CONTINUING EDUCATION Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Current Approach to Treatment by Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP; and Sara E. Dugan, PharmD, BCPP
event. Similar to variations in exposure to traumatic events,
the prevalence of PTSD also has been found to vary wide-
ly. It is estimated that the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in the
Utraumatic stress disorder. general population is 5-6 percent for males and 10-14 per-
cent for females. For populations exposed to interpersonal
violence such as combat veterans, populations affected
by genocide, survivors of rape, or those previously held
3. Recommend lifestyle modifications and
captive, PTSD prevalence estimates are estimated to rise
drug treatment options for post-traumatic
to 25-50 percent. With the increased availability of graphic
videos and images available via media outlets and the
4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages
internet, there is a concern of a potential rise in the preva-
for the various treatment options used in post-
lence of PTSD in the population of viewers of this material,
but the expected prevalence of PTSD development after
5. Design appropriate education for patients on
witnessing an event is thought to be lower than if actually
the rationale, appropriate use and adverse
confronted with the event. In addition to developing PTSD,
effects of medications used for post-traumatic those exposed to traumatic events are at increased risk for stress disorder.
major depression, panic disorder, generalized anxiety dis-order, substance abuse, hypertension, asthma and chronic
Upon successful completion of this article, the
pharmacy technician should be able to:1. Explain the pathophysiology of post-traumatic
A number of biochemical processes are thought to be
2. Describe the risk factors and symptoms of
involved in the development and throughout the course
of PTSD. The amygdala and hippocampus as well as the
3. Discuss lifestyle modifications and com-
neurotransmitters serotonin, norepinephrine (NE) and do-
pamine are commonly cited. The amygdala is the portion
of the brain responsible for fear response and is thought
4. Identify patients at risk for, or exhibiting signs
to signal the hippocampus which appears to assist in the
of, post-traumatic stress disorder and refer
development of memories. Imaging studies of PTSD pa-
patients to the pharmacist for further assess-
tients have demonstrated altered activity in both areas. It is
thought that at the time of the trauma a number of factors (such as previous traumas, ethnicity, support immediately
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is an
following trauma) may influence the body’s response. If the
anxiety disorder resulting from either the direct
body is unable to contain the biological stress, this may
involvement with or the witnessing of a traumatic
progress to the development of symptoms including intru-
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 39
sive recollection, re-experiencing, avoidance, numbness
will not respond to pharmacotherapy alone.
and hyperarousal. Changes in the body’s initial response
Engagement of families and supportive indi-
to the trauma may be due to lower cortisol levels which
viduals is also recommended as involving them
may lead to greater availability of NE. In general, patients
in treatment may assist in achieving optimal
with PTSD tend to have higher levels of NE in their central
outcomes. Once the patient’s symptoms are
nervous systems (CNS) and to a lesser extent in the pe-
controlled, treatment should focus on attempt-
riphery. In addition to elevations in NE, there appear to be
ing to work with the patient’s ability to cope with
alterations in the signaling of a number of CNS pathways
situations. This may assist in preventing future
that result in the symptoms experienced in PTSD that have
relapses or exacerbations from other poten-
not clearly been delineated at this time.
tially traumatic events so the patient is able to maintain a sense of safety and trust. To prevent
relapse, medication therapy often needs to be
The diagnosis of PTSD is made if an individual has
been personally exposed to or witnessed a traumatic event. This event inspires fear, hopelessness, or horror
in the individual. Following the trauma, the individual of-
ten begins to re-experience the event and may attempt
There are a number of different approaches
to avoid people or places associated with the event.
recommended for the treatment of PTSD. Cog-
Some individuals may become desensitized or numb
nitive behavioral therapy is recommended to
to their surroundings while still experiencing increased
commence two to three weeks following expo-
symptoms of hyperarousal. Episodes are considered
sure to the trauma to prevent the development
acute if the symptoms last for more than one month but of PTSD or to accelerate recovery. This therapy less than three months, while episodes are considered
focuses on desensitizing the patient to trauma-
chronic if the symptoms last more than three months. A related triggers. Eye movement desensitization third subset is delayed-onset PTSD, where six months
and reprocessing (EMDR) requires the patient
or more have passed following the traumatic experi-
to recall traumatic material while simultane-
ence before the onset of symptoms. Symptoms may
ously focusing on an external stimulus.
be present in patients of any age and the duration of
The efficacy of EMDR is thought to be simi-
the illness varies. Approximately half of patients have
lar to that of other non-pharmacologic options.
complete recovery within three months, but symptom
Individual and group therapy focus on educating
reactivation may occur with exposure to reminders of
patients about the condition as well as restruc-
turing the patient’s thoughts and automatic responses to thoughts, images or experiences.
