REGIONAL TRADE AGREEMENTS OF ASIA: CHINA PERSPECTIVES Radulescu Irina Gabriela University Petroleum-Gas Ploiesti, Romania Abstract
China’s pursuit of regional and national security and great power status is
both legitimate, given that there are no meaningful WTO rules prohibiting this,
and beneficial to the region, considering East Asia’s troublesome geopolitical
layout. However, China should be mindful of the importance of the multilateral
trading system in achieving its goal. As a top trading power, China also has the
responsibility to push multilateral trade liberalization rather than being obsessed
with regionalism. On the other hand, it shall be realized that the quest for regional
trade arrangements demonstrates many weaknesses of the WTO-led multilateral
trading system. Regional movements for free trade, as currently pursued by
China, shall be allowed and even encouraged to the extent that they do not
create trade diversion and divergent rules from the multilateral trade system.
Keywords: Regional Trade Agreements, Economic Integration, Bilateral JEL Classification: F15, F53, F55 1. Introduction
Societies and economies around the world are becoming more integrated.
Integration is the result of reduced costs of transport, lower trade barriers, faster
communication of ideas, rising capital flows and intensifying pressure for
migration. Integration - or "globalisation" has generated anxieties about rising
inequality, shifting power, and culture uniformity.
Rather than a truly global economy, the recent trends have been towards a
regionalised one. The effect of regionalism on the world trading system as a
whole has been the subject of extensive recent debate. There are a few
examples of long-established regional groupings that have become stronger over
time - notably the 15-member European Union and the 9-member Association of
South-east Asian Nations. But many of those established over the last three
decades have been short-lived or have retained mainly symbolic political
significance. From the late 1980s, however, there has been a growing
commitment to regionalism, for a number of reasons1.
Regionalism is a very much contested term and includes interactive activities
which could have political coordination, like the Asia-Pacific Economic
Cooperation (APEC) or global integration like European Union. There are at least
• economic integration de facto (at regional and level scale) and the
processes de jure of the institutional regionalism
• the emergence of vertical level of authority between the state and the
global order (supranational regionalism) and between state and local level
• the emergence of horizontal authority starting with the existent territorial
1 Irina Gabriela Rădulescu – “Different faces of globalization and regionalization”, 5th Global Conference on Business&Economics, Cambridge University, July 2006
By Stephen Browne, there are three different forms of economic cooperation –
protected regionalism, open regionalism, and micro regionalism – which cover
the most important manifestations at the regional level. All forms of regionalism
assume that some measure of cross-border cooperation is a superior alternative
to purely country-based economic systems. The forms differ in several important
ways, including the extent to which regional arrangements are dependent on
government initiative. For governments that have decided to open the economy
the practical issue is how to pursue trade liberalization. Hoekman (2005) has
observed four different models of trade policy reform: economy-wide trade
liberalization, protection with offsetting policies for exporters, protection with
export processing zones, regional integration2.
Trade is one of the manifestations of globalization, with its positive effects but
also its downsides. The sole work of market forces will not be enough to spread
the benefits of globalization to all and that we have to develop instruments to
harness globalization, ensuring that both developed and developing countries
benefit alike from it and that those in our societies who suffer from the
transformations that globalization bring about are adequately taken care of.
Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are a major feature of today’s multilateral
trading system. The number of preferential agreements as well as the world
share of preferential trade has been steadily increasing over the last years. Many
WTO Members use the RTAs as trade policy instruments and as complementary
to MFN. The promotion of free trade at a preferential level may help developing
countries to implement domestic reforms and open up to competitive market
Pascal Lamy considers that there are several reasons for the attractiveness of
bilateral agreements as compared to multilateral negotiations3:
2 Bernard Hoekman – “Designing North-South Trade Agreements to Promote Economic Development”, World Bank and CEPR, June 2005
3 Pascal Lamy – “Regional agreements: the “pepper” in the multilateral “curry””, Speeches Bangalore, India, 2007
• preferential trade agreements seem quicker to conclude and they are very
attractive to both politicians and business communities who are looking for
• they can enter into new territories because of similarities in interests and
• many of the recent FTAs contain political or geopolitical considerations.
