Psychopharmacology for the Clinician The information in this column is not intended as a definitive treatment strategy but as a suggested approach for clinicians treating patientswith similar histories. Individual cases may vary and should be evaluated carefully before treatment is provided. The patient described in thiscolumn is a composite with characteristics of several real patients.Off-label antipsychotic use and tardive dyskinesia in at-risk popu lations: new drugs with old side effects
over the years, with limited response.
anxiety, led to an antipsychotic trial.
in off-label antipsychotic use across all
age groups,1–5 perhaps reflecting their
reputation. In addition, the field is sanc-
fect. In the second year of treatment, he
were initially attributed to on going den-
with the atypical antipsychotics,9–11 all
tients, 2 populations particularly sensi-
part of our clinical decision-making. Gary Remington, MD, PhD Margaret Hahn, MD, PhD
abuse, race, sex and genetics.11–15 There
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Competing interests: Both authors declare
also declares consulting fees from Roche,
chroneron and grants from Neurocrine andMedicure.
ments (i.e., localized, perioral). Within
Psychopharmacology for the Clinician columns are usually based on a case report that illustrates a point of interest in clinical psychopharma-cology. They are about 650 words long. Columns can include a bibliography which will be available only onthe journal website.J Psychiatry Neurosci 2014;39(1)
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Adrenoceptors and breast cancer: Review article Roisman R., Klemm O., Raphaeli G., and Roisman I. Dedicated to Mrs. Minka Klavins and Prof. Janis V. Klavins Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA Correspondence to: Isaac Roisman, M.D., Dip. Surg., M. Surg., D.Sc. P.O.Box 45470 , Haifa 31453, Israel Tel.: (972-4)8388393, Fax: (972-4)8379503 Adrenocepto