SPHYGMOMANOMETERS AS A RESERVOIR OF PATHOGENIC BACTERIA Authors: M.A. Beard, A. McIntyre, P.M. Roundtree OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was
to identify the type and level of the bacterial
contamination of sphygmomanometers in use
week and sampled at 0, 24 and 48 hours after
introduction. Three sites on the cuff were
sampled each designated as high, medium,
SUMMARY: The bacterial strains were
and low level of contact with the patient's
compared by clinical unit with those strains
skin. Results indicated that the number of
from isolated patients during a six week
bacterial colonies increased from time 0 hours
period before and after the sampling period.
to 48 hours. Not unexpectedly, the site with
Sources of patient samples included skin
greatest contact with the patient's skin yielded
lesions, blood, wounds and sputum. Sixty
the greatest number of bacterial counts.
percent of the cuff isolates were identical to
strains that had caused infection in the clinical
arm before and after application of the blood
units in which two were found. Two strains
pressure cuff. Staphylococci of the same type
were cross infecting organisms across four
were identified from the patient only after
clinical units during the time of the survey.
usage. Results were similar when the staff's
Since no attempt was made to determine the
hands were tested. The same bacteria type
length of time these cuffs had been use prior
was identified after, but not prior to, handling
to sampling, another study was initiated.
of the contaminated blood pressure cuff by
clinical units in a hospital were tested during a
CONCLUSIONS: While no attempt was
three week period. Samples were taken from
made to link bacterial contamination to the
the part of the cuff that comes in contact with
direct cause of infection, the implication of
the patient’s arm. The sphygmomanometers
direct transfer of microorganisms from cuff to
tested were those that where in common use
patient and staff is clear. No other piece of
equipment was in more common use without
adequate disinfection than the blood pressure
RESULTS:Staphylococcus aureus was found on
cuff. Strategies subsequently suggested by the
authors that were aimed at risk reduction such
Psuedomonas aeruginosa was isolated from only
as daily washing of the cuff, sterilizing the
one cuff (2%) on a surgical unit. A range in
entire blood pressure set up, or cleansing the
number of colonies (1-500+) and multiple
strains of S. aureus were isolated.
unacceptable by clinicians. (The Medical Journal of Australia. October 11, 1969;2: 758-60).NEW THREATS TO THE CONTROL OF METHICILLIAN-RESISTANT Staphylococcus Aureus Author: M.W. Casewell INTRODUCTION: New threats to the control
MRSA, there is the opportunity for the emergence
of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
of vancomycin-resistant MRSA. There may be no
can be recognized, some due to the evolution of
effective antimicrobial prophylaxis or treatment
the organism and others arising from changing
hospital populations and organization. This paper
attempts to identify these threats and encourage
RECOMMENDATIONS: It is increasingly
important to persuade hospital managers that even
minimizing the morbidity and mortality from
partial control of MRSA, while expensive, is still
staphylococcal infection on those issues that
cost-effective and is a quality issue for individual
hospitals. The control of EMRSA-16 in one
hospital has recently been estimated to have saved
SUMMARY: Several countries have achieved
more than £629,000 or $997,594 (1995 values) in
considerable success in the control of MRSA.
extra costs. MRSA continues to be at the
However, in several hospitals in the UK, MRSA
forefront of those organisms that seriously
strains of enhanced epidemicity*, notably
challenge modern technological medicine and
surgery. (J Hosp Infect 1995 Jun;30 Suppl:465-471).
delivery that hinder control of MRSA include a
* epidemicity – the quality of being widely
shortage of inpatient beds which results in patients
diffused and rapidly spreading throughout a
being moved more often from unit to unit, and
more mixed-specialty units, both known to be
** endemic – present in a community at all times
factors that encourage the spread of MRSA. Increasing use of day treatments leaves an inpatient hospital population with more risk factors for infection. Early discharge of infected patients to convalescent homes or to homes for the elderly, has created a new reservoir of infected and colonized patients.
