This shared care guideline sets out details for the sharing of care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis prescribed sulfasala
Sulfasalazine Monitoring Information Dr H L Averns
This shared care guideline sets out details for the sharing of care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis prescribed sulfasalazine. These guidelines provide additional limited information necessary to aid in the treatment of rheumatology patients. As with all shared care guidelines these highlight significant prescribing issues but should be used in conjunction with the summary of product characteristics (Data sheet) and do not replace the drug company information . INDICATIONS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS GUIDELINE
Management of adults with inflammatory joint disease.
Sulfasalazine usually takes 3-4 months to show an effect.
Week 3 – 500mg in the morning and 1gram evening
The dose may be increased to 3 grams if no response (after 3 months).
Tablets should not be crushed or broken. It is recommended that the tablets should be taken with water.
Children under 2 years of age (N.B. Use in children over 2 years of age is
Patients with significant hypersensitivity to sulphonamides or salicylates Patients with a history of acute intermittent porphyria
Hepatic disease Glucose-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Diabetes, there is the possibility of interference with blood glucose
Previous significant hepatic drug reactions may mean increase of side
effects due to sulfapyridine metabolite.
Pregnancy - Sulfasalazine has been given safely during pregnancy.
However, all drugs can potentially affect the unborn child. Men and women of childbearing potential are advised therefore to use a reliable method of contraception during and for three months after treatment. When planning a pregnancy it is important that both men and women on this drug discuss medication with the Rheumatology Team. This should be at least six months before conception.
Breastfeeding is acceptable with the small amounts of sulfasalazine that
Measure baseline FBC, LFTs and renal function
FBC and LFT’s fortnightly for the first three months then 3 monthly
In order to monitor disease activity 3 monthly CRP would be helpful.
Rash. Liver enzymes especially transaminase increased x 3 upper limit of
WCC falls on 3 successive occasions and/or WCC falls below 3.5 x 109 Platelet count falls on 3 successive occasions Platelet count falls below 150 x 109
SIDE EFFECTS 75% of all side effects are seen within 3 months of starting sulfasalazine and 90% are identified within 6 months.Patients must report mouth ulcers, sore throat, fever, epistaxis, purpura, unexpected bruising or bleeding, and any unexplained illness/infection and should be seen urgently for full blood count and liver function tests.
Discolouration of urine and other secretions
Certain types of extended wear contacts lenses may be permanently
Nausea, vomiting, rash, headache, raised temperature and loss of
appetite in approximately 15% (try reducing dose).
Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, exacerbation of symptoms of colitis,
headache, hypersensitivity reactions (including rash and urticaria)
Bone marrow suppression and hepatitis are rare but monitoring mandatory
Oligospermia (reversible). Rarely: Acute pancreatitis Lung disorders Vertigo, tinnitus, peripheral neuropathy, aseptic meningitis, ataxia,
convulsions, insomnia, mental depression and hallucinations
Renal dysfunction Skin reactions (including lupus erythematosus-like syndrome, Stevens-
Johnson syndrome), photosensitization, and alopecia.
Absorption of digoxin and folate may be reduced Ampicillin and Rifamipicin may alter sulfasalazine levels Toxicity increased when Azathioprine or Mercaptopurine are co-
Warfarin levels may be affected on starting Sulfasalazine Antacids may decrease the absorption of sulfasalazine
BNF 50 Stockley’s Drug Interactions 7th Ed
MÓDULO: PROTOCOLO Y RELACIONES PÚBLICAS. PROGRAMACIÓN DIDÁCTICA IES V CENTENARIO (Sevilla)Profesora: Josefina Cebrián Sáiz 1. INTRODUCCIÓN. El Módulo Profesional de Protocolo y Relaciones públicas se imparte en el Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior de Guía, Información y Asistencia Turística, recogido en el Real Decreto 1254/2009, de 24 de julio. 2. OBJETIVOS GENERAL
L'UNIONE SARDA San Giovanni Suergiu. A mare attraverso il rio di Santu Milanu Finiranno in laguna fresche e chiare acque I reflui del depuratore consortile saranno scaricati soltanto dopo un processo di trattamento e di decantazione Pro loco: bilancio di un anno CARLOFORTE. Punto di riferi- Il megadepuratore di San Giovanni Suergiu [M. M.] NI LAVORIN Più ver