Learning a variety of coping skills may assist
Goals for the treatment of PTSD involve the resolution of
in managing anxiety during these experiences.
all PTSD symptoms experienced by the patient as well as Support groups are also available for family and any co-morbid conditions such as other anxiety disor-
friends to provide education and skills to help
ders, depression or substance abuse. To achieve this
these important individuals play an active role in
goal, combination psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
facilitating the recovery of their loved one. Not
are often utilized as approximately 40 percent of patients
all of the non-pharmacologic therapies are ap-
Persistent and intrusive recollections, dreams, or flashbacks of the event
Avoiding thoughts, feelings, activities, or people associated with the trauma; reduced interest in
significant activities; restricted emotional range; difficulty conceptualizing a long-lasting life
Difficulty falling or staying asleep, nightmares, irritability, impaired concentration, hypervigilance, or
40 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013
propriate for all PTSD patients. Similar to other
antidepressant response or for use in treatment-refractory
mental illnesses, treatment should be tailored to
patients with varying degrees of success. Antidepressant
the needs of the individual, including the recog-
doses for sertraline and paroxetine are similar to dosing
nition that these needs often change over time.
for other indications and should be titrated from a start-ing dose to that which is clinically effective and tolerated.
Sertraline dose should start at 50 mg once daily, up to 200
mg daily and paroxetine dose should start at 20 mg once
Currently, paroxetine and sertraline are the only
daily, up to 60 mg. The same approach to dosing could be
two medications approved for PTSD by the Food applied to off-label use of other drugs as illustrated in the and Drug Administration (FDA). Selective sero-
following table. Patients responding to pharmacotherapy
tonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin
should continue treatment for at least one year.
norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) are
All antidepressants carry a black box warning for
first-line pharmacotherapeutic options for the
suicidal thinking and behavior (
treatment of PTSD due to their safety, efficacy,
and tolerability. Nevertheless, antidepressants
htm) in children, adolescents and young adults (up to
have not consistently demonstrated benefit
age 24 years). Families and friends should be engaged
across all patient types (such as civilian versus
to communicate signs of suicidal thinking and behavior
combat-related PTSD) and symptom clusters
(such as re-experiencing, avoiding/numbing, and hyperarousal). Various medications have been
investigated as adjunctive therapy to enhance
SSRIs are first-line options for the treatment of PTSD. They
Common Medications for the Treatment of PTSDGeneric Name
a Paroxetine and sertraline are FDA-approved for the treatment of PTSD.
b The dosage should be increased according to the patient’s response and tolerability. Usual serum concentrations range from 50-
c Lamotrigine dosing is influenced by concomitant medications. Initiate lamotrigine at half the regular starting dose (i.e., 25mg every
other day) with concurrent divalproex therapy or twice the regular starting dose (i.e., 50mg once daily) with concurrent metabolic
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 41
are considered effective treatment for all three PTSD symp-
pressants, such as paroxetine, than those with
tom clusters: re-experiencing, avoidance/numbing, and
longer half-lives and active metabolites, such as
hyperarousal. Furthermore, they also treat co-morbidities that fluoxetine and its active metabolite, norfluoxetine. frequently accompany PTSD, including depression, suicidal-
The FDA has approved six SSRIs: citalopram
ity, and impulsivity. Finally, SSRIs have a favorable side effect (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Pro-profile relative to many other psychotropic medications.
zac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), and
SSRIs are specific for inhibiting the presynaptic reup-
sertraline (Zoloft). SSRIs are FDA-approved for
take of serotonin via blockade of the serotonin transporter
a number of conditions, including major depres-
pump. They display relatively weak effects on the reuptake
sive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, panic
of other neurotransmitters, notably norepinephrine and
disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and
dopamine. SSRIs also have low affinity for histaminergic,
bulimia nervosa. While sertraline and paroxetine
muscarinic, and adrenergic receptors; therefore, they are are the only medications approved for PTSD, considerably more tolerable than the tricyclic antidepres-
many clinicians regard all SSRIs as having similar
sants (TCAs). Despite similarities across SSRIs, individual
efficacy in its treatment. Unfortunately, head-to-
agents vary with regard to other properties, such as phar-
head trials among SSRIs for PTSD are lacking.
macokinetic parameters and side effect profiles.
