c o p yclient United Methodist Health Ministry Fund (HcA inStRuMentAl tHeMe HyMn undeR) Try to picture this: Jesus as a chip-munching, caffeine-chugging, channel zapper. So let’s follow in His path.and choose a life of health and involvement. We’re committed to an innovative, exciting new approach called Healthy Congregations. And we invite you to join us! It’s about better physical health. It’s about maintaining mental health.
It’s about opportunities for social interaction and support. And, of course, it’s about spiritual health.
It’s about all of you. All of us being healthier in every way. For more information, call or stop by ___________________________________, ______________________________, and visit with ____________________________. You don’t have to be a member to enjoy our Healthy Congregations activities at ___________________________________.
c o p yclient United Methodist Health Ministry Fund - (HcA inStRuMentAl tHeMe HyMn undeR) Did God really ordain only fried chicken, cheesy potatoes, and apple pie as the official church dinner? Oh, we all enjoy those delicious church dinners! But.we’ve made a commitment to the Healthy Congregations program. So now, our church is taking a fresh look at meals and snacks we serve. No, we aren’t giving up all that good stuff.we’re just making sure we include plenty of the good healthy, nutritional foods, too. But Healthy Congregations is about a lot more than eating. It’s about better physical health.and mental health.and social stewardship. and, of course, it’s about spiritual health. It’s about all of you. All of us being healthier in every way. Won’t you join us? You’ll find all kinds of healthy opportunities at ____________________________, ______________________________. We invite you to call or stop by for more information about all our activities.
c o p yclient United Methodist Health Ministry Fund - (HcA inStRuMentAl tHeMe HyMn undeR) You’ve always heard God loves a cheerful giver. Well.God probably loves a cheerful exerciser, too! After all, it’s a lot easier to give of yourself when you’re feeling good.
Feeling good about yourself. Feeling good about life. So at our church, we’ve adopted Healthy Congregations. an innovative approach that’s all about being healthier -- physically, mentally, and well as spiritually. Sure, we’ll be offering some exercise classes. But there are many otherexciting, beneficial ways Healthy Congregations is helping us work at becoming the people God really wants us to be. Why don’t you come join us? We invite you to call or stop by ____________________________________, __________________________________, (NAME OF CHURCH) (CHURCH ADDRESS) and find out more about Healthy Congregations c o p yclient United Methodist Health Ministry Fund - (HcA inStRuMentAl tHeMe HyMn undeR) “What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God.” Becoming.becoming better people of God -- physically.mentally.
socially. and, of course, spiritually. That’s what Healthy Congregations is all about. If you’ve been wanting to get out of the rut and into a healthier way of life, we think you will appreciate this innovative approach. And you don’t even have to be a member of our church to participate. Just consider it our gift to you.and to our community. To find out more about the activities, classes, and programs that are now a mission of _____________________________________, we invite you to call or stop by. _______________________________________ will be glad to tell you all about the Healthy Congregations opportunities offered by at _______________ ____________________, ____________________________________. (NAME OF CHURCH) (CHURCH ADDRESS)


Microsoft word - 1st paper jovicich ishs pisa 2003.doc

Managing Greenhouse-grown Peppers in a Saline Environment Indian River Research and Education Center Keywords: Capsicum annuum , transplant depth, irrigation, physiological disorder, soilless culture, stem rot, Fusarium Abstract Under certain conditions, greenhouse-grown pepper plants from various areas of the world, including the Mediterranean and North America, exhibi


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