Microsoft word - diabetes mellitus type 2 doh draft.doc

Lifestyle modification as part of initial management Measure HbA1c every 3 months depending on Have lifestyle modifications been successful? Consider oral hypoglycaemic agents Is there renal and/or cardiac dysfunction Consider either metformin or a sulphonylurea Optimise dose of oral hypoglycaemic agent If patient on sulphonylurea and has normal renal function and has no cardiac dysfunction Consider adding a thiazolidinedione or insulin • E11 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus o E11.0 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with coma o E11.1 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis o E11.2 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with renal o E11.3 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic o E11.4 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with neurological o E11.5 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with peripheral o E11.6 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with other specified o E11.7 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with multiple o E11.8 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus with unspecified o E11.9 Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus without complications • E12 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus o E12.0 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with coma o E12.1 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis o E12.2 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with renal complications o E12.3 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with ophthalmic o E12.4 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with neurological o E12.5 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with peripheral circulatory o E12.6 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with other specified o E12.7 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with multiple complications o E12.8 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus with unspecified o E12.9 Malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus without complications o O24.1 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent o O24.2 Pre-existing malnutrition-related diabetes mellitus o O24.3 Pre-existing diabetes mellitus, unspecified 1. Medical management reasonably necessary for the delivery of treatment
described in this algorithm is included within this benefit, subject to the
application of managed health care interventions by the relevant medical

2. To the extent that a medical scheme applies managed health care
interventions in respect of this benefit, for example clinical protocols for
diagnostic procedures or medical management, such interventions must –

a. not be inconsistent with this algorithm;
b. be developed on the basis of evidence-based medicine, taking into

account considerations of cost-effectiveness and affordability; and
c. comply with all other applicable regulations made in terms of the
Medical Schemes Act, 131 of 1998
This algorithm may not necessarily always be clinically appropriate for the
treatment of children. If this is the case, alternative paediatric clinical
management is included within this benefit if it is supported by evidence-
based medicine, taking into account considerations of cost-effectiveness
and affordability.


Microsoft word - beta-sitosterol3.doc

Beta‐Sitosterol (phytosterols) and the Prostate Scientific clinical studies indicate that beta-sitosterol consistently improves urinary symptoms related to prostate enlargement. As men grow older, cells in their prostate glands often overgrow, causing a swelling that obstructs the bladder opening, resulting in slowness in urination and bladder emptying. This non-malignant enlargement of

Mise en page

03_KARILA:Mise en page 1 15/11/13 11:18 Page 1 DOSSIER N° 3 Un homme de 38 ans est amené aux urgences par la police à la suite de troubles du comportement survenusau commissariat, après 24 heures de garde à vue. Il a été interpellé par une patrouille d’agents des forces de l’ordre, au milieu de la nuit, en état d’ébriété, après avoir dégradédes voitures, des poubelles et

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