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IRCCS BURLO - Direzione Scientifica NEWS - Anno 3, n. 2S, febbraio 2009
Vi è qualcosa di più di un collegamento verbale tra le parole comune, comunità, comunicazione. Gli esseri umani vivono in comunità in virtù delle cose che hanno in comune e la comunicazione è il modo con cui arrivano ad avere delle cose in comune….il consenso Votate i migliori articoli del 2008
In questo numero della newsletter trovate tutti gli articoli pubblicati nel 2008 su riviste recensite e con
impact factor. Chiediamo ai ricercatori stessi di scegliere i 3 migliori articoli del 2008. A tal fine è stata
preventivamente identificata una lista di 36 articoli (numerati e in grassetto) che rispondono ai seguenti criteri: 1.articoli in extenso e/o lettera con dati originali 2. primo o ultimo autore del Burlo. 3. IF n ≥ 3. Tra questi potrete sceglierne 3 inviando – entro il 28 febbraio- una mail a [email protected] o [email protected] con oggetto “miglior articolo” e indicando semplicemente i numeri dei tre articoli scelti (es: 1,12,11). I criteri guida nelle scelta dovranno far riferimento soprattutto a originalità e potenziale I 3 migliori articoli 2008 saranno segnalati sia con un comunicato stampa che durante la presentazione ufficiale del report 2008 delle attività scientifiche del Burlo.
1. Acioli-Santos B, Segat L, Dhalia R, Brito CA,
mastoiditis. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2008 Feb;28(1):30- Braga-Neto UM, Marques Et, Crovella S. MBL2
gene polymorphisms protect against development
of thrombocytopenia associated with severe
Brandão LA, Guimarães RL, Araujo J, Arraes LC, Segat L, dengue phenotype.Hum Immunol. 2008
Crovella S. Association between MBL2 polymorphism and Feb;69(2):122-8.
T1D: Does ethnicity play a role in the susceptibility of this multifactorial disease?. Hum Immunol. 2008 Sep; 69 2. Araujo J, Brandão LA, Guimarães RlL, Santos S,
Falcão EA, Milanese M, Segat L, Souza PR, De
Lima-Filho JL, Crovella S. Prevalence of
Brandão LA, Guimarães RL, Carrera M, Milanese M, Segat autoimmune thyroid disease and thyroid
L, Luiz De Lima-Filho J, Arraes LC, Crovella S. MBL2 dysfunction in young Brazilian patients with Type
functional allelic variants and increased risk for the 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2008 Jul 28;9(4 Pt
development of atopic dermatitis in Brazilian children. Arch 1):272-6.
Badina L, Taddio A, Ventura A. Early combined Bua J, Lepore L, Martelossi S, Ventura A. Video capsule immunosuppression in Crohn's disease. Lancet. 2008 Jun endoscopy and intestinal involvement in systemic vasculitis. Dig Liver Dis. 2008 Nov; 40 (11):905. Epub Balestri P, Rappresentanti SINP: Messi G. La gestione del bambino con convulsioni febbrili: linee guida sulle 5. Bua J, L’Erario I, Barbi E, Marchetti F. When off-
convulsioni febbrili. Minerva Pediatr 2008; 60(5): 836-9. label is a good practice: the example of
paracetamol and salbutamol. Arch Dis. Child
3. Barbi E, Berti I, Longo G. Food allergy: from the of
2008; 93: 546-a-547-a.
loss of tolerance induced by exclusion diets to
specific oral tolerance induction. Recent Pat
Bua J, L’Erario I, Barbi E, Marchetti F. A first step towards Inflamm Allergy Drug Discov. 2008;2 (3):212-4.
safer drugs in children: Angelini updates paracetamol SPC. 4. Battistutta S, Aliverti R, Montico M, Zin R, Carrozzi
M. Chronic tension-type headache in adolescents.
Bugiani M, Gyftodimou Y, Tsimpouka P, Lamantea E, clinical and psychological characteristics analyzed
Katzaki E, D'adamo P, Nakou S, Georgoudi N, Grigoriadou through self- and parent-report questionnaires. J
M, Tsina E, Kabolis N, Milani D, Pandelia E, Kokotas H, Pediatr Psychol. 2008 [Epub ahead of print].
