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Prof. Robert F. Schmidt
Ausgewählte Publikationen
(ältere Arbeiten, bis einschließlich 1999)

Schmidt, R.F.: Physiologie kompakt. 3. Auflage, Heidelberg: Springer, pp 1-347
Heppelmann, B., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F: Projection areas of the posterior articular nerve in the rat cortex. Europ J Physiol Suppl 437: R131 Schmidt, R.F.: Neurophysiologie. In: Berlit, P. (Hrsg.) Klinische Neurologie,
Heidelberg: Springer pp 34-61
Schmidt, R.F., Langohr, H.D., Klotz, J.M., Berlit, P.: Kopf- und
Gesichtsschmerzen. In: Berlit, P. (Hrsg.) Klinische Neurologie, Heidelberg:
Springer pp 591-633
Pawlak, M. Meßlinger, K., Zehntner, A., Schmidt, R.F.: Somatostatin reduces the
meningeal arterial blood flow in the rat. Neurosc Lett 276:33-36
Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerz und erinnerte Empfindung. Akademie-
Journal. Magazin der deutschen Akademien der Wissenschaften. 1:6-10 Schmidt, R.F.: Presynaptc inhibition in the vertebrate spinal cord
Peña de la, E., Viana, F., Pecson, B., Schmidt, R.F., Belmonte, C.: Stretch-
activated Calcium signals in cultured mouse primary sensory neurons. Fifth IBRO
World Congress of Neurosc Abstr p 164
Petersen, M., Klusch, A., Belmonte, C., Schmidt, R.F., Pierau, F.-K., Valdeomilos,
M.: Intracellular free calcium response to B1 and B2 bradykinin receptor agonists
and to capsaicin in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons after sciatic nerve injury. 9th
World Congress on Pain – Abstracts p 136
Peña de la, E., Sala, S., Schmidt, R.F., Belmonte, C.: Effects of hylans on the
response characteristics of mechanosenstive ion channels. 9th World Congress on
Pain – Abstracts p 137
Schmidt, R.F., Hanesch, U.: Sensitization of articular afferents to
mechanical stimuli by SP is mediated by NK1 receptors. 9th World Congress on Pain – Abstracts p 518 Schmidt, R.F.: Biologische Psychologie, 4. Auflage, Heidelberg:
Schmidt, R.F., Heppelmann, B., Pawlak, M.: Electrophysiological characteristics
of primary afferents in the knee joint of the rat. Neurosc Abstr 25:161.1
Peña de la, E., Pecson, B., Schmidt, R.F., Belmonte, C., Viana, F.: Stretch-
activated calcium signals in cultured mouse primary sensory neurons. Neurosc
Abstr 25:163.14
Petersen, M., Klusch, A., Schmidt, R.F., Belmonte, C., Valdeolmillos, M.: Increase
in the intracellular [Ca2]i in isolated rat dorsal root ganglion neurons by B1 and B2
bradykinin receptor agonists in capsaicin sensitive neurons. Neurosc Abstr
Sakiyama, Y., Sato, A., Senda, M., Ishiwata, K., Toyama, H., Schmidt R.F.: Positron Emission Tomography Reveals Changes in Global and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow During Noxious Stimulation of Normal and Inflamed Elbow Joints in Anesthetized Cats. Exp Br Res 118:439-446 Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie. 3. Auflage, Heidelberg:
Springer-Verlag pp 1-485
Schmidt, R.F., Schaible, H.-G.: Modulation of nociceptive information at the
presynaptic terminals of primary afferent fibers. In: Presynaptic Inhibition and
Neural Control (Rudomin P., Romo, R., Mendell, L. eds), pp 424-449. New York:
Oxford University Press
Hanesch, U., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Sensitization of articular afferents to
mechanical stimuli by substance P is mediated by the NK1 receptor. Soc Neurosc
Abstr 24:349.3
Tamura, R., Hanesch, U., Schmidt, R.F., Kumazawa, T., Mizumura, K.:
Examination of colocalization of calcitonin gene-related peptide- and substance P-
like immunoreactivity in the knee joint of the dog. Neurosc Lett 254 (1): 53-56
Schmidt, R.F.: Neuropeptide und ihre Rezeptoren in, an und um wache und
schlafende Nozizeptoren. Der Schmerz. 12, Suppl. 1:S35
Schmidt, R.F.: Cortical processing of nociceptive information from joints as
revealed by electrophysiological recordings and positron emission tomography.
Abstracts of the XXXIII International Congress of Physiological Sciences, St.
Petersburg: L084.08
Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: The Impact of Somatosensory Input on
Autonomic Functions. In: Reviews of Physiology Biochemistry and Pharmacology.
130: 1-328
Hanesch, U., Heppelman, B., Schmidt, R.F.: Quantification of cat’s articular
afferents containing calcitonin gene-related peptide or substance P innervating
normal and acutely inflamed knee joints. Neurosc Lett 233:105-108
Meßlinger, K., Hotta H., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Effects of the 5-HT receptor
agonists, sumatriptan and CP 93,129, on dural arterial flow in the rat. Europ J of Pharmac 332:173-181 Pawlak, M., Meßlinger, K., Zehnter, A., Hotta, H., Suzuki, A., Schmidt, R.F.:
Effects of serotonin (5-HT ) receptor agonists and nitric oxide on neurogenic blood
flow responses in the dura mater of the rat. Acta Neurobio Exp 57:27 Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Herausgeber und Mitautoren): Physiologie des
Menschen, 27. Auflage, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp 1-889
Schmidt, R.F.: Localization of the substance P receptor NK1 in
normal and inflamed knee jounts of the rat. Abstr Soc Neurosc 23: 587.6 Schmidt, R.F., Willis D.W., Reuss, L.: Memorix Physiology. London: Chapman &
Hall, pp 1-281
Tamura, R., Hanesch, U., Schmidt, R.F., Kumazawa, T., Mizumura, K.: Calcitonin
gene-related peptide- and substance P-like immunoreactive fibers in the spermatic
nerve and testis of the dog. Neurosc Lett 235:113-116
Schmidt, R.F., Mutschler, E.: Teaching and practising medicine in Germany.
Teaching of health sciences and organization of health care in Europe. Real
Academia Nacional de Medicina pp 37-43
Pawlak, M., Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: The knee joint of the
rat as a model for electrophysiological studies of primary afferents. Europ J
Physiol 431:6 P-56
Mackie, P.D., Zhang, H.Q., Schmidt, R.F. and Rowe, M.J.: Parallel organization of
proprioceptive inputs from joint receptors to cortical somatosensory areas I and II
in the cat. J Phys 494:529-537
Schmidt, R.F.: Biologische Psychologie, 3. Auflage, Heidelberg:
Hanesch, U., Moussaoui, S., Schmidt, R.F.: Immunhistochemical localization of
the NK1 receptor indicates multiple functions of substance P in the dura mater
encephali of rats. Abstracts of the 8th World Congress on Pain, Seattle: IASP
Press 148
Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Fundamentals of Neurophysiology, malaysische Ausgabe
der 3. Auflage.
