Nicholls_2_page_cv_111120 and selected publications
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum Vitae - Ian A. Nicholls PERSONAL DETAILS Date of Birth: 24 October 1962 Place of Birth: Melbourne, Australia
British and Australian citizenships, permanent Swedish residential status
University of Melbourne, School of Chemistry (Australia) - Bachelor of Science, Degree with Honours, BSc (hons) - applied organic chemistry
University of Melbourne, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Victorian College of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry (Australia): Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), The design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel central nervous system active agents (under Prof. Paul F. Alewood, Prof. Peter R. Andrews & Prof. David J. Craik)
University of Lund, Engineering Faculty (LTH), Department of Organic Chemistry 2 (Sweden): docent (habilitation/associate professor/DSc) in organic chemistry
ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (in reverse chronological order) Linnæus University, School of Natural Sciences (previously, University of Kalmar), Sweden
Feb 2000 - present Professor (bioorganic chemistry) 2007-ongoing: Head of School, School of Natural Sciences, (with 250 staff, 180m SEK budget & >700 FTESUs), research and teaching Visiting Professor, Dept of Biochem & Organic Chem, Uppsala University, Sweden Senior lecturer & Associate professor (from 1998) (physical & bioorganic chemistry)
1995 - present Sabbatical positions: RCAST, Tokyo University, Japan & Hiroshima City University, Department of Synthetic Biochemistry; Guest professor, HortResearch Ltd, New Zealand University of Lund, Department of Pure & Applied Biochemistry, Sweden Researcher (with Prof Klaus Mosbach) &Seniorlecturer (pure & applied biochemistry) University of Cambridge, University Chemical Laboratory, UK Post doctoral research fellow (with Prof Dudley H Williams FRS) & u/grad teaching Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia Lecturer in chemistry Ongoing research: Biomimetic Systems & Molecular Recognition - Molecular Imprinting, Phage Display, Nanotechnology, Catalysis, Materials-based Therapeutics and Biosensors HONOURS & AWARDS (selected) 1995
University of Kalmar, “Lecturer of the Year Award” (Pedagogpriset) for physical chemistry
Swedish Animal Protection SocietyPrize– for alternatives to animals in research
Delaware House of Representatives (USA) Certificate of Appreciation - for biotechnology
SKAPA Foundation Prize, 2nd place, “Swedish Innovator of the Year Award”COMMISSIONS of TRUST and SERVICE to the SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY (selected) 2006-present Member, executive board of the Society for Molecular Imprinting (board founded 2006, re-elected 2008)
1999-present Member, international scientific advisory board for the Society for Molecular Imprinting (7 conferences)
2006-present Executive Editor (and guest volume editor, twice), International Journal of Molecular Sciences
2004-present Member, Editorial advisory board, Journal of Molecular Recognition
2007-present Member, Thompson-Reuters (ISI) user panel
2010-present Board member, National Centre for Infection, Ecology and Epidemiology Elector, Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) (re-elected 2006)
2007-present Board member, National Research School in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Fläk), Sweden
2007-present Board member (ledamot), Board of the Southern Sweden Research School in Mathematics and Modelling
2007-present Member, Board of the Swedish Chemical Society, Analytical Chemistry Section Member, National Evaluation of Chemistry Committee, Swedish Higher Education Authority Supervision of PhD students and post-doctoral researchers (as main supervisor) May 2003
Johan Svenson, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then post-doc, HortResearch, NZ, now associate professor Tromsö Uni, NO)
Jonas Ankarloo, Microbiology, University of Kalmar
(then post-doc, Malmö Uni, now senior research officer, Ferring Pharmaceuticals AS, DK)
Jesper G. Karlsson, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now senior post-doc & KKS project manager, Linnaeus University, SE)
Sacha Legrand, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then post-doc, Oulu Uni, FIN, now research officer Braggone Oy, Oulu, FIN)
Jimmy Hedin-Dahlström, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then post-doc, School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University, UK, now researcher, GE-Healthcare, SE)
Linus Olofsson, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now laboratory and development manager, Holmbergs AB, SE)
