
There are no known drug interactions.
adverse effeCts
Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench, E. Black Cohosh
pallida (Nutt.) Nutt., E. angustifolia DC.
Actaea racemosa L. (syn. Cimicifuga Overview
drug interaCtions
from Echinacea purpurea, E. pallida, and/or E. angustifolia. While all of these discomfort, painful menstruation, and Cranberry
flashes, heart palpitations, nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbances, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), whirling sense or nutritional properties. Cranberries are a The German Commission E monograph high-value crop, ranking 40th in sales E. purpurea
Agricultural Statistical Service. Sales of E. purpurea, E. pallida, E. angustifolia
average recommenDeD Dose: 40mg–80mg outlets.
luiD exTracT: 0.5–.0 ml, 3 times daily.
TincTure: 30–60 drops, 3 times daily.
decreasing occurrence; kidney stones.
available as teas, capsules, and tablets.
FluiD exTracT: 0.3–.0 ml, 0.3–2.0 ml, before ingesting echinacea preparations 5–30 drops [: (g/ml), 90% alcohol]. TincTure: 0.4–2.0 ml, 2-4 ml, 40 drops twice daily[:0 (g/ml), 40–60% COntrainDiCatiOns
effective. Additionally, patients should drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters adverse effeCts
Rare cases of allergic reactions to plants because it may promote menstrual flow unsweetened juice can be unpleasant rug interaCtions
TreaTmenT oF uTi: 6–32 fl. oz. daily or Excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs American Botanical Council at least 7 fl. oz. of unsweetened juice therapy for peripheral arterial occlusive PrevenTion oF uTi: 4–32 fl. oz. daily.
drug interaCtions
iDney sTones: 8 fl. oz., 4 times daily for several days, then 8 fl. oz., twice daily warfarin, may increase the potential for Concentrated Juice Extract
Consult a healthcare provider in cases possible prevention of stomach and of kidney insufficiency or tendency to intestinal cancers.
Fresh, minceD garlic:  clove daily.
inFusion:  clove in 50 ml of hot water.
mg, 3 times daily (in pill or tablet form).
dverse effeCts
daily or –5 ml daily (in capsules).
(more than 3–4 liters or approximately COntrainDiCatiOns
2.5-3.5 qt. daily) may cause diarrhea or None known according to the German loss in conditions such as Alzheimer’s, ringing in the ears, dizziness, and poor Caution: If no improvement in acute
drug interaCtions
should not be taken prior to surgery (at least one week) as it may interfere with in ears (tinnitus); dizziness or whirling sensation (vertigo); peripheral vascular or lactation. However, some of garlic’s Overview
other Potential uses
dverse effeCts
popularity is based on the herb’s well- (insufficient oxygen in the body); acute health. These health-promoting benefits generic preparations, but no adverse deafness related to the cochlea (part of effects were reported for AGE according the inner ear).
For slightly reducing elevated levels of 20–60 mg, taken in 40–60 mg doses, 2 or 3 times daily to treat intermittent Excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs American Botanical Council claudication, vertigo, and ringing in the mellitus; menopausal symptoms; Milk Thistle
erectile or fertility problems; improves Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.
disorder. The 20 mg dosage should not antibiotic effect for respiratory tract adverse effeCts
DrieD rooT, PowDereD: –2 g daily for up over 2,400 patients, it is perhaps the subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral 720–960 ml water for approximately 45 Uses
Alcoholic liver disease; alcoholic liver water over –2 g finely cut or powdered induced hepatitis.
root, steep covered for 0 minutes, then drug interaCtions
FluiD exTracT: –6 ml daily [:2 (g/ml)].
periodically, patients are encouraged to seek a healthcare provider’s advice.
and warfarin. Gingko may also enhance ginsenosides].
Dry exTracT (sTanDarDizeD): 40–70: (w/ COntrainDiCatiOns
w), 70–80% silymarin, daily equivalent to 200–400 mg of silymarin, calculated Ginseng, Asian
Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (syn. P. into three doses. The dose of 40 mg Overview
postpartum, in combinations containing restrictions.
stores with sales in 2000 totaling $62.5 adverse effeCts
adverse effeCts
drug interaCtions
drug interaCtions
inhibitor), warfarin (an anticoagulating Primary uses
provider before using ginseng. Diabetic phenothiazines has produced the patients may need to adjust their insulin benefit of decreased lipid peroxidation other Potential uses
of stimulants such as coffee, sugar, and St. John’s wort
Excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs American Botanical Council Overview
BlacK Tea inFusion (Tea): Pour 50–250 St. John’s wort (SJW) rose from virtual dried leaf, steep 2–5 minutes for use as fifth best-selling dietary supplement in a stimulant (alkaloids extract rapidly). mainstream retail stores. Its rise to fame drug Indinavir, the immunosuppressant against atherosclerosis,  or more times B.C.E.) was one of the first to speak of the health benefits of SJW. Preparations tablets using either the plant in its crude other drugs, consumers and patients qualified healthcare professional before COntrainDiCatiOns
counter or prescription medications.
occurring chemicals found in the plant.
(hyperthyroid), increased susceptibility Tea, Black/Green
Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (syn. C. Overview
ther Potential uses
adverse effeCts
menopause; fatigue; pediatric nocturnal beverage in the world today. Green luiD exTracT: : (g/ml), 2 ml, twice drug interaCtions
possible reduced risk of osteoporosis.
adverse effeCts
green Tea inFusion (Tea): Pour 50–250 may also interact with drugs such as the ml boiling water over .0–2.5 g finely ultraviolet radiation), especially in fair- cut dried leaf, steep 3–5 minutes for use its effects), and large amounts of effects of the asthma drug theophylline. diarrhea. Drink at least  cup daily for rug interaCtions
Excerpted from The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs American Botanical Council

Source: http://www.herbday.org/resources/documents/HD_CommonProfiles.pdf

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Situation temporairement acceptable Syndrome de l’homme raide réfractaire aux anti-convulsivants ou insuffisamment contrôlé par les anti-épileptiques 1. PROTOCOLE THERAPEUTIQUE TEMPORAIRE Le protocole temporaire de traitement nécessite de se référer au Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit (RCP) de l’AMM. Il est nécessaire d’informer le patient que la

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