Microsoft word - 08 minocycline, tetracycline and doxycycline.doc

Drug Information Sheet - minocycline, tetracycline and

Questionnaire for minocycline, tetracycline and doxycycline

1. Are you on any of the following medications?
A. Mineral supplements, e.g., calcium, zinc or iron Yes … No … B. Antacids C. Didanosine (Videx®) (HIV medication) Yes … No … D. Digoxin (heart medication) Yes … No … E. Isotretinoin (Accutane®, Amnesteem®) (for acne) F. Lithium (for mental illness) Yes … No … G. Coumadin® (blood thinner) Yes … No … H. Birth control pills Yes … No … 4. Are you planning to become pregnant? Yes … No … 5. Do you have a history of headaches? Yes … No … 6. Do you have a history of kidney disease? Yes … No … DK* … 7. Do you have a history of low blood counts? Yes … No … DK* … 8. Do you have a history of liver disease? Yes … No … DK* … 9. Do you have a history of lupus erythematosus? Yes … No … DK* … 10. Do you have a history of excessive sensitivity to sun? Yes … No … *DK = Don’t know Bolognia, Jorizzo, Rapini – Dermatology 2/e Drug Information Sheet - minocycline, tetracycline and

Patient information sheet-potential side effects of tetracycline, minocycline
and doxycycline

1. Upset stomach 2. Yellow-gray-brown discoloration of the teeth in unborn children and children less than 8 years of age; do not use these medications during pregnancy. 3. Vaginal yeast infections. Over-the-counter creams and suppositories such as Monistat®, Mycelex® and Gyne-Lotrimin® are available. 4. Sensitivity to the sun (especially with doxycycline)
Less Common:
1. Headaches 2. Development of a rash or hives 3. Dizziness (vertigo) with high doses (in particular minocycline); this 4. Blue-gray color within scars (minocycline) 5. Blue or gray spots, especially on the legs (minocycline) 1. Decreased blood counts 2. Severe headaches 3. Inflammation of the liver (minocycline > tetracycline or doxycycline) and 4. Lupus-like syndrome (minocycline) (doxycycline exacerbates systemic 5. Darkening of sun-exposed skin (minocycline) 6. Blistering skin reactions, sometimes severe 7. Severe allergic reactions Bolognia, Jorizzo, Rapini – Dermatology 2/e Drug Information Sheet - minocycline, tetracycline and

Physician checklist for minocycline, tetracycline and doxycycline

A. decreases tetracycline absorption B. decreases tetracycline absorption C. give tetracyclines one hour before or 4 hours after buffered didanosine: combination may decrease tetracycline absorption D. combination may increase digoxin levels E. combination may increase risk of pseudotumor cerebri F. tetracycline and doxycycline may increase lithium levels G. increased anticoagulation H. possible decreased efficacy of birth control pill, but not clearly established For patients with renal insufficiency, doxycycline is the tetracycline that can be used safely without risk of accumulation and toxicity. Bolognia, Jorizzo, Rapini – Dermatology 2/e



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