Sertraline, paroxetine, and fluoxetine currently
Side effects are generally mild and more tolerable
have the most evidence for use in PTSD.
than many other psychotropic medications. Common side
effects include gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, diar-
medications for the treatment of PTSD. Two ran-
rhea), sexual dysfunction, headache, insomnia, somno-
domized, placebo-controlled, 12-week trials in
lence, restlessness and anxiety. While side effects such as
civilian-related PTSD found sertraline superior to
gastrointestinal disturbances are transient, resolving within
placebo. The first trial evaluated 187 outpatients
the first few days to weeks of therapy, sexual dysfunction
with sertraline doses ranging from 50 to 200 mg/
may often persist. It has been estimated that upwards of
day. Compared to placebo, sertraline signifi-
60 percent of patients report signs of treatment-related
cantly decreased the Clinician-Administered
sexual dysfunction during SSRI therapy, including symp-
PTSD Scale (CAPS) total score [-33.0 vs -23.2
toms of decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and de-
(p=0.02)] and was well tolerated. Response rate
layed or absent orgasm or ejaculation.
was defined as a greater than 30 percent reduc-
Other potential side effects include hyponatremia,
tion in CAPS total score and a Clinical Global
abnormal bleeding, and discontinuation symptoms. The
Impression - Improvement (CGI-I) score of 1 or
mechanism of SSRI-induced hyponatremia has not been
2. Overall, patients receiving sertraline had a
fully elucidated; however, risk factors for its development
53 percent response rate versus 32 percent for
include older age, female gender, concurrent diuretic use,
placebo. The second trial investigated 208 out-
and a lower serum sodium concentration at baseline.
patients with sertraline doses ranging from 50 to
Abnormal bleeding has been observed with SSRI therapy.
200 mg/day. Once again, sertraline significantly
It has been suggested that the risk of abnormal bleeding
improved efficacy measures versus placebo,
secondary to SSRIs is caused by the inhibition of serotonin
notably the CAPS total score [-33.0 vs -26.2
uptake into platelets. Gastrointestinal bleeding is most
(p=0.04)]. Criteria for response were defined
often observed; nevertheless, the overall risk appears low.
similarly to the previous trial. Overall, patients
The risk appears to be increased with concurrent antico-
receiving sertraline had a 60 percent response
agulant, antiplatelet, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
rate, versus 38 percent for placebo. In contrast
use. Discontinuation syndrome is manifested by the abrupt
to the previous studies, a more recent 12-week
discontinuation of therapy. Flu-like symptoms, insomnia,
trial evaluated 169 outpatients with predomi-
nausea, dizziness, anxiety, and sensory disturbances (par-
nantly combat-related PTSD. Sertraline failed to
esthesias) are common features. Discontinuation syndrome separate from placebo in primary or secondary occurs more commonly with the shorter half-life antide-
endpoints. Finally, sertraline was evaluated in
42 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013
a 28-week trial examining its effects on relapse
cut-off score of 1 was utilized, the response rate differed
prevention. Patients completed both an initial
significantly, with 59 percent for fluoxetine and 19 percent
12-week and subsequent 24-week treatment
for placebo. An internationally conducted randomized,
phase and were considered sertraline treatment
placebo-controlled, 12-week trial consisted of 301 combat
responders. A total of 96 patients then entered
and civilian-related PTSD patients. Fluoxetine was dosed
a 28-week, double-blind study and were ran-
20 to 80 mg/day. The primary efficacy measure was the
domized to continue sertraline therapy or initiate
change in Treatment Outcome PTSD rating scale (TOP-8)
placebo. Continued treatment with sertraline
total score. Fluoxetine significantly improved the TOP-8 total
resulted in significantly fewer patients relapsing,
score versus placebo as well as significantly improving the
with 5.3 percent versus 26.1 percent for placebo.
CAPS total score [-34.6 vs -26.8 (p=0.021)]. Response
Paroxetine is also FDA-approved for the treat-
rates were 59.9 percent for fluoxetine and 43.8 percent for
ment of PTSD. Paroxetine was shown to be effec-
placebo. Fluoxetine has also been studied for relapse pre-
tive in two placebo-controlled, 12-week trials. The
vention. A placebo-controlled discontinuation study evalu-
first trial evaluated 307 patients with paroxetine
ated 57 patients. Patients enrolled in the study received
doses ranging from 20 to 50 mg/day. The primary
open-label fluoxetine treatment for six months. The patients
outcome was change in CAPS total score as well
were then randomized to receive fluoxetine 10 to 60 mg/day
as the proportion of responders on the CGI-I. The
or placebo for an additional six months in a double-blinded
average dose of paroxetine was 27.6 ± 6.72 mg/
fashion. Utilizing CGI-I scores, placebo had a significantly
day. Compared to placebo, paroxetine significant-
higher relapse rate of 50 percent versus fluoxetine at 22.2
ly decreased the CAPS total score [-35.5 vs -24.7
percent. Furthermore, the time to relapse was significantly
(p=<0.001)]. The response rate was significantly
greater for paroxetine than placebo at approxi-
A second study examining relapse prevention selected
mately 60 percent versus 40 percent, respectively. patients responding to 12 weeks of acute treatment. Follow-The second trial evaluated 551 patients random-
ing acute treatment, a total of 131 patient responders were
ized to receive either paroxetine 20 mg/day, 40
randomized in a double-blind fashion to receive either fluox-
mg/day, or placebo. Paroxetine 20 mg/day, 40
etine or placebo for an additional 24 weeks. The average
mg/day, and placebo decreased the CAPS total
dose by study endpoint was 53 mg/day. While fluoxetine
score by -39.6, -37.9, and -25.3, respectively.
