Microsoft word - newsletter 1.doc

8 February 2013
Tena koutou katoa,
Welcome to 2013! We have had a really busy and productive week here at school. The 3-way conferences
had almost 100% attendance and the feedback from staff, students, and families has been overwhelmingly
positive. The opportunity to set goals and establish a home school partnership from the outset will be
invaluable to your child's learning as the year progresses.
Yesterday we had our school powhiri for all of our new families and staff, thanks to all of those who took
part in this important process. We are now one big family here at Woodhill and the common mission is -
OK some housekeeping matters….
Our bus service is continuing as per 2012, the fees for term 1 remain the same as term 4 last year. Please
make contact with the school next week to arrange payment for this. All bus passes will be issued on
Friday 15th February.
- $30 per family per term
- $75 per child per term - $120 for two children per term - $150 for three or more children per term
School Fees
Our fee structure remains unchanged from the last 3 years. Next week you will receive a letter outlining
your account with the school; this will include school fees, bus passes, and any ECA activities chosen by
your child/ren. The letter will include a weekly breakdown should you wish to set up an automatic
payment with us.

Note - there is no discount for families with more than 1 child at school. Prices are based simply on a per student basis – e.g.: a
book costs the same for every student regardless of whether they live in the same house.
Note – Year 7/8 students have an additional $20 for manual fees

Note – School camps are not included in the activity fee.
Note – Children wishing to participate in extracurricular activities MUST pay within the first week of programme starting – IE:
touch fees, band etc

Extra Curricular Activities – the term 1 ECA timetable is distributed with this newsletter. Please read it
Behaviour Management Guidelines:
These have been revised and a new booklet is available for all families. Those that came to the ‘Meet the
Teacher’ evening last night received a hard copy of this. The booklet is available on our website under
‘News’ or a hard copy can be sent home with your child upon request. There have been some important
updates to this booklet and we recommend that every family go through it with their child early in the
Contact Details:
We have invested in a new student management system this year and all of the information needs to be
manually entered. Our aim is to have this finished before the end of February, it will then be a case of
simply updating families details and records as they change – this will be able to be done electronically and
online – Yahoo!!!! So hopefully this will be the last time that we ask all families to fill in the contact
information, health forms, and yearly permission sheet by hand! BUT IT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN EVER
So please take the time to fill in the sheets attached and bring them back to us before Wednesday next
‘Front End’ Steering Committee:
The Board of Trustees would like to review what we commonly refer to as the ‘ front end’ of our school
charter. What is the Front End you ask? Well apart from being grammatically incorrect, it refers to the
framework of our schools Mission Statement, Core Beliefs, Vision, Values, and Key Competencies. The
current framework was constructed in 2010 and has undergone slight tweaks and updates along the way –
it was always our intention to undergo a full review after 3 years.
If you would like to be part of this group please let me know. [email protected]
The commitment needed will be of 5 meetings in term one - 1 within February, 3 within March, and 1
within April. Meetings will take place in the early evening. Committee members will be required to
interview and survey a range of people within our immediate and wider community.
As per the letter given to you by your child’s class teacher at 3-way conferences swimming begins next
week. Swimming is part of the NZ curriculum, all of our staff have received professional development on
how to teach swimming effectively and we ask that all families are supportive of this.

Advertising in the school Newsletter:
For only $100 you can advertise a business card size advert of your company’s services on the back page of
the school newsletter for the whole year. This goes out to over 100 families 40 times over the course of
the year. Please email [email protected] a copy of your logo and what you would like your advert
to read.
The first ‘official’ newsletter of the year will go out next Friday.
Well Folks that’s it from me for now - we’ll see you all around next week.
Kit Murray
Term 1 ECA’s

The Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) programme for Term 1 is as follows….
Please read the information below carefully and fill in the reply form below and return
to the office before next Thursday 14 February.
Itinerant Teacher Musical Instrument lessons
We are still offering the following individual musical instrument lessons with our itinerant
teachers – there are limited spots– lessons range from $18-30 per session/half hour and can
be in small groups, pairs or one on one. These are arrangements between each family and
the individual teacher – please contact them directly with your inquiries. We insist that the
music teachers have a revolving roster so that a student does not miss the same school
lesson each week.
Guitar – Shelly
Keyboard – Elana
Drums – Paul

School Bands

We will have 1 band for the senior school (year 6-8) and 1 middle school band Total commitment (financial, effort, and attendance) is required by each All bands will learn at least 3 songs for the term performing at least once in a All senior school bands will cost $50 for the term – this will be payable before

Interschool Sports Practices
These will take place on Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes. The Sports for term 1
are T – Ball (year 5/6) and Softball (year 7/8).

