Introduction: Vulnerability in First-in-Human Trial Participants: Vulnerability in Biomedical
The 21st-century translational science campaign could
Vulnerability as a Regulatory Category Research
lead to an increase in first-in-human (FIH) trials. As tests
in Human Subject Research
of investigational interventions move from the labora-tory to human research, scientists, officials, and review
committees should address ongoing concerns about the
ethics of FIH trials. In this article, I describe three ethical
This article examines and critiques the use of the term
considerations relevant to all FIH trials: (1) the require-
“vulnerability” in U.S. and international regulations and
ment for adequate preclinical research; (2) study design
guidelines on research ethics. After concluding that the
safeguards; and (3) choice of subject population. I also
term is currently used in multiple, often inconsistent,
examine specific ethical considerations relevant to the
senses, it calls on regulators to differentiate between three
three subject populations (healthy volunteers, seriously ill
distinct types of vulnerability: “consent-based vulnerabil-
patients lacking standard treatment options, and stable
ity,” “risk-based vulnerability,” and “justice-based vulner-
patients) involved in FIH research. I recommend a variety
of actions that could increase subject protection and the
value of the information generated in FIH trials.
Vulnerability in Research: Individuals The Vulnerability of the Very Sick
When seriously ill patients for whom existing treatments
Individuals with limited resources are often presumed to
are inadequate are invited to participate in clinical trials
be vulnerable in research. Concerns include the possibil-
that offer a new treatment, should those persons be con-
ity of impaired decision making, susceptibility to undue
sidered “vulnerable”? And if so, what additional protec-
inducement, and risk of exploitation. Although each of
tions should they be accorded? This article attempts to
these concerns should be considered by investigators and
IRBs, none justifies categorical exclusion of individuals with limited resources.
Vulnerability in Clinical Research with Patients in Pain: A Risk Analysis Limited English Proficiency and Disparities in Clinical Research
Some have characterized patients living with intractable
pain as a vulnerable population in both clinical and
Patients with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) are a
research settings. Labeling the population as vulnerable,
protected class under the Civil Rights Act. However, clini-
however, does not provide clarity regarding the potential
cal trials continue to remain largely inaccessible to this
risks that they face when they participate in research.
population. This article lays out the scientific, legal, and
Instead, research vulnerability for patients in pain is a
ethical rationales for the inclusion of LEP subjects in clini-
function of an interaction between their pain conditions
and elements of the research enterprise. Therefore, the identification of potential risks requires consideration not only of characteristics of patients with chronic pain, but also consideration of features of researchers, the quality of institutional oversight, and the medical/social environ-ment within which the research is conducted. This paper provides an analysis of those risks and provides some sug-gestions as to how the risks might be better managed.
vulnerability in biomedical research • spring 2009
It also addresses broader questions of potential for stigma
Vulnerable Brains: Research Ethics and
and risk to individuals and communities. The article
concludes that the research should be permitted legally because either it does not involve human subjects, or it
satisfies the requirements for waiver of consent; and that
Seven specific challenges in patient vulnerability related to
the research should also be permitted because the ethical
neurosurgical advancement highlight needed augmenta-
principal of avoiding harm to individuals is fully satis-
tions for standards in innovation and research that do not
fied based on a careful reading of the lessons of the tissue
unduly inhibit access to potential therapies while assuring
bank, biological property rights, and blinded seropreva-
lence study debates, as well as a consideration of other potential harms that might be involved. iPLEDGE Allegiance to the Pill: In Defense of Bioethics Toby L. Schonfeld, N. Jean Amoura, and
Although bioethics societies are developing standards
for clinical ethicists and a code of ethics, they have been
The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
castigated in this journal as “a moral, if not an ethics,
in collaboration with pharmaceutical manufacturers, have
disaster” for not having completed this task. Compared
recently implemented a heavily revised risk-management
with the development of codes of ethics and educational
program for patients on isotretinoin (Accutane), a drug
standards in law and medicine, however, the pace of pro-
with known and pronounced teratogenic effects. This
fessionalization in bioethics appears appropriate. Assessed
revised risk management plan places significant burdens
by this metric, none of the charges leveled against bioeth-
on both providers and patients in the hopes of achiev-
ics are justified. The specific charges leveled against the
ing its goal of reducing fetal exposure to isotretinoin.