Gasparini P, Giannoulia-Karantana A, Renieri A, Zeviani M, Petersen MB. Cohen syndrome resulting from a novel large Bembi B, Deegan P. Gaucher disease: improving intragenic COH1 deletion segregating in an isolated Greek management. Acta Paediatr Suppl. 2008 Apr;97 (457): 81- island population. Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Jul 24. [Epub Bernardon M, Limone A, Businelli C, Maso GP, Piccoli M, Bulla R, Agostinis C, Bossi F, Rizzi L, Debeus A, Tripodo C, Alberico S. Acute myocardial infarction in pregnancy. Radillo O, De Seta F, Ghebrehiwet B, Tedesco F. Decidual endothelial cells express surface-bound C1q as a molecular Bianchini C, Aimoni C, Ceruti S, Grasso DL, Martini A. bridge between endovascular trophoblast and decidual Lateral sinus thrombosis as a complication of acute IRCCS BURLO - Direzione Scientifica NEWS - Anno 3, n. 2S, febbraio 2009
endothelium. Mol Immunol. 2008 Feb 21. [Epub ahead of redirect strategies? Public Health Nutr. 2008 11
(12), 1209–1219.
6. Calligaris L, Stocco G, De Iudicibus S, Marino S,
Cattaneo A, Yngve A, Koletzko B, Ruiz Guzman L; on behalf Decorti G, Barbi E, Carrozzi M, Marchetti F, Bartoli
of the ‘Promotion of Breastfeeding in Europe’ project. F, Ventura A. Carbamazepine hypersensitivity
Protection, promotion and support of breast-feeding in syndrome triggered by a human herpes virus
Europe: current situation. Public Health Nutr. 2008 11(12), reactivation in a genetically predisposed patient.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2009 Jan
6;149(2):173-177 *
Cattaneo A. The benefits of breastfeeding or the harm of formula feeding? J Paediatr Child Health. 2008;44(1-2):1- Calligaris L, Marchetti F, Ventura A. Intestinal plexiform neurofibromas. Dig Liver Dis. 2008 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of 12. Cauci S, Di Santolo M, Culhane JF, Stel G, Gonano
F, Guaschino S. Effects of third-generation oral
7. Campbell H, Duke T, Weber M, English M, Carai S,
contraceptives on high-sensitivity C-reactive
Tamburlini G; Pediatric Hospital Improvement
protein and homocysteine in young women.
Group. Global initiatives for improving hospital
Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Apr;111(4):857-64.
care for children: state of the art and future
prospects. Pediatrics. 2008 Apr;121(4):e984-92.
13. Comar M, D'Agaro P, Campello C, Poli A, Breinholt
JP, Towbin JA, Vatta M. HHV-6 is frequently
Cannioto Z, Berti I, Martelossi S, Bruno I, Giurici N, identified in archival cardiac tissues from children
Crovella S, Ventura A. IBD and IBD mimicking enterocolitis with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy or
in children younger than 2 years of age. Eur J Pediatr. congenital heart disease. J Clin Pathol. 2009; 62:
Cannioto Z, Marchetti F. Statins in children: more shade 14. D'Agaro P, Burgnich P, Comar M, Dal Molin G,
than light. Pediatrics, Eletter 2008,23 July. Bernardon M, Busetti M, Alberico S, Poli A,
Campello C, and the SIGO Italian group. HHV-6 is
8. Cannioto Z, Taddio A, Lepore L, Zennaro F.
frequently detected in dried cord blood spots from
Atlanto-axial subluxation in a patient with
babies born to HIV-positive mothers. Current HIV
polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis: clinical
Research 2008; 6(5):441-6.
and radiological response to infliximab. Clin Exp
Rheumatol. 2008 Jul-Aug;26(4):704-5.
15. D'Adamo P, Guerci VI, Fabretto A, Faletra F,
Grasso DL, Ronfani L, Montico M, Morgutti M,
Cannioto Z, Tamburlini G, Marchetti F. Statins for children? Guastalla P, Gasparini P. Does epidermal
A word of caution. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2008 Nov 6. [Epub thickening explain GJB2 high carrier frequency
and heterozygote advantage? Eur J Hum Genet,
letter 2008 3 Dec .
