Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or more on the WHITE Application Forms and have indicated their intention in the WHITE
Application Forms to collect their refund cheques and/or share certificate(s) (where applicable) from the Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar, Tricor Investor Services Limited, and have provided all information required by the WHITE Application
Forms, may collect the refund cheques and share certificate(s) (where applicable) from Tricor Investor Services Limited at 26th Floor, Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 or such other place and date as notified by the Company in the newspapers as the place and date of collection/despatch of share certificates/e-Auto Refund payment instructions/refund cheques. Applicants being individuals who opt for personal collection must not authorise any other person to make collection on their behalf. Applicants being corporations which opt for personal collection must attend by their authorised representatives bearing letters of authorisation from their corporations stamped with the chop of their corporations. Both individuals and authorised representatives (if applicable) must produce, at the time of collection, evidence of identity acceptable to the Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar, Tricor Applicants who have applied for less than 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or more using a WHITE Application Form
but have not indicated in their Application Forms that they will collect their refund cheques and/or share certificates (where applicable) in person, their refund cheques and/or share certificates (where applicable) will be sent to the addresses as specified in their respective Application Forms on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 by ordinary Share certificate(s) (where applicable) and/or refund cheques for applicants using WHITE Application Forms which are either not available for personal collection or
which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be despatched by
ordinary post to their addresses as specified on their Application Forms at their own
risk on Wednesday, 28 September 2011.
Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or more through the
HK eIPO White Form service by submitting an electronic application to the
designated HK eIPO White Form Service Provider through the designated website
at www.hkeipo.hk, may collect their share certificate(s) (where applicable) and/or
refund cheques in person from Tricor Investor Services Limited at 26th Floor,
Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 28 September 2011, or such other date as notified by the certificates/e-Auto Refund payment instructions/refund cheques.
Share certificate(s) (where applicable) for Public Offer Shares allotted to applicants applying through the HK eIPO White Form which are either not available for
personal collection or which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be despatched to their addresses as specified in their application instructions to the designated HK eIPO White Form Service Provider promptly thereafter by ordinary
Applicants who have applied through the HK eIPO White Form and paid their
application monies through a single bank account may have refund monies despatched to their respective application payment bank account in the form of e-Auto Refund payment instructions on Wednesday, 28 September 2011. Applicants who have applied through the HK eIPO White Form and paid their application
monies through multiple bank accounts may have refund monies despatched to the addresses as specified on the applicants’ HK eIPO White Form application in the
form of refund cheques on Wednesday, 28 September 2011, by ordinary post at their Share certificate(s) (where applicable) for Public Offer Shares allotted to applicants using YELLOW Application Forms and those who applied by giving electronic
application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS are expected to be issued in the
name of HKSCC Nominees and deposited into CCASS for credit to their CCASS Investor Participant stock accounts or the stock accounts of their designated CCASS Participants as instructed by the applicants on Wednesday, 28 September 2011, or under contingent situation, on any other date as shall be determined by HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees. Applicants applying through a designated CCASS Participant (other than a CCASS Investor Participant) using YELLOW Application Forms
should check the number of the Public Offer Shares allotted to them with that CCASS Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or more and have elected on the YELLOW Application Forms to collect their refund cheques in
person, please follow the same instructions as those for WHITE Application Form
Applicants who have applied for less than 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or have applied for 1,000,000 Public Offer Shares or more using a YELLOW Application
Form but did not indicate on the YELLOW Application Form that they will collect
their refund cheques in person, their refund cheques will be sent to their addresses as specified on their Application Forms on Wednesday, 28 September 2011, by ordinary post and at their own risk.
Applicants applying as a CCASS Investor Participant on YELLOW Application
Forms or as CCASS Participants by giving electronic application instructions
through HKSCC via CCASS should check and report any discrepancies to HKSCC before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 or such other date as shall be determined by HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees.
Applicants applying (whether using YELLOW Application Forms or by giving
electronic application instructions to HKSCC) as CCASS Investor Participants can
also check the number of Public Offer Shares allotted to them and (if they applied by giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC) the amount of refund monies
payable to them via the CCASS phone system or the CCASS internet system (under Participants” in effect from time to time) on Wednesday, 28 September 2011.
Immediately after the credit of the Offer Shares and the credit of refund monies to their stock accounts or bank accounts, HKSCC will also make available to such applicants activity statements showing the number of Public Offer Shares credited to their CCASS Investor Participants stock accounts and (for CCASS Investor Participants applying by giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC) the
refund amount credited to their respective designated bank accounts.
Refund cheques for applicants using YELLOW Application Forms which are either
not available for personal collection or which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be despatched on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 to their addresses on their Application Forms by ordinary post and at their own risk.
Refund monies for applicants giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC
via CCASS will be credited to the relevant applicants’ designated bank accounts or the designated bank accounts of their brokers or custodians on Wednesday, 28 Share certificate(s) (where applicable) and/or refund cheques for applicants using PINK Application Forms are expected to be sent to the Company on behalf of the
applicants on Wednesday, 28 September 2011 and the Company will arrange for onward despatch to the applicants at the addressees specified on their Application Forms or as otherwise notified by the applicants to the Company. Any despatch to the applicants will be by ordinary post and at their own risk.
No temporary documents of title will be issued in respect of the Offer Shares. No receipt will be issued for sums paid on application. Share certificate(s) will only become valid certificates of title at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, 29 September 2011 provided that the Share Offer has become unconditional in all respects and the right of termination described in the sub-section headed “Underwriting - Public Offer Underwriting arrangements and expenses - Grounds for termination” in the PUBLIC FLOAT
Immediately after completion of the Share Offer, approximately 29% of the Company’s issued share capital will be held by the public.
Assuming that the Share Offer becomes unconditional in all aspects at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, 29 September 2011, dealings in the Shares on the Main Board of the Stock Exchange are expected to commence at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, 29 September 2011.
Shares will be traded in board lots of 5,000 Shares. The stock code of the Shares is Travel Expert (Asia) Enterprises Limited
Ko, Wai Ming Daniel
As at the date of this announcement, our executive Directors are Mr. Ko, Wai Ming Daniel, Ms.Cheng, Hang Fan and Mr. Kam, Tze Ming Alfred and our independent non-executive Directors are Mr. Mak, King Sau, Mr. Szeto, Chi Man and Mr. Yung, Ha Kuk Victor. Please also refer to the published version of this announcement in the South China Morning Post (in English) and the Hong Kong Economic Times (in Chinese).

Source: http://www.travelexpert.com.hk/sc/IPO/ENG/E107.pdf


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Schriftenverzeichnis Franz Ludwig Dumoulin (nur in PubMed gelistete Veröffentlichungen) Nin N, Lombardi R, Frutos-Vivar F, Esteban A, Lorente JA, Ferguson ND, et al. Early and small changes in serum creatinine concentrations are associated with mortality in mechanically ventilated patients. Shock. 2010; 34(2):109-16. Kerker A, Hardt C, Schlief HE, Dumoulin FL. Combined sedation with midazol

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