American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH)
The main focus of this paper is to discuss the burdens of
and its Core Competencies report are analyzed and reject-
various aspects of the program in relationship to poten-
ed as artifacts of an ahistoric conception of the stages by
tial corresponding benefits. In particular, we evaluate
which organizations professionalize. For example, the
the pregnancy rates of women on isotretinoin therapy
charge that the ASBH should provide definitive criteria for
compared with that of the general population and the
what counts as “medical ethics consultation” antecedent
rate changes based on the risk management programs.
to further progress towards professionalization is assessed
Additionally, we investigate whether the benefits of the
by comparing it with the American Medical Association’s
program for women have increased as the benefits have
decades-long struggle to define who can legitimately claim
risen. We devote special attention to the ethical implica-
the title “medical doctor.” Historically, clarity about who is
tions of the intent of the program and to an analysis of the
legitimately a doctor, a lawyer — or a “clinical ethicist” —
ethical justification of the restrictions placed on women of
is a byproduct of, and never antecedent to, the decades–
childbearing potential (WCP) as it compares to the risk-
long process by which a field professionalizes. The charges
benefit relationship of using isotretinoin.
leveled against ASBH thus appear to be a function of impatient, ahistoric perfectionism.
Prejudice and the Medical Profession: A Walk in the Park: A Case Study Zita Lazzarini, Patricia Case, and
Over the past decades the mortality rate in the United States has decreased, and life expectancy has increased.
Yet a number of recent studies have drawn Americans’
Can researchers, interested in novel ways to assess HIV
attention to the fact that racial and ethnic disparities
seroprevalence among populations which are otherwise
persist in health care. It is clear that the U.S. health care
hidden, collect condoms that have been discarded on the
system, which is the envy of the world, is not only flawed
ground in a public sex environment and test them for
by basic injustices, but may be the cause of both injury
HIV? Researchers, who use other types of abandoned
and death for members of racial and ethnic minorities.
samples, such as discarded syringes, hair or saliva sam-
Progress has been made in several areas since the original
ples, or excess biological samples, confront similar issues.
Institute of Medicine 2002 report. However, five years
This review evaluates whether such abandoned tissues can
later, the 2007 National Healthcare Disparities Report
be studied based on U.S. Code of Federal Regulations and
(NHDR) reported that overall, disparities in quality and
literature on related issues including: research involving
access for minority groups and poor populations have
banked tissues, blinded seroprevalence studies, and prop-
not been reduced since the original report. The three key
erty claims that individuals might make on the samples.
themes that have emerged from this report are the fol-
lowing: (1) overall, disparities in health care quality and
access are not getting smaller; (2) progress is being made,
articles are
but many of the biggest gaps in quality and access have not been reduced; and (3) the problem of persistent uninsur-
ance is a major barrier to reducing disparities. Unless mea-
sures are taken to address this racism, unless a new sense
of trust is established between the medical establishment and racial and ethnic minorities, these injustices will con-
tinue to deepen and expand, and more lives will be placed
in jeopardy. What is needed is a comprehensive, multi-lev-
el, culturally relevant strategy that contains interventions
that target individuals, communities, and the nation as a whole. This will entail understanding the causes of racism
in the medical profession, identifying practical interven-
tions that address racism in individuals, communities, and
the nation as a whole, and forming partnerships that will work to develop a new sense of trust between the medical
establishment and the minority communities.
Independent articles are essays Currents in Contemporary Ethics unrelated to the symposium topic, subjects within the larger medical Teaching Health Law Reviews in Medical Ethics Columns are written or edited by leaders in their fields and appear in each issue of Recent Developments in Health Law Harvard Law and Health Care SocietyPharmaceutical Index to Volume 36 Regulations Calendar of Events
vulnerability in biomedical research • spring 2009
Application for Inclusion of Zinc Sulfate in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines WHO, Child and Adolescent Health Expert Committee on the Selection and Use of Essential Medicines Geneva, 7-11 March 2005 Application for Addition (zinc sulfate) Application for the Inclusion of Zinc Sulfate in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines SUBMITTED BY: World Health Organization C
University Otolaryngology A Patient’s Guide to Audiological Testing Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR) How long is the test? 1 hour What does it test? It tests the nerve in your ear. Why is this test performed? It is performed when a patient is experiencing dizziness, ringing in one (or both) ear(s) or hearing loss that affects one ear more than the other. How is th