Xray exam preps.xls

Exam Preparation Guidelines
Barium Swallow, Modified Barium Swallow:
Barium enema (BE), Air Contrast Barium Enema (ACBE):
Nothing to eat or drink after midnightFleet prep kit 18-hour protocol Nothing to eat or drink 3 hours prior to examNo solid food on day of exam Nothing to eat or drink 3 hours prior to examNo solid food on day of exam1/2 Dulcolax suppository 3 hours prior to examIf results are poor, give a pediatric Fleets enema 5 oz. magnesium citrate (cold) afternoon prior to examIn early evening prior to exam, give 1 Dulcolax suppository.
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight2-3 hours prior to exam, give another Dulcolax suppository.
If results are poor, give a pediatric Fleet enema.
If patient is 13 years and over 100 pounds, use Fleet prep kit 18-hour protocol.
0-17 year NO PREP is given for suspected Hirshsprung's Disease
Precautions and Suggestions:
1 In cases of suspected toxic megacolon- NO PREP needed.
2 In cases of acute ulcerative colitis, THE PREP SHOULD NOT BE DONE. You should
have only a clear liquid diet prior to the examination.
3 If you have had a colonic biopsy, the barium enema should be postponed for ten days.
4 Referring physicians who wish to modify the bowel prep may order their own bowel preps
for the individual and circumstances.
Should be performed 7-10 days after first day of last menstrual period. NO unprotected sex since first day of last menstrual period. A pregnancy test may done prior to the procedure.
Nothing to eat after midnightFleet prep kit 18- hour protocol If you have an allergy to iodine contact your ordering physician. Pre-medication will be required.
If you are diabetic, have renal disease or are over 60 years of age, you will have to have BUN/Creatinine lab work prior to having an IVP.
Full liquid diet day prior to exam1/2 Dulcolax tablet at 6:00 pm day prior to examNothing to eat 3 hours prior to exam Full liquid diet day prior to exam1 Dulcolax tablet at 6:00 pm prior to exam1 Dulcolax tablet suppository 3 hours prior to exam If patient is 13 years or over 100 pounds, use Fleet prep kit 18-hour protocol.
Lumbar Puncture:
Consent form must be signed. Inform your technologist if you have a brain tumor and if you have had a recent MRI or CT scan of your brain.
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight May have liquid up to 2 hours prior to examConsent form must be signed. Inform your technologist of all the medications that you are currently taking.
Small Bowel Series (SBS), Small Bowel Follow Through (SBFT):
Nothing to eat or drink 3-4 hours prior to exam or withhold last feeding T-Tube Cholangiogram:
May require nothing to eat or drink after midnight.
Upper GI series (UGI):
Nothing to eat or drink 3-4 hour prior to exam and/or withhold last feeding Voiding Cysto Urethrogram (VCU):
This procedure requires radiology nurse to place a Foley catheter at the beginning of the exam.

Source: http://wregional.com/documents/imaging/xray%20exam%20preps.pdf


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Un dolore lancinante e improvviso, come una scossa elettrica che si irradia su un lato del viso. Chi ha sofferto di nevralgia del trigemino sa che è impossibile resistere a lungo a questo malessere. L'infiammazione del trigemino è un disturbo relativamente raro, che colpisce tra le 100 e le 150 persone ogni 100 mila: interessa in misura maggiore le donne e, nella maggioranza dei casi, ind

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