Esther’s song

Note1: Everyone who does not have an official part should read the lines for the part "everyone". Note2: It is customary for everyone to boo and stamp their feet when Haman's name is mentioned. Similarly, people should cheer when Mordechai's name is mentioned. Purim Skit
As we begin our story, the king of Persia has been holding a party with all of his buddies. He didn’t particularly like doing the work of the kingdom, so the party dragged on for some time. After about half a year of this, he got a little bored of the party, and decided it was time to have another party. Queen Vashti decided to have a party of her own this time too. After only one week of partying, the drunken king decided to have Vashti come to his party so he could show off how pretty she was. Yeah you. Tell the queen to come here. I want to show her off to everybody. The messenger was sent to summon the queen. (speaking angrily) What do you want. Can’t you see I’m busy. The king wants you to come to his party so he can show you off to everyone. The king? … well tell him to forget it! I’m busy! The messenger returned to the king to give him the news that Queen Vashti would not come. The king was outraged. To determine what to do, he called a special meeting of the Mayoral Committee for Progress, or MCP for short. Copyright 2002 Kehilat HaMashiach Messianic Jewish Congregation. All rights reserved. This and other skits are available for download at This skit may be used and copied only if the text remains unchanged in its entirety and the original copyright notice and web site address are included at the footer of each page of the skit. The MCPs decided that he should get rid of Queen Vashti and hold a beauty contest to determine who should be the next queen. Our story next continues at the house of Esther and her uncle
Mordechai. As is well-known, Esther wanted to follow in the career
path of her late parents who had been chemists and had named her
after one of their favorite chemical compounds – polyester.
Hey uncle Mort, have you found any ads for a chemist, yet? Mordachai No, but look at this ad!
Oh wow. An ad for queen. I better get my resume updated. The king sent out messengers to round up young maidens from all over the kingdom and bring them to the palace. They were also given beauty treatments for an entire year to prepare them for the contest. One such messenger arrived at the house of Esther. Hey you. Come to the palace and prepare for the king’s beauty contest. Oh great … I haven’t even had a chance to polish my resume. We have two types of beauty treatment. Which do you prefer to use? I don’t know. I guess I’ll take the one with the longer hydrocarbon chain. Mordechai hung out at the palace, figuring that was a cool place to
be. One evening two of the king’s guards were plotting to murder the
king by telling him really bad jokes.
And wouldn’t you know it? Mordechai just happened to overhear
them plotting the king’s murder.
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges. On the other hand, you have different fingers. Mordechai immediately went to warn the king, so they were executed
and the incident was recorded in the king’s journal.
Time passed, and the young maidens were finally brought before the king. Copyright 2002 Kehilat HaMashiach Messianic Jewish Congregation. All rights reserved. This and other skits are available for download at This skit may be used and copied only if the text remains unchanged in its entirety and the original copyright notice and web site address are included at the footer of each page of the skit. Now at this time, a very evil man rose up in power in the kingdom. Hi. My name --- is too difficult to remember. So you can just call me “man”. That’s what everyone else calls me. And I am “the man”. I’m the king’s “main man”. Fortunately, the King chose someone for this position who could handle all of the power without letting it warp him. Ha, ha, ha … Mordechai No way dude! I only bow to the Creator of the Universe, not some I’ll get you for that. There’ll be consequenses! shmonsequences. My G-d’s bigger than your satanic Haman was furious with Mordechai and ran to talk to the King.
Hey man, what’s up?
(in a whining voice) Some guy won’t bow down to me. Can I wipe him out – and all of his people? Sure. What do I care. It’s not like it would affect my family. Haman plotted the destruction of the Jews from that day on. Each
day he would throw lots, that is Pur, to decide what would be a good day to wipe them all out. The lot fell on the 13th of Adar. The King’s decree was published all over the internet and old-fashioned paper notices were also taped up on telephone polls. Persian Jew Uh oh. It says that on the 13th of Adar everyone is supposed to wipe us The Jews all over the kingdom realized they were in deep doodoo.
Mordechai sent a messenger to queen Esther to ask the king for help.
Hey Esther, this note is from your uncle Mort. Let’s see … it says that Haman decided to have all the Jews wiped
out, and that I’m supposed to ask the king for help. Doesn’t he know
that if the king’s personal digital assistant doesn’t list me on his daily
planner, the king might kill me for messing up his schedule?
Copyright 2002 Kehilat HaMashiach Messianic Jewish Congregation. All rights reserved. This and other skits are available for download at This skit may be used and copied only if the text remains unchanged in its entirety and the original copyright notice and web site address are included at the footer of each page of the skit. Your uncle said that he will ask all of the Jews to fast and pray for you for 3 days. Well I guess I have to. And if I perish, I perish -- and there goes my career as a chemist. All of the Jews in Susa fasted and prayed for three days. When the three days were up, Esther went into the king’s presence. And it just so happened that he didn’t get mad that she wasn’t on his daily planner, and instead felt like he should give her a present. Hey, you’re not on my daily planner, but instead of having you killed,
I’ll give you anything you want. You can either have half of my
kingdom, or you can have dinner with me and Haman next week.
(drumroll [continues through next 2 parts]) Oh I don’t know. It’s such a hard choice. half-the-kingdom. Take half-the-kingdom. Well folks, it looks as if the audience is disappointed by the queen’s decision, but I think it will all work out for the best. Now it just so happened that the king couldn’t sleep that night. So he asked someone to read to him out of his journal. And they just happened to read the part about Mordechai saving his
The king wondered what to do for Mordechai to reward him. Just
then, who showed up but Haman!
Will you cut that out already. Stop booing me … it might give me a complex and then I wouldn't be such a nice person anymore. Hey man. What do you think I should do to honor someone. Copyright 2002 Kehilat HaMashiach Messianic Jewish Congregation. All rights reserved. This and other skits are available for download at This skit may be used and copied only if the text remains unchanged in its entirety and the original copyright notice and web site address are included at the footer of each page of the skit. Well … seeing that it’s probably me that you want to honor, I would say – send the person to Disney World, all expenses paid. Okay. Fill out all of the paperwork for Mordechai to go there, and
you can drive him.
Haman was humiliated. He was forced to shofar Mordechai all the
way to Disney World and even hold his mickey mouse hat for him.
Later that week. The king, Haman, and the queen got together for
Not too bad … except that somebody wants to kill me and all of my people. Did you hear what I said. You never listen to what I say. Oh yes I do. You said, “you never listen to what I say”. I said that somebody wants to kill me and all of my people. Really? That’s terrible. Who would want to do that? Uh oh. This week has not been going well at all. At this point, a messenger arrives with a message for the king. Oh your kingliness, sir. It was just discovered … Heyman built a gallows to hang Mordechai.
Heyman on it instead.
Just think of it as alternative medicine. Yeah. It’s an alternative which would make my people a lot healthier. Haman was executed, Mordechai was exalted, the king
issued a decree that allowed the Jews to wipe out all of their enemies on the 13th of Adar, and everyone lived happily ever after. Copyright 2002 Kehilat HaMashiach Messianic Jewish Congregation. All rights reserved. This and other skits are available for download at This skit may be used and copied only if the text remains unchanged in its entirety and the original copyright notice and web site address are included at the footer of each page of the skit.



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