Caprai S, Vajro P, Ventura A, Sciveres M, Maggiore G; SIGENP Study Group for Autoimmune Liver Disorders in D'Adamo P, Ulivi S, Beneduci A, Pontoni G, Capasso G, Celiac Disease. Autoimmune liver disease associated with Lanzara C, Andrighetto G, Hladnik U, Nunes V, Palacin M, celiac disease in childhood: a multicenter study. Clin Gasparini P. Metabonomics and population studies: age- Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008 Jul;6(7):803-6. Epub 2008 related amino acids excretion and inferring networks through the study of urine samples in two Italian isolated populations. Amino Acids. 2008 Dec 9. [Epub ahead of 9. Carletti C, Cattaneo A. Home preparation of
powdered infant formula: is it safe? Acta Paediatr.
2008; 97:1131-1132.
16. D'Agaro P, Martinelli E, Burgnich P, Nazzi F, Del
Fabbro S, Iob A, Ruscio M, Pischiutti P, Campello
Castro M, Papadatou B, Baldassare M, Balli F, Barabino A, C. Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in
Barbera C, Barca S, Barera G, Bascietto F, Berni Canani R, Ixodes ricinus from a novel endemic area of North
Calacoci M, Campanozzi A, Castellucci G, Catassi C, Eastern Italy. J Med Virol. 2009 Feb;81(2):309-
Colombo M, Covoni MR, Cucchiara S, D'altilia MR, De Angelis GL, De Virgilis S, Di Ciommo V, Fontana M, Guariso G, Knafelz D, Lambertini A, Licciardi S, Lionetti P, Liotta L, Dama E, Rondelli R, De Rosa M, Aricò M, Carli M, Bellani FF, Lombardi G, Maestri L, Martelossi S, Mastella G, Oderda G, Magnani C, Merletti F, Pastore G, Pession A; Italian Perini R, Pesce F, Ravelli A, Roggero P, Romano C, Rotolo Association of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (AIEOP). N, Rutigliano V, Scotta S, Sferlazzas C, Staiano A, Ventura Patterns of domestic migrations and access to childhood A, Zaniboni MG. Inflammatory bowel disease in children cancer care centres in Italy: A report from the hospital and adolescents in Italy: Data from the pediatric national based registry of the Italian Association of Pediatric IBD register (1996-2003). Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2008 Hematology and Oncology (AIEOP). Eur J Cancer. 2008 10. Cattaneo A. Monasta L. Classifying children as
De Cunto A, Maschio M, Da Dalt E, Lepore L. A 15-year-old overweight and obese. BMJ, Eletter 2008,
boy with digital enlargement. Arch Dis Child. 2008 November 27.
Cattaneo A, Guóth-Gumberger M. The new WHO Child De Cunto A, Pennesi M, Salierno P. Antibiotic prophylaxis Growth Standards: possible effects on exclusive for the prevention of recurrent urinary tract infection in breastfeeding in the first six months. Breastfeed Rev. 2008 children with low grade vesicoureteral reflux. J Urol. 2008, 11. Cattaneo A, Timmer A, Bomestar T, Bua J, Kumar
17. De Iudicibus S, Castronovo G, Gigante A, Stocco G,
S, Tamburlini G. Child nutrition in countries of the
Decorti G, Di Lenarda R, Bartoli F. Role of MDR1
Commonwealth of Independent States: time to
gene polymorphisms in gingival overgrowth
IRCCS BURLO - Direzione Scientifica NEWS - Anno 3, n. 2S, febbraio 2009
induced by cyclosporine in transplant patients. J
Grasso DL, Hatzopulos S, Cossu P, Ciarafoni F, Rossi M, Periodontal Res. 2008 Dec; 43(6): 665-672.
Martini A, Zocconi E. Role of the “rooming –in” on efficacy of universal neonatal hearing screening programmes. Acta 18. De Seta F, Schmidt M, Vu B, Essmann M, Larsen B.
Otorhinolaryngologica Italiaca 2008; 28: 243-46. Antifungal mechanisms supporting boric acid
therapy of Candida vaginitis. J Antimicrob
Grasso DL, Marchetti F, Norbedo S, Furlan C, Schleef J, Chemother. 2009 Feb; 63 (2):325-36*.
