
Hamer Cottage is a residential treatment facility providing support and treatment for people suffering from substance misuse problems. Hamer Cottage is registered under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 with the Care Quality Commission, to provide accommodation for 13 persons on the main site and 5 persons in nearby self contained flats. Hamer Cottage has been in existence for over 18 years and provides an eclectic approach to treatment combining elements of a number of therapeutic techniques including Cognitive behavioural therapy, person centred therapy Hamer Cottage acknowledges that the Community Reinforcement Approach to treating addictive behaviour has some of the highest outcome rates in scientific studies1 and as such combines elements of CRA with in-house groups in order to achieve exceptional rates of long term abstinence from drugs and alcohol. Hamer Cottage prides itself on providing a friendly and relaxed atmosphere where staff and Service Users work together towards recovery. The culture at Hamer Cottage is based around mutual respect, reducing the power imbalance between workers and clients and building a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and care. 1 Meyers, R.J., & Miller, W.R. (2001). A Community Reinforcement Approach to addiction treatment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Mallams, J. H. Godley, M. D., Hall, G. M. & Meyers, R. J. (1982). A social-systemsapproach to resocializing alcoholics in the community. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 43,1115-1123. Azrin, N. H., Sisson, R. W., Meyers, R. J., & Godley, M. D. (1982). Alcoholism treatment by disulfiram and community reinforcement therapy. Journal of BehaviorTherapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 3, 105-112. The Hamer Cottage programme skilfully combines aspects of different treatment approaches in order to provide a truly client centred experience. Various techniques are used for diverse issues based on treatment goals, individual needs and responses to different approaches. We believe that individuals have assorted needs, learning styles and personalities and a combination of techniques allows Hamer Cottage to adapt to these different needs in order to meet these effectively. The programme combines individual sessions with group therapy, but unlike many residential treatment facilities also requires individuals to access community agencies as part of their time spent with us. Hamer Cottage recognises that post treatment many clients will need on going support and by encouraging external agency links throughout placement our clients are better able to access community support on completion of the in house programme. This reduction in dependency on Hamer Cottage as the single treatment option encourages long term sobriety by reducing institutionalisation and developing confidence in mixing with the wider community resulting in a smoother transition towards living alone. As we believe that all clients are individual and as such all require slightly different approaches in order to meet their needs, each individual referred to Hamer Cottage will have their own Personal Treatment Package designed to meet their individual needs and costs for the programme will vary dependent upon need and how this can be met. This means that not all clients will attend the same number or types of group and the content of a persons 1-2-1 support and community input will vary. Our service is truly able to offer client centred care and an approach that is unique to meet each individual’s goals and aspirations. Each client is expected to attend a minimum of one hours individual support per week in order to address issues that are specific to them. Unlike many treatment facilities Hamer Cottage no longer operates a single key woker system. Each client will be appointed a placement Coordinator pre admission who will organise and monitor the placement – clients will then be attached to different staff members in order to address different needs identified. This multi-disciplinary approach enables staff to specialise in certain areas avoiding the single key working trap of ‘jack of all trades, master of none.’ 1-2-1 support is offered at a standard level for all clients; this includes a minimum of one hours individual treatment per week, plus any associated support such as administration, and crisis management help. 1-2-1 support can also be offered at a higher level if the clients needs dictate that standard support is insufficient. The higher level of 1-2-1 support is employed when clients need 1-2-1 support on daily basis for an extended period or if they require additional assistance to access community support. Topics covered in 1-2-1 sessions include: Personal Substance misuse, triggers to relapse, coping skills and high risk Emotional Issues – past or present – including bereavement, childhood abuse etc. Relationships issues Psychological Problems Diagnosed mental health issues – including depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Debt or financial Issues Productive use of time Physical Health and Well being Confidence and self esteem building Moving on needs – accommodation access etc. Spiritual and faith needs Feedback on progress At Hamer Cottage group work is seen as an important part of the recovery process; clients often progress faster with peer support and identification with other people’s problems also promotes progress. As mentioned previously as the Hamer Cottage programme is now personal to each individual resident not all of the groups will be accessed by each individual client, however a timetable will be drawn up with each service user to ensure that the groups they attend are relevant to them and will assist in their recovery. Hamer Cottage group work is conducted in a formal setting and is presented in a variety of different ways including discussion groups, lectures, presentations, creative expression/activities, dvds and written projects. Diaries are often used as a vital resource for monitoring feelings, thoughts and behavioural patterns.
Groups offered at Hamer Cottage include:

