Infoblatt dp eng

Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Since the winter term 2012/2013, we offer our students and staff the opportunity to take advantage of the educational language learning software "digital publishing" for English and Spanish. 1) Please login at “digital publishing” using your university email address ( 2) Click on "Registration", fill in the requested fields and let us send you a password. 3) You will receive an email with your registration data and thus can log in and select your preferred course (English or Spanish). 4) If you log in for the first time, you are prompted to change your password. 5) After log-in you are presented with an overview of the possible courses and course levels (English or Spanish) and the placement test. The test you can be done before you choose your exact course. Please note: test exercises can only be done once without the possibility for corrections or interruptions. Depending on prior knowledge, the test will take about 20 to 60 minutes). 6) If you want to work with two courses at the same time i.e. English and Spanish, you need to register a second time. However, only one password works per user, so you can immediately login again after the 2nd registration. Once this has been done both the English and Spanish classes are displayed. With the learning software, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and reading comprehension can be trained very easily. There are about 40 different types of exercises. The educational software is divided into the so-called business center with modules on specific topics (eg, presentations, meetings, etc.), your personal vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation exercises. Each lesson starts with a "Photo Story" to warm up. You can simply read the text only, listen to the lyrics, or even have a say - with correct pronunciation, the story then jumps to the next image. Various exercises can be corrected immediately. In case you have given wrong answers, you are not given the best solution automatically, instead you can decide whether you want the solution immediately presented or work out the solution for yourself by further trial and error. Please note: whilst trying things out at the beginning - to change to the lesson you want work on, simply click on the new lesson. However, do not "close" the current exercise window of your old lesson, otherwise the whole program closes. Staatliche Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste A language course is designed for a period of six months. Access will remain open for a certain period beyond the expiry period. • word by word with intuitive traffic light color feedback • use of the record and replay function • any number of repetitions • voice control of the video tutor "Tim" is the English virtual video tutor, and "Gloria" his Spanish colleague. • clear instructions • explain each exercise • by pressing the Alt key instructions or explanations are presented in German. • translate vocabulary • listen to vocabulary audio files (2-4 choices i.e. male/female, British/American English) • produce individual vocabulary lists Technical Support: [email protected], see also for frequently asked questions. General questions about dp: [email protected] (project coordinator VESPA)


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