
NEWSBYTE: Ban on Dimethyl Fumarate Extended
The European Commission decision of 11 March 2010 (2010/153/EU) is prolonging the validity of Decision
2009/251/EC that requires Member States to ensure that products containing the biocide Dimethyl fumarate are
not placed or made available on the market.
The Commission Decision 2009/251/EC bans the use of Dimethyl fumarate in products or parts of products. The
limit is 0.1 mg/kg. This prior Decision was applicable until 15 March 2010. The new Commission Decision
2010/153/EU extends the applicable date until15 March 2011.
Since 2009, several incidents were reportedly caused by products containing Dimethyl fumarate. Several
Member States also identified products causing damage to the health of consumers. Therefore, the European
Commission banned Dimethyl fumarate. Based on the experience acquired so far, and the absence of a
permanent measure addressing consumer products containing Dimethyl fumarate, it was necessary to prolong
the validity of Decision 2009/251/EC for 12 months.
More about Dimethyl Fumarate
Dimethyl fumarate has been found to be an allergic sensitizer at very low concentrations, producing extensive,
pronounced eczema that is difficult to treat. Even low concentrations may produce allergic reactions. Dimethyl
fumarate is primarily used for mould inhibition, mostly for leather products. It is generally included with the
products in small sachets, similar to the silica gel packs.
Bureau Veritas Assistance
Bureau Veritas with its worldwide laboratory locations and extensive regulatory knowledge can help clients
evaluate the risks involved with the usage of Dimethyl fumarate in the marketplace. Our services can help
protect company and brand reputations through compliance with increasingly complex requirements. We can
also assist with the increasing ‘green’ demands on product standards by consumers and governments.

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please contact your customer service representative.
Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Inc. (“BVCPS”) provides the information in this client newsbyte as a resource of general information. It does not replace any applicable legal or regulatory requirements and is provided “as is.” BVCPS will not be liable for any indirect, special, punitive, consequential or other damages (including without limitation lost profits) of any kind in connection with this client newsbyte. BVCPS DISCLAIMS ALL REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, IN CONNECTION WITH THIS CLIENT NEWSBYTE. Copyright 2010 Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. B u r e a u V e r i t a s C o n s u m e r P r o d u c t s S e r v i c e s • w w w . b u r e a u v e r i t a s . c o m / C P S

Source: http://www.bureauveritas.nl/wps/wcm/connect/38aebd8041f3750cb3adb738d772f879/Newsbyte_10NB-021.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=38aebd8041f3750cb3adb738d772f879

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