For developing countries negotiating with more powerful developed
countries, there is usually the expectation of exclusive preferential
benefits, as well as expectations of development assistance and other
Fiorentino and Crawford (2005) describe four main RTA related trends4:
• several countries are making RTAs the centrepiece of their commercial
• RTAs are more complex by establishing new trade regimes;
• preferential agreements between developed and developing countries are
• RTAs become more and more consolidated and expanded.
The proliferation of RTAs during the last years was explosive. Some of them are
intended to be free trade areas and the others want to become customs unions.
The most common category is the free trade agreement (FTA) (see figure no. 1).
4 Roberto V. Fiorentino, Jo-Ann Crawford – “The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements”, Discussion Paper no. 8, World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 2005
Figure no. 1 RTAs in force by type of agreement, 2005
Source: Roberto V. Fiorentino, Jo-Ann Crawford (2005) - The Changing Landscape of Regional Trade Agreements, Discussion Paper no. 8, World Trade
The shaping of RTAs around the world reflects both economic and non-economic
motivations. RTAs can represent the base of larger economic and political efforts
to increase regional cooperation. They can also stimulate inward foreign direct
investment (Kimura and Ando, 2005) and they put the left-out countries at a
A regional agreement before free trade leads to a greater expansion in world
output that immediate free trade because it creates a strategic incentive for
member countries to increase exports to each other’s market. Countries that are
pioneering members of free trade agreements get most of the benefits, if sunk
costs to expand trade and investment are first realized within their borders.
Comparing the welfare associated with free trade achieved via regionalism to
that of free trade achieved via multilateral negotiation, it can be observed that the
5 Patrizia Tumbarello – “Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Stumbling or Building Blocks? Implications for the Mekong-3 Countries”, IMF Working Paper WP/07/53, March 2007
primary members of expanding trading blocs attain a higher level of welfare from
the regionalism path, while late entrants fall to a lower level of welfare6.
For the last four decades, trade has been the engine of economic growth for
most of East Asia. In the 1960s Japan emerged as the region’s first major
exporter, and it was followed in the 1970s by a second generation of economies
(Hong Kong (China), the Republic of Korea, Taiwan (China), Singapore), in the
1980s by a third generation (Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand), and
in the 1990s by a fourth generation (China, Vietnam). While unilateral
liberalizations by individual countries helped initiate export-led development in
the region, the increasing economic integration of East Asia has been an
important factor in sustaining the region’s growth.
In East Asia, which had been characterized by a dearth of RTAs, negotiating
RTAs has now become a part of everyday life. The region’s policy stance has
shifted from favoring multilateralism to regionalism since the outbreak of the
financial crisis in 1997 (see table 1)7.
There are many reasons behind the recent surge of FTAs in East Asia8:
• the rapid expansion of such areas in other parts of the world has made the
East Asian economies realize the importance of establishing FTAs to
maintain and expand their export opportunities;
• a stalemate of the negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda
turned the attention of the members of the WTO with an interest in trade
liberalization toward the advantages of FTAs;
• the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998 prompted East Asian economies to
more awareness of the need for regional cooperation through initiatives
such as FTAs in order to avoid another crisis;
6 Caroline L. Freund – “Regionalism and Permanent Diversion”, International Finance Discussion Paper no. 602, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, January 1998
7 Hongshik Lee and Innwon Park – “In Search of Optimised Regional Trade Agreements and Applications to East Asia”, The World Economy (2007)
8 Mona Haddad – “Trade integration in East Asia: the role of China and production networks”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4160, March 2007
• rivalry among East Asian economies over leadership in the region has
Table 1 Major RTAs in East Asia Implemented (Year Signed of Under Negotiation Under Consideration into force) signing)
Singapore – Japan China – Chile (2005)
Singapore – Australia Singapore – Korea ASEAN – India
Singapore – EFTA Korea – EFTA (2005)
China Thailand – Australia Japan – Philippines
ASEAN+3 – ASEAN plus China, Japan, Korea
CER – Closer Economic Relations between Australia and New Zealand
EFTA – European Free Trade Association
Source: Hongshik Lee and Innwon Park – “In Search of Optimised Regional Trade Agreements and Applications to East Asia”, The World Economy (2007)
While regionalism has been in existence for over half a century since
World War II, China jumped onto the bandwagon only very recently, embodied
initially by the formation of the China-Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership
Arrangement (“CEPA”) and the China-Macao CEPA. China has also signed
frameworks agreement for establishing free trade zones with the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (“ASEAN”), and is negotiating similar arrangements
with Australia, New Zealand, and the MERCOSURE countries. The CEPAs,
which are already in operation, are RTA-like arrangements between China and
the two “special administrative regions” under the Chinese political sovereign,
with the signatories acting as members of the World Trade Organization
(“WTO”). The proposed China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, with a nice acronym
“CAFTA”, will create one of the world’s largest FTA, standing on par with the
North America Free Trade Area (“NAFTA”) and the European Union (“EU”). It is
also, the largest FTA made up of developing countries.