House Group/Business Meeting: A formal meeting concerned with the practical aspects of community living - e.g. menus, chores, repairs etc. It is also used for sharing information, e.g. new residents, social/leisure events, fire drills etc. Weekend Review: On a Monday, residents are invited to discuss and review their weekend in conjunction with their weekend planning sheets from the previous Friday meeting; what they did, whether they felt like drinking, how they coped and any other issues which may arise when comparing their predicted to their actual risk. Feelings Group: Working in smaller groups up to a maximum of six, the feelings group focuses on expressing emotions and learning new strategies for coping with this. Expressive therapy features strongly in this group as we address issues such as loss, loneliness, depression etc. Steps Group: with the primary focus being on AA and the twelve step model of recovery, the Steps group provides an introduction to the history, values and working of 12 Step support groups as well as providing exercises for working through the first five steps, guidance on finding an appropriate sponsor etc. Male & Female Self Help Group: These self-help groups, run by volunteers, enable the Service Users to address aspects of their life and recovery that they may find easier in single sex groups. These groups focus on the ‘here and now’ and invite individuals to discuss whatever issues they currently need to share. Regular Guest Speakers will be invited to address these groups. A minimum period of 12 months sobriety is required to Chair either group. Social Skills & Relationships: This forum focuses primarily on communications skills, ensuring that all participants can communicate effectively. The group focuses on assertiveness techniques and provides time to examine relationships and look for healthy Referrers guide feb 11 and unhealthy relationship patterns learning to implement healthier ways of behaving by exploring relevant topics such as conflict resolution and boundaries. Life Story: This forum focuses on the personal journeys each individual has travelled before coming to Hamer Cottage. Once a resident has been at Hamer Cottage for a while they will be invited to tell their own personal story with comments and feedback from the group to follow. The life story will be re-visited before a planned move on. Frequently ex-service users will share their life story in this group, highlighting the methods that they found helpful along their path to recovery. Alternatively, the group may discuss successful recoveries from the TV and press Addiction: This forum deals with the medical, social, psychological and spiritual consequences of substance misuse, looking at specific issues such as relapse prevention, denial, coping strategies, identifying, avoiding or coping with high risk situations etc. Men’s/ Women’s Guided Group: Led by a staff facilitator the single sex group will encourage participants to look at different issues in an environment which allows them to deeper explore issues relevant to their gender – examples of topics in this field include – domestic violence, sexual health and gender differences. Mental Health Support The mental health support group is designed to reduce isolation of those who are suffering with a diagnosed mental health condition – the groups explores different mental health problems combining education and discussion with techniques and tips for coping with mental health problems. Exploring Self: The exploring self group was designed after numerous clients were commenting that they didn’t really know who they were and lacked a sense of self identify; the group therefore relies heavily on self exploration techniques to encourage individuals to find out who they really are. Expressive therapy techniques are heavily utilised and topics include work with stones, Blob trees and salt jars to explore our personality, needs and wants and likes and dislikes. Personal Development: The personal Development (PD) group is a weekend group offering a free forum for people to discuss anything at all that is important to them – the group combines emotional, psychological, addiction and relationship issues within an open forum. Activities and Diversity: To break up the weekend the activities and diversity group, comprising in two hours each Sunday provides and opportunity to develop meaningful use of time through hobbies and interests in addition to exploring diversity issues. Often the two topics are combined to provide a consistent theme throughout the day such as Chinese New Year, where Chinese decoration were made to accompany the diversity discussion on Chinese traditions and cultures, or Halloween wherein pagan festival and beliefs were discussed alongside art and craft activities. The group also has off site events and activities and encourages developing new interests. Positives Group: The Positives Group focuses on developing self confidence and self esteem through both team building activities and