1) It is forbidden to post articles that due to their nature or packaging may be dangerous to postal workers, or may soil or damage other parcels or postal equipment or the property of third parties. Items which do not satisfy the requirements prescribed in the General Terms and Conditions are not accepted for transportation. 2) Magyar Posta is entitled to refuse to accept a mail item at its own discretion or for security reasons or if it decides not to undertake the transportation of a mail item in view of prevailing legislation. 3) Dangerous goods defined in Ministry Decree 38/2009 (VII.7) KHEM on the application in Hungary of Annexes A and B to the European Agreement concerning the International Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Road (hereinafter referred to as ADR) which do not enjoy exemption under ADR as articles that may be carried on special conditions or are listed in special regulations may not be dispatched for transportation. Explosive substances and articles listed in Class 1 and radioactive materials listed in Class 7 under ADR are completely excluded from transportation by post. 4) For information on dangerous substances and articles see 5) Firearms, ammunition, including weapons operated by compressed air or carbon dioxide (pellet guns, air guns, ball bearing guns), components of firearms and ammunition, inert weapons, replica firearms capable of being mistaken for real firearms, and war material may not be posted. Furthermore, bows, crossbows, arrows, harpoon guns and spear guns, slingshots and catapults, distress guns, starter pistols, stunning devices, such as devices for shocking, stun guns, stun batons, and animal stunners or killers may not be posted. 6) No word, picture, drawing or expression may appear on the cover or address label (accompanying document) of a mail item which is aggressive, intimidating, racist, vulgar or obscene, or incites hatred, or transgresses personal or community rights or public decency, or is immoral. 7) Mail items may not contain narcotics or psychotropic substances except for mail items containing such substances for medical or scientific purposes posted to countries whose postal administration accepts them. 8) International mail items may not contain obscene and immoral articles. 9) International mail items may not contain sparkling wine. 10) Mail items may not contain or have on their covers imitations of postage stamps or imprints representing value. 11) Articles excluded from air transport
a) Apart from the range of articles excluded from transportation detailed in the previous
points, Magyar Posta will not forward by air the articles listed below which are dangerous to international air transport.
b) As regards security checks, mail items are subject to the same regulations as the hold
baggage of passengers and are therefore governed by Attachment 5-B of Commission Regulation (EU) 185/2010. Pursuant to point 6.0.3 of Commission Regulation (EU) 185/2010 the following are deemed articles prohibited from mail consignments:
c) Explosive and incendiary devices, whether assembled or not, and their component
d) Substances capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the
safety of aircraft may only be carried in special, original packaging and with additional postal packaging (e.g. cutting tools and sharp objects only with a sheath covering the cutting edge in double packaging, etc.).
e) Explosives and incendiary substances and devices — explosives and incendiary
substances and devices capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:
ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, fireworks and other pyrotechnics, smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
f) In addition to the foregoing, effective legislation may impose temporary or further
restrictions which airlines or the countries concerned may render more stringent.
12) In addition to the information given here, further details of articles excluded from international transportation by post for each country may be obtained from the web page and from Magyar Posta’s Central Customer Service. With international mail attention must be paid to the special rules relating to the transportation of dangerous goods by air, which must be applied in addition to those for road transport. It must also be noted that airlines may have stricter regulations than those prescribed by the general and special regulations, thus it is advisable to seek advice in every case prior to the transport of such goods. Prior to posting mail items, further information regarding special provisions for specific countries can be obtained from each country’s embassy or trade mission in Hungary.