2. China’s Regional Trade Agreements Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement
To promote the joint economic prosperity and development of the Mainland9 and
the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereinafter referred to as the “two
sides"), to facilitate the further development of economic links between the two
sides and other countries and regions, the two sides decided to sign the
Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (hereinafter
referred to as the “CEPA”). This is the first free trade agreement ever concluded
by the Mainland of China and Hong Kong. The idea of forming a RTA with
Mainland China was first conceived by the Hong Kong Business community. In
1999, the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce, anticipating China’s entry
into the WTO, initiated a project to assess the impact of China’s entry on specific
industries in Hong Kong10. The final report released in January 2000, suggested
9 In the “CEPA”, the "Mainland" refers to the entire customs territory of China.
10 Wang Jiang Yu – “China’s Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) Approach: the Law, the
that the Hong Kong government should “explore the benefits of a Free Trade
Area agreement with the Mainland, similar to the NAFTA type regional trade
agreement, which would be in keeping with WTO rules”11.The main text of CEPA
was signed on 29 June 2003 and CEPA with its annexes have been effective as
CEPA consists of a Main Agreement together with six annexes, and two tables:
Annex 1 – Arrangements for Implementation of Zero Tariffs for Trade in Goods;
Table 1 (under Annex 1) – List of Hong Kong Origin Products for Implementation of Zero Import
Annex 2 – Rules of Origin for Trade in Goods;
Table 1 (under Annex 2) – Schedule on Rules of Origin for Hong Kong Goods Benefiting from
Annex 3 – Procedures for the Issuing and Verification of Certificates of Origin;
Form 1 (under Annex 4) – Certificate of Hong Kong Origin;
Annex 4 – Specific Commitments on Liberalization of Trade in Services;
Table 1 (under Annex 4) – The Mainland’s Specific Commitments on Liberalization of Trade in
Table 2 (under Annex 4) – Hong Kong’s Specific Commitments on Liberalization of Trade in
Annex 5 – Definition of “Service Supplier” and Related Requirements;
Annex 6 – Trade and Investment Facilitation.
CEPA opens up huge markets for Hong Kong goods and services, greatly
enhancing the already close economic cooperation and integration between the
Mainland and Hong Kong. CEPA adopts a building block approach, and the two
sides have been working closely to introduce further liberalization measures
continually. The agreed liberalization measures for various phases of CEPA are
Geopolitics, and the Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”, Singapore Year Book of International Law, vol. 8/2004
• progressively reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers on
substantially all the trade in goods between the two sides;
• progressively achieving liberalization of trade in services through reduction
or elimination of substantially all discriminatory measures;
• promoting trade and investment facilitation.