failed to separate from placebo with regard to the CAPS to-
Improvement was significantly greater for both ac-
tal score, fluoxetine was able to significantly prevent relapse
tive treatments versus placebo. The percentage of versus placebo. Other trials have failed to show any benefit patients achieving response was 62 percent with
with fluoxetine therapy. A placebo-controlled, 12-week trial
paroxetine 20 mg/day, 54 percent with paroxetine
evaluated fixed doses of fluoxetine 20 and 40 mg/day. The
40 mg/day, and 37 percent with placebo.
trial included predominately women and utilized the TOP-
While fluoxetine is not FDA-approved for
8 as the primary outcome measure. Fluoxetine failed to
the treatment of PTSD, literature exists support-
produce significant changes in the TOP-8 total score or in
ing its use. An early trial of 64 patients evalu-
response rates. Similarly, fluoxetine 20 mg/day and 40 mg/
ated fluoxetine versus placebo. Despite its short
day failed to separate from placebo with regard to the CAPS
five-week duration, fluoxetine significantly de-
total score with changes of -42.9, -42.8, and -36.6, respec-
creased the CAPS total score. A randomized,
tively. A possible explanation for the lack of benefit may
placebo-controlled, 12-week trial of civilians
involve the dosing of fluoxetine with higher overall doses
examined fluoxetine in doses up to 60 mg/day.
potentially needed to produce the desired effects in PTSD.
Of the 53 patients, 91 percent were women. The
The remaining SSRIs have also been investigated for
Duke Global Rating for PTSD was the primary
the treatment of PTSD to varying degrees. Citalopram,
outcome measure. When a Duke cut-off score of
recently scrutinized by the FDA for dose-dependent QT
1 or 2 was utilized to define response, differences
prolongation concerns, has favorable data from open-label
were not statistically significant. When a Duke
trials. A double-blind comparison of citalopram, sertraline,
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 43
and placebo supported a beneficial class effect of SSRIs
combat-related PTSD were randomized to either
on PTSD. Escitalopram, the active S-enantiomer of race-
venlafaxine extended-release ranging from 37.5
mic citalopram, has only preliminary open-label trial data
to 300 mg/day, sertraline 25 to 200 mg/day, or
suggesting efficacy. Fluvoxamine, predominantly utilized in placebo. The primary outcome measure was obsessive-compulsive disorder, has demonstrated ben-
change in CAPS score. Average doses were 225
eficial effects in PTSD, as well. Nevertheless, paroxetine,
mg and 151 mg for venlafaxine extended-release
sertraline, and fluoxetine continue to be the most rigorously and sertraline, respectively. Changes in CAPS evaluated SSRIs for the treatment of PTSD.
scores were -41.5, -39.4, and -34.2 for venlafax-ine extended-release, sertraline, and placebo,
respectively. Differences between venlafaxine
extended-release and placebo were statistically
There are currently four FDA-approved SNRIs available:
significant for the primary outcome; however, dif-
venlafaxine (Effexor), desvenlafaxine (Pristiq), duloxetine
ferences between venlafaxine extended-release
(Cymbalta), and milnacipran (Savella). SNRIs inhibit the
and sertraline were not statistically significant.
presynaptic reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine to varying degrees. Venlafaxine, for example, inhibits the reup-
take of serotonin at low doses, whereas higher doses are
A number of other antidepressants have been
needed to additionally inhibit the reuptake of norepinephrine. evaluated for the treatment of PTSD. Bupropion Desvenlafaxine is the primary active metabolite of venla-
(Wellbutrin) inhibits the presynaptic reuptake of
faxine. Duloxetine is unique in that it is FDA-approved for a
dopamine and norepinephrine. Common side ef-
number of pain indications, including diabetic neuropathy,
fects include insomnia, dry mouth, nausea, and
fibromyalgia, and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Milnacipran, weight loss. Contraindications include patients the newest SNRI available, is currently only FDA-approved
with seizure disorders, a history of anorexia or
for the management of fibromyalgia. Side effects vary slightly bulimia nervosa, and the abrupt discontinuation among the SNRIs; however, a notable difference from SSRIs
of alcohol or sedatives. Ask patients or caregiv-
includes dose-dependent increases in blood pressure.