Magyar Posta’s detailed recommendation with regard to packaging that is appropriate for the nature of the contents of postal parcels is given on the web pagand customers may enquire in person at postal service outlets, or by phone or e-mail from Magyar Posta’s Central Customer Service. 1. The transportation of dangerous goods packed in limited quantities (ADR Chapter 3.4)
1.1. Dangerous goods defined in ADR which are exempted when posted observing the provisions of ADR for the transportation of dangerous goods in limited quantities. 1.2. When applying an exemption, the sender of the mail item must make a declaration that the exemption is applicable to the substance to be carried, and the packing and marking of the package comply with the relevant provisions of ADR. Due to the observation of potential requirements for markings on the vehicle used for transportation, the sender must state in advance the total gross weight of the dangerous goods intended for transportation in a limited quantity. 2. The transportation of dangerous goods packed in excepted quantities (ADR Chapter 3.5) 2.1. Dangerous goods defined in ADR which are exempted when posted observing the provisions of ADR for the transportation of dangerous goods in excepted quantities. 2.2. The packagings of dangerous goods to be carried in excepted quantities must comply with the following:
a) Inner packaging must be used in all cases. Inner packaging may be constructed of
plastic (with a minimum thickness of 0.2 mm when used for liquids), of glass, porcelain, stoneware, earthenware or metal. The closure of each inner packaging must be held in place in a locked position by wire, adhesive tape or other effective means; any receptacle with a neck with moulded screw threads must have a leak-proof threaded cap. The closure must be resistant to the contents.
b) All inner packaging must be securely packed in an intermediate packaging with
cushioning material in such a way that the packagings cannot break, be punctured or leak their contents under normal conditions of transportation. The intermediate packaging must completely retain the contents in case of breakage or leakage, regardless of the orientation of the package. For liquids the intermediate packaging must contain sufficient absorbent material to absorb the entire contents of the inner packaging. In such cases the absorbent material may be the cushioning material. Dangerous goods must not react dangerously with the cushioning absorbent material and the packaging material or reduce the integrity or function of the materials.
c) The intermediate packaging must be securely packed in strong, rigid outer packaging
(wooden, fibreboard or other equally strong material).
d) Each complete package prepared for transport must comply with the provisions in
ADR for withstanding tests for packages without the breakage or leakage of any inner packaging and without significant reduction in effectiveness.
e) Each package must be of a size that allows sufficient space to apply all necessary
f) Overpacks may be used and may also contain packages of dangerous goods or
goods not subject to the provisions of ADR.
2.3. On the accompanying document for the goods the note “Dangerous goods in excepted quantity” and the number of packages must be marked. 3. The transportation of dangerous goods with exemptions related to quantities carried per transport unit (ADR point When applying an exemption, the sender of the mail item must make a declaration that the exemption is applicable to the substance to be carried, and the packing and marking of the package comply with the relevant provisions of ADR. The sender must ensure that dangerous goods are accompanied by a transport document in accordance with ADR point, on which the equivalence point calculated based on the classification of the dangerous goods is also marked. Packages for transportation by post containing the following dangerous goods may only be posted with additional packaging or completely covered (e.g. by sheeting or fibreboard) pursuant to ADR point 7.5.4:
a) packages bearing a class 6.1 (toxic substances) label; b) packages bearing a class 6.2 (infectious substances) label; c) packages bearing a class 9 label which contain substances UN nos. UN 2212, UN
2315, UN 2590, UN 3151, UN 3152 or UN 3245;
d) and the unclean empty packaging in accordance with the above.
4. The transportation of dangerous goods in accordance with the special provisions of ADR (ADR Chapter 3.3) and exceptions applying to classes of goods
Column 6 of Table A of ADR Chapter 3.2 contains the special provisions applying to certain dangerous substances or articles. According to these special provisions, there are substances and articles which are exempted from the provisions of ADR during transportation provided certain conditions are complied with. Class-specific provisions (ADR Chapter 2.2) list the exceptions when the provisions of ADR during transportation do not have to be applied provided certain conditions are complied with. When applying these exemptions, the sender of the mail item must make a declaration that the exemption is applicable to the substance to be carried, and the packing and marking of the package comply with the special or excepted provisions of ADR. 4.1. Slightly toxic substances, medicines and medicinal products 4.1.1. Slightly toxic substances which are classified in packing group III under ADR provisions may be carried as mail items by exemption based on the relevant ADR provisions (see points 1.1, 1.2, 1.3). The packaging of these substances must comply with the provisions of ADR, but the minimum requirements are as stated below:
a) slightly toxic substances which may be accepted for postal transportation are solid
and liquid substances which do not produce gas or smoke on contact with the air or moisture, and do not react with their environment below 100 °C;
b) such toxic substances must be packed in a receptacle or container which ensures
that the substance will not spill, disperse or evaporate during transportation;
c) if the toxic substance is a liquid, filling material able to absorb the toxic substance
must be placed between the inner and outer packaging;
d) items with contents of this nature must be dispatched marked “fragile” in addition to
4.2.1. Items containing medicines and medicinal products not classified as medicines may only be dispatched in packaging which ensures the conditions conforming with the temperature requirements of the content and copes with the extreme conditions of transportation.