Other ECA Activities….
Performance Group

We aim to provide a real musical experience for all of our members. Students will
have the opportunities to sing in a small group, play percussion and/or acoustic
instruments, participate in structured musical arrangements, and showcase solo
work. Total commitment required for all members – open to the middle school (years
3 – 6)
EFS Club – Education for Sustainability. This group will be held on a Monday
afternoon with Mr Meadows – specific focus creating a Healthy School – open to years
4 - 8.
Bible – Bible Club will be similar to Bible in Schools, with a non-denominational
content based around the virtues and values of the bible from a Christian
perspective. The Club will be held in Room 5 and anyone is welcome to attend.
Woodhill School Photography Club - Learn how to control your digital camera and
take some great images to demonstrate the techniques learned during the
programme. Display these at the school to show what has been achieved. Facilitated
by Professional photographer Graham Meadows - $10 koha appreciated. This activity
is for 9-12year olds.
Middle/Senior Dance & Choreography Group - Dance & Choreography with Ms
Toki. Aerobics to pop music on Tuesday after lunch eating. Open to Years 4 – 8

Junior Dance Group -
Dance with Miss Gravatt. Wednesday after lunch eating.
Open to Years 1 – 3

Reply Slip
Name: ____________________________
Please circle the ECA’s that you would like in term 1 and return to the school office before By circling either guitar, drum, or keyboard lessons you are giving the school permission to pass your contact details onto the specific teacher. They will contact you directly. Middle School
Senior School
School Band
7:45 – 8:25
7:45 – 8:25


Dance and
Practices –
Practices –
5/6 T-Ball, 7/8 Group
Junior Dance

After School EFS club:
Particulars of Pupil

Surname______________________________ First Names_____________________________
Date of Birth______________ Gender M/F______ Language Spoken at home______________
Place in Family____________ Siblings at school_________Siblings likely to attend__________
(name, dob)__________________________________________________________________
Lives With____________________________ Legal Guardian___________________________
Ethnicity_________________________ Country of Citizenship __________________________
What iwi Identified with (1)______________ (2) ________________ (3) _________________
Early Childhood Centre attended_____________________________________________
Previous School__________________________________________________________
Particulars of Parents/Caregivers
Mothers Name__________________________ Fathers Name_______________________________ Home Address_____________________________________________________________________ Postal Address (if different to above) ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Phone No________________________ Email_____________________________________________ Mothers Occupation________________ Place of Work_________________ Work Ph_____________ Mobile Number___________________________________ Fathers Occupation________________ Place of Work__________________ Work Ph_____________ Mobile Number __________________________________ Emergency Contact - Name________________ Relationship__________ Ph______________ Name _______________ Relationship __________ Ph____________ Custody Requirements if any____________________________________________________ Health Information
Health Notes- Sight_____________ Hearing________________ Speech_____________ Allergies_________________ Conditions_________________ Allergic to Stings YES/NO If pupil requires medication of ANY sort please advise and make sure it is also available at school.
Immunisation Certificate sited YES/NO Waitemata Health Consent Signed YES/NO Doctor ________________________________ In terms of the Privacy Act I understand that the school records made from this form may, on request, be viewed at the school. I approve of the forwarding of this information when my child transfers to another school. I further approve of the forwarding of my child’s name and address to a potential Intermediate or Secondary School. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SCHOOL WILL TAKE ACTION ON MY BEHALF IN CASE OF SUDDEN ILLNESS OR INJURY; AND I AGREE TO ABIDE BY SCHOOL POLICIES. Signature of Parent/Guardian_____________________________________ YEARLY PERMISSION SHEET
In order to cut down on administration and paper the school has a yearly permission sheet which includes one off permission for your children to take part in EOTC trips, receive any special medication etc, use the internet (in accordance with school guidelines), receive specialist help from associated educational agencies, and permission to use student photos on our school website and newsletters. HEALTH PROCEEDURES
only for asthmatics with asthma plan YES / NO Does your child suffer from any health problems? If asthmatic please also provide asthma plan. If yes, please indicate below indicating whether this/these can be severe requiring urgent medical attention. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. OTHER AGENCIES.
I give/do not give consent for my child to be referred to any of the associated educational
agencies used by Woodhill School.
I give/do not give consent for my child to participate in school trips, class visits, sports events
and cultural activities that will take place during the year.
I would like to receive the weekly school newsletter in the following format (please circle):
Electronic Paper Both

I give/do not give consent for my child's photograph, work, video footage or name being published in the School's
newsletter, advertising of the school or on the internet via our website.
…………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………… Parent/Caregiver Name ………………………………………………………………………………………… STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT USING THE INTERNET.
I have read, understood and will abide by the School's rules when using the internet and computers. ………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. PARENT/CAREGIVER
We have read and discussed the guidelines for internet safety with my child and expect him/her ………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………….



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