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Horst Eidenberger and Christian Breiteneder Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems Favoritenstrasse 9-11 / 188/2, A-1040 Vienna, Austria {eidenberger, breiteneder} ABSTRACT
points out relevant related work, Section 3 is dedicated to the VizIR project goals, and in Section 4 we revisit the content-based This paper analyzes the similarity measurement in Content-based querying process and propose conditions for feature merging. In Image and Video Retrieval systems (CBIR). The goal is to Section 5 we analyze the linear weighted method for feature identify preliminaries for successful queries as the basis for the merging and finally, in section 6 we explain how querying will be implementation of a query engine in the Content-based Visual Information Retrieval framework (VizIR). VizIR is an open CBIR framework for researchers, software developers and 2. RELATED WORK
instructors. Past efforts in CBIR have lead to several general-purpose prototypes. However, these prototypes differ in Past efforts in CBIR have lead to several general-purpose implemented feature classes, user-interfaces and similarity prototypes like QBIC ([3]), Virage ([1]), VisualSEEk ([9]), measurement. VizIR aims at overcoming this unsatisfactory Photobook ([5]) and MARS ([4]). Next to the implemented situation. The paper overviews wide-spread techniques for feature classes and user-interfaces these prototypes differ in their similarity measurement in CBIR, derives a general querying model and proposes conditions for similarity measurement Usually, CBIR similarity measurement follows the Vector algorithms on the macro-level. Based on these conditions two Space Retrieval model and is done by measuring the distances of methods (the Linear Weighted Merging method and the Query feature vectors with distance functions that are based on the Model approach) are evaluated and the superior method chosen Metric Axioms, combining the distance values of a single object for the VizIR project. Additionally, the major goals of the VizIR for multiple features by a merging function to a distance sum and project are outlined and interested researchers are invited to presenting the user the objects with the lowest distance sum as the most similar ones. In Section 4 we will introduce a general model for CBIR querying. According to the Metric Axioms distance measures d() have 1. INTRODUCTION
In this paper we analyze the similarity measurement in Content-based Image and Video Retrieval systems (CBIR). The goal is to for the feature vectors f and f of two stimuli A and B (in identify preliminaries for successful queries as the basis for the implementation of a query engine in the Content-based Visual Information Retrieval framework (VizIR). VizIR is an open CBIR framework for researchers, software developers and instructors (see Section 3 for details). CBIR ([8]) is the attempt to search for visual content in media databases by deriving meaningful features and measuring the dissimilarity of visual objects by distance functions. Major advantages of CBIR systems are fully automated indexing and G(I%, I& ) G(I$, IF ) the description of visual content by visual features. Recently, the MPEG-7 standard for Multimedia content description was Distance measures that fulfill the Metric Axioms are Minkowski finalized. It contains a visual part with descriptors (features) for distances, the Euclidean distance and the City Block measure. image and video objects. Nevertheless, CBIR is still an area of Experimental investigations during the last fifty years have turned intense research. Each year, prototypes with new intuitive user- out that Metric Axioms may be too restrictive for human interfaces and sophisticated methods for iterative refinement, new similarity perception. The triangle inequality (in CBIR sometimes querying methods and many other innovations are introduced. used for query acceleration) was even falsified ([6]). Newer The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 theories as e.g., Monotone Proximity Structures or Tversky’s Feature Contrast model suggest a better representation of human on the visual part of the MPEG-7 standard for multimedia content description. Reaching this goal requires the careful design of the In many CBIR prototypes (e.g., in [3], [1]), when multiple database structure and an extendible class framework as well as features are employed for a query, the result set is ordered by a seeking for suitable extensions and supplementations of the ranking value derived from the weighted sum of the distance MPEG-7 standard by additional descriptors and descriptor values (position value). This method is called Linear Weighted schemes, mathematically and logically fitting distance measures Merging. The position value for each database object is defined for all descriptors (distance measures are not defined in the standard) and defining an appropriate and flexible model for similarity definition. MPEG-7 is not information retrieval- specific. One goal of this project is to apply the definitions of the standard to visual information retrieval problems. F represents the number of features, w the weight for feature Additionally, we want to develop integrated, general-purpose i and d the distance value for feature i between the query object user interfaces for visual information retrieval. Such user and the database object. This evaluation method assumes that all interfaces have to include a great variety of different properties: distance functions are normalized to the same interval (f. e. [0, methods for query definition from examples or sketches, 1]). Its major advantages are the simple calculation and similarity definition by positioning of visual examples in 3D application. The major