Li, W.M., Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Morphine microinjected into the
nucleus tractus solitarius and rostral ventrolateral medullary nucleus enhances
somatosympathetic A- and C-reflexes in anesthetized rats. Neurosc Lett 221:53-
Schmidt, R.F.: The articular polymodal nociceptor in health and disease. In:
Kumazawa, T., Kruger, L. and Mizumura, K. (Eds.) The Polymodal Receptor: A
Gateway to Pathological Pain. Progr in Br Res Vol. 113:53-81
Schmidt, R.F.: Neurophysiology of Chronic Inflammatory Pain:
electrophysiological recordings from spinal cord neurons in rats with prolonged acute and chronic unilateral inflammation at the ankle. In: G. Carli and M. Zimmermann (eds.) Towards the Neurobiology of Chronic Pain. Progr in Br Res Vol. 110:167-176 Schmidt, R.F.: Immunohistochemical Localization of the NK1
Receptor Indicates Multiple Funktions of Substance P in the Dura Mater Encephali of Rats. Abstr 8th World Congress on Pain, p. 148, IASP Press Seattle Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology (2nd ed.), Russische
Ausgabe, Teil 1: Kapitel 1-14, von N.N. Alipov, N. Alexejenko, M.A. Kamenskaija,
O. Lewaschow, JU. Schukler, Moskau: MIR-Verlag
Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology (2nd ed.), Russische
Ausgabe, Teil 2: Kapitel 15-23, von N.N. Alipov, N. Alexejenko, M.A. Kamenskaija,
O. Lewaschow, JU. Schukler, Moskau: MIR-Verlag
Schmidt, R.F. Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology, Russische Ausgabe, Teil
3: Kapitel 24-34, von N.N. Alipov, N. Alexejenko, M.A. Kamenskaija, O.
Lewaschow, JU. Schukler, Moskau: MIR-Verlag
Schmidt, R.F.: Neurobiology of Articular Nociceptors. In: C.
Belmonte and F. Cervero (eds) Neurobiology of Nociceptors. Oxford: Oxford University Press pp 202-219 Dudel, J., Menzel, R., Schmidt, R.F.: Neurowissenschaft. Heidelberg: Springer,
pp 1-587
Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Neiss, W.F., Schmidt, R.F.: Fine sensory
innervation of the knee joint capsule by group III and group IV nerve fibers in the
cat. J Comp Neurol 351:415-428
Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B. Schmidt, R.F.: Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity
in primary afferents of the medial articular nerve and colocalization with substance
P in the cat. J Comp Neurol 354:345-352
Mackie, P.D., Zhang, H.Q., Schmidt, R.F. , Rowe, M.J.: An intact nerve
preparation for monitoring inputs from single joint afferent fibres. J Neurosc
Methods 56:31-35
Schepelmann, K., Meßlinger, K., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: The opioid
antagonist naloxone does not alter discharges of nociceptive afferents from the
acutely inflamed knee joint of the cat. Neurosc Lett 187:212-214
Kurosawa, M., Meßlinger, K., Pawlak M., Schmidt. R.F.: Increase of meningeal blood flow after electrical stimulation of rat dura mater encephali: mediation by calcitonin gene-related peptide. Br J of Pharm 114:1397-1402 Sato, A. Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Modulation of somatocardiac sympathetic
reflexes mediated by opioid receptors at the spinal and brainstem level. Exp Brain
Res 105:1-6
Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Steinbach, H., Trost, B., Schmidt, R.F.: A new
combination of methods for localization, identification, and three-dimensional
reconstruction of the sensory endings of articular afferents characterized by
electrophysiology. Cell Tiss Res 281:283-294
Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Herausgeber und Mitautoren): Physiologie des
Menschen, 26. Auflage, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp 1-880
Schmidt, R.F.: Physiologie kompakt. 2. A., Stuttgart: Gustav Fischer Verlag, pp
Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie. 2. Auflage, Heidelberg:
Springer-Verlag pp 1-485
Schmidt, R.F.: The Physiology and pathophysiology of articular pain: The
Japanese J of Physiol 45: Suppl 1, SL-6
Meßlinger, K., Hanesch, U., Kurosawa, M., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Calcitonin
gene related peptide released from dural nerve fibers mediates increase of
meningeal blood flow in the rat. Canad J Physiol Pharmacol 73:1020-1024
Schmidt, R.F.: The Physiology and Pathophysiology of Articular Pain. The Jap
Journ of Physiol 45, Suppl 2 S6-12
Mackie, P.D., Zhang, H.Q., Schmidt, R.F. and Rowe, M.J.: Parallel organization of
proprioceptive inputs from joint receptors to cortical somatosensory areas I and II
in the Cat. Proc. Aust. Neurosc Soc 5:68
Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Neiss, W.F., Schmidt, R.F.: Mitochondria in fine
afferent nerve fibres of the cat´s knee joint: a quantitative electron microscopical
examination. Cell & Tissue Res 275:493-501
Schmidt, R.F., Schaible, H.-G.: Silent Primary Afferents. NATO ASI In: L. Urban
(ed.) Cellular Mechanisms of Sensory Processing. The Somatosensory System.
Series: Cell Biology, Berlin: Springer-Verlag Vol. H 79:289-296
Schmidt, R.F., (Hrsg): Memorix Fisiologia. (Spanische Ausgabe des Memorix
Spezial Physiologie) Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft pp 1-308
Neugebauer, V., Schaible, H.-G., He, X., Lücke, P. Gündling, P. and Schmidt,
: Electrophysiological evidence for a spinal antinociceptive action of dipyrone.
Agents Actions 41:62-70
Schmidt, R.F.: Nachruf auf Günter Baumgartner. Jahrbuch 1993 Akademie der
Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag pp 97-100
Schmidt, R.F.: Mikrokosmos Gehirn. In: Heidelberger Club für Wirtschaft und
Kultur e.V. (Hrsg.) Herausforderung Informationsgesellschaft. Facetten einer
Entwicklung. Hamburg: Lit Verlag pp 176-188
Schmidt, R.F., Schaible, H.-G., Meßlinger, Karl, Heppelmann, B., Hanesch, U.,
and Pawlak, P.: Silent and Active Nociceptors: Structure, Functions, and Clinical
Implications. In: Gebhart, G.F., Hammond, D.L., and Jensen, T.S. (eds.) Proc. of
the 7th World Congress on Pain, Progress in Pain Research and Management,
Vol 2 Seattle: IASP Press pp 213-250
Schmidt, R.F., Weis, K.H.: Modiefid skin prick test for
induction of neurogenic vasodilatation with capsaicin in human skin. Europ Journ of Neurosc: Suppl No 7, 21.28 Heppelmann, B., Hanesch, U., Schmidt, R.F.: Neuropeptides in primary afferents
from normal and inflamed joints. In: Hökfelt, T., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.