ers about seizure history if the patient is known
Blood pressure should be monitored regularly throughout
to have suffered a head trauma. Overall, bu-
therapy. Similar to paroxetine, venlafaxine is prone to causing propion was found to be ineffective for PTSD in a discontinuation syndrome. A gradual taper is necessary
two controlled trials. Mirtazapine (Remeron) has
when discontinuing, and patients should be counseled on
multiple receptor effects, including receptor
the symptoms of the discontinuation syndrome.
antagonism, 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) recep-
Currently, venlafaxine is the only SNRI with published
tor antagonism, specifically at 5-HT and 5-HT
controlled trials in PTSD. A randomized, placebo-con-
receptors, and histamine receptor antagonism.
trolled, six-month trial investigated venlafaxine extended-
Common side effects include sedation and
release. A total of 329 patients with both civilian and
weight gain. Interestingly, the dose of mirtazap-
combat-related PTSD were evaluated. The primary end
ine and associated sedation are inversely pro-
point was change in total CAPS score. Venlafaxine was
portional. In a small trial of 29 patients, mirtazap-
dosed 37.5 to 300 mg/day with an average daily dose
ine was associated with a significantly greater
of 221.5 mg/day. Overall, venlafaxine significantly im-
rate of global response than placebo. Vilazodo-
proved CAPS total score versus placebo [-51.7 vs -43.9
ne (Viibryd), the newest available antidepressant,
(p=0.006)]. Remission rates were significantly greater
has not been studied in the treatment of PTSD.
with venlafaxine than placebo with 50.9 percent and 37.5
percent, respectively. Blood pressure changes did not sig-
scribed; however, an evidence base supports
nificantly differ between groups. A second trial compared
its use for the treatment of PTSD. Nefazodone
venlafaxine extended-release to sertraline and placebo for
inhibits the reuptake of serotonin and norepi-
twelve weeks. A total of 538 patients with either civilian or
nephrine and antagonizes the 5-HT receptor.
44 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013
Sedation, orthostatic hypotension, and blurred
vision are common side effects. The widespread
Benzodiazepines enhance the activity of -aminobutyric
use of nefazodone has been limited by warn-
acid (GABA), the major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the
ings of hepatotoxicity. The estimated rate of
CNS, and possess anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant,
nefazodone-induced liver failure in the United
and myorelaxant properties. While benzodiazepines are
States is 1 per 250,000 to 300,000 patient-years
frequently utilized in other anxiety disorders, their benefits
of nefazodone treatment. The majority of cases
in PTSD appear limited. Benzodiazepines may alleviate
occurred after at least four weeks of treatment,
symptoms of anxiety or insomnia; however, they have not
with only a few occurring beyond six months.
been shown to improve the core symptoms of PTSD or
Nevertheless, routine liver function testing is ad-
prevent its occurrence. Another disadvantage includes the
vised throughout therapy. Drug interactions are
potential for abuse, particularly in a population where sub-
also concerning as nefazodone strongly inhibits
stance abuse may be common. Overall, benzodiazepines
cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A4. Interactions with
should be avoided or minimized as they are ineffective for
several common medications such as droneda-
the treatment or secondary prevention of PTSD, harbor
rone, simvastatin, and tamsulosin often require
concerns of tolerance and dependence, and potentially
the prompt intervention of the pharmacist.
worsen symptoms upon their discontinuation.
A crossover trial of 16 patients examined the effects
suggest nefazodone is an efficacious treatment
of up to 6 mg/day of alprazolam (Xanax) versus placebo
for PTSD. A randomized, placebo-controlled, 12-
for five weeks. Three patients in each group left the study
week trial in a mixed civilian and veteran popula-
citing treatment as ineffective; therefore, 10 patients
tion of 41 patients also demonstrated its effective-
completed the study. After the initial five weeks in either
ness. Nefazodone was dosed up to 600 mg/day
treatment arm, patients were switched during a two-week
with an average dose of 435 mg/day. Compared
interim phase and treated with the opposite treatment for
to placebo, nefazodone significantly decreased
an additional five weeks. Among the various rating scales
the CAPS total score [-19.1 vs -13.5 (p=0.04)].
