News Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Caren Henry Tel: 215-238-8500 x1412
Vox Medica Awarded Two PRSA Silver Anvil Awards of Excellence ARICEPT® Multicultural Communications Program Earns National Recognition for Demonstrated Results
PHILADELPHIA, PA — June 9, 2009 — Vox Medica, a leading independent health care
communications company, received two prestigious Silver Anvil Awards of Excellence from
the Public Relations Society of America. These Awards of Excellence, which recognize
outstanding strategic public relations planning and implementation, were received among a
record 893 entries in this national competition.
Vox received the Awards of Excellence for its Alzheimer’s disease awareness, diagnosis and
treatment communications program in the Hispanic community on behalf of Eisai Inc/Pfizer
Inc for ARICEPT. It won in both the Multicultural Public Relations and Integrated
Communications categories. This is the second time the ARICEPT program has received an
award from PRSA after winning the regional PRSA Philadelphia Pepperpot Award for
Multicultural Communications in December 2008.
“It is an honor to receive these awards and to be recognized for our efforts among a
spectrum of industries and noteworthy brands. The “Los Amigos de su MemoriaTM” initiative
represents the effectiveness of our novel community activation approach in communicating
relevant and credible health information in meaningful ways,” said Vox Medica EVP of
Integrated Solutions Lisete Andre Cleary.
The awards recognized the demonstrated success of the “Los Amigos de su Memoria”
initiative in uniting the Hispanic community to treat early-onset Alzheimer’s disease through
multifaceted bilingual communications efforts. The initiative included culturally relevant health
care professional and consumer education materials and public relations efforts to address
the barriers to diagnosis, treatment and ongoing care of the Hispanic community. The
subsequent media coverage and professional outreach resulted in an increase in memory
screenings, caregiver information requests and physician engagement within the Hispanic
community in the fight against this disease.
About the Public Relations Society of America
The Public Relations Society of America (, headquartered in New York City, is
the world's largest organization for public relations professionals with nearly 32,000
professional and student members. PRSA is organized into 109 Chapters and 10 Districts
nationwide, and 20 Professional Interest Sections and Affinity Groups, which represent
business and industry, counseling firms, independent practitioners, military, government,
associations, hospitals, schools, professional services firms and nonprofit organizations. The
Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has 302 Chapters at colleges and
universities throughout the United States, and one Chapter in Argentina.
About Vox Medica
Vox Medica delivers inventive, cost-effective communication solutions to health care clients
worldwide using a proprietary structure and model called PEER. Using diverse skills—
ranging from advertising and promotion, education and training, public relations and
advocacy, to social networking and community influence—customized teams build brand
recognition, remove barriers to market access in managed care communities, and provide
meaningful medical education and training solutions. For more information, please visit
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