(eds) Neuropeptides, Nociception and Pain. Chapman & Hall, Weinheim pp 33-42
Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Schepelmann, K., and Schmidt, R.F.: Involvement of
proteinkinase C in sensory transduction of slowly conducting afferents in the cat´s
knee joint. In: Elsner, N., Breer, H. (eds) Göttingen Neurobiology Report 1994.
Proceedings of the 22nd Göttinger Neurobiolgy Conference, Thieme Verlag,
Stuttgart New York Vol II :748
Pawlak, M., Meßlinger, K., Schepelmann, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Responses of
articular afferents to bradykinin and bradykinin analogs in the inflamed knee joint
of the cat. Abstr. World Congr. Inflammation 93:105
Schramm E., Meßlinger, K., Hanesch, U., Schmidt, R.F.: Ultrastrukturelle
Unterscheidung von sympathischen und sensiblen Nervenfasern im
Ventrikelmyokard des Schweins. Z Kardiol 82: Suppl 3, 34
Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Lukas, A., and Schmidt, R.F.: Peripheral action of
EMD 60400, a new Kappa-Opioid agonist, on the activity of slowly conducting
afferents in the inflamed knee joint of the cat. Abstr 7th World Congress on Pain,
Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Schepelmann, K. and Schmidt R.F.: Responsiveness of slowly conducting articular afferents to bradykinin: effects of an experimental arthritis. Pain 59:335-343 74. Hutchison, W.D., Lühn, M.A.B., Schmidt, R.F.: Responses of lateral thalamic
neurons to algesic chemical stimulation of the cat knee joint. Exper Brain Res 101 (3): 452-454 Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Schmidt, R.F.: Acute monoarthritis of the cat´s
knee joint alters the proportion of CGRP-immunoreative articular afferents.
Neuropep 26, Suppl 1, 57
Hanesch, U., Meßlinger, K., Moussaoui, S., Schmidt, R.F.: Immunocytochemical
localization of the NK-1 receptor in the dura mater encephali of the rat. Neuropep
26, Suppl. 1, 46
Meßlinger, K., Hanesch, U., Kurosawa, M., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Calcitonin
gene-related peptide released from dural nerve fibers mediates increase of
meningeal blood flow in the rat. Canad J Physiol Pharmacol 72, Suppl. 2, 31
Hanesch, U., Meßlinger, K., Moussaoui, S., Schmidt, R.F.: SP-containing nerve
fibers and distribution of the NK-1 receptor shown by immunocytochemistry in rat´s
dura mater. Canad J Physiol Pharmacol 72, Suppl. 2, 46
Schmidt, R.F.: Pathophysiologie tut not. Therapiewoche 43:3
Schepelmann, K., Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: The effects of phorbol ester on
slowly conducting afferents of the cat's knee joint. Exp Brain Res 92:391-398
Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Eds): Fisiologia Humana, Spanische Übersetzung der
"Physiologie des Menschen", 24. Auflage, von Francisco J. Rubia Vila, Madrid:
McGraw-Hill - Interamericana de Espana
Schmidt, R.F. Thews, G. (Eds): Neurofisiologia, Italienische Übersetzung aus
"Physiologie des Menschen", 24. Auflage Napoli: Idelson Liviana
Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Herausgeber und Mitautoren): Physiologie des
Menschen, 25. Auflage, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp 1-880
Herbert, M.K., Tafler, R., Schmidt, R.F., Weis, K.H.: Cyclooxygenase inhibitors
acetylsalicylic acid and indomethacin do not affect capsaicin induced neurogenic
inflammation in human skin. Agents Actions 38:C25-C27
Tafler, R. Herbert, M.K. Schmidt, R.F. and Weis, K.H.: Small reduction of
capsaicin-induced neurogenic inflammation in human forearm skin by the
glucocorticoid prednicarbyate. Agents Actions 38:C31-C34
Schmidt, R.F.: Exercise presssor reflex: morphology and discharge
characteristics of the muscle afferents activated during exercise. XXXII Congress
of the International Union of Physiological Sciences 75.1/O
Adachi, T., Sato, A., Sato, Y. and Schmidt R.F.: Modulation of somato-sympathetic reflex at the spinal cord. XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences 172.19/P Schmidt, R.F.: Nociceptors in deep tissue: afferent and efferent functions in health
and disease. XXXII Congress of the International Union of Physiological
Sciences 291.1/O
Meßlinger, K. Hanesch, U. Baumgärtel, M., Trost, B., Schmidt, R.F.: Innervation
of the dura mater encephali of cat and rat: ultrastructure and calcitonin gene-
related peptide-like and substance P-like immunoreactivity. Anat Embryol 188
Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Schepelmann, K., Steinbach, H., Schmidt, R.F.:
Morphological basis for mechano- and chemoreceptive properties of knee joint
afferents in the cat. Soc Neurosc 19: 136.2
Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Neuropeptide
expression in dorsal root ganglion cells is changed in adjuvant-induced
monoarthritis. Soc Neurosc 19:200.8
Bejarano, P.F., Schmidt. R.F.: Entendiendo el problema del dolor: Mecanismos y semiologia. Tribuna Médica 87: Suppl. No. 6: 330-338 Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Neuro- und Sinnesphysiologie. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag
pp 1-485
Schmidt, R.F., Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B. and Meßlinger, K.: Changes in the
afferent innervation of the knee joint during inflammation. In: E.A. Mayer and H.E.
Raybould (eds.) Basic & Clinical Aspects of Chronic Abdominal Pain. Amsterdam:
Elsevier pp 173-190
Schmidt, R.F.: Sensitization of peripheral nocisensors in muscle. In: J. Olesen, J.