utilized, alprazolam only demonstrated statistically signifi-
Response rate was defined as 30 percent
cant improvement on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Anxiety
improvement in the CAPS total score. While there
(HAM-A) while failing to separate from placebo on any
was a significant difference in responders at week other measures. A small, randomized, single-blind, cross-four, by week 12 the difference in responders was
over trial of six patients investigated the effects of clonaz-
not significant with 47 percent in the nefazodone
epam (Klonopin) on sleep in combat-related PTSD. Patients
group, and 42 percent in the placebo group. A
were given clonazepam 1 mg at bedtime for one week,
head-to-head, 12-week trial of 37 patients com-
followed by 2 mg at bedtime for one-week. After the initial
pared nefazodone and sertraline therapy. While
two weeks, patients underwent a one week washout period
both treatments produced significant changes on
before switching to the alternate treatment for two weeks.
each outcome measure, no significant difference
Overall, clonazepam failed to separate from placebo and
was found between agents. Despite the small
was mostly ineffective at improving sleep or nightmares.
sample size, nefazodone was deemed as effec-
Benzodiazepine therapy has also been evaluated
tive as sertraline for the treatment of PTSD.
immediately following trauma for the prevention of PTSD.
The TCAs and monoamine oxidase inhibitors Patients were evaluated within two days of trauma and,
(MAOIs) are not first-line pharmacotherapeutic
following initial assessments, were screened by a research
agents for the treatment of PTSD. While each
psychiatrist for appropriateness of benzodiazepine therapy.
drug class has been evaluated in PTSD, food
Of 162 patients evaluated, 13 were initiated on benzodi-
and drug interactions and narrow therapeutic
azepine therapy with either alprazolam or clonazepam.
index concerns have relegated these agents as
The 13 patients were then matched based on gender
treatment options only after trials of newer anti-
and symptom severity in the first week with an untreated
control group. At both the one and six month follow-ups,
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 45
the benzodiazepine group failed to show a difference from
either prazosin or placebo for three weeks, fol-
the control group in mitigating the development of PTSD.
lowed by a one-week washout period before
In fact, nine patients (69 percent) in the benzodiazepine
switching to the opposite treatment. Prazosin was
group and only two (15 percent) in the control group met
initiated at 1 mg at bedtime with an average dose
of approximately 3.1 mg. Prazosin increased total sleep time [374 ± 86 minutes versus 280 ± 105
minutes (p<0.01)] and significantly decreased
Excessive norepinephrine activity in the CNS has been
implicated in the underlying pathophysiology of PTSD.
Medications that blunt noradrenergic activity have been
prazosin and quetiapine (Seroquel) therapy over
investigated in its treatment. Prazosin (Minipress), an
a six-month period. A total of 237 patients were
adrenergic receptor antagonist, is utilized as an adjunct to included with 62 receiving prazosin and 175 re-antidepressant therapy. Prazosin, administered at bed-
ceiving quetiapine. Authors relied on chart docu-
time, alleviates symptoms of hyperarousal such as sleep
mentation of symptom improvement. Short-term
disturbances and nightmares. Dosages are initiated low
effectiveness was similar between groups with
and increased gradually to minimize orthostatic hypoten-
symptom improvement noted in 61.3 percent of
sion. Several retrospective chart reviews and open-label
prazosin patients and 61.7 percent of quetiapine
trials of civilian and combat-related PTSD have shown
patients. Conversely, significantly more patients
continued prazosin versus quetiapine to study
Two placebo-controlled trials in combat-related PTSD
end date, with 48.4 percent and 24 percent,
and one in civilian-related PTSD support the use of prazo-
respectively. In addition, significantly more pa-
sin as adjunctive therapy. The first combat-related PTSD
tients discontinued quetiapine secondary to the
trial evaluated 10 patients with trauma-related nightmares.
side effects, including sedation and cardiometa-
Five patients received either prazosin or placebo for an
initial nine weeks. After a two-week washout period, the patients were switched to the opposite treatment for an
additional nine weeks. The dose of prazosin was gradually
Second generation antipsychotics, also known
titrated to minimize orthostatic hypotension, and the aver-
as atypical antipsychotics, are increasingly
age dose was 9.5 mg at bedtime. Prazosin was superior
utilized as adjunctive medications for treatment-
to placebo on all three primary outcome measures and
refractory PTSD. Unlike first generation antipsy-
was well tolerated. A second combat-related PTSD trial
chotics, such as haloperidol, which predomi-
investigated 34 patients randomized to receive prazosin
nately exert effects via dopamine antagonism at
or placebo for eight weeks. Prazosin was initiated at 1
the D receptor, second generation antipsychot-
mg to minimize orthostatic hypotension and titrated to a
ics are both D and 5-HT receptor antagonists.