CEPA is a win-win agreement, bringing new business opportunities to the
Mainland, Hong Kong and all foreign investors. For Hong Kong, CEPA provides a
window of opportunity for Hong Kong businesses to gain greater access to the
Mainland market. CEPA also benefits the Mainland as Hong Kong serves as a
“perfect springboard” for Mainland enterprises to reach out to the global market
and accelerating the Mainland’s full integration with the world economy13.
Under CEPA, the Mainland agreed to fully implement zero tariff on imported
goods of Hong Kong origin from 1 January 2006, upon applications by local
manufacturers and upon the CEPA origin rules (ROOs) being agreed and met.
Imported goods do not include goods prohibited by the Mainland's rules and
regulations and those prohibited as a result of the implementation of international
treaties by the Mainland. So far, both sides have reached agreements on the
CEPA ROOs for over one thousand four hundred items of goods. For goods that
have no agreed ROOs for the time being, their relevant ROOs will be jointly
worked out twice a year on applications by the trade from 2006.
Goods exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland must fulfill the CEPA origin
rules in order to claim zero tariff under CEPA. To claim the tariff preference, each
consignment of goods exported to the Mainland must be accompanied by a
Certificate of Hong Kong Origin - CEPA ("CO(CEPA)") issued by the Trade and
Industry Department or one of the five Government Approved Certification
Organizations (i.e. the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Federation
of Hong Kong Industries; the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong,
the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and the Indian Chamber of
Commerce, Hong Kong). Before applying for CO(CEPA), the Hong Kong
manufacturer concerned is required to apply for Factory Registration (FR) with
the Trade and Industry Department to demonstrate that its factory possesses
sufficient capacity to produce the goods for export.
Hong Kong service suppliers enjoy preferential treatment in entering into the
Mainland market in various service areas. Professional bodies of Hong Kong and
the regulatory authorities in the Mainland have also signed a number of
agreements on mutual recognition of professional qualification
Trade and investment facilitation
Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in various trade and investment
facilitation areas to improve the overall business environment.
The conclusion, implementation and amendment of the CEPA shall adhere to the
• to abide by the "one country, two systems" principle;
• to be consistent with the rules of the World Trade Organization
(hereinafter referred to as the “WTO”);
• to accord with the needs of both sides to adjust and upgrade their
industries and enterprises and to promote steady and sustained
• to achieve reciprocity and mutual benefits, complementarity with each
other’s advantages and joint prosperity;
• to take progressive action, dealing with the easier subjects before the
The China – ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) Proposal
In 2000, a China – ASEAN Experts’ Group on Economic Cooperation was
established to look into the possibility of establishing a free trade area between
the two sides. At the Eight China – ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia in
November 2002, Chinese and ASEAN leaders signed the “Framework
Agreement on the Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between ASEAN and
China” (hereinafter the “FA”). It provides the groundwork for the eventual
formation of the CAFTA by 2010 for the six older ASEAN members and 2015 for
the newly admitted members (Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar and
Vietnam)14. The Framework Agreement was amended by a Protocol signed on 6
October 2003 by China and ASEAN at their 2003 annual summit in Bali15 and it
represents the first FTA initiative of both ASEAN, as a group, and China (outside
the Greater China Area – Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan).
Specific measures towards the realization of CAFTA, which will be implemented
progressively in the coming years, include the following16:
• elimination of tariffs and non-tariff barriers in substantially all trade in
• liberalization of trade in services with substantial sectoral coverage;
• establishment of an open and competitive investment regime that
facilitates and promotes investment within CAFTA;
14 Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People’s Republic of China (5 November 2002),
15 The Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People’s Republic of China (6 October 2003),
16 Wang Jiang Yu – “China’s Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) Approach: the Law, the Geopolitics, and the Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”, Singapore Year Book of International Law, vol. 8/2004
• special and differential treatment and flexibility to the newer ASEAN
member states, including Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar and
• flexible measures to allow the parties in CAFTA negotiations to address
their sensitive areas in the goods, services and investment sectors with
such flexibility to be negotiated and mutually agreed based on the
principle of reciprocity and mutual benefit;
• trade and investment facilitation measures, such as simplification of
customs procedures and the development of mutual recognition
• an open attitude toward further liberalization in new areas/sectors;
• the establishment of appropriate mechanisms for the effective
China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) signed on
Sunday in Cebu an agreement on Trade in Services of the China-ASEAN Free
Trade Area. The agreement was signed following the 10th China-ASEAN
Summit. The Trade in Services Agreement under the Framework Agreement on
Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between China and ASEAN (TIS
Agreement) witch entered into force in July 2007 aims to expand trade in
Under the agreement, services and services suppliers/providers in the region will
enjoy improved market access and national treatment in sectors/subsectors
Aside from increased trade, the TIS Agreement is also expected to bring about
higher levels of investment in the region, particular in sectors where
commitments have been made, namely: business service, construction and
engineering related services, tourism and travel related services, transport and
educational services, telecommunication services, recreational, cultural and
sporting services, environmental services and energy services.