from Enterococcus faecium to a laboratory strain of S. aureus suggests that, especially in hospitals with both vancomycin-resistant enterococci and
NORWEGIAN SCABIES – DISSEMINATION OF MITES BY MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS K.W. Kim, Y.J. Oh, B.K. Cho, W. Houh, J.A. Kim, Y.S. Lee INTRODUCTION: Norwegian scabies is a DISCUSSION: The occurrence of scabies
clinical variant of human infestation with Sarcoptes
infestation in these two hospitalized patients was
scabiei and is characterized by extensive, heavily
traced to contaminated medical instruments.
crusted skin lesions. Persons most frequently
Norwegian scabies may be difficult to diagnose
affected are the elderly, debilitated of all ages, and
clinically because it may resemble chronic eczema,
the immunosuppressed. They have a high rate of
infectivity with transmission by close personal
contact. The authors feel that the use of medical
until biopsy is done or an epidemic of secondary
instruments on more than one patient is an
scabies breaks out among contacts of the patient.
important factor in spreading the disease
Delayed diagnosis or unrecognized cases of
crusted scabies frequently contributes to
secondary transmission especially in hospitals and
CASE REPORT: In March 1989, several
institutions. Because of current wide spread use
members of the nursing team and medical staff
complained of itching papules and were felt to
anticipated that the number of Norwegian scabies
have scabies. A source was sought among the
cases will increase.1 (Annals of Dermatology, Vol.2.
patients on the ward. A 77 year old patient was
examined and showed the presence of numerous
their blood pressure recorded with the same
monitoring cuff previously used on the patient
immunosuppressive therapy. Cutis 22: 81-84,
with Norwegian scabies complained of similar
symptoms. Another patient who had shared a clinical thermometer with the Norwegian scabies patient also complained of pruritic papules in the axilla.
hospitalized patients received treatment and showed improvement within a week. All the bed linens and clothes were thoroughly cleaned and the contaminated medical instruments were sterilized.
Another concern is the increasing rate of
picked up by patients while they’re in the hospital
antibiotic-resistant organisms found in hospitals.
has increased 36% since the last count made in a
At least 70% of the bacteria that cause nosocomial
1975-80 study reported at an international
infections are resistant to at least one antibiotic.
conference on emerging infectious diseases.
RECOMMENDATIONS: Nosocomial SUMMARY: About 2 million people a year
infections add about $4.5 billion a year to health
acquire such infections, and nearly 90,000 die of
care costs. About a third of them could be
them, according to a survey of 265 hospitals
prevented with simple procedures such as
nationwide, as reported by the Centers for Disease
frequent hand washing by health care workers, but
many are unavoidable, caused by microbes carried
programs, required for hospital accreditation since
1976, there would have been a 50% to 70%
before touching patients and making sure
increase in such infections because the proportion
antibiotics are taken according to prescription, can
of severely ill patients has increased. Hospitals
reduce the risk of infection. (USA TODAY [US]
have become ICUs, treating very sick patients
vulnerable to infections because of their depressed immune systems or requiring the use of invasive equipment such as intravenous lines that provide and entry route for infection.
determine if significant bacterial colonization and
infection may be magnified when introduced to
organic or inorganic contamination occurred on
susceptible patients, such as those hospitalized in
presumed “clean” blood pressure cuffs in critical
CONCLUSIONS: Results indicate that frequent SETTING & PATIENTS: Blood pressure cuff
samples were selected from the OR, medical
intensive care unit (MICU), surgical intensive care
substances did occur on “clean” nondisposable
(SICU), burn special intensive care unit (BSICU),
blood pressure cuffs. The need for better
cardiac intensive care unit (CICU), ER, PACU and
sanitation and disinfection of the cuffs between
the neurosurgical intensive care unit (NSICU)
patient use is evident. (JAANA, 1996 April 64(2):
from a 707-bed tertiary care, level-one trauma
RESULTS: In 70 separate cultures collected over 6 weeks, bacterial colonization occurred on 57 (81%) of the blood pressure cuffs. Bacterial colonization was discovered on 100% of the cuffs sampled from the OR, PACU, BSICU, and ER. Of the cuffs from SICU and MICU, 90% and 80% were colonized respectively, while the NSICU and CICU demonstrated no growth. Thirty-two (45.7%) of the “clean” cuffs were contaminated with organic and/or inorganic substances that should not have been present. Additionally, the patient contact sides of cuffs were contaminated twice as often as the nonpatient sides.