Zocconi E. Endoscopic treatment of vallecular cyst in newborn. International Journal of Pediatric Donato M, Borin E, Bevacqua G, D'Ottavio G, Parco S. Otorhinolaryngology Extra 2009; 4: 10-13. Biochemical screenings in twin medically treated pregnancies: assessment of trisomy and prothrombotic Grasso DL, Pelizzo G, Zocconi E, Schleef J. Lymphangiomas risk. Minerva Ginecol. 2008 Jun;60(3):263-4. of the head and neck in children. Acta Otorhinolaryngol 19. Fabbro E, Rubert L, Quaglia S, Ferrara F, Kiren V,
Ventura A, Not T. Uselessness of anti-actin
Guaschino S, Benvenuti C. SOPHY Project: an observational antibody in celiac disease screening. Clin Chim
study of vaginal pH and lifestyle in women of different ages Acta. 2008;390(1-2):134-7.
and in different physiopathological conditions. Part I. 20. Fabris A, Catamo E, Segat L, Morgutti M, Arraes
LC, De Lima-Filho JL, Crovella S. Association
Guaschino S, Benvenuti C. SOPHY project: an observational between HLA-G 3'UTR 14-bp polymorphism and
study of vaginal pH, lifestyle and correct intimate hygiene HIV vertical transmission in Brazilian children.
in women of different ages and in different AIDS. 2009 Jan 14;23(2):177-82*.
physiopathological conditions. Part II. Minerva Ginecol. Facchinetti F, Reddy U, Stray-Pedersen B, Baronciani D, Requejo JH; Stillbirth International Group. Collaborators: 21. Guimaraes V, Guimaraes R, Brandao L, Baldez da
Alberico S. International issues in stillbirth. J Matern Fetal Silva MF, Milanese M, Segat L, Castelletti H,
Bruneska D, de Lima Filho JL, de Freitas AC,
Arraes LC, Rocha C, Crovella S. Association
Ferrari A, Bisogno G, Alaggio R, Cecchetto G, Collini P, between MBL2 gene functional polymorphisms
Rosolen A, Meazza C, Indolfi P, Garaventa A, De Sio L, and high-risk human papillomavirus infection in
D'Angelo P, Tamaro P, Casanova M, Carli M. Synovial Brazilian women. Hum Immunol. 2008 Apr-
sarcoma of children and adolescents: The prognostic role of May;69(4-5):273-8.
axial sites. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Jun; 44(9): 1202-9. Guiotto P, Woelkart K, Grabnar I, Voinovich D, Perissutti B, Floridia M, Ravizza M, Bucceri A, Lazier L, Viganò A, Invernizzi S, Granzotto M, Bauer R. Pharmacokinetics and Alberico S, Guaraldi G, Anzidei G, Guerra B, Citernesi A, immunomodulatory effects of phytotherapeutic lozenges Sansone M, Baroncelli S, Tamburrini E; Italian Group on (bonbons) with Echinacea purpurea extract. Phytomedicine. Surveillance on Antiretroviral Treatment in Pregnancy. Factors influencing gestational age-adjusted birthweight in a national series of 600 newborns from mothers with HIV. Haimila K, Einarsdottir E, de Kauwe A, Koskinen LL, Pan- HIV Clin Trials. 2008 Sep-Oct;9(5):287-97. Hammarström Q, Kaartinen T, Kurppa K, Ziberna F, Not T, Vatta S, Ventura A, Korponay-Szabo IR, Adány R, Pocsai Z, Gambineri E, Perroni L, Passerini L, Bianchi L, Doglioni C, Széles G, Dukes E, Kaukinen K, Mäki M, Koskinen S, Meschi F, Bonfanti R, Sznajer Y, Tommasini A, Lawitschka Partanen J, Hammarström L, Saavalainen P. The shared A, Junker A, Dunstheimer D, Heidemann PH, Cazzola G, CTLA4-ICOS risk locus in celiac disease, IgA deficiency and Cipolli M, Friedrich W, Janic D, Azzi N, Richmond E, Vignola common variable immunodeficiency. Genes Immun. 2008 S, Barabino A, Chiumello G, Azzari C, Roncarolo MG, Bacchetta R. Clinical and molecular profile of a new series of patients with immune dysregulation, Haslik W, Kamolz Lp, Manna F, Hladik M, Rath T, Frey M. polyendocrinopathy, enteropathy, X-linked syndrome: Management of full-thickness skin defects in the hand and Inconsistent correlation between forkhead box protein 3 wrist region: first long-term experiences with the dermal expression and disease severity. J Allergy Clin Immunol. matrix Matriderm ®. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Gattorno M, Sormani MP, D'Osualdo A, Pelagatti MA, Caroli 22. Kiren V, Barbi E, Ventura A. Chronic lung disease
F, Federici S, Cecconi M, Solari N, Meini A, Zulian F, Obici L, after premature birth. N Engl J Med. 2008 Feb
Breda L, Martino S, Tommasini A, Bossi G, Govers A, 14;358(7):745; author reply 745-6.
