Yamanashi Med. J. 17(3), 69~ 74, 2002 Original Article
Effects of Sildenafil (ViagraTM) on the Cyclic AMP Hydrolyzing
Phosphodiesterase Activity in the Canine Heart Assessed Using
a Modified Enzymatic Fluorometric Assay Technique
Departments of Pharmacology and 1)Neurosurgery, Tamaho-cho, Nakakoma-gun, Yamanashi 409-3898, JapanAbstract:
Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitor, but has stimulatory effects on
heart in vivo and in vitro. We evaluated the effects of sildenafil on the cyclic AMP hydrolyzing PDEactivity in a crude enzyme preparation made from the intact canine heart using the modified enzy-matic fluorometric assay technique. The basal PDE activity was 485
6). Sildenafil as well as a non-specific PDE inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) inhib-
ited the PDE activity in a concentration-related manner. Significant inhibition at 1–10 Òmol/L ofsildenafil was almost equivalent to that of the same concentration of IBMX. These results suggest thatsupra-therapeutic concentration of sildenafil may directly inhibit cyclic AMP hydrolyzing PDEs in theintact heart. Key words: Sildenafil, Phosphodiesterase, Enzymatic Fluorometric assay, Cyclic AMP
cyclic AMP hydrolyzing PDE activity in theintact heart is still lacking.
Sildenafil is a selective inhibitor of cyclic
In this study, we assessed the inhibitory effects
GMP-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5)
of sildenafil on cyclic AMP hydrolyzing PDE
which is predominantly found in the corpus cav-
activity in a crude enzyme preparation made
ernosum1-5). In our previous study in vivo6),
from the intact canine heart. In order to pre-
supra-therapeutic concentrations of sildenafil
cisely estimate the hydrolyzing speed of cyclic
exerted positive chronotropic and inotropic
effects in addition to a hypotensive action. This
enzymatic fluorometric assay technique8). The
cardiostimulatory action may be attributed to
difficulty in assaying the effects of PDE
not only the sympathetically mediated reflex
inhibitors in vitro results from the fact that a
but also the non-specific PDE inhibition.
small fraction of PDE inhibitor is transferred to
Indeed, Stief et al. reported that sildenafil
the cyclic AMP assay, which can delay the 1st
increased the cyclic AMP concentration in iso-
reaction of Step 2 in Part B, as shown in Fig. 1.
lated human cardiac tissue7). However, informa-
To solve the problem, the converting reaction
tion regarding the effects of sildenafil on the
of cyclic AMP to AMP (Step 2 in Part B) was
combined with the following 2 reactions as Step
2 and their incubation time was prolonged to
Diagram of reactions in the enzymatic fluorometric assay. IBMX: 3-
isobutyl-1-methylxanthine; Pi: inorganic phosphate; PEP: phospho-enolpyruvate; and 6PG: 6-phosphogluconolactone.
6 hr. A non-specific PDE inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-
Production of crude enzyme preparation of the heart
methylxanthine (IBMX) was used as a reference
Ventricular enzyme preparation was obtained
to assess the sensitivity and specificity of this
from six female beagle dogs weighing approxi-
mately 10 kg, as previously described10). Briefly,each dog was anesthetized with pentobarbital
sodium (30 mg/kg, i.v.), given heparin calcium(500 U/kg), and exsanguinated. The heart was
All experimentation was performed in accor-
excised and immediately placed in ice-cold SET
dance with the rules and regulations of the
buffer (0.25 mol/L sucrose; 0.1 mmol/L EDTA;
Committee for Research at Yamanashi Medical
5.0 mmol/L Tris-acetate, pH 7.4). A portion
(3–5 g) from the left ventricular apex was
able assay tube (Iwaki Lab Ware, Tokyo, Japan)
(Nitex filter, Tetko, CA, U.S.A.) and centrifuged
in triplicate. For the cyclic AMP standard, 5 ÒL
for 5 min at 10,000 g. The pellet was resuspend-
of a known amount of cyclic AMP was added to
ed in SET buffer and centrifuged three more
the tubes. The cyclic AMP assay consists of the
times. The final pellet was resuspended in SET
following 4 steps. Step 1: A volume of 25 ÒL of
buffer. The protein concentration was mea-
reaction mixture A (100 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH
sured using a commercially available protein
8.0; 2 mmol/L MgCl2; 4 units/mL apyrase; 10
assay reagent (Pierce, Rockford, IL, U.S.A.).