maximum of 15 mg at bedtime. The average dose was
While pharmacologic differences afford the
approximately 13 mg. By week eight, prazosin significantly
second generation antipsychotics lower rates of
differed from placebo on all three primary outcome mea-
extrapyramidal symptoms, clinicians must con-
sures assessing nightmares. Recurrent distressing dreams
tinue to monitor for tardive dyskinesia with these
decreased more than 50 percent, versus 15 percent for
agents. FDA has issued a black box warning
prazosin and placebo, respectively. Side effects were more
against using these medications in the elderly
common with prazosin therapy, with transient orthostatic
with dementia-related psychosis. Second gen-
hypotension, nasal or sinus congestion, and headache
eration antipsychotics also have a propensity for
being the most common. Differences in blood pressure
causing cardiometabolic disturbances, including
changes did not differ significantly between groups. Finally, weight gain, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mel-a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial examined litus. Current guidelines for monitoring meta-13 patients with civilian-related PTSD. Patients received
bolic parameters recommend that weight, waist
46 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013
circumference, blood pressure, fasting plasma
small randomized, placebo-controlled trial of 15 patients.
lipids, and glucose are monitored throughout
A slow dose titration was required to minimize the risk
therapy. Risperidone (Risperdal), olanzapine
of rash. Two patients in both the lamotrigine group (20
(Zyprexa), and quetiapine have accumulated the
percent) and placebo group (50 percent) developed
most data as adjunctive therapies for PTSD.
rashes and dropped out of the study. Overall, lamotrigine
Risperidone is the most extensively studied
was more effective than placebo; however, the small
second generation antipsychotic with a total
sample size may limit the generalizability of the results.
of seven placebo-controlled trials and several
Topiramate (Topamax) has been studied in open-label
open-label trials. Overall, results appear to be
trials as well as one placebo-controlled trial in civilian-
mixed. Risperidone has significantly improved
related PTSD and two placebo-controlled trials in
the CAPS total score versus placebo; however,
combat-related PTSD. Data with topiramate are limited at
small sample sizes and other limitations often
this time, and results have been mixed. Further study is
affect the generalizability of these study results.
needed for levetiracetam (Keppra) after a retrospective
The most recent risperidone trial evaluated its
analysis of 23 partial or nonresponders to antidepressant
use as an adjunct to antidepressant therapy.
therapy suggested benefit. Finally, tiagabine (Gabitril), a
This six-month, randomized, placebo-controlled
GABA reuptake inhibitor, failed to separate from placebo
trial consisted of 247 combat-related PTSD
in a large randomized, controlled trial.
patients. Doses of risperidone up to 4 mg/day were utilized. At the end of 24 weeks, risperidone CONCLUSIONS failed to separate from placebo on the primary
PTSD is an anxiety disorder resulting from direct exposure
outcome measure of CAPS total score [-16.3
to or witnessing of a traumatic event. Core symptoms of
versus -12.5 (p=0.11)]. Furthermore, the rate of
PTSD are divided into three symptom clusters: re-experi-
patients achieving remission did not significantly
encing, avoidance/numbing, and hyperarousal. Non-phar-
differ between risperidone and placebo at 5
macologic and pharmacologic treatment strategies have
percent and 4 percent, respectively.
been investigated in the treatment of PTSD. With regard to pharmacologic treatment, the SSRIs and venlafaxine are
first-line pharmacotherapeutic options secondary to their
Anticonvulsants have also been evaluated
safety, efficacy, and tolerability. Prazosin appears to be an
effective adjunct for sleep disturbances and nightmares.
pharmacotherapy. Case reports and open-label
Anticonvulsants and second generation antipsychotics
trials have suggested benefit with divalproex
have mixed results as adjuncts to antidepressant therapy.
(Depakote); however, two recent randomized,
Finally, benzodiazepines are not recommended second-
placebo-controlled trials demonstrated a lack
ary to lack to efficacy in treating core symptoms as well as
of clear benefit. An eight-week trial consisting of potentially harmful effects. It is important to tailor treatment 85 patients with combat-related PTSD examined to the needs of each individual patient. change in the CAPS hyperarousal subscale. Doses of divalproex averaged 2,309 ± 507 mg/day and serum levels averaged 82 ± 30 mg/L.
Chris Paxos, PharmD, BCPP, CGP, is an assistant professor
No significant differences were found between
of pharmacy practice at Northeast Ohio Medical University,
divalproex and placebo on the primary outcome and the pharmacotherapy specialist in psychiatric medicine at measure. Another trial of divalproex evaluated
Akron General Medical Center in Akron, Ohio.
