Fox Cities Multiple Sclerosis Support Group “Friends Helping Friends”
Mike Krisch 920-991-7288 1411 Grant Street, Little Chute, WI 54140
Diane Price 920-984-4040 N5111 Woodhaven Ct., Shiocton, WI 54170
#1 Old Business
We had Mr. Kelly Kohlbeck, Account Executive and Ms. Kim Hoertsch,
Representative from Walgreen’s Home Health Care described and demonstrated many pieces of Durable Medical Equipment.
The Evening Meeting had a RAP Session that turned into a very good one on one
discussion with someone that is newly diagnosed. New Business
The Afternoon Meeting will have Erica Hartsough from the Wisconsin Chapter. Erica will update us on all the wonderful things the Chapter has to offer.
The Evening Meeting will be a Rap Session. Everyone is welcome.
Chain Reaction Day
Chain Reaction Day for Outagamie County is set for October 27th. Local Volunteers set aside a day to help disabled area residents in raking leaves and
washing windows. For those interested . . . Please call Penny Jane Strauss at 920-832-5515 for more information , and to register for the service. October 27th is a general date .Volunteers assigned to you will be calling. Outlying areas should maybe try - Their Parks and Recreation Departments to
Nerve pain is different - Taken from the Summer/Fall 2007 Issue of MS Connection This type of pain in MS is called Neuropathic or nerve pain. This type of pain originates in the central nervous system in injured nerve pathways, not in the bones or muscles. MS lesions can injure nerve pathways causing burning, aching, stabbing, prickling, or itching (dysesthesias) that may start and stop or drag on. MS lesions can also cause a pain from something that shouldn’t be painful (allodynia). This can be a soft touch, the weight of bed covers, even a cool breeze can be the trigger. Over the counter pain medications for muscle pain will not work. It takes a physician to prescribe medications that work on nerves. It sometimes takes trying out a drug until you find one that works. Some of these drugs are Tegretal, Neurontin, Elavil, Lyrica or Cymbalta. It is very important for you to describe to your physician the intensity, duration, location and how a pain feels. This communication needs to be two way. The physician may use descriptions like dull, throbbing, stabbing, numb, achy, prickly, burning, pins and needles, and shock like. It would be good to take the times before your appointment to analyze your pain. Do you want to get into a Clinical Trial? - taken from July/August Issue of Neurology Now.
It is important for you to know first what is involved in a Clinical Trial, what are the
Phase I - Researchers test a new drug or treatment in a small group of people for
the first time to evaluate its safety, determine a safe dosage range, and identify side effect.
Phase II - The treatment is given to a larger group of people to see if it is effective
Phase III - The treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its
effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect the information that will allow it to be used safely.
Phase IV - Studies are done after the treatment has been marketed to gather
information on its effect in various populations and any side effects associated with long-term use. Ask Questions?
1. What is the End point of the Trial? 2. Who is running the Trial, and what are their credentials? 3. What are the risks and possible side effects of the experimental therapy? 4. How long will I be participating, and can I stop if I change my mind? 5. What are the chances I will receive the active treatment rather than a placebo
6. What is required of me? 7. Is there any cost to me? 8. What happens if I encounter a problem during the study? 9. How will my participation affect my current treatment?
10. How will my medical data be handled?
Teleconferences Please call Shared Solutions at 1-800-887-8100 1-800-823-1880 to register
Holiday Depression and Stress Holiday shopping, decorating, food preparation, and parties can send even the heartiest soul into an emotional tailspin. We’ll share ideas for planning ahead, making choices, and involving others to create a holiday experience that works best for you.
How to Better Communicate with Your Neurologist How effectively do you describe symptoms? Do you report obstacles that prevent you from following your treatment plan? We’ll discuss how clear and open communication with your neurologist can help you get the most out of each appointment.
Upcoming Events
Bob Haasl - Senior Neurology Sales Specialist Teva Neuroscience – Copaxone 1-3 pm St Elizabeths Hospital
Appleton Wi Helen Fowler Conference Center Eat a light lunch . BOB”S BRINGING TREATS !!
See you at the Meetings Diane Price Mike Krisch Neurobic Answers WORK IN EDGEWISE; BIG CHEESE; PIECE OF CAKE; FATHER TIME; ROUND ROBIN Go to MINDWAREONLINE.COM for more Work Winks
processmanagementselection r e c r u t e m e n t s p é c i a l i s é / division de Paul Cramatte SA Entretien de sélection Conseils pratiques pour les candidats A n n é e - 2 0 0 7 / p r e m i e r s e m e s t r e Entretien de sélection Conseils pratiques pour les candidats Comment gérer l’attente avant l’entretien ? Cinq et quinze minutes d’attente son
Aktieninfo Pfizer Branche: Gesundheit - Pharma 19. August 2010 Einschätzung: Wären da nicht die Patentausläufe… Halten (auf Sicht 12 Monate) Durch den Zusammenschluss von Pfizer Inc. mit Warner Lambert sowie den Kauf vonPharmacia und kürzlich der Akquisition von Wyeth wuchs die Pfizer Gruppe zum größten Arzneimittelhersteller der Welt. Der Konz