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Curent situation on using and modernization of herbal traditional medicines for treatment
of mental diseases
According to the WHO definition of Health: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The Eastern traditional medicine considers that health is a balancing activities of organs in the body. Việt Nam is a country with a long term traditional medicine that has been a culture with its character. The most famous physicians of Vietnam traditional medicine are Tuệ Tĩnh (in 13 century) and Hải Thượng Lãn Ông (1724- 1791) who had great contribution into traditional medicine of the country. Besides of achievement in treatment of diseases, they have given to the posterity very precious publications. “Nam dược thần hiệu” by Tue Tinh that has 499 remedies, 3932 prescriptions which can treat 184 diseases. His another publication is “Hồng nghĩa giác tư y thư” consisted 590 remedies. Hải Thượng Lãn Ông has a famous publication “Hải Thượng Lãn Ông y tông tâm lĩnh” consisting of 22 volums, 66 books that have been the most excellent medical work of the country in 18 century. Upto now, upon to the Government Policy, Vietnam traditional Medicine has been becoming a indispensable part of The national Medical System. There are 60 hospitals of traditional medicine (TM) and thousands TM clinics in the country. In education and training, there is a Vietnam Academy of TM, 2 Departments of TM and 9 Units of TM in medical and pharmaceutical universities In production of traditional herbal medicines, there are over 500 pharmaceutical plants in which 10 plants are complied with GMP-WHO standards. 1086 herbal medicines have been registered and produced, that consists 10,2% of the total domestics medicines. There are many traditional remedies and prescriptions, methods of treatment that have been handed down from generation to generation Our country has a precious and plentiful source of medicinal plants. All of these factors are the advantage conditions for the use of herbal medicines in treatment of diseases, especially mental diseases. According to the Eastern Medicines, the heart contains spirit. That means the heart viscus controls spiritual activities. If the heart is strong, then spirit is strong: strength, wisdom, intelligence, agile and active. In contrast, if heart is weak, then spirit is weak: weakeness, decreased wisdom, slowdown,. The kidney is related to will and kidney contains will. That means who has strong kidney, he has strong will. The will is a special human property. The liver contains the ethereal soul which is mental, spirit activity If the 3 viscus: heart, kidney and liver works badly, the spirit may be seriously affected and mental diseases may happen such that: mental asthenia, insomnia, hysteria, loss of memory,. Some medicinal plants and remedies for treatment of mental diseases in Vietnam Some materia medica with tranquilizing activity Tranquilizer . Insomnia, furuncles, Take 4-6g daily as water extract or headache, stomuch ache, cough with phlegm, asthma 2.2. Formulations for treatment of mental diseases 2.2.1. Mental Asthenia Formula 1. For Mental Asthenia syndroma with liver qi liver and heart depression Formula 2 for Mental Asthenia syndroma with liver and kidney yin deficiency Formula 3: For Mental Asthenia syndroma with liver, kidney yin deficiency Formula 4: For Mental Asthenia syndroma with heart and spleen deficiency Formula 5: Thận khí hoàn (Bát vị quế phụ) processed for mental asthenia syndrome of kidney yin and yang deficiency: Radix Besides herbal medicines, it’s necessary to combine with accupuncture and/or psychotherapy for treatment. 2.2.3. Insomnia Formula Long đởm tả can thang modified for insomnia syndrome of liver depression transforming into fire Radix et Alismatis Formula Ôn đởm thang gia giảm: for insomnia syndrome of internal harassment of phlegm-heat Typhonium reticulatae perenne Formular Quy tỳ thang: for insomnia sydrome of heart and spleen deficiency Radix Ginseng Glycyrhizae 3. Modernization of herbal medicines for treatment of mental diseases Modernization of remedies, materia medica is necessary with the aim of quality assurance, safety and efficacy in treatment of diseases. It can help to produce finished pharmaceutical products by modern technology and machines, so the products are standardized, stable in quality and their prices are low so that can serve wide range of patients in community. In order to modernize herbal medicines, medicinal plants have to be planted to comply with WHO guidelines: GACP-WHO. In our country, Ministry of Health has issued Decission on GACP-WHO implementation. With sponsoring of WHO, we have set up near 100 standard procedures on processing and standardization of herbal slices. Our Pharmacopeia the 4th edition contains specifications of 314 materia medica and remedies. Many herbal medicines are produced in GMP-WHO production lines. These products (tablets, hard capsules, sofgels, .) have stable quality, safety and effect. equivalent to the original remedies. The followings are some herbal medicines for combined treatment of mental diseases. They are modern pharmaceutiacal forms and produced on industrial scale in Vietnam. Tuber Stephania, Folium Erythrinae variegatae, Folium Nelumbinis nucifera 4.Conclusion Vietnam has a large potential for using traditional herbal medicines including those for treatment of mental diseases. Our Government has issued the National Policy on traditional medicine that encourages the research, development and production of herbal medicines. We have got some achievements in modernization of traditional herbal medicines, however there are a lot of work in the near future. We are ready to strengthen international cooperation in herbal medicines.



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