Schoenen (eds.) Tension-Type Headache Classification, Mechanisms, and
Treatment. New York: Raven Press pp 47-59
Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F. Yamanaka T.: Effects of agonists for the µ, δ and
k opioid receptors administered intrathecally on the somatosympathetic reflex
discharges in anesthetized rats. Neurosc Res 18:326
Schmidt, R.F.: Memorix Fyziologie. (Tschechische Ausgabe des Memorix Spezial
Physiologie) Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft pp 1-311
Schmidt, R.F.: Aktivierung axoaxonischer Synapsen durch Salven in afferenten
C-Fasern: Manfred Zimmermanns Falsifizierung der Gate-Control-Theorie. Der
Schmerz 7:262-267
Quevedo, J., Equibar, J.R., Jimnéz, I., Schmidt, R.F., and Rudomin, P.: Primary
afferent depolarization of muscle afferents elicited by stimulation of joint afferents
in cats with intact neuraxis and during reversible spinalization. J Neurophysiol
100. Meßlinger, K., Schepelmann, K., Pawlak, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Bradykinin B and B
receptor antagonists do not change the resting activity of slowly conducting articular afferents in the inflamed knee joint of the cat. Neurosc Letters 164:21-24 101. He, X., Neugebauer, V., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Effects of Antipyretic
Analgesics on Pain Related Neurons of the Spinal Cord. In: Antipyretic Analgesics - New Insights. Ed. K. Brune - N.N., Basel: Birkhäuser pp 13-23 102. Hutchison, W.D., M.A.B. Lühn, Schmidt, R.F.: Knee joint input into the peripheral
region of the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of cat thalamus. J Neurophysiol 67: 1092-1104 103. Herbert, M.K., Schmidt, R.F.: Activation of normal and inflamed fine articular
afferent units by serotonin. Pain 50: 79-88 104. Herbert, M.K., Tafler R., Michnay, J., Schmidt, R.F., Weis, K.H.: Wirkung von H1-
und H2- Antagonisten auf experimentell induzierte neurogene Entzündungen. Ergebnisse einer doppelblind, placebokontrollierten Studie am Menschen. Anaesthesist 41 Suppl. S.152 105. Herbert, M.K., Tafler, R., Schmidt F.R., Weis, K.H.: Experimentell induzierte neurogene Entzündungen beim Menschen werden durch Prostaglandinsynthesehemmer nicht beeinflußt. Anaesthesist 41:718-719 106. Schramm, E., Meßlinger, K., Silber, R., Henrich, H.A., Schmidt, R.F.:
Ultrastructural Changes and Uptake of 5-Hydroxydopamine by Sympathetic Nerve Terminals in the Pig Heart During Myocaridal Infarction. Pflügers Arch 420: R14 107. Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Schmidt, R.F.: Distribution of Neurokinin A in
Articular Afferents of the Cat. Pflügers Arch 420: R54 108. Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., and Schmidt, R.F.: Nociception in
Normal and Arthritic Joints. Structural and Functional Aspects. In: Hyperalgesia and Allodynia, edited by W.D. Willis, Jr., Raven Press, Ltd., New York, pp 81-106 109. Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Schmidt, R.F.: Neurokinin A-like immunoreactivity
in articular afferents of the cat. Brain Res 586: 332-335 110. Schepelmann, K., Meßlinger, K., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Inflammatory
mediators and nociception in the joint: excitation and sensitization of slowly conducting afferent fibers of cat's knee by prostaglandin I Neurosc 111. Jänig, W., Schmidt, R.F., (Editors): Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy.
Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Clinical Implications. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft pp 1-306 112. Schmidt, R.F.: Memorix Spezial Physiologie. Weinheim: VCH Verlagsgesellschaft
113. Schmidt, R.F. Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology, Italienische Ausgabe, von
114. Hanesch, U., Meßlinger, K., Baumgärtl, M. Schmidt, R.F.: Calcitonin Gene-
Related Peptide and Substance P Immunoreactive Nerve Fibers in the Dura Mater of Cat and Rat: An Immunoelectron Microscopic Study. Soc Neurosci Abstr 18: 492 115. Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Neiss, W.F. und Schmidt R.F.: Zur Morphologie von Nocisensoren ("Schmerzrezeptoren") In: E. Schöpf & J. Staubesand (Hrs) Das schmerzende Bein - Interdisziplinär. Bonn: Verlag Karger pp 73-89 116. Hanesch, U., Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Nociception in
Normal and Arthritic Joints: Structural and Functional Aspects. In: W.D. Willis (Ed.) Hyperalgesia and Allodynia. New York: Raven Press pp 81-106 117. Meßlinger, K., Pawlak, M., Lukas, A., Schepelmann, K. and Schmidt, R.F.:
Responses of Slowly Conducting Articular Afferents to Bradykinin: Inhibition by the Potent Bradykinin Antagonist Vol. 140. Europ J Neurosci Suppl 5: 91 118. Pawlak, M., Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Responses of Slowly Conducting
Articular Afferents to Bradykinin: Time Course of Tachyphylaxis and Evaluation of Antagonist Effects. Europ J Neurosci Suppl 5: 275 119. Adachi, T., Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Depending on the mode of
application morphine enhances or depresses somatocardiac sympathetic A- and C-reflexes in anesthetized rats. Neurosc Res 15: 281-288 120. Schmidt, R.F.: Neurophysiological Mechanism of Arthritic Pain. In: M.M. Patterson
and J.N. Howell (Eds) The Central Connection: Somatovisceral/Viscerosomatic Interaction. Proceedings of the 1989 American Academy of Osteopathy pp 130-151 121. Schmidt, R.F.: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie der Schmerzentstehung und
Schmerzverarbeitung im Bewegungssystem. Schmerz 5: 13-28 122. He, X., Schepelmann, K., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Capsaicin inhibits
responses of fine afferents from the knee joint of the cat to mechanical and chemical stimuli. Brain Res 530: 147-150 123. Hierholzer, K. Schmidt, R.F. (Hrs): Pathophysiologie des Menschen. Weinheim:
124. Krainick, J.-U., Schmidt, R.F.: Nociception und Schmerz. In: [305], pp. 29.1-29.23
125. Hutchison, W.D., Lühn, M., Schmidt, R.F.: Knee joint input to the peripheral
regions of the ventral posterior lateral nucleus of cat thalamus. Pflügers Arch 418: R20 126. Meßlinger, K. Schepelmann, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Effects of bradykinin B and B
receptor antagonists on the response of articular afferents to bradykinin. Pflügers Arch 418: R20 127. Hanesch, U. Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Effect of colchicine treatment on
neuropeptide immunoreactivity in cat's primary articular afferents. Pflügers Arch 418: R32 128. Hanesch, U. Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: CGRP-immunoreactive nerve fibers in
