To redress grievances of railway pensioners (regarding pension & related benefits only), NF Railway wil hold the ANNUAL PENSION ADALAT-2011 on Thursday 15th December, 2011 at the fol owing venues:
Establishment Unit Concerned Officer to be Addressed
Asst. Personnel Officer, Office of CWM /
Bongaigaon, PSTC/ New Bongaigaon Bongaigaon-783381 (Assam)
DBWS, Railway Workshop, Dibrugarh-786 001 (Assam)
1. Ful Name of Ex-employee/Spouse (Retd/Expired) : ……………………………………………………………………
2. Present Postal Address for Correspondence
: ……………………………………………………………………
: ……………………………………………………………………
4. Date of Birth of Pensioner / family pensioner
: ………/………/……………………
: ………/………/……………………
6. Date of Voluntary /Compulsory Retirement
: ………/………/……………………
7. Date of Death of Ex-employee after retirement
: ………/………/……………………
: ……………………………………………………………………
9. Last Place of Posting & Department
: ……………………………………………………………………
: ……………………………………………………………………
11. Control ing Officer at the time of retirement
: ……………………………………………………………………
12. Pension Payment Order No. & date (with photocopy)
: …………………………………………………………
13. Name of Bank/ Post Office & Account No.
: ……………………………………………………………………
: ……………………………………………………………………
How to apply: Please fil the above format with details of the grievances and send it to the office concerned as mentioned above in duplicate along with relevant documents. The application should be sent in an envelope prominently super- scribed as “ANNUAL PENSION ADALAT - 2011”. (Information is also available in NF Railway’s web-sites nd NOTE: Grievances which are not connected with final settlement dues such as request for compassionate ground appointment, employment of wards, payment of time-barred salary, al owances and stepping up of pay etc. will not come under the purview of the ANNUAL PENSION ADALAT. Only grievances regarding payment of settlement dues will be entertained. LAST DATE: Applications should reach the officer concerned on or before 31th October 2011. NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY
To, Chief Public Relations Officer, N.F.Railway /Maligaon
Sub.: ‘Annual Pension Adalat-2011’ of N. F. Railway.
Annual Pension Adalat wil be held on 15th December 2011 in al the divisions, workshops and NFR/HQ
To give wide publicity to the event, it is essential that the enclosed notification be released in leading
English and vernacular newspapers prominently covering the geographical territory of this Railway. Accordingly, you are requested to arrange the publication of the notification latest by 24th September 2011 positively.
Copies of the notification are enclosed for early action.
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