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Egg Sharing Information for Egg Providers
What is Egg Sharing?
Egg sharing involves one woman (the egg provider) undergoing a cycle of IVF treatment and providing some of her eggs to another woman (the recipient).
This increases the availability of eggs to potential recipients and enables the egg provider to receive her own IVF treatment at a reduced cost.
The Egg Provider
Who can be an egg provider?
To be eligible to be an egg provider you should;  If you have polycystic ovaries you should be taking a drug cal ed  Have hormone levels within normal limits i.e. AMH more than 12.
Not have any transmittable diseases( infectious or inheritable) Have no family history of inheritable disorders/ congenital Have no history of poor ovarian response to stimulation.
 Have no history of recurrent miscarriage ( 2 or more confirmed  Have less than 3 previous failed IVF attempts  Have no previous failed fertilisation  Have less than 3 previous attempts at egg sharing  Have had a previous IVF cycle which produced at least 8 good quality eggs or a previous normal live birth.
PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 How do I join the egg share programme as a provider?
 You can contact us at CRGW on 01443 443 999. We may need to approach your GP regarding your suitability to be a donor.
 You wil be invited for a consultation. At this visit we wil take a medical, fertility and family history from you/partner. We wil need to exclude the possibility of inheritable disorders including Prion disease  You wil need a physical examination as part of your general health  We wil plan your investigations/screening tests and discuss how we assess your suitability as an egg provider.
This is to prevent transmission of infection or increased risk of abnormalities in any children born from treatment.
 Blood group and rhesus antigen status  Genetic tests for chromosomal abnormalities including the test for the  Specific tests related to ethnicity wil also be carried out; Thalassaemia (Eastern Mediterranean), Sickle Cel (Afro-Caribbean ),Tay-Sacs  Vaginal swabs for general infection, Chlamydia and gonorrhoea  HIV and Hepatitis Band C (blood tests) 2 tests taken 3 months apart N.B. HIV and Hepatitis B and C are carried out before being accepted onto
the programme and are repeated at the start of any treatment cycle. This does not completely exclude the possibility of these viruses, as due to the nature of the test false positive and false negative results can occur.
PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 Screening may reveal an unsuspected infectious or genetic condition which may have implications for your future health or the health of your family. We wil , of course, do appropriate tests and provide counsel ing.
Welfare of the child
As with al fertility treatments the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) code of practice requires that we assess the suitability of you/your partner to be parents. This is done by you completing a questionnaire. If there are any issues raised from this we may need to contact your GP or other relevant professional. We wil ask you to complete 'Consent to Disclosure' before we make these enquiries. It may also be necessary to discuss this at our social and ethical issues group.
Prior to acceptance onto the programme we wil ask you/partner to be seen by an independent counsel or who wil explore ethical and legal issues with you.
The counsel or may also discuss any welfare of the child issues that have arisen or, if appropriate, any feedback from our clinic meeting group.
Ethical Issues
These are some of the issues which you should consider;  How wil you feel about someone else having a child conceived from  How wil you feel if the recipient is successful, but the treatment does  Consider what anonymous information you would like to receive about the recipient’s treatment, bearing in mind that donor anonymity has been removed and there is the potential that a child may make contact  How wil you feel if a child born from treatment contacts you when they are 18 years old? The law now al ows access to identifying information when they are 18. We encourage parents of donor conceived children to tel the child from an early age how they were conceived as it is important for them to know about their origins. We encourage them to seek advice about how to do this from the Donor Conception website.
 You should consider the needs of any existing children or children born  There is also a possibility that children born as a result of treatment could be unknowing siblings and may live in the same geographical PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 Legal Issues
Since 1991 the HFEA has kept a confidential register of information about al sperm, egg and embryo donations. This includes for al donors a physical description, ethnicity and (if provided) occupation and interests. The register includes al treatments and resulting children. The fol owing information can Information donor – conceived individuals can receive
18 year olds will be able to obtain
 Identifying information about the donor including name, address, date of birth and physical appearance if the donation was made after April  Identifying information on donations made prior to April 2005 if the donor has retrospectively removed anonymity  Anonymous information if the donation was made before April 2005  Those who intend to marry or enter into a civil partnership can submit a joint application to establish whether they are genetical y related.
 Non-identifying information about their donor- conceived genetical y related siblings including number, sex and year of birth.
 18 year olds wil be able to find out identifying information about donor- conceived genetical y related siblings, if both sides consent, and wil be able to find out about their donor, if applicable 16 year olds will be entitled to
 Non identifying information about their donor and their donor - conceived genetical y related siblings.
 16 year olds who intend to enter an intimate physical relationship can find out whether they are genetical y related.
Information parents of donor-conceived individuals can receive
 They can be provided with non-identifying information about the donor by the clinic when they receive treatment  Upon request the HFEA can provide them with the number, sex and year of birth of other offspring of the same donor Information donors can receive
 They have the right to access the fol owing anonymous information about their genetic offspring; number, sex and year of birth of people  The HFEA is expected to contact and forewarn a donor of the fact that a donor conceived individual has requested identifying information  Donors wil be able to contact the clinic or the HFEA for this PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 Further Legal Issues