the dura mater encephali of cat and rat. Pflügers Arch 418: R34 129. Cervero, F., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Tonic descending inhibition of spinal
cord neurones driven by joint afferents in normal cats and in cats with an inflamed knee joint. Exp Brain Res 83: 675-678 130. Heppelmann, B., Meßlinger, K., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Nociception and
pain. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 1: 192-197 131. Dorn, Th., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Response properties of thick
myelinated group II afferents in the medial articular nerve of normal and inflamed knee joints of the cat. Somatosensory and Motor Res 8: 127-136 132. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: From articular nociception to pain: peripheral and
spinal mechanisms. In: From Neuron to Action. An Appraisal of Fundamental and Clinical Research. L. Deecke, J.C. Eccles, V.B. Mountcastle (Eds) Heidelberg: Springer pp 305-311 133. Meßlinger, K., Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerzentstehung und Schmerzverarbeitung im
Bewegungssystem. In: W. Eich (Hrs.) Psychosomatische Rheumatologie. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag pp 83-114 134. Quevedo, J., Equibar, J.R., Jimenez, I., Schmidt, R.F., Rudomin, P.: Modulation
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catcholamine secretion by movements of normal and inflamed knee joints. J. Physiol. Soc. Japan, 47: 541 264. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology, Russische Ausgabe, Teil
1: Kapitel 1-7, von M.A. Kamenskaija u. N.N. Alipov, Moskau: MIR-Verlag 265. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology, Russische Ausgabe, Teil
2: Kapitel 8-15, von M.A. Kamenskaija u. N.N. Alipov, Moskau: MIR-Verlag 266. Heppelmann, B., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F. Indometacin reduces resting
activity of fine afferent units of inflamed knee joints. Pflügers Archiv 400: R16 267. Schmidt, R.F.: Warum schmerzt ein entzündetes Gelenk? Die Umschau 1984:
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und Schmerztherapie, hrsgb. von der Akademie für ärztliche Fortbildung und Weiterbildung, Bad Nauheim, 7-20 269. Schmidt, R.F.: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie des Schmerzes. In: Schmerz
und Schmerztherapie, hrsgb. von der Akademie für ärztliche Fortbildung und Weiterbildung, Bad Nauheim, 24-41 270. Düring, M. von, Andres, K.H., Schmidt, R.F.: Ultrastructure of fine afferent fiber
terminations in muscle and tendon of the cat. In: Sensory Receptor mechanisms, W. Hamann, A. Iggo, Editors, Signapore: World Scientific Publishing, 15-23 271. Langford, L.A., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Structure and Function of Fine
Joint Afferents: Observations and Speculations. In: Sensory Receptor Mechanisms, W. Hamann, A. Iggo, Editors, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 241-252 272. Schmidt, R.F.: Transducer Mechanisms and Functional Characteristics;
Chairman's Resumé. In: Sensory Receptor Mechanisms, W. Hamann, A. Iggo, Editors, Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 167-168 273. Heppelmann, B., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Prostaglandin modifies the
mechanosensitivity of Group III afferents from cat knee joint. Pain, Suppl. 2: 243 274. Heppelmann, B., Heuss, Ch., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: ASA and
indometacin reduce sensitivity to movements of fine articular afferent units of inflamed joints. Pflügers Archiv 402: R37 275. Schmidt, R.F., Struppler, A.: Schmerzformen. In: Piper Almanach zum 80. Jahr.
K. u. E.R. Piper, Hrsgb. München: Piper, pp 349-354 276. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie. Französische
Ausgabe: Neurophysiologie. Paris: Librairie le Francois, pp. 1-287 277. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie. Russische
Ausgabe. MIR Publishers, Moscow, pp. 1-286 278. Schmidt, R.F.: Transmission of information from normal and inflamed knee joints
of the cat (in Japanese). Clinical Neuroscience 2: 1398-1399 279. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Mechanosensibility of joint receptors with fine
afferent fibers. In: Sensory-Motor Integration in the Nervous System, ed. by O.
Creutzfeldt, R.F. Schmidt and W.D. Willis, Exp. Brain Res. Suppl. 9: 284-297
280. Sato, A., Sato,Y. Schmidt, R.F.: Changes in Blood pressure and heart rate
induced by movements of normal and inflamed knee joints. Neuroscience Letters 52: 55-60 281. Schmidt, R.F.: Physiologie und Pathophysiologie von Nociception und Schmerz
im Wirbelsäulenbereich. In: Steinbereithner, K., Bergmann, H. (Hrsgb.), Beitr. z. Anaesth. u. Intensivmed. 7, Moderne Schmerzbehandlung, hrsgb. von H. Bergmann et al., Wien, München, Bern: Maudrich, pp 62-72 282. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Activation of Groups III and IV Sensory Units in
Medial Articular Nerve by Mechanical Stimulation of Knee Joint. J. Neurophysiol. 49: 35-44 283. Langford, L.A., Schmidt, R.F.: An Electron Microscopic Analyis of the Left Phrenic
Nerve in the Rat. Anat. Rec. 205: 207-213 284. Langford, L.A., Schmidt, R.F.: The Posterior Articular Nerve: An Electron
Microscopic Examination. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 322: R97 285. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Human Physiology, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg New York. Englische Uebersetzung der "Physiologie des Menschen", 20. Auflage, von Marguerite A. Biederman-Thorson 286. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Fisiologia Umana, Volume Primo, Idelson -
Napoli. Italienische Uebersetzung der Teile 1 und 2 der "Physiologie des Menschen", 20. Auflage 287. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Editors): Fisiologia Umana, Volume Secondo, Idelson -
Napoli. Italienische Uebersetzung der Teile 3 und 4 der "Physiologie des Menschen" 20. Auflage 288. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G.: (Herausgeber und Mitautoren) Physiologie des
Menschen, 21. Auflage, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 1-798 289. Schaible, H.-G. Schmidt, R.F.: Responses of Fine Medial Articular Nerve
Afferents to Passive Movements of Knee Joint. J. Neurophysiol. 49: 1118-1126 290. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F., Torigata, Y.: Somatovesical reflexes in chronic
spinal cats. J. Auton. Nerv. System 7: 351-362 291. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie, 5.