units/mL adenosine deaminase; 40 units/ml
The crude enzyme suspension was diluted with
alkaline phosphatase) was added to each tube.
SET buffer to a concentration of 3–5 mg pro-
The mixture was incubated at 37°C for 5 min to
destroy potential interfering substances includ-
ing non-cyclic adenine nucleotides and phos-phorylated metabolites. Enzymes were then
destroyed by heating for 3 min at 95°C. Step 2:
The assay consisted of two parts; namely,
hydrolysis of externally added cyclic AMP by the
enzyme preparation (Part A) and measurement
of residual cyclic AMP concentration (Part B),
as shown in Fig. 1. With the use of the enzymat-
ic fluorometric assay technique, changes of 20
fmol of cyclic AMP/assay tube could be detect-
units/mL myokinase; 80 units/mL pyruvatek-
inase) was added to each tube from Step 1. The
Par t A: Fifty ÒL of reaction mixture
mixture was incubated for at least 6 hr at room
(100 mmol/L Tris-acetate, pH 7.4; 20 mmol/L
temperature, normally performed overnight, to
completely convert cyclic AMP to ATP. Step 3: A
serum albumin; 20 Òmol/L cyclic AMP) was
added to each microcentrifugation tube in trip-
licate with or without either of sildenafil (0.02,
8 mmol/L fructose; 60 units/mL hexokinase)
200 Òmol/L). Next, the enzyme suspension in a
was added to the tubes from Step 2 on ice. The
volume of 50 ÒL was added to each tube on ice.
mixture was incubated for 1 hr at 37°C to ampli-
The reaction was initiated by placing the tubes
fy ATP to about 1,000 times the value of fruc-
in a water bath maintained at 37°C. After 20
tose-6-phosphate. Step 4; A volume of 125 ÒL of
min, the reaction was terminated by heating the
reaction mixture D (100 mmol/L Tris-HCl, pH
tubes at 95°C for 5 min. The mixture was vor-
8.0; 3.2 mmol/L EDTA; 0.6 mmol/L NADP ; 1
texed 3 times and centrifuged at 10,000 g for
5 min. Twenty-five ÒL of the supernatant was
units/mL glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
diluted with 100 ÒL of distilled water (5 times
was added to the tubes from Step 3. After the
mixture was incubated for 10 min at room tem-
Part B: A volume of 5 ÒL of the diluted super-
perature, a volume of 600 ÒL of distilled water
was added to each tube. The concentration ofNADPH, formed when the glucose-6-phosphatewas converted to 6-phosphogluconolactone, wasmeasured using the fluorescence spectropho-tometer (Hitachi, F-3000, Tokyo, Japan) as anemission fluorescence of 460 nm by an excita-tion wave of 340 nm.
ously provided by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Tokyo, Japan). Apyrase, phosphoenolpyruvate,phosphodiesterase, IBMX, sucrose, fructose,and dithiothreitol were obtained from Sigma
Effects of IBMX on enzymatic fluorometriccyclic AMP assay. The potential inhibitory
Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.). All
effect of IBMX (IBMX* in Part A of Fig. 1)
other enzymes and substrates were obtained
cyclic AMP assay (Phosphodiesterase* in PartB of Fig. 1) was assessed. The cyclic AMP
internal standard in Part B consists of 0(open circles), 4.73 pmol/assay tube (closedsquares), 9.47 pmol/assay tube (closed trian-
gles) and 14.19 pmol/assay tube (closed cir-
cles). The IBMX concentration in Part A is
tical comparisons of mean values were evaluated
shown in the horizontal axis. No significantinhibition was detected in the cyclic AMP
by one-way repeated measures ANOVA followed
assay by the currently used concentration of
by Contrasts for mean values comparison. P-val-
ues less than 0.05 were considered significant.