 The egg provider may withdraw her consent to the agreement at any time before any eggs or embryos created from the treatment are transferred into the recipient, used for research or al owed to perish  The outcomes of the treatment cycles may be disclosed to the provider and recipient if both have consented ( This is up to the individual and  We can give the recipient non-identifying information about the provider and we also encourage the provider to write a short biography which can be given to any child resulting from treatment  Egg providers have no legal claim to any children born from their  It is il egal for payment to be made as part of an egg share Medical Issues
 You may not produce enough fol icles or eggs to continue the egg sharing arrangement. This cannot be anticipated as ovarian response to stimulation can vary in different treatment cycles and may happen even if you have previously had a good response.
 As with al IVF cycles there is a risk of over response which can have serious complications. Although we would like you to produce enough eggs to share we aim to avoid ovarian hyper-stimulation and would  Because you are sharing your eggs there may not be any/many embryos to freeze. You should also be aware that frozen embryo cycles are less successful than fresh embryo cycles.
 In an egg sharing arrangement both you and the recipient have fertility problems. You may have an undetected egg problem which wil affect your treatment and that of the recipient.
 We would emphasise that neither you nor the egg recipient should feel under pressure to go ahead with the treatment.
 It is essential for the wel being of any children born as a result of the treatment that you disclose al of your personal and family medical history. If a child is born with a disability due to you withholding information regarding conditions about which you knew, or could be reasonably expected to know, then he/she may sue you personal y for  In the future if you discover a previously unsuspected genetic condition, the clinic and the HFEA should be immediately informed.
Consideration would be given to informing recipients who have had live births or where pregnancy is ongoing. In these circumstances appropriate tests would be arranged and counsel ing offered.
PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 The Treatment Cycle
The treatment involves you undergoing a cycle of IVF at the same time the recipient takes medication to prepare her womb for embryo transfer.
To al ow synchronisation of your cycles you both need to commence either the oral contraceptive pil (if not contraindicated) or a progesterone tablet. We wil fol ow this with daily injections of a drug cal ed Suprecur. This is designed to “switch off” your hormones to al ow us to manipulate your cycle. After 2-3 weeks on these injections their effect is checked by a baseline scan. When your hormones are “switched off” you then start a second daily injection to stimulate the ovaries. You wil continue both injections for approximately 2 weeks, with regular scans to monitor your progress. For a full description of
an IVF cycle please see our information leaflet on IVF/ICSI treatment.
Fol owing egg col ection you wil be asked to share 50% of your eggs with the recipient. Your eggs wil be inseminated with your partners/donor sperm. The recipient’s share of the eggs wil be inseminated with her partner’s We wil ask you to use pessaries/injections to encourage pregnancy to occur and to do a pregnancy test 16 days after embryo transfer. As with al fertility treatments there is a risk of ectopic and multiple pregnancies.
No more than 2 embryos can be transferred into your womb. To reduce the risks of a multiple pregnancy we now encourage a single embryo transfer.
There are number of consents and forms for you/partner to complete before  We wil require a copy of your passport (which can be taken at the  You wil need to consent if we are to keep your GP informed of your progress or if we need to request information from them in the event of  Consent to use and storage of eggs and embryos (female)  Consent to treatment and embryo transfer (female)  Consent to use of eggs in donation (female)  Consent to use and storage of sperm and embryos (male)  If using donor sperm there wil be additional consents concerning legal parenthood (see information sheet regarding the use of donor sperm)  The egg sharing agreement.(al concerned) PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010 The Egg Sharing Agreement
N.B. There is a separate consent form for the agreement and the fol owing
 If you produce 6 or more eggs you wil share 50% with the recipient.
I you produce an odd number you wil get the extra egg.
If you get less than 6 eggs we believe there are too few to share and you may keep al your eggs (at no additional cost). However we would consider your response as unsuitable to take part in any further egg  If you have less than 6 fol icles on day 10 of the stimulation you may continue to egg col ection and keep al eggs for your own use( at no additional cost), unless you both agree to continue with the agreement.
We would consider your response as unsuitable for further egg  If you withdraw from an egg sharing agreement during your ovarian stimulation without a clinical reason you can choose to cease treatment , donate al your eggs as an altruistic donor or keep al the  If the recipient withdraws from the agreement during stimulation and an alternative cannot be found you may continue to egg col ection and keep al the eggs with no additional cost.
 The cost of the treatment and the drugs is born by recipient  If additional procedures are required the individual requiring them wil meet the costs. Additional procedures include; ICSI, Donor Sperm, Embryo freezing (after the first year), Sperm freezing and Assisted Divulging Information
Neither you nor the egg recipient wil have identifying information about the other and we wil ensure that you attend clinic on different days or times, and are treated by different members of staff.
You can both consent if you wish to having/divulging information about the outcomes of each other’s cycles. You may not wish to do this and we respect N.B. Please note the information donors, donor-conceived individuals and
parents of donor-conceived individuals can now obtain. (See under legal PI Egg Sharing- Provider V1 AOL July 2010



Clinical Rounds Women’s Health I N T E R N A L M E D I C I N E N E W S • S e p t e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 0 5 D R U G S , P R E G N A N C Y , L A C T A T I O N B Y S H A R O N W O R C E S T E R The autoimmune disorder traindicated in pregnancy. Exposure ofS T. P E T E B E A C H , F L A . — A total of228 adverse e

Your child's heath and well-being is of great importance to us

STUDENT'S HEALTH HISTORY (To be filled out by Parents) . Your child's health and well-being is of great importance to us. Please complete this form carefully in order to assist us support child. First Name: Middle : Last Sibling at AIS: Name & Grade: Name of Emergency Contact in Muscat (other than yourself) Telephone # STUDENT'S HEALTH HISTORY Does your child have any of the following

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