(-25°C to +65°C) for the whole duration of postal handling. Ensuring that the packaging of the mail item complies with this is the responsibility of the sender. Items may only contain preparations in the pharmaceutical producer’s original unopened packaging. Liquid or oil- based ointments must be packed with filling material that is able to absorb the substance and which is placed between the inner and outer packaging. 4.2. Secretions from the human body and test specimens 4.1.2. Test specimens are biological substances in Category B assigned to UN No. 3373 pursuant to ADR Provided these substances are packed in accordance with the ADR P650 packaging instruction, other ADR provisions need not be applied. The text "'B' kategóriájú biológiai anyag" (Biological substance, Category B) and the diagram below must appear on the packaging in all cases.
4.2.2. Secretions and substances from the human body (liquid or tissue) may be posted for the purposes of testing addressed to health institutions, such as laboratories, and to doctors in special packaging for this purpose, which is described below:
a) secretions from the human body and test specimens may be posted as a letter-mail
item or time-guaranteed item. The text “Emberi testből származó nem fertőző váladék (anyag)” (Non-infectious secretion (substance) from the human body) must be marked on the cover of the item and also on the accompanying document of a parcel.
b) non-infectious secretions must be placed in a strong-sided plastic or other non-
breakable receptacle and the opening of the receptacle must be hermetically sealed. Adhesive tape not made of paper must be affixed to the closing mechanism in a manner that prevents it from opening due to the effect of pressure or shock. This inner receptacle must be placed in a box made of cardboard or another resistant material similar to cardboard, and then sealed or tied before dispatch.
c) human or animal specimens for which there is a minimal likelihood that pathogens are
present may be carried as mail items provided they are transported in packaging which prevents any leakage and is marked “Emberi minta, az ADR egyéb előírásainak betartása nélkül szállítható” (Exempt human specimen), or “Ál ati minta, az ADR egyéb előírásainak betartása nélkül szállítható” (Exempt animal specimen).
4.3.2. In order to ensure the safe transportation of such substances, the multi-component packaging described below must be used:
a) inner receptacle: a water- and leak-proof primary receptacle containing the specimen
with a label affixed which must be surrounded by a sufficient quantity of absorbent material to absorb all the liquid in the event of breakage;
b) secondary receptacle: a second durable, water- and leak-proof receptacle which
encloses and protects the inner receptacle(s). More than one inner (primary) receptacle may be placed in a secondary receptacle in which another layer of absorbent material must ensure the cushioning of the inner receptacles. The data sheet for the specimens must be affixed to the exterior of the secondary receptacle;
c) outer packaging of adequate strength for its volume, weight and intended use and
with at least one side having the dimensions of 100 mm x 100 mm. Its material must be a pasteboard box which must be sealed all around by a sealing label. The label must bear the printed address, and the manufacturer of the packaging, its certificate number and type must be marked on the label or on the outer cover of the item.