Touitou I, Woo P, Frenkel J, Koné-Paut I, Baldi M, Ceccherini I, Martini A. A diagnostic score for molecular Koskinen LL, Einarsdottir E, Dukes E, Heap GA, Dubois P, analysis of hereditary autoinflammatory syndromes with Korponay-Szabo IR, Kaukinen K, Kurppa K, Ziberna F, periodic fever in children. Arthritis Rheum. 2008 Vatta S, Not T, Ventura A, Sistonen P, Adány R, Pocsai Z, Széles G, Mäki M, Kere J, Wijmenga C, Van Heel Da, Saavalainen P. Association study of the IL18RAP locus in Ghezzi D, Saada A, D'Adamo P, Fernandez-Vizarra E, three european populations with coeliac disease. Hum Mol Gasparini P, Tiranti V, Elpeleg O, Zeviani M. FASTKD2 Genet. 2008 Dec 22. [Epub ahead of print]. nonsense mutation in an infantile mitochondrial encephalomyopathy associated with cytochrome c oxidase Krafft C, Codrich D, Pelizzo G, Sergo V. Raman and FTIR deficiency. Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Sep;83(3):415-23. microscopic imaging of colon tissue:a comparative study. J Granzotto M, Dal Bo S, Quaglia S, Tommasini A, Piscianz E, Valencic E, Ferrara F, Martelossi S, Ventura A, Not T. Krafft C, Codrich D, Pelizzo G, Sergo V. Raman mapping Regulatory T-Cell Function Is Impaired in Celiac Disease. and FTIR imaging of lung tissue: congenital cystic Dig Dis Sci. 2008 Oct 31. [Epub ahead of print] adenomatoid malformation. Analyst Mar 2008;133(3):361- IRCCS BURLO - Direzione Scientifica NEWS - Anno 3, n. 2S, febbraio 2009
Landes M, Newell ML, Barlow P, Fiore S, Malyuta R, 26. Monasta L, Andersson N, Ledogar Rj, Cockcroft A.
Martinelli P, Posokhova S, Savasi V, Semenenko I, Stelmah Minority health and small numbers epidemiology:
A, Tibaldi C, Thorne C. Partecipans: Alberico S, Rabusin M, a case study of living conditions and the health
Bernardon M. Hepatitis B or hepatitis C coinfection in HIV- children in 5 foreign Roma camps in Italy. Am J
infected pregnant women in Europe. HIV Med. 2008 Public Health. 2008: 98 (11): 2035-2041.
Nielsen S, Ruperto N, Gerloni V, Simonini G, Cortis E, Lapolla A, Dalfrà MG, Di Cianni G, Bonomo M, Parretti E, Lepore L, Alpigiani MG, Zulian F, Corona F, Alessio M, Mello G, Scientific Committee of the GISOGD Group. Barcellona R, Gallizzi R, Rossi F, Magni-Manzoni S, Collaborators: Alberico S . A multicenter Italian study on Lombardini G, Filocamo G, Raschetti R, Martini A, Ravelli A; pregnancy outcome in women with diabetes. Nutr Metab Italian Pediatric Rheumatology Study Group. Preliminary evidence that etanercept may reduce radiographic progression in juvenile idiopathic arthritis. Clin Exp Lazzerini M. Zinc supplements for severe cholera. BMJ. Nilstun T, Habiba M, Lingman G, Saracci R, Da Frè M, 23. Lazzerini M, Ronfani L. Oral zinc for treating
Cuttini M; EUROBS study group (Guaschino S). Cesarean diarrhoea in children. Cochrane Database Syst
delivery on maternal request: can the ethical problem be Rev. 2008 Jul 16;(3):CD005436.