individual exercises where individuals are required through a range of mediums to explore their own strengths and positive attributes. The group explores role models with high self esteem and confidence and aims to identify traits or practices that people with high levels of confidence and self esteem have in order to emulate these and bring them into individuals own lives. Making Treatment Work: This group is specifically designed for those individuals who have accessed residential treatment before. The group explores what aspects of treatment were successful and what aspects of treatment they did not find helpful in order to guide current provision for each individual. The group also explores personal traits that may act as a block in a person’s recovery as well as promoting more helpful strategies for the future. Introductory groups: Two introductory groups are recommended for all clients in the first 8 weeks of their treatment – these include an Introduction to addiction and Introduction to group therapy. Both of these groups cover basic concepts and are aimed at increasing awareness in order to facilitate more involvement and improved participation in the full house groups. Examples of topics in these groups include – switching addictions, what is a craving and How to give and receive feedback appropriately. Feedback
Regular feedback is sought from Service Users on a one to one basis and also through
regular questionnaires allowing for both written and verbal feedback on an on-going
basis. The above therapy groups are designed to take the views and opinions of the current client group into account to ensure that their needs are met as fully and appropriately as possible. Occasionally the group will run as a direct feedback session covering one particular aspect of the group or a group member and changes made will be
Schedules of specific Group work content are available on request.
Including elements of a Community Reinforcement Approach to therapy, Hamer Cottage works hard to develop and maintain links with the local community. All Service Users are expected during their treatment with us to access external support a) Reduce dependency on Hamer Cottage as the sole treatment option by developing support networks that can still be accessed once treatment has finished b) Develop skills and confidence to access community support groups for once c) To mix with a wider circle of people thereby further developing social skills d) To access specialist support as and when required. Below follows a list of our most frequently used Community resources, however other resources are available on request or can be sourced according to client need. High Level Many of our clients choose to access High Level where a range of alternative therapies are available (Reiki, EST, massage acupuncture) alongside group work such as anxiety Management and Anger Management. 1-2-1 key working sessions are available as are individual Counselling sessions. High Level are also able to refer individuals to a fully funded Intuitive Recovery Course. Rochdale ADS is utilised by many clients for friendships, social skills and mixing with other clients. Groups on offer at this facility include Relapse prevention and a weekend DVD social group. Walking groups are also available as are 1-2-1 sessions and alternative The mental health charity has a wide range of group sessions available including groups on Voice Hearing, men’s and women’s group NHS Via the GP and our on site Health Trainer, individuals are encouraged to take responsibility for their health and improving their lifestyle. The NHS also have a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy course available on ‘Beating the Blues’ and stress management classes can also be accessed. Parenting Support Individual parenting support is available as are group parenting support sessions conducted by external, fully trained parenting support staff. College College courses can be accessed locally and funding for such is sometimes available through out Local Sure Trust offices who visit site once per month. College courses can be accessed to assist with future employment plans or even just for pleasure. Voluntary work Time can be scheduled into the weekly timetable for individuals to undertake voluntary work should they choose to do so. Local agencies can assist with finding voluntary placement and supporting those undertaking voluntary work. AA/NA Evening groups of AA and NA are within walking distance and are available three evenings per week. Other AA and NA meetings are available on a bus ride every night of the weeks ASG The Addiction Support Group (ASG) is a meeting instigated by residents from Hamer Cottage who were looking for evening support but who were not keen on the 12 Step
Approach. The ASG now runs on three evenings per week and offers a relaxed friendly
support network for anyone with addiction problems and their friends or family.
Liaison with theses services is included in the standard Hamer Cottage 1-2-1
support fee.