Title: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTAMINATION DUE TO METHICILLIN-RESISTANT Staphylococcus Aureus: POSSIBLE INFECTION CONTROL IMPLICATIONS Authors: J.M. Boyce, G. Potter-Bynoe, C. Chenevert, T. King OBJECTIVE: To study the possible role of
contaminated. Environmental contamination
contaminated environmental surfaces as a
occurred in the rooms of 73% of infected patients
reservoir of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
and 69% of colonized patients. Frequently
contaminated objects included the floor, bed
DESIGN: A prospective culture survey of
inanimate objects in the rooms of patients with
CONCLUSIONS: Inanimate surfaces near
affected patients commonly become contaminated
consecutive patients colonized or infected with
contamination is affected by the body site at
which patients are colonized or infected.
Personnel may contaminate their gloves (or
possibly their hands) by touching such surfaces
RESULTS: Ninety-six (27%) of 350 surfaces
suggests that contaminated environmental
sampled in the rooms of affected patients were
surfaces may serve as a reservoir of MRSA in
contaminated with MRSA. When patients had
hospitals. (Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology,
MRSA in a wound or urine, 36% of surfaces were
contaminated. In contrast, when MRSA was isolated from other body sites such as sputum, blood and conjunctivae, only 6% of surfaces were
THE MICROBIAL FLORA OF IN-USE BLOOD PRESSURE CUFFS Authors: M.G.M. Cormican, D.L. Lowe, P. Flynn, D. O'Toole OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to
policies that prohibit the transfer of cuffs
contamination on blood pressure used in the
outside a room where isolation precautions
operating and recovery rooms of a teaching
are in effect is very difficult. In addition,
hospital. The authors suggest that the blood
general use blood pressure cuffs are handled
pressure cuff is as yet an unrecognized source
by many health care workers and patients.
of bacterial contamination, which may play a
Because there is often no visible signs of
part in the hospital's nosocomial infection
contamination, no disinfecting procedures are
employed on the cuff. The potential for cross
contamination magnifies as often as patients,
SETTING & PATIENTS: As part of this
study, new blood pressure cuffs were placed
pathogens, are unknown to the hospital staff.
in six operating rooms, and one recovery
Blood pressure cuffs attached to resuscitation
room. A defined area of the cuff in contact
equipment were identified as another source
with the patient was sampled before issue and
at the end of the operating day for a period of
five days. Swabs were plated, incubated and
CONCLUSIONS: This study emphasizes
potential for cross contamination to patients
RESULTS: Results indicated that 68
different microorganisms were isolated from
the forty-two samples. Seventy-one percent
equipment, specifically blood pressure cuffs.