neubearbeitete Auflage, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York 292. Langford, L.A., Schmidt, R.F.: Afferent and efferent axons in the medial and
posterior articular nerves of the cat. Anat. Rec., 206: 71-78 293. Schmidt, R.F.: Medizinische Biologie des Menschen. 2. überarbeitete und
erweiterte Auflage der "Biomaschine Mensch", Piper Verlag, München 294. Coggeshall, R.E., Hong, A., Langford, L.A., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.:
Discharge Characteristics of Fine Medial Articular Afferents at Rest and during Passive Movements of Inflamed Knee Joints. Brain Research 272: 185-188 295. Sato, Y., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Typers of Afferents from the Knee Joint
Evoking Sympathetic Relexes in Cat Inferior Cardiac Nerves, Neuroscience Letters 39: 71-75 296. Schmidt, R.F., Schaible, H.-G.: Neurophysiology of Nociception in Normal an
Inflamed Knee Joints of the Cat, Proc. Int. U. Physiol. Sciences 15: 23 297. Schmidt, R.F., Struppler, A.: Der Schmerz, 2. Auflage, Serie Piper, Bd 241, pp. 1-
298. Schmidt, R.F.: Warum schmerzt ein entzündetes Gelenk? Information der
Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, 17: 6-9 299. Mitchell, J.H., Schmidt, R.F.: Cardiovascular reflex control by afferent fibers from
skeletal muscle receptors. Handbook of Physiology, Section 2: The Cardiovascular System, Volume III: Peripheral Circulation and Organ Blood Flow, Part 2, J.T. Shepherd and F.M. Abboud, Volume Editors, American Physiological Society, 623-658 300. Langford, L.A., Schmidt R.F.: An electron microscopic analysis of motor, sensory and sympathetic contributions to the rat left phrenic nerve. Pflügers Arch. 392: R45. (Title only) 301. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F., Wendisch, M.: Resting activity in afferent units of
the cat's knee joint: discharge characteristics and relation to von Frey thresholds. Pflügers Arch. 392: R46 302. Andres, K.-H., v. Düring, M., Jänig, W., Schmidt, R.F.: Ultrastructural changes in
degenerating postganglionic sympathetic fibers in the cat. Pflügers Arch. 392: R47 303. Kanaka, R. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Proprioceptive discharge from group
IV units in the medial articular nerve of the knee of the cat. Neuroscience 7: S109 304. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmit, R.F.: Changes in heart rate and blood pressure upon injection of algesic agents into skeletal muscle. Pflügers Arch. 393: 31-36 305. Schmidt, R.F.: Neurobiology of Nociception in Muscles, Tendons Joints. Pflügers
306. Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Activation of Fine Afferent Units in the Medial
Articular Nerve by Movement in the Normal and Inflamed Knee Joint. Pflügers Archiv 394: R57 307. Langford, L.A., Schmidt, R.F.: The Medial Articular Nerve: An Electron
Microscopic Examination. Pflügers Archiv 394: R57 308. Coggeshall, R.E., Hong, K.A., Langford, L.A., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Fine
Afferent Unit Discharge Characteristics of Inflamed Knee Jonts in the Cat. Soc. Neuroscience Abstr. 8: 263 309. Langford, L.A., Schmidt, R.F.: An Electron Microscopic Analysis of the Left
Phrenic Nerve in the Rat. Soc. Neuroscience Abstr. 8: 449 310. Schmidt, R.F., Struppler, A.: Der Schmerz, Serie Piper, Bd 241, pp 1-304,
311. Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerzauslösende Substanzen. Z.f.Phys.Med. 2: 73-89
312. Schmidt, R.F. (Editor and Co-author): Fundamentals of Sensory Physiology,
Second Edition. Translated by M.A. Biedermann-Thorson, Springer-Verlag, New York - Heidelberg - Berlin 313. Kniffki, K.-D., Mense, S., Schmidt, R.F.: Muscle Receptors with Fine Afferent
Fibers Which May Evoke Circulatory Reflexes. Circ. Res. 48, Supp. I: I-25 - I-31 314. Schmidt, R.F., Kniffki, K.-D., Schomburg, E.D.: Der Einfluß kleinkalibriger
Muskelafferenzen auf den Muskeltonus. In: Therapie der Spastik hrsgb. von H.J. Bauer, W.P. Koella, A. Stuppler. Verlag für angewandte Wissenschaften, München, pp. 71-86 315. Kanaka, R., Schaible, H.-G., Schmidt, R.F.: Von Frey thresholds of
mechanosensitive joint afferent units are related to conduction velocity. Pflügers Arch. 391: R44 316. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Heart rate changes reflecting modificaitons of
efferent cardiac sympathetic outflow by cutaneous and muscle afferent volleys. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System 4: 231-247 317. Andres, K.H., von Düring, Monika, Jänig, W., Schmidt, R.F.: Ultrastructure of fine
afferent terminals in the achilles tendon of the cat. Pflügers Arch. 384: R33 318. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Reflex bladder activity induced by electrical
stimulation of hind limb somatic afferents in the cat. Journal of the Autonomic Nervous System. 1: 229-241 319. Schmidt, R.F., Thews, G. (Herausgeber): Physiologie des Menschen, 20. Auflage
(17. Aufl. 1976). Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 320. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Band 136, 4. Auflage (1. Auflage 1973), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York 321. Schmidt, R.F.: Cardiac responses to somatic afferent activity, Proc. Internat. U.
322. Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerzforschung im Labor - cui bono? Münch. med. Wschr. 122:
323. Zimmermann, M., Albe-Fessard, D.G., Cervero, F., Chapman, C.R., Handwerker, H.O., Kniffki, K.-D., Nathan, P.W., Procacci, P., Reeh, P., Schmidt, R.F.,
Terenius, L.Y., Wall, P.D.: Recurrent persistent pain: Mechanisms and models.
Group report. In: Pain and Society, eds. H.W. Kosterlitz and L.Y. Terenius,
Dahlem Konferenzen 1980, Weinheim: Verlag Chemie, pp. 367-382
324. Schmidt, R.F.: Muskel- und Sehnenschmerz: Neurophysiologische Grundlagen,
325. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie, erste
Japanische Ausgabe der Fundamentals of Sensory Physiology. Kinpodo Publishers: Kyoto, Japan. 326. Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerzentstehung in Muskeln, Sehnen, Gelenken und
Eingeweiden, Vhdlg. Dtsch. Ges. inn. Med. 86: 1532-1534 327. Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsgb.): Fisiologia Sensorial. Portugiesische Ausgabe des
"Grundriß der Sinnesphysiolpgoe". E.P.U. - Springer -EDUSP, Sao Paulo, Brasilien 328. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Effects on reflex bladder activity of chemical
stimulation of small diameter afferents from skeletal muscle in the cat. Neuroscience Letters 11: 13-17 329. Foreman, R.D., Kenshalo jr., D.R., Schmidt, R.F., Willis, W.D.: Field potentials
and excitation of primate spinothalamic neurones in response to volleys in muscle afferents. J. Physiol. 286: 197-213 330. Foreman, R.D., Schmidt, R.F., Willis, W.D.: Effects of mechanical and chemical
stimulation of fine muscle afferents upon primate spinothalamic tract cells. J. Physiol. 286: 215-231 331. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: The effects of somatic afferent activity on the
heart rate. In: Integrative Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System, ed. by Chandler McC. Brooks, Kiyomi Koizumi and Akio Sato, Tokyo University Press, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 275-282 332. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: Somatic afferents and the effects on bladder
functions. In: Integrative Functions of the Autonomic Nervous System, ed. by Chandler McC. Brooks, Kiyomi Koizumi and Akio Sato, Tokyo University, Press, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 309-318 333. Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie, Portugiesische Ausgabe
der 4. deutschen Auflage: Neurofisiologia. E.P.U. - Springer - EDUPS, Sao Paulo, Brasilien 334. Schmidt, R.F. (Hrsg.): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie, japanische Ausgabe der 4.
deutschen Auflage. Kinpodo Publishers: Kyoto, Japan 335. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Band 96, korrigierter Nachdruck der 4. Auflage. (1. Aufl. 1971). Springer-Verlag: Berlin - Heidelberg- New York 336. Honge, S.K., Kniffki, K.-D., Mense, S., Schmidt, R.F., Wendisch, M.: Descending
influences on the responses of spinocervical tract neurones to chemical stimulation of fine muscle afferents. J. Physiol. 290: 129-140 337. Enderle, Th. Meyn, H.-J., Schmidt, R.F.: Properties of afferent units subserving
normal and inflammated knee joints in the cat. Pflügers Arch. 382: R50 338. Schmidt, R.F.: Neurophysiology of muscle pain. Indian J. Physiol. and Pharmacol.