Family Involvement
Hamer Cottage believes that family relationships should be encouraged when doing so will not be harmful to the client’s sobriety, as such family and friends are welcome to telephone and visit any time outside of planned therapy. Family are welcome to stay for a meal and are encouraged to attend our many social functions such as Chinese New Year, Eid celebrations, summer BBQ’s etc. We expect clients to take responsibility for the behaviour of their guests however and friends or family may be required to undertake drug or alcohol tests – in the event that a friend or family members has used drugs or alcohol they will be asked to leave the premises. A family group is held regularly to offer support to family members and family members also receive their own information pack providing information on the programme here in addition to information on addiction in general. Where it is deemed appropriate family therapy can take place within Hamer Cottage. This may be relevant if clients will be returning to live with a spouse or partner and a greater degree of understanding or communication is required in order to assist with an individuals sobriety. We are also happy to link in with local support groups to ensure that any significant other receives the help and support they may need as well. Friends and family are welcome to visit the Project when a client visits for assessment however due to confidentiality reasons they will not be able to sit in on any assessments that take place. Referrers guide feb 11 A referral can be made to Hamer Cottage over the telephone by providing a clients name, date of birth and contact details. You will also be asked bout a clients mobility as clients need to be able to access stairs in order to visit the Project. Please advise at this time if the client has any other significant needs or requirements such as Interpreters etc. From here a mutually convenient appointment time will be made for the client to come and visit the Project. We can do assessments in hospital or at a clients home, however where possible we do like a client to visit to ensure that they are making an informed choice about the Project. Where possible we ask Referrers to forward a full and thorough Care plan or assessment including any convictions prior to assessment. When a client does attend site they will undertake a 1-2-1 assessment with a trained member of staff in order to ensure that we can meet the client needs and that they understand the expectation of them. IN the event that we feel we are not best placed to meet a client's needs the client will be informed immediately and the placing Authority will also be advised along with the reasons why. Where possible we will assist to find a suitable alternative. If we feel we are able to meet a clients needs again we will inform them of this immediately and a follow up call on the same time will be made to advice the placing authority of the outcome. Occasionally a decision as to placement suitability may be delayed if we require father information from perhaps probation or psychiatry – again we will aim to keep you and your client fully informed and will do our utmost to have a decision at the earliest Admissions are usually a planned event which are arranged following on from a successful assessment – where possible we try to arrange admission straight from de-tox to reduce the chance of relapse in between time. On admission a client is drug and alcohol tested before being given some time to settle into there room. After an hour or so the client is brought down stairs to complete an induction procedure and an extensive risk assessment. Clients will be expected to begin attending groups the next morning. Families are welcome to escort clients on admission but are asked to leave after about an hour to allow the client to get settled. On admission each clients is appointed an in house befriender – an existing client to assist with orientation within the house, and a buddy who is an ex Hamer Cottage resident who has relocated to the Rochdale area and has volunteered to spend time each week checking in on the new client, inviting them to their house and also helping them to develop social networks. Placing authorities will be advised of client arrival and successful induction. In the vast majority of case discharges are planned event which follows weeks or months of work to prepare clients for discharge. All clients will spend some time living in our self contained flats prior to move on to allow us to fully assess the independent living skills to ensure that support is in place where necessary prior to move on. Prior to move on we recommend to all clients that weekend leave is undertaken in the area they are choosing to reside in in order to prepare for move on appropriately. Whether a client is choosing to relocate to Rochdale or whether they are returning to their home time every assistance will be given to ensure that they have adequate support networks in place an have safe and suitable accommodation. Occasionally clients leave the programme without a full and thorough discharge plan – the reasons for this and assistance forthcoming is as follows: Self discharge – if a client decides they do not wish to remain in treatment we advise in the first instance this be discussed with the placing Social Worker. We ask them to consider whether an alternative rehabilitation project will best suit their needs. Where possible we try to work with the client to ensure safe accommodation Breach of licence agreement – in the event that ac client breaches their licence agreement we will endeavour to keep the client safe on site until a discussion has taken place with the placing Authority and options considered. Where appropriate we will seek alternative accommodation or placement for the service user. In the event that the client, in breaching their licence agreement, poses a threat to other residents or the staff team they may be immediately discharged with limited or no assistance in finding suitable accommodation. The safety of the house group is paramount at all times. As mentioned previously each programme is individually designed to meet a clients specific needs – treatment costs therefore vary dependent upon need – it is expected that an average client would average a cost of £420 per week during their placement, however this does depend on individuals. The below gives guidance as to how costs are reached. Compulsory charges: Accommodation including insurance, electric, activities etc. Staff presence Monday to Friday 8am till 7 pm, Saturday and Sunday Optional charges Group therapy sessions – cost per session Family /Significant Other support time per hour Weekly Travel Pass - cost dependent upon areas required All external agencies links are included in the standard key working support and do not increase the cost of placement.

