
HEYL is an independent, entrepreneurial family business that has its headquarters inprobably the liveliest German metropolis, Berlin, since its establishment in 1926. Incooperation with our international subsidiaries, the main focuses of our work are theRegulatory Affairs and marketing of medicines as well as the sale of active pharmaceuticalingredients (API's) and special chemicals.
Heyl offers with its 5 business areas Antidotes, Antirheumatics, Anti- biotics, Cod-liver oilpreparation and Vitamins a wide range of products. Especially in the business areaAntidotes we developed a number of antidotes in cooperation with national and internationalresearch institutes and universities. These are highly effective drugs which are used againstpoisonings by thallium, arsenic, heavy metals (mercury, lead) or by radioactive isotopes likeradiocesium or plutonium. Demands from all continents of the world show the uniquenessand medical significance of these drugs.
Are you interested in our products? Then pick a Heyl product from the list above to getdetailed information (e.g. material safety data sheets) about its properties and applications.
The antidotes form our most important product group (poisoning remedies). They increasethe elimination of toxic heavy metals or radionuclides through the urine or stool. Thesehighly effective drugs are used against poisonings by thallium, arsenic, heavy metals(mercury, lead) or by radioactive isotopes like radiocesium. Antidotes are also the drugs ofchoice for genetic diseases like Wilson's disease, a hereditary copper storage disease.
The used active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are produced predominantly according tostrict quality guidelines in Apolda, Germany. Demands from all continents of the world showthe uniqueness and medical significance of these drugs.
HEYL can look back at very long-standing experience in the area of the antirheumatics - thefoundation product of the company was Polyphlogin®, at that time a very commonantirheumatic. In 1955 HEYL was the first company in Germany that succeeded in theproduction of D-Penicillamine, which is still used today for special cases in the therapy forrheumatoid arthritis. Meanwhile the rheumatic sector has been enlarged by the introductionof a generic Sulfasalazine drug.
Antibiotics have been the interest of HEYL for a long time. Today HEYL is the only companyin Germany that still offers the sulfonamide Sulfadiazine for the therapy of Toxoplasmosis.
Unguentolan® is a cod-liver oil ointment developed in 1932 for wounds and burns. It has amore than 70-year old tradition in supporting the healing of wounds. Decades of experienceand reports of users demonstrate how Unguentolan® is proving to support wound healingsuccessfully again and again.
We have developed numerous vitamin concentrates which are sold under the trademarkVicotrat® (vitamin concentrate). Today we are the exclusive supplier in Germany of vitaminD3 as injection solutions. Also belonging to this group is the vitamin B6, an oral preparation,which in its high dosage is also offered exclusively by us.
Our activities in the chemistry sector cover three areas: Special Chemicals, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) Reagents for Analyses Industrial Chemicals The synthesis of different chemicals like active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs),substances for liquid crystals as well as special, industry and analysis chemicals is carriedout at our subsidiary, Laborchemie Apolda GmbH. In the following list the compounds whichhave recently found a special interest are specified. They are deliverable in package sizesaccording to your wish.
Furthermore the general-purpose plants of Laborchemie Apolda GmbH also make possiblethe production of other organic and inorganic products according to your specifications. Wewould be pleased to provide you with further information. Please contact us or oursubsidiary Laborchemie Apolda.
Immediately Dimaval® can be ordered in all package sizes and forms of administrationagain! In addition, a new monograph about Dimaval is available.
You find details at the product information to Dimaval.
(The Federal States have designated the following Poison Control Centers to the FederalInstitute for Risk Assessment, according to § 16e of the German Chemical Law.) Institut für ToxikologieGiftnotruf Berlin Oranienburger Str. 28513437 BerlinPhone: +49 30 19 240 (day and night) Fax: +49 30 30 686 7224 hours medical assistance by telephonePhone: +49 30 30 686 - 711 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.giftnotruf.de/ Giftberatung Virchow-Klinikum, Charité, Campus Virchow KlinikumKlinik für Nephrologie und internistische IntensivmedizinAugustenburger Platz 1, 13353 BerlinPhone: +49 30 45 05 35 55 Fax: +49 30 45 05 39 15 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.charite.de/rv/nephro Informationszentrale gegen Vergiftungen, Zentrum für Kinderheilkunde der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Adenauerallee 119, 53113 BonnPhone: +49 228 19 240 Fax: +49 228 28 733 14 E-Mail: [email protected] Intenet: www.meb.uni-bonn.de/giftzentrale/ Gemeinsames Giftinformationszentrum der Länder Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Thüringen c/o Helios Klinikum Erfurt, Nordhäuser Str. 74, 99089 ErfurtPhone: +49 361 730 73 0 Fax: +49 361 730 73 17 E-Mail: [email protected]: http://www.ggiz-erfurt.de/ Universitätskinderklinik Freiburg, Informationszentrale für Vergiftungen, Mathildenstraße 1, 79106 FreiburgPhone: +49 761 