4.3. Objects containing lithium cells or batteries
4.3.1. Lithium batteries and cells installed in equipment may be carried as mail items provided the following conditions are met (ADR Chapter 3.3 Special Provision 188): 4.3.2. A maximum of four lithium cells or two lithium batteries installed in a piece of equipment may be accepted in mail items on the following conditions:
a) for a lithium metal or lithium alloy cell the lithium content is at most 1 g and for a
lithium ion cell the Watt-hour rating is at most 20 Wh;
b) for a lithium metal or lithium alloy battery the aggregate lithium content is at most 2 g
and for a lithium ion battery the Watt-hour rating is at most 100 Wh. The Watt-hour rating must be marked on the outer casing of lithium ion batteries conforming with this requirement and made after 01.01.2009;
c) each cell or battery is of a type which verifiably conforms with all the test requirements
of the “Manual of Tests and Criteria”, Part III, Section 38.3 published by the UN;
d) cells and batteries in equipment must be protected so as to prevent damage and
short circuits, and the equipment must be equipped with an effective means of preventing accidental activation. For batteries in equipment, the equipment must be packed in strong outer packaging made of suitable material of adequate strength and design for the volume of the packaging and its intended use unless the battery is afforded sufficient protection by the equipment itself.
“Lithium content” as used above and anywhere in ADR means the mass of lithium in the anode of the lithium metal or lithium alloy cell. 4.3.3. Except when batteries are installed or packed with equipment, the gross maximum weight of a package may be 30 kg. 4.3.4. For information on articles containing lithium batteries and cells se
1. Packaging for electrical equipment Articles must be placed in the mail item together with the energy or power sources required for their operation in a manner which prevents them from being activated accidentally. If this power source is a lithium cell or battery, further information about the special conditions for transportation is given in Point 4.3. 2. Insured items Cash (coins or banknotes), non-cash means of payment (e.g. shopping vouchers, meal vouchers, holiday vouchers, or other commercial vouchers, cheques, active bankcards), securities, nominative savings deposit books and commercial cards, precious metals, precious stones, jewellery and other valuable objects which due to their value are classified as articles with a higher value than usual possessions (e.g. wristwatches, sunglasses, mobile telephones) and the value of which exceeds fifteen times the fee payable when posting the valuable object as a registered item may only be carried by post as an insured item – in the case of time-guaranteed items with insurance for itemised handling in accordance with postal regulations – sealed appropriately for the value. 3. Perishable and non-infectious biological substances Biological substances which do not contain live pathogens (bacteria, viruses) must be packed in a waterproof inner receptacle and a protective outer receptacle. Absorbent material must be placed in the inner receptacle or between the inner and outer receptacles. The absorbent material must be of a quantity which ensures that it will absorb all the liquid content in the event of breakage. Furthermore, the contents of both the outer container and the inner receptacle must be packed in a manner that ensures they cannot move.
Refrigeration drying and ice packaging must be used to ensure the preservation of substances sensitive to high temperatures (e.g. raw meat). 4.Fragile articles Apart from labelling mail items containing fragile articles as “Fragile”, glass and porcelain objects and other fragile articles must be packed in a metal, wooden, plastic or strong corrugated cardboard box filled or lined (below, above, around and between the articles) with paper, wood-wool or other similar protective material which prevents any friction, movement or impact between the articles, or the articles and the sides of the box during transport. When packing, boxes must be used to maximum advantage, using packaging material of the appropriate size and quality, and padding the entire internal space to protect the contents of the mail item from damage. The marking “fragile” on mail items containing fragile and easily damaged objects accepted for postal handling only indicates the need for separate handling to Magyar Posta and does not exempt the sender from using the appropriate packaging as described above. 5. Fluid, deliquescent substances Fluids, oils and fusible fats may only be posted packaged in double containers, provided that they are not exposed to rapid fermentation or explosion (in this case they are excluded from postal transportation). Such substances must be placed in an airtight receptacle (as an inner packaging), and then the receptacle must be placed inside an external cover or container made of metal, sufficiently strong wood, durable plastic or good quality corrugated cardboard. A satisfactory amount of moisture-absorbent material (e.g. sawdust, cotton wool) suitable for absorbing the total amount of fluid, oil or fat must be placed between the inner receptacle and the outer cover. Such substances need not be packaged in a double container if an airtight strong zinc- coated steel sheet receptacle or a strong, non-fragile plastic receptacle (can) is used as a cover. Fluid substances may only be placed in plastic receptacles in a way that the receptacle remains empty from the mouth of the container to a depth of 4 cm. Plastic receptacles must have an appropriate handle. Posting is only permitted with fragile classification and handling, which means under those services which provide this additional service. 