solved by the principlist approach? BMC Med Ethics. 2008 Lombardi D, Galtelli C, Khrais T, Morassi ML, Nicolai P. Giant hypervascular lesion of the sinonasal tract invading Nucifora G, Benettoni A, Allocca G, Bussani R, Silvestri F. the anterior skull base and orbit: a puzzling case. Ann Otol Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy as a cause of sudden infant death. J Cardiovasc Med 24. Longo G, Barbi E, Berti I, Meneghetti R, Pittalis A,
Ronfani L, Ventura A. Specific oral tolerance
Parentin F, Rabusin M, Zennaro F, Catalano D, Pensiero S. induction in children with very severe cow's milk-
Chemotherapy for optic nerve glioma in a child with induced reactions. J Allergy Clin Immunol.
neurofibromatosis Type-1. Neuro-Ophthalmology 2008 32: 2008;121(2):343-7
Marchetti F, Bua J. From prioritisation of research in Passweg Jr, Rabusin M. Hematopoetic stem cell paediatrics towards a more rational, evidenced-based and transplantation for immune thrombocytopenia and other “European” drug use in the general practice. BMJ 2008 refractory autoimmune cytopenias. Autoimmunity. 2008 Marchetti F, Giurici N, Ventura A. More causes of Patarino F, Norbedo S, Barbi E, Poli F, Furlan S, Savron F. hypocalcaemia. BMJ 2008 Jun 21;336(7658):1392. Acute respiratory failure in a child after talc inhalation. Respiration. 2008 Dec 2. [Epub ahead of print] Marchetti F, Giurici N, Ventura A. Diagnosis of hypocalcaemia: additional causes should be considered. Pelizzo G, Codrich D, Zennaro F, Dell'Oste C, Maso G, BMJ 2008 Rapid Response, Eletters, Jun 9. D'Ottavio G, Schleef J. Prenatal detection of the cystic form of meconium peritonitis: no issues for delayed postnatal Marcuzzi A, Pontillo A, De Leo L, Tommasini A, Decorti G, surgery. Pediatr Surg Int. 2008 Sep; 24 (9): 1061-5. Not T, Ventura A. Natural isoprenoids are able to reduce inflammation in a mouse model of mevalonate kinase 27. Pennesi M, Travan L, Peratoner L, Bordugo A,
deficiency. Pediatr Res. 2008 Aug;64(2):177-82 Cattaneo A, Ronfani L, Minisini S, Ventura A. North
East Italy Prophylaxis in VUR study group. Is
Mcgovern Mm, Wasserstein MP, Giugliani R, Bembi B, antibiotic prophylaxis in children with
Vanier MT, Mengel E, Brodie SE, Mendelson D, Skloot G, vesicoureteral reflux effective in preventing
Desnick RJ, Kuriyama N, Cox GF. A prospective, cross- pyelonephritis and renal scars? A randomized,
sectional survey study of the natural history of Niemann- controlled trial. Pediatrics. 2008
Pick disease type B. Pediatrics. 2008 Aug;122(2):e341-9. Jun;121(6):e1489-94.