Referrers guide feb 11
Gary Carr
Shanna Lancaster
Support Worker
Addiction Specialist
Mental & Physical Health
Administration & House
Support Worker
keeping Support encompassing
Finance, Use of time Specialist
Life skills
Move on Support Worker

All staff and students are required to complete an enhanced CRB disclosure and provide
two full references prior to commencing employment with us.
All staff receive extensive training in order to exceed minimum standards – certificates for all staff members and volunteers are displayed in the office area. Full details of each staff members particular qualifications are available on request. Hamer Cottage is staffed 8am to 7 pm Monday – Friday and 9am – 3pm Saturdays and Sundays. Outside of these times a member of staff operates an on call system.
Hamer Cottage acknowledges the need for both positive and constructive feedback to
assist us as we strive for continuous improvement. Opportunities are given throughout a
clients placement for both qualitative and quantitative feedback form the clients themselves, the referring authority and significant others. As we encourage regular feedback we find any concerns can usually be dealt with informally prior to reaching a formal complaint, however a full complaints procedure is in place and residents will be supported to access this through both internally and through Every resident will have their own copy of the Formal Feedback Procedure. This will be discussed and explained when they initially come to live with us. The procedure is open Anyone living at Hamer Cottage. The Care Quality Commission. Anybody who has sufficient interests in the welfare of the particular person in We will always check that a complaint submitted on behalf of a Service User is accurate and reflects his/her views. If the complainant does not agree to someone acting on his/her behalf we may still consider the complaint, especially if it is made by a family member etc. Complaints may be about any aspect of the home and home life.
Hamer Cottage Formal Feedback Procedure is in Four Stages:-
Stage 1 - Complaints are recorded in writing and reported to the Management. Staff will
help with this. Where representations are complimentary appropriate staff will be informed and congratulated. Positive comments will be recorded and may be used in future practice. If concerns remain unresolved, the complainant can choose to go onto stage two.
Stage 2
- The Registered Manager would be appointed to help consider the complaint.
This person will carry out an investigation, interviewing the complainant and relevant members of staff. This person will also have access to relevant records (including Care Plans). This person will adhere to the procedure, which is confidential, and respond in writing within 14 days. The complainant will be advised of their rights to take the
complaint to stage 3.
Stage 3
- If the Complainant is still unhappy, they have 28 days in which to request that
a review panel consider the matter. The Review Panel will meet within 14 days of the
request; this will comprise of three people, one of whom is an Independent Person. The
Complainant can make a further written submission. The Review Panel will decide on their recommendations and record them in writing, within 24 hours of their meeting. Copies of their recommendation will be sent to the Complainant and the Registered Manager. Stage 4 - Hamer Cottage together with the Independent Person from stage 3 will
consider what action to take in view of the recommendations of the Review Panel and will inform the Complainant within 7 days of receiving the report from the Review Panel:- Support will be offered to staff at Hamer Cottage while the investigation is proceeding. The Complainant will be actively assisted and encouraged to seek support from someone independent e.g., from family, their Field Social Worker, Records will be kept of the outcome/resolution of representations and complaints in order to monitor the effectiveness of the procedure. Complainants and others involved in the process will be asked their views. The procedures will be kept under constant review and formally recognised at the next annual review. The designated officer for monitoring the procedures is the Manager. Contact Addresses
If you have a complaint or are unhappy, you can talk to any member of staff or if you
prefer someone independent of the home such as a Social Worker/ Ombudsman or
the Care Quality Commission.

