are received after the GE Artesia Bank is the trade name for Banque Artesia Nederland N.V., Cut-Off Time on a Business Day will be deemed to have a Time of having its registered office in Amsterdam, with offices in Amsterdam, Receipt at the start of the next Business Day.
Rotterdam, The Hague, Breda (for Brabant & Zeeland), Zeist (for Middle Execution of Payment Order
The Bank is licensed to operate as a credit institution subject to the We execute your Payment Order on the basis of the Unique Identifier supervision of the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets of the payee (account number or IBAN) that you have specified in your and De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank), both based in Payment Order. We do not verify that the Unique Identifier provided Amsterdam, and is registered as such in the registers with these by you is valid, and we do not check that it is correct in relation to supervisory bodies. More information is available on their respective the name of the payee. We are not liable for the consequences if websites and
a Payment Order has been executed on the basis of an incorrect Unique Identifier given by you, so you should carefully check the Complaints
accuracy of these details before submitting your Payment Order to GE Artesia Bank has a formal Complaints Procedure. Below is a brief the Bank. The Bank is not obliged to execute the Payment Order on explanation of how you should proceed with a complaint; for a full the basis of other details presented by you.
description please see our website, Methods to give Payment Orders
If you have a complaint concerning a service provided to you by The specific Product Sheets describe how you should prepare and the Bank, you should first contact the GE Artesia branch where submit the various forms of Payment Order to the Bank. Payment your account is held. If, in your opinion, the complaint has not been Orders that do not meet these requirements will not be handled by satisfactorily resolved, you can lodge your complaint in writing, by the Bank and will be deemed not to have been Received.
sending it to: GE Artesia Bank, afdeling Kwaliteitsbeheer, Postbus 274, Refusal of Payment Order
In the event of refusal of a Payment Order by the Bank, it is deemed Should your complaint still not have been dealt with satisfactorily not to have been Received. The Bank will inform you about this you can, as a Private client, present it to the independent complaints electronically, in writing or in some other way determined by the committee (Klachteninstituut Financiële Dienstverlening, Kifid). Complaints can be submitted to them via the Internet (, In addition, the Bank will explain the procedure a Client must follow by ‘phone (0900-3552248) or by mail: Kifid, Postbus 93527, 2509 AG to correct any (factual) inaccuracies which led the Bank to refuse the Provision of Information and communication
The grounds on which the Bank can refuse a Payment Order include: If a product or service of the Bank is jointly provided to several persons, • Inaccurate, unclear or incomplete Payment Orders the Bank shall only send documents and/or other information, of whatever nature, to the address provided to the Bank. If there is no (longer) an agreement between the persons concerned, the Bank may itself determine to which address it will send the documents and/or other information. Documents and/or information sent by the Bank to one address will be deemed to have been received by all persons For a complete overview of the grounds for refusal please see the General Conditions for Payment Services which apply to the Bank’s Countries within the EU and EEA
The following countries are members of the EEA (includes EU + 3 Inspection of the execution of presented Payment Orders
others), and have implemented the Payment Services Directive, or will The correct execution of Payment Orders can be verified on the do so shortly: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, account statements sent to you by the Bank on a regular basis. If you Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, have access to Multiversa IFP, GE Artesia’s Online Banking system, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, you can check the processing of your Payment Orders on an intra- Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
Applicable conditions and changes
Business Day
The Bank may change the information set out in the Product Sheets Every day (excluding Saturday and Sunday) with the exception of from time to time in the manner indicated in the General Conditions New Year’s Day, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter Monday, Dutch


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