In a speech delivered at the 10th China-ASEAN Summit, the Chinese premier
said the signing "will mark a key step forward in the building of the China-ASEAN
Free Trade Area and lay the foundation for full and scheduled completion of the
After implementation of the Agreement on Trade in Goods of China-ASEAN FTA
began in July 2005, tariffs on more than 7,000 ASEAN and Chinese products
were lowered, and China-ASEAN trade has maintained steady growth, Premier
Wen said. Two-way trade in 2006 reached 160.8 billion U.S. dollars, up by 23.4
China welcomes more ASEAN businesses to China and encourages established
Chinese companies to invest in ASEAN countries. China will favorably consider
setting up in ASEAN countries, on the basis of mutual benefit, a number of
economic and trade zones which have sound infrastructure and complete
industrial chains, and are well connected with other sectors and will spur local
economic development, said the Chinese premier.
To support the building of China-ASEAN FTA, China proposes to strengthen
cooperation between the customs and inspection and quarantine authorities of
the two sides. China is ready to speed up discussions with ASEAN and sign a
memorandum of understanding on establishing the China-ASEAN Trade,
Investment and Tourism Promotion Center.
China also proposed that a strategic plan for China-ASEAN transport cooperation
in the next 10-15 years be formulated to facilitate coordinated development of
regional transportation, improve integrated transport networks, and facilitate
The China-ASEAN free trade area, which will comprise China, Brunei,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand and Vietnam, is expected to be one of the biggest free trade areas in
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), established on Aug. 8,
1967 in Bangkok, now groups Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore,
Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia.
The "10+1" meeting is a mechanism designed to strengthen dialogue and
communication, discuss cooperation, and promote peace, stability and prosperity
China’s Regional Agreement with Australia
Besides the CEPA and ASEAN agreements, China has also signed two broad
framework agreements with Australia and New Zealand, which may indicate how
China plans to proceed in regional agreements with other OECD countries.
A Trade and Economic Framework between Australia and China, signed in
October 2003, sets out areas of future co-operation that aim to achieve balanced
and comprehensive trade and investment facilitation and liberalization18.
In textiles, clothing, and footwear, China and Australia commit to hold regular
trade fairs and exhibitions, and support joint ventures and joint development of
brands. In the services area, the parties plan to co-operate on education and
training through mutual recognition of professional qualifications and facilitation
of travel for Chinese personnel to Australia. In the area of technical barriers to
trade, the countries will seek to improve trade facilitation by concluding a bilateral
understanding that supplements multilateral commitments for quality supervision,
Australia and China have been negotiating a free trade agreement (FTA) since
the middle of 2005. However, Australia is facing an uphill battle to achieve the
comprehensive agreement it seeks, with China so far failing to concede
meaningful ground on access to its markets.
18 John Whalley – “China in the World Trading System”, CIGI Working Paper no. 2, Emerging Economies, October 2005
Australia had never underestimated the challenges of reaching agreement with
the nation which will provide a market of 1.3 billion people. Much of the problem
stemmed from the fact Australia was one of the first developed countries seeking
an all-encompassing trade deal with China. While other western nations have
struck agreements, most have gone for the easier option of leaving out whole
sectors, an alternative known as a "dirty" FTA.