If after an investigation you are still dissatisfied you may take your complaint to:
Frequently Asked Questions/Quick Reference

Do you take clients with a history of arson/schedule 1 offences?

All clients are fully assessed on admission and decisions are taken based on individuals
histories. We do not have a blanket exclusion for any type of criminal offence

Do you take clients on depot injections/methadone/anti depressants?

Again as above we assess the suitability for placement with us based on an individual
circumstances and history. We do not have a blanket exclusions for any specific
medication or illness.

Do you immediately discharge somebody who has drank or used drugs?
Each instance of substance misuse is reviewed individually in line with the Local Authority
and their preferred strategies. Clients may however be immediately discharged without
consultation in the event that the client is putting the rest of the house at serious risk. In
these instance we will do our utmost to find stable accommodation until we have spoken
to the placing Officer.

What if a client’s circumstances change?
Where possible we aim to keep clients within the Project as long as we feel we can meet
the clients need. In certain instances increased external specialist assistance may need to
be introduced. Any changes that occur during the placement will be reported to the placing authority at the earliest opportunity and we will work together in order to ensure the best possible treatment for an individual client.
We only have funding for 13 weeks – is this programme suitable?
Where possible we recommend a 6 – 9 month placement, however we are willing to offer treatment for any length of placement. Please note however that in our progress reports we will highlight the benefits of a minimum 6 month placement.
What if your programme is not working?

Hamer Cottage aims to keep in touch with placing Authorities through a report every 6
weeks which will highlight a clients progress or lack of progress. Additionally if we have
any concerns about progress during the placement we will contact the Placing by
telephone and request n on site meeting to discuss this.

Referrers guide feb 11
Thank-you for the interest you have shown in Hamer Cottage and Therapeutic We are very proud of the facilities and programme on offer at Hamer, but don’t just take our word for it – our most recent CQC report is available on the CQC website offering an independent insight into all aspects of our Service. We trust that this guide has provided you with all the information that you require, however should you have any further questions please contact a member of the team on:-
Rochdale – 01706 525325

We welcome the opportunity to meet with Referrers and would extend a warm invitation for you to visit Hamer Cottage, to speak to our current Service Users, meet the staff team and gain first hand experience of the project – both its environment and its culture. Please call to arrange a mutually convenient time. Different explanatory materials are available for use with Service Users and we would be happy to provide you with these as and when required.



The first of the three seminars that Dr Jenny Horsman presented negative impact on people’s capacity to learn; however, given a was held in Pretoria on 9 February 2009 and attended by 109 supportive learning environment, even people living in violent participants. Dr Horsman began by explaining that the pipecleaners, modelling clay and sheets of paper on the tables were there for delegate


COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. NOT FOR REPRINT. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine® A Nutritional Supplement for Improving Fertility in Women A Pilot Study Lynn M. Westphal, M.D., Mary Lake Polan, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Aileen Sontag Trant, Ph.D., and Stephen B. Mooney, M.D. OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of nutritional P = .04). The placebo group (n = 15) did not show any no- sup

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