339. Schmidt, R.F.: Biomaschine Mensch. Normales Verhalten, gestörte Funktion,
Krankheit, pp. 1-452, Piper Verlag: München 340. Hong, S.D., Kniffki, K.-D., Schmidt, R.F.: Effects of intra-arterial injection of
algesic agents into skeletal muscle on the discharge of homonymous extensor gamma motoneurons. Pflüger's Arch. 273: R70 341. Kniffki, K.-D., Mense, S., Schmidt, R.F.: Responses of group IV afferent units
from skeletal muscle to stretch, contraction and chemical stimulation. Exp. Brain Res. 31: 511-522 342. Schmidt, R.F. (Editor and Co-author): Fundamentals of Neurophysiology. Second
English edition. Springer-Verlag, New York - Heidelberg - Berlin 343. Hong, S.K., Kniffki, K.-D., Schmidt, R.F:: Reflex discharges of extensor and flexor gamma motoneurones by chemically induced muscle pain. : Pain Abstracts 1: 58 344. Schmidt, R.F.: Peripheral and spinal mechanisms contibuting to the control of
muscle pain. Neuroscience Letters, Suppl. 1: S434 345. Schmidt, R.F. (Editor and Co-author): Fundamentals of Sensory Physiology.
Translated by M.A. Biedermann-Thorson - Springer-Verlag, New York - Heidelberg - Berlin 346. Sato, A., Sato Y., Schmidt, R.F., Torigata, Y.: The effect of stimulatin of the
somatic afferent nerves on the rhythmic micturition contractions in chronic spinal cats. Jap. J. Physiol. 40: 319 347. Sato, A., Sato, Y., Schmidt, R.F.: The effect of stimulation of muscle afferent
nerves on cardiac and vesical functions. Jap. J. Physiol. 40: 319 348. Hamann, W.C., Hong, S.K., Kniffki, K.-D., Schmidt, R.F.: Projections of primary
afferent fibres from muscle to neurnes of the spinocervical tract of the cat. J. Physiol. 238: 369-378 349. Hong, K.A., Jänig, W., Schmidt, R.F.: Properties of group IV fibres in the nerves
to the knee joint of the cat. J. Physiol. 284: 178-179P 350. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Band 96, 4. Auflage (1. Aufl. 1971). Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 351. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe, R.F. Schmidt: Mossy and climbing fiber imputs from
cutaneous mechanoreceptors to cerebellar Purkyn'ye cells in unanesthetized cats. Exp. Brain Res. 27: 459 - 477 352. Hiss, E., R. Leicht, R.F. Schmidt: Cutaneous receptive fields of cerebellar
Purkyné cells of unanesthetized cats. Exp. Brain Res. 27: 319 - 333 353. Leicht, R., R.F. Schmidt: Somatotopic studies on the vermal cortex of the
cerebellar anterior lobe of unanaesthetized cats. Exp. Brain Res. 27: 479 - 490 354. Foreman, R.D., R.F. Schmidt, W.D. Willis: Convergence of muscle and cutaneous
input onto primate spinothalamic tract neurons. Brain Res. 124: 55 - 560 355. Foreman, R.D., R.F. Schmidt, W.D. Willis: Responses of spinothalamic tract cells
to muscle, cutaneous and visceral input. Fed. Proc. 36: A 1409 356. Hong, S.K., K.-D. Kniffki, R.F. Schmidt: Intra-arterial injection of algesic agents
into skeletal muscle: effects on the discharge of motoneurones. Proc. Int. U. Physiol. Sci. 13: 329 357. Kniffki, K.-D., S. Mense, R.F. Schmidt: Activation f neurones of the spinocervical
tract by painful stimulation of skeletal muscle. Proc. Int. U. Physiol. Sci. 13: 393 358. Foreman, R.D., R.F. Schmidt, W.D. Willis: Excitation of primate spinothalamic
tract neurons by group III and IV muscle afferents. Proc. Int. U. Physiol. Sci. 13: 233 359. Kniffki, K.-D., S. Mense, R.F. Schmidt: The spinocervical tract as a possible
pathway for muscular nociception. J. Physiol. (Paris) 73: 359 - 366 360. Schmidt, R.F., G. Thews (Herausgeber): Physiologie des Menschen, 19. Auflage
(17. Aufl. 1976) Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 361. Schmidt, R.F.: (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Band 136, 3. Auflage (1. Aufl. 1973), Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 362. Mense, S., R.F. Schmidt: Muscle pain: which receptors are responsible for the
transmission of noxious stimuli? In: Physiological Aspects of Clinical Neurology, ed. b. F. Clifford Rose, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford, London, Edinburgh, Melbourne. pp. 265-278 363. Sato, A., Y. Sato, R.F. Schmidt: Autonomic reflexes elicited by stimulation of
muscle afferent nerves in the cat. Proc. XVIII Int. Cong. Neuroveg. Res. 106-108 364. Schmidt, R.F. & G. Thews, (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Physiologie des Menschen;
völlig neu bearbeitete 17. Auflage. Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 365. Kniffki, K.-G., S. Mense & R.F. Schmidt, Chemo- and mechanosensitivity of
possible metabo- and nociceptors in skeletal muscle. Pflügers Arch. 362: R32 366. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Band 136, 2. Auflage (1. Aufl. 1973). Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 367. Kniffki, K.-D., S. Mense & R.F. Schmidt: Mechanism of muscle pain: A
comparison with cutaneous nociception. In: Sensory Functions of the Skin in Primates, ed. by Yngve Zotterman, Pergamon Press, Oxford - New York - Toronto - Paris - Frankfurt, S. 463-473 368. Schmidt, R.F. & G. Thews (Hrsg.): Einführung in die Physiologie des Menschen,
18. Auflage. Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York 369. Leicht, R. & R.F. Schmidt: Transmission of impulses from cutaneous mechano-
receptors to the cerebellum. In: mechanoreceptors, ed. by J. Schwarzkopff, Verhdlg. d. Rheinisch-Westf. Akad. d. Wiss., pp. 177-196 370. Karl, H., A. Sato & R. F. Schmidt: Electrodermal reflexes induced by activity in somatic afferent fibers. Brain Res. 87: 145-150 371. Schmidt, R.F. (Editior and Co-author): Fundamentals of Neurophysiology.