Australia has been conducting seminars in Beijing explaining to both the Chinese
government and businesses how it could be advantaged by opening up its
markets to Australian goods and services.
Australia hopes to cement its strong trading relations with China by becoming the
first major Western economy to conclude an FTA with China. Australia is seeking
increased access to China’s markets in wheat, wool, beef and sugar and
especially in the growing services sector, but faces considerable resistance,
despite Canberra’s arguments that Australian industries are too small to swamp
China’s Regional Agreement with New Zealand
China and New Zealand also signed a Trade and Economic Co-operation
Framework Agreement in May 2004, similar to China’s agreement with Australia.
Specifically listed are areas of significant mutual economic potential where the
countries will promote strategic co-operation. In the area of technical barriers to
trade, the parties plan to use WTO/Technical Barriers to Trade mechanisms. In
agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and food safety, the parties will
strengthen co-operation and further development of Joint Commissions
China’s unbridled growth has become an increasingly familiar image in the minds
of Westerners as their governments rush to hitch their wagon to the country’s
New Zealand is leading the pack. It was the first developed country to enter into
free-trade negotiations with China. Unlike Australia, New Zealand has
immediately recognized China as a market economy.
Officials estimate a "good-quality, comprehensive" agreement could boost the
New Zealand economy by $240 million to $370 million a year through greater
market access and tariff reductions. Therefore, the FTA is a bit more than just a
tariff negotiation. It will send an unmistakable signal to China Inc that the Chinese
authorities are comfortable with New Zealand, and it is expected that to bring as
many benefits as the harder-line negotiations will produce.
New Zealand hopes to wrap up a comprehensive free trade agreement with
China by mid-2009 — a year later than scheduled. New Zealand was chosen by
China as the first advanced economy to enter talks for a comprehensive FTA
Other Potential Chinese Regional Agreements
China has also reached out to a number of countries for free trade arrangements.
China has engaged in a series of bilateral talks with the MERCOSUR countries.
The parties have agreed in September 2003 to start with bilateral agreements in
specific areas and mechanisms to increase integration and facilitate trade. In
May 2004, it has also agreed with Singapore and the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) countries to start bilateral FTA negotiations19.
There are also bilateral activities with the Middle East. In July 2004, China and
the GCC (UAE, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia) signed a
Framework Agreement on Economic, Trade, Investment, and Technological
Cooperation. Under this agreement, the two countries encourage co-operation
and technological exchange, expand trade, and promote mutual investment20.
19 Wang Jiang Yu – “China’s Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) Approach: the Law, the Geopolitics, and the Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”, Singapore Year Book of International Law, vol. 8/2004 20 John Whalley – “China in the World Trading System”, CIGI Working Paper no. 2, Emerging
The six-nation GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) is fast becoming a regional
trading bloc as more countries now want to forge free trade agreements (FTA)
with it following its trade negotiations with China and India.
For the GCC an accord with China should prove useful. It would mean getting
access to one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Numerous studies
expect the Chinese economy to post real gross domestic product (GDP) growth
of more than 10 per cent in 2006. These studies suggest the Chinese economy
would increasingly generate GDP growth based on local consumption and less
so from exporting. Certainly, stronger reliance on local consumption implies that
China would mostly likely be further opening up its market to a diversity of
imports. At the moment, China is noted for importing raw materials, including
minerals. However, this is likely to change with the new emphasis, a matter of
benefit to many countries including the GCC.
Press reports estimate bilateral trade between China and GCC at $21.1 billion in
the first half of 2006. That figure represents a hefty 34 per cent rise versus the
corresponding period in 2005. Saudi Arabia and the UAE are China’s main
For the Chinese, an accord with the GCC is partly meant to satisfy its need for
oil. Currently, China imports more than 40 per cent of its oil requirement from the
GCC. China certainly needs to secure sustainable long-term supplies to meet its
growing need. In fact, China is ranked second only to the United States in terms
Unlike the separate FTA with the US, the GCC countries are united in pursing an
accord with China. The GCC is currently a customs union, in turn requiring
unified external trade policy towards non-members. The trend towards FTAs is
testimony of the troubles facing the multilateral negotiations of the Doha round.