19 240 Fax : +49 761 27 044 57 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.giftberatung.de/ Giftinformationszentrum-Nord der Länder Bremen,Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein (GIZ-Nord), Zentrum Pharmakologie und Toxikologie der Universität Göttingen Robert-Koch-Str. 40, 37075 GöttingenPhone: +49 551 19 240 +49 551 38 31 80 (for medical staff) Fax: +49 551 38 31 881 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.giz-nord.de Informations-und Beratungszentrum für Vergiftungsfälle, Klinik für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, 66421 Homburg/ SaarPhone: +49 68 41 19 24 0 +49 68 41 16 28 315 Fax: +49 68 41 16 28 438 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.uniklinik-saarland.de/de/einrichtungen/andere/giftzentrale Klinische Toxikologie und Beratungsstelle bei Vergiftungender Länder Rheinland-Pfalz und Hessen, Universitätsklinikum, Langenbeckstraße 1, 55131 MainzPhone: +49 61 31 19 24 0 +49 61 31 23 24 66 Fax: +49 61 31 23 24 68 +49 61 31 23 24 69 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.giftinfo.uni-mainz.de Giftnotruf München, Toxikologische Abteilung der II. Med. Klinik und Poliklinik, rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München, Ismaninger Straße 22, 81675 MünchenPhone: +49 89 19 240 +49 89 41 40 22 41 Fax: +49 89 41 40 24 67 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.toxinfo.org Med. Klinik 2, Klinikum Nürnberg, Lehrstuhl Innere Medizin-Gerontologie, Universität Nürnberg, Prof.-Ernst-Nathan-Str. 1, 90419 NürnbergPhone: +49 911 398 24 51 Fax: +49 911 39 82 192 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.giftinformation.de This is a short selection of interesting links throughout the world wide web covering topicssuch as human and animal toxicology, emergency medicine and poison control centers.
Note: We can not guarantee for the accuracy and value of the information. Some of theinformation is primarily for health professionals who are also advised to verify any dosageand information given prior to patient care.
Gelbe Liste: List of German drugs http://www.gelbe-liste.de/index.htm Rote Liste of the pharmaceutical industry: List of German drugs for doctors and pharmacists http://www.rote-liste.de/ BfArM - Templates for package inserts and SPC http://www.bfarm.de/de/Arzneimittel/mufag/mufag_db/index.php FachInfo-Service http://www.fachinfo.de/ Drugs information of the university pharmacy Tübingen: oral drugs & stomach tube /nutrition http://www.pharmatrix.de/ Drugs@FDA http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/index.cfm RxList - The Internet Drug Index http://www.rxlist.com/ Poison Control Centers - Germany http://www.fachinfo.de/texte/giftnotruf_d.html Poison Control Centers - Europe http://www.fachinfo.de/texte/giftnotruf_eu.html Poison Control Centers - USA http://www.medicinenet.com/poison_control_centers/article.htm Laborchemie Apolda GmbH http://www.laborchemie.de Heyltex Corporation http://www.heyltex.com/ Heyl Japan K.K.
HEYL Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG is an independent,entrepreneurial family business that has its headquarters in probably the liveliest Germanmetropolis, Berlin, since its establishment in 1926. In cooperation with our internationalsubsidiaries, the main focuses of our work are the Regulatory Affairs and marketing ofmedicines as well as the sale of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API's) and specialchemicals.
We concentrate our strengths on special areas and niches. A number of antidotes weredeveloped in cooperation with national and international research institutes and universities.
These are highly effective drugs which are used against poisonings by thallium, arsenic,heavy metals (mercury, lead) or by radioactive isotopes like radiocesium or plutonium.
Demands from all continents of the world show the uniqueness and medical significance ofthese drugs.
The active pharmaceutical ingredients (API's) of the antidotes are produced predominantlyby Laborchemie Apolda GmbH, our subsidiary firm in Thuringia, according to current qualityrules. We are represented in important foreign markets like USA and Japan by oursubsidiaries (Heyltex Corporation in Houston, Texas and Heyl Japan & Co. Ltd. in Tokyo). InBerlin, the German and international headquarters join long-standing marketing competencetogether with medical scientific know-how in five main strategic business fields: antidotes,anti-rheumatics, antibiotics, cod-liver oil preparation and vitamins.
Management and colleagues use their strength to claim our competitiveness by competenceand price restraint in the local German market. We want to meet the expectations of ourcustomers and do justice to our responsibility with respect to the families of our colleaguesand future capital investors.
• We want to arrange our life in a liberal, social order independent• and responsibly successful. • Our existence in the international marketplace is based on the• unique selling position of our products and performance. • We want to be an easily-accessed and reliable partner to • our customers.
• By 2010 we want to become the leading enterprise worldwide • for antidotes against poisonings with heavy metals and radio • nuclides. • As a niche specialist we concentrate on products which are too• small for large-scale enterprises and too demanding for smaller• enterprises. We apply our competence to high-grade chemical• syntheses. • We create value for customers, owners and employees. • We act socially and ethically responsible.