29 patients with predominantly combat-related
PTSD. Divalproex was not superior to placebo,
Sara E. Dugan, PharmD, BCPP, is an associate professor of
and the placebo group managed to significantly pharmacy practice at Northeast Ohio Medical University and improve the CAPS avoiding/numbing subscale.
a clinical pharmacist with Klein's Pharmacy at Community
Lamotrigine (Lamictal) was evaluated in a
Support Services, Inc., in Akron, Ohio.
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 47 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Current Approach to Treatment Nov. 1, 2013 (expires Nov. 1, 2016) • Activity Type: Knowledge-based To earn continuing education credit: ACPE Program FREE ONLINE CE To take advantage of free CE for 207-000-13-011-H01-P; 207-000-13-011-H01-T
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NCPA® is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a pro-vider of continuing pharmacy education. NCPA has assigned 1.5 contact hours (0.15 CEU) of continuing education credit to this article. Eligibility to receive continuing education credit for this article expires three years from the month published.CONTINUING EDUCATION QUIZ Select the correct answer. 3. Which of the following would be a re-experi- encing symptom in a rape victim with PTSD? 1. Which of the following non-pharmacologic treatment
a. Recurrent thoughts of gun battles making her
options is recommended in the two to three weeks fol-
lowing the trauma to minimize or possibly prevent the
b. Hallucinations of a plane crash where she
c. Feelings of helplessness whenever she hears
b. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
d. Vivid dreams of the attack that wake her up
4. Imaging studies have shown that which of 2. The use of non-pharmacologic therapy in the treatment the following brain structures appear to be of PTSD can best be described as:
a. The mainstay, first-line treatment for all PTSD patients
b. Essential methods of therapy that are primarily respon-
c. A collection of diverse treatments that are used in com-
d. A necessary tool that assists the patient until the medi-
5. What neurotransmitter is clearly involved in
the development of PTSD?a. Corticotropin releasing factorb. Dopaminec. Norepinephrined. Serotonin
48 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013 6. The role of cortisol in PTSD is best described 9. M.H. is a domestic abuse survivor. Now in a healthy as being:
marriage with a 2-year-old child, she experiences panic
a. Lower than expected at the time of the
and fear when the child hits her while throwing a tantrum.
b. Higher than expected at the time of the
d. No diagnosis of PTSD can be made more than six
d. Not involved in the development of PTSD
10. All of the following are symptom clusters of PTSD, 7. Which of the following is true regarding the
a. Complete control of re-experiencing symp-
b. Long-term medication use is often needed to d. Re-experiencing
c. Psychotherapy is superior to medication in
11. Antidepressants are considered first-line pharmaco-
logic treatment options because they alleviate the follow-
d. Treatment is patient specific and no family
8. R.S. is a scuba diver who was severely injured c. Re-experiencing when a boater did not recognize his diver down
flag and drove over him. Which of the following is true of acute PTSD:
12. Which of the following are the only FDA-approved
a. It occurs only at the time of the trauma.
b. It lasts from one to three months.
d. It is only diagnosed when the victim or wit-
13. Which of the following SSRIs is most likely to cause discontinuation syndrome with missed doses? a. Escitalopram b. Fluoxetine c. Paroxetine d. Sertraline
November 2013 | america’s PHARMACIST 49 14. Which of the following medications inhibits the reup- 18. All of the following are required monitoring
take of serotonin and norepinephrine into presynaptic
parameters for second generation antipsychot-
15. M. J. suffered a traumatic brain injury and now experi- 19. Risk factors for the development of SSRI-
ences seizures. Which of the following medications is
induced hyponatremia include all of the follow-
contraindicated in patients with a seizure disorder?
16. Which of the following statements regarding benzodi- 20. Which of the following antidepressants is a
azepine therapy in the treatment of PTSD is TRUE?
strong inhibitor of CYP3A4, thereby contraindi-
a. Benzodiazepines are useful for treating co-morbid
cating its use with CYP3A4 substrates such as
dronedarone, simvastatin, and tamsulosin.
b. Benzodiazepines do not produce tolerance and de-
c. Benzodiazepines have not been shown to improve
d. Benzodiazepines prevent the occurrence of PTSD fol-
17. Adjunctive prazosin therapy is most helpful for which of the following symptoms: a. Flashbacks b. Difficulty concentrating c. Impulsivity d. Nightmares 50 america’s PHARMACIST | November 2013
British Journal of Anaesthesia 102 (4): 503–5 (2009)Intraoperative cardiac arrest in acquired long QT syndromeDepartment of Anaesthetics, William Harvey Hospital, Kennington Road, Ashford, Kent TN24 8NU, UKA healthy female sustained a life-threatening arrhythmia and cardiac arrest while undergoingroutine surgery under general anaesthesia. Resuscitation was prolonged but successful, with aco
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