China has intensified regional negotiations, proceeding pragmatically in different
ways with various potential partners. These negotiations seemingly represent
progressive engagement and the development of inter-country relationships as
much as precise text with clearly defined and precisely articulated commitments.
China is currently in talks with 28 countries and regions on regional trade
arrangements and has already clinched a FTA with Chile and a cargo trade
agreement with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
The surge in RTAs has continued unabated since the early 1990s. Some 380
RTAs have been notified to the GATT/WTO up to July 2007. Of these, 300 RTAs
were notified under Article XXIV of the GATT 1947 or GATT 1994; 22 under the
Enabling Clause; and 58 under Article V of the GATS. The World Bank estimates
that every developing nation has participated in at least five regional trade
arrangements on average. At that same date, 205 agreements were in force.
If we take into account RTAs which are in force but have not been notified, those
signed but not yet in force, those currently being negotiated, and those in the
proposal stage, we arrive at a figure of close to 400 RTAs which are scheduled to
be implemented by 2010. Of these RTAs, free trade agreements (FTAs) and
partial scope agreements account for over 90%, while customs unions account
3. Conclusions
China’s recent RTA initiatives that have contributed significantly to the
proliferation of regional trade arrangements should be viewed in a broad context
encompassing the country’s and its neighbours’ economic, political and security
concerns. China is already the second or third largest economy in the world and
will shortly become the second largest trading nation. Supported by a cohesive
Asian bloc, it could ascend even more rapidly toward a high degree of influence
in, indeed leadership of, global economic norms and institutions. It is necessary
to use multilateral trading rules, embodied in the WTO regime, to control the
direction of regionalism and minimize the adversary effects of multilateralism.
China, like other trading nations, has a moral obligation to ensure that its RTAs
serve as “building blocs” for multilateral trade liberalization.
Fiorentino, Roberto V. and Crawford, Jo-Ann 2005. “The Changing Landscape of
Regional Trade Agreements”, Discussion Paper no. 8, World Trade Organization,
Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People’s Republic of China (5
November 2002). ASEAN online at <>
Freund, Caroline L. 1998. “Regionalism and Permanent Diversion”, International Finance Discussion Paper no. 602, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
Haddad, Mona 2007. “Trade integration in East Asia: the role of China and
production networks”, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper 4160, March
Hoekman, Bernard 2005. “Designing North-South Trade Agreements to Promote
Economic Development”, World Bank and CEPR, June 2005
Lamy, Pascal 2007. “Regional agreements: the “pepper” in the multilateral
“curry””, Speeches Bangalore, India
Lee, Hongshik and Park, Innwon 2007. “In Search of Optimised Regional Trade
Agreements and Applications to East Asia”, The World Economy
Rădulescu, Irina Gabriela 2006. “Different faces of globalization and
regionalization”, 5th Global Conference on Business&Economics, Cambridge
The Protocol to Amend the Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Co-operation between the Association of South East Asian Nations and the People’s Republic of China (6 October 2003). ASEAN online at
Tumbarello, Patrizia 2007. “Are Regional Trade Agreements in Asia Stumbling or
Building Blocks? Implications for the Mekong-3 Countries”, IMF Working Paper
Whalley, John 2005. “China in the World Trading System”, CIGI Working Paper no. 2, Emerging Economies, October 2005
Yu, Wang Jiang 2004. “China’s Regional Trade Agreement (RTA) Approach: the
Law, the Geopolitics, and the Impact on the Multilateral Trading System”,
Singapore Year Book of International Law, vol. 8/2004
Published in IVIS with the permission of the AAEP Review of the Examination and Treatment of Back and Pelvic Disorders Kevin K. Haussler, DVM, DC, PhD Author’s address: Gail Holmes Equine Orthopaedic Research Center, Department of Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523; E-mail: Kevin.Haussler@ColoState.