in Part A, the PDE of Step 2 in Part B was activeand could completely convert cyclic AMP to
Effects of PDE inhibitors in Part A on the reaction of
AMP, which resulted in the dose-related genera-
A portion of PDE inhibitors, like IBMX in the
reaction mixture (Part A), is transferred to the
Effects of IBMX and sildenafil on the PDE in the
cyclic AMP assay (Part B), which can potentially
inhibit the conversion of cyclic AMP to AMP of
PDE activity was calculated as the hydrolyzing
Step 2 in Part B, as shown in Fig. 1. To assess
speed of cyclic AMP by measuring the amount
this potential inhibition in the currently used
of residual cyclic AMP concentration in the
modified assay protocol, the effects of increas-
supernatant in Part A. The results of multiple
ing concentrations of IBMX (1–1,000 Òmol/L)
analysis of a single sample did not differ by
on the fluorescence from the internal cyclic
AMP standard were examined. As shown in Fig.
. The results are summarized in Fig. 3.
2, with IBMX at concentrations of ≤ 1 mmol/L
Effects of IBMX (1–100 Òmol/L) and sildenafil (0.01–10 Òmol/L) on PDE activitiesof the crude enzyme preparation made from the canine heart. Data are expressed asthe mean
activity. Indeed, the inhibitory effects of IBMX
well as IBMX inhibited the PDE activity in a
in concentrations of ≤ 1 mmol/L on the PDE
concentration-related manner. Significant inhi-
activity can be assessed with the current proto-
bitions were detected at 1–100 Òmol/L for
col. With this new method, we demonstrated
IBMX and 1–10 Òmol/L for sildenafil compared
that sildenafil at concentrations of ≥ 1 Òmol/L
with the basal activity. Significant differences in
effectively inhibited the cyclic AMP hydrolyzing
the PDE activities between the different concen-
PDE activity of the heart, which is essentially in
trations of the drugs are also depicted in Fig. 3.
accordance with a recent report of human car-diac tissue7).
Sildenafil has been widely prescribed for
patients with erectile dysfunction4,5). Post-mar-
Given the limited information regarding the
keting surveillance data after approval of silde-
effect of sildenafil on the cyclic AMP hydrolyz-
nafil by the Food and Drug Administration
ing PDE activity in the heart7), we assessed it
revealed a number of serious cardiovascular
using the crude enzyme preparation made from
events, including myocardial infarction and sud-
the intact canine ventricle. As clearly shown in
den death from cardiac causes, which were asso-
the results, the modified enzymatic fluoromet-
ciated with use of the drug4,5). In this study, we
ric assay was highly efficacious for estimating
found that the extent of inhibition of cyclic
the inhibitory effect of the drugs on the PDE
AMP hydrolyzing PDE activity by sildenafil was
comparable to that by IBMX, whereas the thera-
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the PDE activities, and higher doses of sildenafil
5) Speakman MT, Kloner RA: Viagra and cardiovas-
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PDE inhibition. The data shown in this study
6) Sugiyama A, Satoh Y, Shiina H, Takahara A,
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The authors thank Mr. Yuji Nakamura, Mrs.
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nucleotides, platelet function, and the contrac-
Tijdschr. voor Geneeskunde, 61 , nr. 2, 2005 D E P R A K T I J K DE BEHANDELING VAN DEPRESSIEVE STOORNIS BIJ KINDEREN EN ADOLESCENTEN: EEN OVERZICHT Inleiding Samenvatting Epidemiologische studies wijzen op een pre-valentie van depressie van 0,4 tot 2,5% bij kin-deren en na de puberteit bij adolescenten van0,4 tot 8,3% (1). Deze toename tijdens de ado-stoornis met een belangri
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