Miruna Petcu, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now lecturer, Waikato Institute of Technology, Hamilton, NZ)
Annika M. Rosengren, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now post-doc, Linnaeus University, SE)
Björn C.G. Karlsson, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now post-doc, Linnaeus University, SE)
Jenny Rosengren-Holmberg, Organic Chemistry, University of Kalmar
(then/now forensic scientist, Swedish National Forensic Laboratory, SE)
Henning Henschel, Organic Chemistry, Linnaeus Univesity
(then/now, post-doc Uppsala University, SE)
Currently main supervisor for five PhD students (to complete, 2013, 2013, 2014, 2014)
PhD students (as co-supervisor): 12 completed and 3 ongoing Post-doctoral researchers as main mentor (before– after), see website for more details 1996-1997
Sergey A. Piletsky (PhD, Ukraine Acad. Sci. – now full professor, Cranfield University, UK)
Tomas Ting (PhD, Lund Uni, - post-doc Harvard Uni, now assoc. prof, Harvard Uni Med School, USA)
Sreenath Subrahmanyam(PhD, Cranfield Uni, UK – Bioinformatiks A/S, Denmark & now Cranfield, UK)
Ning Zheng (PhD, Peking Uni, PRC – now research officer, PATHEON Inc, Canada)
Nicole Kirsch (PhD, Reading Uni, UK, now ACS editorial officer, DE)
Jesper G. Karlsson (PhD, Kalmar) manager of KK-foundation project (13m SEK 2005-present)
John O’Mahony (PhD, UC Dublin, post-doc Georgia Inst Technol, Atlanta, USA - now Merck, Ireland)
Christy Charlton (PhD Georgia Inst Technol., USA - now post-doc Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Subramanian Suriyanarayanan (PhD, IUT, India; Marie-Curie fellow Natl. Acad. Sci., Poland)
Nihar Dash 8PhD (PhD, IUT, Bangalore, India)
In addition, over 50 4th year student MSc research projects (30 ECTS credits) have been supervised (see website for details) SOME ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE INDICTATORS h-index = 28 Totalpeer reviewed publications > 100 Totalcitations > 2600 (ISI cited reference search 2011-10-01) Patentfamilies = 7 External funding (2000àpresent) as main applicant external funding >50 m SEK PERSONAL INTERESTS
My family, friends, our cottage in the forest, reading, cooking, power walking, gardening, writing & playing music (second place in the Swedish National “rock music championships” (Rock-SM) 25 published recordings), and rowing & sculling (1992: Swedish national champion (SM) in 8+ & 4- and bronze in 4x). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Karlsson, B.C.G.; Rosengren, A.M.; Näslund, I.; Andersson, P.O.;Nicholls, I.A. Synthetic human serum albumin Sudlow I binding site mimics. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2010) 53, 7932-7937. 2. Karlsson, B.C.G.; O’Mahony, J.; Bengtsson, H.; Karlsson J.G.; Eriksson, L.A;Nicholls I.A. Structure and dynamics of molecularly imprinted polymer pre-polymerization mixtures. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2009) 131, 13297-13304.
3. Karlsson, B.C.G.; Rosengren, A.M.; Andersson, P.O.; Nicholls, I.A. The spectrophysics of warfarin: Implications for protein binding. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2007) 111, 10520-10528. 4. Albet-Torres, N.; O’Mahony, J.; Charlton, C.; Balaz, M.; Lisboa, P.; Aastrup, T.; Månsson, A.; Nicholls, I.A. Heavy meromyosin adsorption and motor function correlated with surface hydrophobicity and charge. Langmuir (2007) 22, 11147-11156. [invited cover feature] 5. Hedin-Dahlström, J.; Rosengren-Holmberg, J.P.; Legrand, S.; Wikman, S.;Nicholls, I.A. A class II aldolase mimic. Journal of Organic Chemistry (2006) 71, 4845-4853. 6. Alexander, C.J.; Andersson, H.S.; Andersson, L.I.; Ansell, R.J.; Kirsch, N.; Nicholls, I.A.*; O’Mahony, J.; Whitcombe, M.J. * Molecular imprinting science and technology: A survey of the literature for the years up to and including 2003. Journal of Molecular Recognition (2006) 19, 106-180. 7. Svenson, J.;Zheng, N.;Nicholls, I.A. A molecularly imprinted polymer-based synthetic aminotransferase. Journal of the American Chemical Society (2004) 126, 8554-8560. 8. Olofsson, L.; Ankarloo, J.; Andersson, P.O.;Nicholls, I.A. Bacteriophage viability in organic solvents. Chemistry & Biology (2001) 8, 661-671. 9. Piletsky, S.A.; Andersson, H.S.; Nicholls, I.A. Combined hydrophobic and electrostatic interaction based recognition in molecularly imprinted polymers. Macromolecules (1999) 32, 633-636. 10. Williams, D.H.*; Cox, J.P.L.; Doig, A.J.; Gardner, M.; Gerhard, U.; Kaye, P.T.; Lal, A.R.; Nicholls, I.A.; Salter, C.J.; Mitchell, R.C. Towards the semiquantitative estimation of binding constants. Guides for peptide-peptide binding in aqueous solution. Journal of the American Chemical Society (1991) 113, 7020-7030.
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