H1N1(A) Influenza – South Dakota Department of Health Weekly Backgrounder Friday, November 6, 2009 – as of 1 p.m. (Central)
• • CDC: General Information • H1N1(A) continues to present as moderate illness • Pregnant women, young children, those with chronic health conditions most at risk; elderly less affected, may have immunity due to previous exposure to similar viruses • People with asthma: • at increased risk for severe complications of flu, including H1N1 • account for approximately 32% of H1N1 hospitalizations in U.S • should seek treatment promptly when ill with flu like illness • should be treated promptly with oseltamivir (trade name Tamiflu®). Zanamivir (trade name Relenza®) not recommended for people with asthma • should be vaccinated for both seasonal & H1N1 flu with injectable only • should not get the nasal spray vaccine • CDC H1N1 website – SD Case Information (updated every Friday a• Flu activity remained widespread for week ending Oct. 31 – 114 new H1N1 cases, 53 hospitalizations, 4 deaths (cumulative since Sept 1: 1,662 cases, 330 hospitalizations, 13 deaths). While activity remained widespread, flu indicators did slow • Median age of SD deaths 48 years, range 8 – 96 years; 85% male, 15% female; Brookings 1, Codington 1, Minnehaha 2, Pennington 4, Shannon 2, Todd 1, Turner 1, Union 1. • Decrease in student absenteeism with 5% of K-12 school students overall absent due to illness (265 schools, reporting; 82,499 total students) • 73% of confirmed cases & 51% of hospitalizations are 18 or younger • Nationally, flu activity widespread in 48 states and influenza-like illness, flu-related hospitalizations and flu-related deaths are all higher than expected for this time of year. No signs of increase in severity and mortality of virus. Vaccine Information – H1N1 • Effective Monday, November 9, H1N1 vaccine will be available to Tier 2 risk groups – kids from 5-18 years, young adults 19-24, adults 25-64 with chronic health conditions. • DOH has received/distributed more than 76,000 total doses to 400+ locations across SD; not all in Tier 1 have been vaccinated but more public clinics scheduled every week – important to start reaching out to next group of individuals at high risk. • Scheduled public clinics now open to all high risk; private providers to offer vaccine to all high risk as well. Che for updated listing of scheduled clinics. High Risk Individuals Eligible for H1N1 Vaccine • Pregnant women • People who live with or care for infants younger than 6 months • People aged 6 months through 24 years • Health care and emergency medical services workers Adults 25-64 with chronic health conditions (asthma, diabetes, neuromuscular diseases, renal disease, cardiovascular disease)
• DOH shipping H1N1 vaccine as soon as it arrives; expectation that providers in turn administer those doses as quickly as possible to all high risk groups. H1N1 doses should be entered into the SD Immunization Information System within 48 hours of administration – necessary to track coverage in high risk populations and determine when vaccine can be offered beyond risk groups. • As more vaccine available, it will be administered beyond priority groups • Vaccination is voluntary • Vaccine is free but some providers may charge an administration fee Vaccine Information – Seasonal • For more about seasonal supply, refer to IVATS • As of Oct 16, 85 million doses of seasonal influenza vaccine had been distributed – about 74% of doses expected this season. • Seasonal flu vaccine should be given as available to appropriate target groups; SD reported 525 hospitalizations for seasonal flu last year and 4 deaths New Guidance & Resources Centers for Disease Control & Prevention – noon daily CDC now posts aggregate number of H1N1 flu vaccine doses allocated. – list of documents from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services related to Medicare and Medicaid/CHIP coverage and payment policies, Section 1135 waivers, and more. – Influenza Vaccination Record distributed with 2009 H1N1 vaccine has been updated; printable version for providers and planners who need additional cards. – plain language fact sheet flyer about what people can do if they get sick with the flu, including 2009 H1N1. – Free resources including a new poster for Native American audiences, as well as other updated posters. – This document provides health care providers, clinicians, and vaccine planners with information about 2009 H1N1 monovalent influenza vaccine dosage, administration and storage. – Quicklinks regarding Peramivir IV and FDA's Guidance on Advance Compounding of Tamiflu Oral Suspension to Provide for Multiple Prescriptions. American Red Cross
PUBLICATION 8265 NutritioN aNd HealtH iNfo SHeet Energy Drinks KARRIE HENEMAN , Assistant Project Scientist, Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis; SHERI ZIDENBERG-CHERR , UCCE Nutrition Science Specialist, Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis What are energy drinks? The term energy drink refers to a beverage that contains caffeine in combina
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