Translated by D. and I. Jordan. Springer-Verlag, New York - Heidelberg - Berlin 372. Eccles, J.C., N.H. Sabah, R.F. Schmidt & H. Táboríková: A study of the
cutaneous mechanoreceptive modalities projecting to the cerebellum. In: The Somatosensory System, ed. by H.H. Kornhuber, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 125-134 373. Hiss, E., R. Leicht, M.J. Rowe & Schmidt, R.F.: Projection of rapidly and slowly
adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors to cerebellar Purkyné cells. Pflügers Arch. 347: R53 374. Mense, S. & Schmidt, R.F.: Activation of Group IV afferent units from muscle by
algesic agents. Brain Res. 72: 305 - 310 375. Schmidt, R.F.: Pre- and postganglionic neurones as final common path of
somato-sympathetic reflexes. In: Central rhythmic and regulation. W. Umbach and H.P. Koepchen, edts., Hippokrates-Verlag, Stuttgart, pp. 178-190 376. Schmidt, R.F.: Fernstudium der Medizin - Chance oder Alptraum? Deutsches
377. Hiss, E., R. Leicht & Schmidt, R.F.: Lack of somatotopical organization of
cutaneous mossy and climbing fiber input onto the left cerebellar anterior lobe in cats. Proc. Int. Union Physiol. Sciences, 11: 481 378. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Neurophysiologie, 3.
Auflage. Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Bd. 96, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, (1. Aufl. 1971, 2. Aufl. 1972) 379. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe & Schmidt, R.F.: Cutaneous convergence on to the
climbing fibre input to cerebellar Purkyne cells. J. Physiol. 228: 601-618 380. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe & Schmidt, R.F.: Cortical and peripheral modification of
cerebellar climbing fibre activity arising from cutaneous mechanoreceptors. J. Physiol. 228: 619-635 381. Hiss, E., R. Leicht, M.J. Rowe & R.F. Schmidt: Cutaneous receptive fields of
single cerebellar Purkyné cells of unanesthetized cats. Pflügers Arch. 339: R 85 382. Schmidt, R.F.: Examensfragen zur Physiologie zentraler Neurone, motorischer
Systeme und zur somato-visceralen Sensibilität. In: Examensfragen Physiologie, 2. Auflage. Hrsg. V. Thämer u. H. Schaefer, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 383. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Neurophysiologie programmiert,
japanische, Ausgabe, übersetzt und herausgegeben von A. Sato. u. K. Uchizono, Ishiyaku Publishers, Inc., Tokio 384. Schmidt, R.F.: Control of the Access of Afferent Acitivity to Somatosensory
Pathways. In: Handbook of Sensory Physiology, II, Somatosensory System, A. Iggo ed., pp. 151 - 206, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 385. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Sinnesphysiologie programmiert,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. 386. Schmidt, R.F. (Herausgeber und Mitautor): Grundriß der Sinnesphysiologie,
Heidelberger Taschenbücher, Bd. 136, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 387. Sato, A. & R.F. Schmidt: Somatosympathetic Reflexes: Afferent Fibers, Central
Pathways, Discharge Characteristics. Physiol. Rev. 53: 916-947 388. Jänig, W. & R.F. Schmidt: Die Bedeutung des Stratum corneum für die
Reizschwelle von Mechanorezeptoren. In: Schmerz, Hrsg. R. Janzen et al., pp. 88-90, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 389. Schmidt, R.F.: Die Gate-Control-Theorie des Schmerzes: eine unwahrscheinliche
Hypothese. In: Schmerz, Hrsg. R. Janzen et al, pp. 133-135, Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 390. Jänig, W., A. Sato & R.F. Schmidt: Reflexes in postganglionic cutaneous fibres by
stimulation of Group I to Group IV somatic afferents. Pflügers Arch. 331: 244-256 391. Schmidt, R.F.: Die neue Didaktik und die alte Vorlesung. Ernährungsumschau, 392. Schmidt, R.F.: Temperatursinne: Kalt- und Warmrezeptoren. In: Physiologie des
Menschen, hrsg. von O.H. Gauer, K. Kramer, R. Jung, 11: 113-130, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Berlin 393. Schmidt, R.F.: Schmerz. In: Physiologie des Menschen, hrsg. von O.H. Gauer, K.
Kramer, R. Jung, 11: 131-154, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Berlin 394. Schmidt, R.F.: Propriozeptoren in Muskeln und Sehnen. In: Physiologie des
Menschen, hrsg. von O.H. Gauer, K. Kramer, R. Jung, 11: 155-168, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Berlin 395. Eccles, J.C., N.H. Sabah, R.F. Schmidt & H. Táboríková: Mode of operation of the
cerebellum in the dynamic loop control of movement. Brain Research 40: 73-80 396. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe & R.F. Schmidt: Kletterfaseraktivität durch mechanische
Hautreize: Modifikation durch periphere und corticofugale Einflüsse. Pflügers Arch. 332: R104 397. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe & R.F. Schmidt: Inhibition of cerebellar climbing fibre
activity by stimulation of precruciate cortex. Brain Research 43: 640-644 398. Eccles, J.C., N.H. Sabah, R.F. Schmidt & H. Táboríková: Cutaneous
mechanoreceptors influencing impulses discharges. Exp. Brain Res. 15: 245-260 399. Eccles, J.C., N.H. Sabah, R.F. Schmidt & H. Táboríková: Cutaneous
mechanoreceptors influencing impulse discharges in cerebellar cortex. II. In Purkyne cells by mossy fiber input. Exp. Brain Res. 15: 261-277 400. Leicht, R., M.J. Rowe & R.F. Schmidt: Restricted and widespread cutaneous
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PUBLICATIONS 43) E. Kogut, A. Zeller, T.H. Warren*, T. Strassner*, Structure and Dynamics of Neutral β- Agostic Nickel-Alkyls A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study', submitted. 42) L.D. McPherson, M. Drees, S.I. Khan, T. Strassner*, M.M. Abu-Omar*, 'Multielectron Atom Transfer Reactions of Perchlorate and Other Substrates Catalyzed by Rhenium Oxazoline and Thiazoline Complexes: R

1/ résumé du congrès de boston en juillet 1997

Numéro 2 1998 Le Journal des Parents et Amis d’Enfants atteints du Syndrome de C.H.A.R.G.E. BOSTON, JUILLET 1997 CONFÉRENCE INTERNATIONALE SUR LE SYNDROME DE C.H.A.R.G.E. Environ 400 personnes ont assisté à cette conférence (125 familles avec 75 enfants C.H.A.R.G.E plus les frères et sœurs et 70 professionnels) venus de huit pays : Australie, Brésil, Canada, Angleterre

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