• We feel obliged to medical progress; the development, • production as well as the marketing of first-class therapeutics. • We are customer oriented, i.e. the customer is the center • point for us.
• We economize lastingly and socially responsible. • We feel enthusiastic about our business. • We take on responsibility and lead by example. • We set clear goals, delegate decision-making power and • responsibility and encourage an open feedback. • We are successful because of our employees, i.e. we promote • a further personal development and support work in teams. • Openness, sincerity and absolute information exchange• determine our behavior. • We promote initiative, learn from faults and strive for • top performance. • We keep the tradition of an open family business.
Laborchemie Apolda GmbHUtenbacher Str. 72-7499510 ApoldaGermany Phone: +49 3644 875 237Fax: +49 3644 875 242 E-Mail: [email protected]: www.laborchemie.de Heyl Japan K.K.
c/o SONDERHOFF & EINSELLaw OfficeC.P.O. Box 900Tokyo 100-8692Japan E-Mail: [email protected]: www.heyl.biz Heyltex Corporation925 South Mason RoadPMB # 242Katy, TX 77450USA E-mail: [email protected]: www.heyltex.com In 1734 Jacob Friedrich Heyl founded a material goods shop in old Berlin.
From this our direct ancestor, Johann Friedrich Heyl, created the paint factory and chemicalwholesaler, J.F. Heyl & Cie, Berlin in 1765, from which in 1833, by Ernst Eduard Heyl, a newfactory was diverged in Berlin-Charlottenburg, Salzufer. This developed into an importantenterprise in the field of artist paints.
The foundation of today's company, Heyl Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik, took place onthe 16th of December, 1926 by Werner Heyl, M.D. The main fields of activity were theextraction and processing of cod-liver oil according to their own patented methods as well asthe new vitamin preparations of that time.
With the end of World War II the Heyl production plants situated in East Berlin and abroadwere completely destroyed or expropriated. Nevertheless, Heyl was the first germancompany to succeeded in the filling of vitamin B12 and the antibiotic Streptomycin after thewar.
Since 1960 its headquarters can be found on Goerzallee 253 in Berlin-Zehlendorf. Here thedevelopment of D-Penicillamine, among others, was carried out for the treatment of Wilson'sdisease and as a standard therapeutic agent against chronic rheumatoid arthritis.
The foundation of foreign offices followed: in 1979 Heyltex Corporation was founded inTexas, USA and Heyl Japan Co. Ltd. in Tokyo, Japan in 1983.
To improve our production possibilities in the field of chemical synthesis, LaborchemieApolda GmbH was privatized in 1993 and was taken over as a 100 percent subsidiary of theHeyl Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG.
Please contact us directly. We will answer you in the shortest timeframe.
Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH und Co. KGGoerzallee 25314167 BerlinGermany Phone: +49 30 816 96-0Fax: +49 30 817 40 [email protected] Sales: [email protected]: [email protected] HEYL Chemisch-pharmazeutische FabrikGmbH und Co. KGGoerzallee 25314167 BerlinTel.: +49 30 816 96-0Fax: +49 30 817 40 [email protected] All rights reserved. The pictures, texts, and animated files are protected by copyright andother laws protecting intellectual property. The passing on, amendment, commercial use onother websites is forbidden. Heyl 2006 Personally Liable Partner: HEYL Chemische Erzeugnisse GmbHManaging Director: Dr. Eduard HeylCourt of Record: Amtsgericht HamburgRegistration Number: HRB 5300Tax ID according to § 27a of the German Sales Tax Law: DE 136648757 Liability Notice: Despite careful review, we do not assume responsibility for the content ofexternal links. Only the authors of the linked websites are responsible for their content. Heyl Chemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH & Co. KGAll rights reserved. All information, trademarks and brands are the sole property of Heyl. Thecontents may neither completely nor partially be duplicated and/or published or saved in aninformation system without express written consent of the author. It is not allowed to link thiswebsite without prior written consent from Heyl. Legal Notice: These websites serve as general information about HeylChemisch-pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH & Co. KG and its products. According to § 10 ofthe German law "Heilmittelwerbegesetz", prescription drugs may only be advertised amongexperts. Therefore certain contents of these websites are accessible only for experts.
The information provided on these web pages does not represent replacement forconsulting, treatment or recommendations of a physician or any other medical specialist.
Follow the instructions of a physician or medical specialist regarding your personal medicaland health situation. Heyl strives to compile exact and current information on the websites. However, Heylassumes no warranty nor guarantees the correctness, completeness and timeliness of thisinformation. With the application of medication, the current version of the package insert orSPC should always be observed. Links: This web site contains links to web pages of companies, people or organizations, onwhich Heyl does not have any influence. Heyl did not provide any contents of the linked webpages nor examine them for correctness and completeness and therefore assumes noactual or legal guarantee and liability for their correctness and/or completeness. The linksexclusively exist for the purpose of information and service for the users. Heyl is notresponsible for damage, which results from contents of the linked web pages or their use.

Source: http://heyl.cti-nm.de/pdfs/heyl.pdf


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