(Irish Journal of Medical Sciences 1994; 4:112-3).Staphylococcus aureus was found to be resistant to methicillin, gentamycin and erythromycin. The remaining twenty-five organisms were thought to be skin and environmental representatives although they may pose a risk to certain groups of patients. SUMMARY: It was concluded that the majority of microorganisms isolates in this study posed little risk to healthy patients undergoing surgery. The one case where the gentamycin-methicillin resistant pathogen was identified caused concern since no patient known to have that pathogen had been in the operating room during the corresponding day of data collection. Therefore, the bacteria then would have had to survive for some time on the cuff implying therefore, that the cuff acts as a vehicle of infection. AN OUTBREAK OF MUPIROCIN-RESISTANT Staphylococcus Aureus ON A DERMATOLOGY WARD ASSOCIATED WITH AN ENVIRONMENTAL RESERVOIR Authors: M.C. Layton, M. Perez, P. Heald, J.E. Paterson OBJECTIVE: To investigate a cluster of
mupirocin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus on a
personnel were negative for mupirocin-resistant
culturing revealed that a blood pressure cuff and
DESIGN: An outbreak of mupirocin-resistant S
the patients’ communal shower were positive for
aureus was noted on the dermatology ward during
a prospective epidemiological study of methicillin-
PFGE of all mupirocin-resistant isolates
resistant S aureus (MRSA) and borderline
demonstrated that the nine patients and both
methicillin-susceptible S aureus (BMSSA). Pulsed-
environmental sources had identical DNA typing
field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) of whole cell
DNA digested with Sma I was used as a marker of
INTERVENTIONS: Changing of blood
pressure cuffs between patients and more
stringent cleaning of communal areas was
university hospital with a 12-bed inpatient
initiated. Repeat environmental cultures were
dermatology ward. Most patients have severe,
CONCLUSIONS: S aureus is not usually RESULTS: MRSA and BMSSA were isolated
associated with an environmental reservoir;
from 13 patients on the dermatology ward over a
14-month period. Eleven of these isolates (84.6%)
were mupirocin-resistant. Nine isolates were
environmental contamination. (Infection Control and
present on admission (81.8%); 8 of these patients
Hospital Epidemiology, 1993 Jul:14(7): 369-375).
had been hospitalized on the same ward within the last two months.
penetrating the dermis, blood pressure cuffs are
nosocomial infection and to demonstrate the
made of fabrics on which organisms may persist
effect of specific infection control measures in a
for significant periods of time.5,6 and may also be
associated with hospital-acquired infection.
In this study, surveillance was conducted
SETTING & PATIENTS: Longitudinal
by peers of the ward physicians and was closely
infection surveillance in a special care nursery was
supervised, so that definitions and reporting of
performed for a 21-week period. All infant charts
nosocomial infections remained constant during
were reviewed along with culture information; this
the surveillance. This method of surveillance has
information was recorded and infections were
introduced a novel form of physician education,
categorized as community- or hospital-acquired,
making them particularly aware of the magnitude
of nosocomial infection. (Pediatrics, 1978 Jan:61(1): SUMMARY: During the 21-week surveillance
period, 46 of the 248 infants at risk (18.5%)
acquired 52 infections giving a nosocomial
1. Weinstein RA, Stamm WE, Kramer L, Corey
infection rate of 21.0%. Increased infection
L: Pressure monitoring devices: Overlooked
control measures were instituted with an apparent
source of nosocomial infection. JAMA
reduction in the nosocomial infection attack rate,
but which returned to the same rate or higher by
2. Stamm WE, Colella JJ, Anderson RL, Dixon
RE: Indwelling arterial catheters as a source
blood pressure apparatus was used on all the
caused by Flavobacterium species. N Engl J Med
children in the nursery area. A portion of the
blood pressure cuff was cultured with several
3. Morse LJ, Williams HL, Grenn FP Jr, et al:
microorganisms recovered including Klebsiella
Septicemia due to Klebsiellapneumoniaepneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus.
originating from a hand-cream dispenser. N
infection epidemiology is complex and dependent
upon antimicrobial usage, and increasing
population of susceptible patients, and varying
hospital flora. Outbreaks of nosocomial infection
have been related to arterial monitoring catheters
disseminators of viruses: I. Persistence of
1,2 and material applied to the skin such as lotions 3
vaccinia virus on cotton and wool fabrics.
and stethoscopes.4 It is not surprising that blood
pressure cuffs may also be associated with
6. McNeil E: Dissemination of microorganisms
by fabrics and leather. Dev Ind Microbiol 5:30, 1964
Myasthenia gravis What is myasthenia gravis? Myasthenia gravis or simply ‘myasthenia’ is a disorder of neuromuscular junction. This is an area where nerves end and send signal across the junction to control muscles. Why does myasthenia gravis happen? Myasthenia gravis is a type of Autoimmune disorders occur when your own immune system mistakenly attacks normal healthy tissues. I