Massa V, Fernandez-Vizarra E, Alshahwan S, Bakhsh E, Perticarari S, Ricci G, Boscolo R, De Santis M, Pagnini G, Goffrini P, Ferrero I, Mereghetti P, D'adamo P, Gasparini P, Martinelli M, Presani G. Fas receptor is not present on Zeviani M. Severe infantile encephalomyopathy caused by ejaculated human sperm. Hum Reprod. 2008 a mutation in COX6B1, a nucleus-encoded subunit of cytochrome c oxidase. Am J Hum Genet. 2008 Pession A, Dama E, Rondelli R, Magnani C, De Rosa M, Locatelli F, Fagioli F, Haupt R, Jankovic M, Terracini B, Messi G, Mastrobuoni F, Copertino M. Trasporto pediatrico. Merletti F, Pastore G; Italian Association of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology. (Collaborators: Tamaro P). Survival of children with cancer in Italy, 1989-98. A report Milanese M, Segat L, De Seta F, Pirulli D, Fabris A, Morgutti from the hospital based registry of the Italian Association M, Crovella S. MBL2 Genetic Screening in patients with of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (AIEOP). Eur J recurrent vaginal infections. Am J Reprod Immunol. Pittis MG, Donnarumma M, Montalvo AL, Dominissini S, Minen F, Barbi E, Ventura A, Carrera P, Zennaro F, Kroos M, Rosano C, Stroppiano M, Bianco MG, Donati Ma, Chiodera P. Twins with severe recurrent chest infections. Parenti G, D'amico A, Ciana G, Di Rocco M, Reuser A, Bembi B, Filocamo M. Molecular and functional characterization of eight novel GAA mutations in Italian 25. Monasta L. Definitions of child overweight and
infants with Pompe disease. Hum Mutat. 2008 obesity. Pediatrics 2008, Eletters, November 19.
IRCCS BURLO - Direzione Scientifica NEWS - Anno 3, n. 2S, febbraio 2009

28. Rabusin M, Andolina M, Maximova N. EBMT
cystic fibrosis: a prospective study. J Cyst Fibros. 2008 Paediatric Autoimmune Diseases Working Parties.
Haematopoietic SCT in autoimmune diseases in
children: rationale and new perspectives. Bone
32. Scrimin F, Wiesenfeld U, Candiotto A, Inglese S,
Marrow Transplant. 2008 Jun;41 Suppl 2:S96-9
Ronfani L, Guaschino S. Resectoscopic treatment
of atypical endometrial polyps in fertile women.
Ralston E, Swaim B, Czapiga M, Hwu Wl, Chien YH, Pittis Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Oct;199(4):365.e1-3.
MG, Bembi B, Schwartz O, Plotz P, Raben N. Detection and imaging of non-contractile inclusions and sarcomeric Segat L, Milanese M, Arosio B, Vergani C, Crovella S. Lack anomalies in skeletal muscle by second harmonic of association between Interleukin-18 gene promoter generation combined with two-photon excited fluorescence. polymorphisms and onset of Alzheimer's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2008 Apr 21. [Epub ahead of print]. Regis S, Biancheri R, Bertini E, Burlina A, Lualdi S, Bianco Segat L, Pontillo A, Milanese M, Tossi A, Crovella S. MG, Devescovi R, Rossi A, Uziel G, Filocamo M. Genotype- Evolution of the hepcidin gene in primates. BMC Genomics phenotype correlation in five Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease patients with PLP1 gene duplications. Clin Genet. 2008 Spinelli A, Baglio G, Cattaneo C, Fontana G, Lamberti A. OKkio alla SALUTE: promozione della salute e crescita sana 29. Ricci G. Optimal catheter placement during
nei bambini della scuola primaria. Annali di Igiene Medicina sonohysterography: a randomized controlled trial
Preventiva e di Comunità, 2008; 20(4):337-44. comparing cervical to uterine placement. Obstet
Gynecol. 2008 Aug;112(2):378.
33. Stocco G, Cheok M, Crews K, Dervieux T, French D,
Pei D, Yang W, Cheng C, Pui CH, Relling M, Evans
30. Ricci G, Guastalla P. Balloon catheter vs. cervical
W. Genetic polymorphism of inosine triphosphate
vacuum cup for hysterosalpingography: a
pyrophosphatase is a determinant of
prospective, randomized, single-blinded study.
mercaptopurine metabolism and toxicity during
Fertil Steril. 2009; 91 (1): 299-300*.
treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Clin
Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Feb;85(2):164-72*.
31. Ricci G, Perticarari S, Boscolo R, Montico M,
Guaschino S, Presani G. Semen preparation
34. Stocco G, Martelossi S, Malusà N, Marino S,
methods and sperm apoptosis: swim-up versus
Decorti G, Bartoli F, Ventura A. Interruption of
gradient-density centrifugation technique. Fertil
mesalamine and reduction of the blood
Steril. 2008 Jan 16. [Epub ahead of print].
concentration of the active metabolites of
azathioprine: possible causes of ulcerative colitis
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