6. Greasy substances melting at temperatures above 70 °C Less fusible greasy substances (e.g. creams, soft soap, resins) must be first placed in a box, bag, plastic foil or paper parchment as inner packaging, and then in a wooden box, metal container or other secondary container made of a durable and thick material. 7. Cremation ashes Cremation ashes must be packed in a waterproof inner receptacle and a protective outer container. The outer container must be filled with paper, wood-wool or other similar protective material that enables the item to withstand outside influences and breakage during transportation. The sealed containers must be wrapped in strong paper, sealed with adhesive and an impressed seal, and the item must be tied with string laterally and longitudinally. Cremation ashes may be sent to destinations in Hungary and abroad provided the destination country has not listed cremation ashes among the articles excluded from transportation by post. Cremation ashes may only be sent to destinations in Hungary under the MPL postal parcel service and abroad under the international postal parcel or international EMS express mail service. The cover and accompanying document of the domestic and international items must be marked “Halotti hamvak” and “Cremation ashes” respectively. When posting cremation ashes to a foreign destination, it is the responsibility of the sender to obtain in advance the official permits required. It is advisable to post such international mail
items with the insured additional service provided the postal regulations of the destination country permit this. 8. Live and dead animals, non-infectious secretions and substances from the body of an animal Letter-mail or parcel items may not contain live or dead animals or secretions or substances from animal organisms (e.g. excrement) except for the following: uninsured letter-mail items or postal parcels in which bees, crickets, leeches and silkworms, parasites of and organisms that kill noxious insects are sent by officially recognised institutes to each other for the purpose of examining such insects and animals. Drosophila strains (fruit flies) for the purpose of biomedical research may be sent by post in letter-mail items (except for items posted with the insured additional service) between officially recognised institutions. Dead ticks may be sent in a letter-mail item in the special packaging for this purpose addressed to a laboratory that carries out tests for infection with any pathogen. Time-guaranteed mail items containing bees and crickets may be posted in accordance with the conditions stipulated in a written contract concluded with Magyar Posta at the postal service outlets designated in the contract. 9. Live plants Live plants may be dispatched in packaging protecting them from damage and drying, as time-guaranteed items. Posting is only permitted with fragile classification and handling, which means under those services that provide this additional service. IV. ITEMS transportable UNDER INDIVIDUAL CONTRACTUAL CONDITIONS 1. Devices especially dangerous to public safety
a) pointed and bladed articles whose point or blade length exceeds 8 cm, and,
irrespective of the point or blade length, throwing stars, flick-knives or devices that eject a point or blade capable of causing bodily injury, in particular bows, crossbows, ballistic knives, harpoons and spear guns, catapults and slingshots;
b) implements characteristically used for hitting and increasing the force and impact of
the blow, in particular coshes and knuckledusters;
c) sticks or weights connected by a chain or other flexible material; d) devices which spray an irritant of the eyes, mucous membranes or skin that
e) devices that render a person incapable of defence through electric shock (taser).
Items containing such objects may be posted as domestic mail on the conditions given in a contract concluded with Magyar Posta.
BRECHNER Volume 25, Number 10 A monthly report of mass media law in Florida Published by The Brechner Center for Freedom of Information College of Journalism and Communications University of Florida October 2001 Panel advises more electronic access FAMU trustees to hire in open case files available electronically. Court Administration and ACCESS PACERNet system. Theaccess and s
Health Canada approves Cymbalta for the management of osteoarthritis knee pain Once daily treatment a unique new option TORONTO, Nov. 7, 2012 /CNW/ - Eli Lilly Canada announced that Health Canada has approved Cymbalta® (duloxetine hydrochloride) for the management of chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee, representing a new analgesic treatment option for patients