
600 kHz & 1
• Wave height and direction
• Full current profile

.All with a single instrument
With the Nortek AWAC, you get a current pro- filer and a wave directional system in one unit. AST breakthrough
You can measure the current speed and direc- With the optional Acoustic Surface Tracking tion in 1-m thick layers from the bottom to the (AST) firmware you can measure the long waves surface and you can measure long waves, storm (swel ), storm waves and the short waves gener- waves, short wind waves, or transient waves gen- ated from local winds. Moreover, the AST also gives you the ability to derive wave parameters The AWAC is designed as a coastal monitoring based on times series analyses, which is a major ad- system. It is smal , rugged, and suitable for multi- vantage relative to the classical bottom mounted systems that derive the wave parameters from year operation in tough environments. It can be spectral estimates of pressure or velocity. This operated online or in stand-alone mode with an means that AWAC can directly measure wave The sensor is usual y mounted in a frame on other bottom mounted systems simply cannot. the bottom, protected from the harsh weather and passing ship traffic. The mechanical design is all plastic and tita- nium to avoid corrosion. Online systems can be delivered with protected cables, interface units on shore, and backup batteries and recorder. In stand-alone use, the raw data are stored to the internal data logger and power comes from an external battery pack. A variety of options are available with maximum deployment lengths of 4 months with hourly wave data (8 months with Software
The AWAC software is used to configure the instrument for deployment, retrieve the data and convert all data files to ASCII, and view all the measured current profiles and wave data. In order to calculate the wave parameters, the non-graphical WaveExtract software wil gen-erate ASCII files with all the interesting wave parameters. For long term projects with multiple deploy-ments and/or multiple stations, please contact Nortek to receive the latest information on the Nordis generation software For system integra- The AWAC with AST firmware option has been deployed for tors, individual DLL and ActiveX® elements are comparison with wave (directional) buoys all over the world. The available for integration into Windows® or Win- short segment shows a test conducted by Nortek partner Thetis SA off the south coast of France. Specifications
Current profile
Wave data
Data Recording
No. of samples per burst 512, 1024, or 2048 Data Communication
Velocity measurements
Online applications
The AWAC is designed with long term moni- interfaces for GSM or analog telephone with toring in mind. The optional 48-Volt interface NORTEK AS
Vangkroken 2
unit can be used to drive cables that are 5 corder. Batteries and internal recorder can NO-1351 Rud
km long and contains options for a variety be used in conjunction with online systems of communication interfaces. This includes for backup purposes.
Tel: +47 6717 4500
direct links using cable or radio as wel as Fax: +47 6713 6770
E-mail: [email protected]
Wave measurements
The AWAC provides three independent Standard Output Parameters for systems with methods for measuring waveheight and AST: H , H , H , T , T , T , T period. The three methods utilize the pres- L , L , L , Peak Direction, Mean Direction, sure, orbital velocity, and acoustic surface Directional Spreading, Unidirectivity Index tracking (optional). These three independent NortekUK
measurements provide an internal check so Mildmay House, High St.
that the processed estimates can be checked Specifications:
Hartley Wintney
Hants. RG27 8NY
Directional estimates are derived from Height Accuracy: Tel: +44- 1428 751 953
the projected array of velocity measurement Fax: +44- 1428 751 533
cel s. The processing technique is known as E-mail: [email protected]
the Maximum Likelihood Method (MLM). This advanced approach of estimating wave direc- NortekUSA
Suite 400, 100 E. San Marcos Blvd
tion allows for wave events from independent San Marcos, CA 92069
directions to be resolved, unlike standard Direction Resolution: Tel: 760-510-5922
Fax: 760-510-5921
E-mail: [email protected]

Source: http://www.geometra.com.sg/images/NortecAWAC1MHzAcousticWaveCurrentSensor.pdf


ESL NEWS – November 5, 2012 Story 1 James Bond On October 24th the newest James Bond movie showed in London, England. Prince Charles and his wife Camilla were at the event along with many of the actors in the new film. The name of the movie is “Skyfall” and it is the 23rd Bond movie ever to be made. Movie critics are already calling Skyfall one of the best Bond movies ever. Like other B


terraloco Desert Map Trek at Red Rock Canyon State Park A. EVENT OVERVIEW 1. The event will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2012 and Sunday, November 11, 2012 at Red Rock Canyon State Park, subject to a permit from California State Parks. The event's parking, registration, start, and finish will be by the park's main visitor center on Saturday and at the edge of the Red Cliffs Natural

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