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University of Chicago Graduate School of Business
Chicago, IL
1991 - 1993
Dean’s List
United States Military Academy

West Point, NY
1980 - 1984
Presidential & Senatorial Nominee, Distinguished Graduate, Dean’s List PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE___________________________________________________

Kenilworth, NJ
Director, Global Marketing
12/05 - Present
Lead cross-functional business team of market research, manufacturing, finance & promotional agencies to launch new products. Ensure alignment of global business strategies with country marketing organizations to maximize growth potential. • Designed and executed global strategies that included the identification of key market issues, critical success factors for the brands, brand positioning and messaging including competitive strategies. • Executed global brand tactics in the areas of promotional campaigns, advocacy development, public • Orchestrated successful European, Latin American and Asia-Pacific launch meetings. • Developed commercial inputs for manufacturing start-up procedures. New York, NY
Senior Brand Manager, Global Marketing
Managed strategic business development of $500 MM Vfend brand. Primary responsibilities included partnering with country management to grow sales in Europe. Supervised three marketing managers and managed $7.4 MM HQ marketing budget. • Convinced senior management of Pfizer Germany to modify their business strategy in order to revitalize sales. Product sales in Germany subsequently outpaced all other major European markets. • Analyzed usage patterns and completed customer segmentation analysis to recommend critical new Professional Sales Representative
6/89- 9/92
• Twice selected for membership into prestigious Pfizer "All Star" sales team. • Won multiple national sales awards and offered early promotion to Senior Sales Representative GERBER & NOVARTIS
Basel, Switzerland
Global Brand Manager
2/00 – 10/03
Responsible for $1 BN global Lamisil franchise. Partnered with countries to ensure implementation of effective business strategies and expansion of consumer marketing efforts to grow market share & sales. • Launched new global business strategy that increased market share from 52% to 56% despite entry of • Managed the development of three new products to generate $1.8 BN of future sales. • Completed extensive market expansion strategy leveraging multi-media (television, print and radio) to Senior Manager, New Business Development
Responsible for the launch of a new business franchise. This innovative platform leveraged Novartis R&D
to extend Gerber brand equity across incremental categories (dermatological, rehydration, nutrition & oral
care categories) to generate sales 100% incremental to base brand.
• New business proposition recognized as the “most successful product launch in 2000” by Novartis CEO.
• Received promotion to Global Brand Manager and assignment to corporate headquarters in Switzerland.
Plano, TX
Senior Product Manager – Rold Gold Pretzel Brand
4/97 - 1/00
Selected by SVP of Marketing to lead re-launch of $225 MM Rold Gold pretzel franchise. • Developed new business strategy & positioning platform after conducting extensive usage & attitude studies, product reformulation, SKU optimization, packaging redesign and competitive product analysis. • Convinced CEO to implement comprehensive 3-year turn around plan designed to double market share through revised consumer communications, merchandising strategy and trade promotions. Led cross-functional team of Marketing, Product Development, Manufacturing, Market Research and Sales to execute re-launch 3 months ahead of schedule & $300K below budget. New Business Development Manager
Researched, developed & launched new "Now Foods" product proposition to source $500 MM in incremental sales from the lunch & dinner categories previously dominated by companies such as Kraft. • Business proposition termed "biggest new idea in years” by PepsiCo CEO. • Developed motivating sales strategy and promotional materials that resulted in gaining 75% ACV in FDM channels within 6 months, thus exceeding management expectations by 150%. NESTLE’
Glendale, CA
Brand Manager, Friskies PetCare
6/93 - 3/97
Managed Chef’s Blend, Alpo Cat and Mighty Dog brands in highly competitive pet food category. Responsible for P&L management, consumer & veterinary communications, trade promotions, new product development and agency supervision. • Grew $120 MM Mighty Dog brand and $65 MM Chef’s Blend brand to historical high market share & • Assisted in transitioning the Alpo cat food brand from Grand Met to Friskies PetCare. UNITED STATES ARMY
Germany & USA
Commissioned Officer 1984-1989
Rapidly accelerated through military ranks while assuming increasing amounts of direct responsibility for
personnel, materials & organizational readiness missions in active Army combat units.
• Selected by Division Commander to represent US at high visibility NATO events.
• Consistently rated in top 5% of officers’ corps and promoted to Major in US Army Reserves.


Strong German skills, enjoy skiing with family, extensive international exposure. Spouse is German citizen.

Source: http://cdn.theladders.net/static/pdf/AB_Resume_May08_Before.pdf

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