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Symposium for Rheumatologists, Immunologists and
Pediatricians (in French):
Maladies fébriles récurrentes et syndromes auto-inflammatoires : Diagnostic et traitement de l’enfant à l’adulte Young Investigators Meeting
Opening Ceremony:
Jurg Tschopp Memorial Lecture:
What’s new in auto-inflammation since 2010? : Michael McDermott, Tribute to Jurg Tschopp: Fabio Martinon, Epalinges, Switzerland Welcome Reception
Joost Frenkel: News on the treatment of HIDS François Spertini: Adverse events and allergic responses to Session 1: CAPS and inflammasome
Update on IL-1 dysregulation, Charles Dinarello, Denver, USA NLRs, Basic mechanism of action and relevance in diseases: Jenny Mutation negative CAPS: Joost Frenkel, Utrecht, Netherlands Coffee break
Session 2: FMF
SAA, amyloidosis and cell damage: Bouke Hazenberg, Groningen, FMF heterozygotes: Véronique Hentgen, Versailles, France Treatment of FMF in 2013: Seza Ozen, Ankara, Turkey Session 3: Granulomatous diseases
Physiopathology of granuloma: Frédéric Altare, Nantes, France Immunodeficiency and Granulomatosis: Alexandre Belot, Lyon, Auto-inflammatory granulomatous diseases: Carine Wouters, Workshops
1. Genetic: Taxonomy of hereditary auto-inflammatory diseases: Eldad Ben Chetrit, Jerusalem, Israel 2. Biomarkers (S100A proteins, cytokines, CRP-SAA) Dirk Holzinger, Münster, Germany 3. Patient oriented research techniques in the auto-inflammatory Coffee break
Session 4: Monogenic autoinflammatory diseases
ER and stress: Fabio Martinon, Epalinges, Switzerland Immunoproteosome: Ivona Aksentijevitch, Bethesda, USA New monogenic auto-inflammatory periodic syndromes: Marco PRO-CON: Controversies on the mode of inheritance of AIDs
Isabelle Touitou, Montpellier, France and Michael Morris, Geneva, Jasmine Kummerle-Deschner: Practical diagnostic aspects of CAPS Anna Simon: Triggering causes for AID and attack prevention Seza Ozen: Practical aspects of FMF treatment Hans Acha-Orbea: Inflammasome activation in different diseases Session 5: Non-monogenic AIDs
Genome wide association studies in polygenic AIDs: Dan Kastner, Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis: Hermann Girschick, PFAPA Syndrome: Michaël Hofer, Lausanne, Switzerland Coffee break
Session 6+7: Abstract presentations
Coffee break
Session 8: Systemic-onset JIA and AOSD
Update on the pathophysiology of So-JIA and AOSD: Virginia Update on the treatment of So-JIA in 2013: Rolando Cimaz, PRO-CON: Prednisone versus Biotherapy in early treatment of So-
Alberto Martini, Genoa, Italy / Nico Wullfraat, Utrecht, Netherland Jasmine Kummerle-Deschner: Long-term CAPS treatment by anti- Anna Simon: How to do research on diseases with intermittent Rolando Cimaz: Practical aspects of biotherapies in SOJIA Mike Morris: Guidelines for genetic diagnosis of hereditary fevers Alexander So: Microcristals and inflammation Session 9: Behçet
Pathogenesis of Behcet's disease: HLA and beyond: Ahmed Gül, Treatment of Behçet’s uveitis: Yan Guex-Crosier, Lausanne, Behçet registry, PED-BD: Isabelle Kone-Paut, Kremlin-Bicêtre, Coffee break
Session 10+11: Abstract presentations
Session 12: New developments in auto-inflammation: new
diseases and therapeutic targets
Diabetes and auto-inflammation, Mark Donath, Zurich Switzerland Auto-inflammation in the skin, psoriasis: Michel Gilliet, Lausanne, New targets for the treatment of auto-inflammatory diseases: Coffee break
Session 13: Late breaking abstracts
Congress dinner
Session 14: New developments in auto-inflammation: from
regulation to biotherapies
Regulatory cytokines and cells dampening (auto-) inflammation: Side effects of biotherapies, novel aspects: David Isenberg, London, Coffee break
Session 15: Difficult case presentations


Microsoft word - titre des memoires

UNIVERSITE DENIS DIDEROT – PARIS VII FACULTE DE MEDECINE XAVIER BICHAT ANNEE UNIVERSITAIRE 2011-2012 DIPLOME UNIVERSITAIRE D’URODYNAMIQUE TITRES DES MEMOIRES  SCIENCES DE BASE 1. Continence urinaire = facteurs anatomiques, mécanismes physiologiques 2. Le muscle releveur de l’anus – Exploration clinique et para clinique chez la femme 3. Innervation vésico-sph

Arch. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 52, 163–170 (2007)DOI: 10.1007/s00244-005-7190-7Effects of Pharmaceuticals on Aquatic Invertebrates. Part II: The AntidepressantDrug FluoxetineDepartment of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, J.W. Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Siesmayerstrasse 70, D-60054 Frankfurt, GermanyReceived: 27 July 2005 /Accepted: 2 May 2006Abstract. Fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reu

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