disadvantages are first, the fact that not all space, appropriate result display and refinement techniques and features show a linear relationship and linear merging therefore is cognitively easy handling of visual content, especially video. not a suitable method to combine such features and second, that Finally, VizIR will include methods and test sets for in most systems weights have to be provided by the user who is benchmarking (measurement of retrieval quality), performance evaluation (query execution time, etc.) and usability testing of the For these reasons, the authors of [4] propose the employment of the Boolean Model instead of Linear Weighted Merging. The VizIR project intends to integrate various directions of According to this model two stimuli A and B are similar for a past and current research in an open framework to push CBIR certain feature F, if they fulfill the following condition v : research and teaching towards practical usefulness by overcoming some of the serious problems. In the next section we will focus on the querying aspect, outline the general CBIR querying process and propose conditions for feature merging. is called a degree of tolerance. It is a threshold for the maximum distance of two stimuli. In Boolean retrieval multiple 4. CONTENT-BASED QUERYING PROCESS
conditions v can be combined by logical operators. The result set Usually, the CBIR querying process for a set of example stimuli consists of those stimuli that fulfill all AND-combined sub- and an input data set consists of the following three steps (see expressions. Boolean retrieval leads to better results than Linear Weighted Merging but has the major drawback that it does not 1. Feature extraction–The properties of stimuli (e.g. images, rank the stimuli in the result set. Before we go into details of the video clips) are extracted by feature extraction functions and querying process in VizIR, we will outline the project goals. stored as descriptor vectors. This steps transforms the media 3. VIZIR PROJECT GOALS
space into feature space. Normally, only the features of the example stimuli have to be extracted during the querying The goal of the VizIR project is to develop an open CBIR process. The descriptors of the data set are fetched from a prototype as a basis for teaching and further research in various directions. The term open means that VizIR will be free software 2. Micro-level similarity measurement–The dissimilarity values (including the source code) and extensible. VizIR was started in for all features between an example stimulus and elements of summer 2001 as a conclusion of experiences gained with earlier the data set are measured with distance functions. Ideally, the CBIR projects and is currently evaluated for scientific funding. output of all distance functions in a CBIR system should be The motivation behind VizIR is: an open CBIR platform would normalized to the same range of values. This step transforms make research (especially for smaller institutions) easier and feature space into distance space, where each media object is more efficient (because of standardized evaluation sets and represented by a vector of distance values. 3. Macro-level similarity measurement–In this step a decision is The VizIR project aims at the implementation of successful derived from the dissimilarity values of all features for each methods for automated information extraction from images and stimulus in the data set, if it is similar to the example stimuli video streams, definition of similarity measures that can be or not. The most similar stimuli are ranked and returned as an applied to approximate human similarity judgment and new, better concepts for the user interface aspect of visual information Today, rules exist for the first and second step, how they should retrieval, particularly for human-machine-interaction for query be performed and which constraints should be kept. MPEG-7 definition and refinement and video handling. This includes the descriptors should be used for feature extraction and distance implementation of a working prototype system that is fully based measures should be based on the Metric Axioms (see Section 2), Ordinal Properties (see [6]) or another similarity model. To the authors’ surprise no such rule set exists for the third step. Since P(,) = P( S(,)) such rules would be a valuable help for CBIR system developers we will propose four conditions for macro-level similarity for each permutation p(I) of I. The result set must be U<M IRUHDFK L M 1 P DQG U;L U<M 2 where i and j are the ranks of the result set elements ; U (representing stimuli X and Y) and the result set O has m elements. This means that m() must produce a ranked result set. It must derive at least a partial similarity order (objects with equal similarity may be ranked arbitrary). P(, + , = P , + P , for all input object sets I and I . That is, m() should produce the same result set for each partition (I , I ) of I. Valuable similarity information can get lost in the merging step. These conditions should prevent the CBIR system developer from implementing absolute inappropriate merging algorithms. Part of the VizIR project will be the development of new macro-similarity measurement methods that fulfill these conditions. With these methods and the algorithms below we will try to falsify the proposed conditions in human-based evaluations in Figure 1: example querying process for three stimuli A, B, E in 5. ANALYSIS OF THE LINEAR WEIGHTED MERGING
the input data set I and three features (f and invisible: g, h). APPROACH
Stimulus E is the query example. The result set O consists of two elements: the query example and stimulus A. A macro-level similarity measurement algorithm based on Linear Weighted Merging (LWM, Section 2) could look like this: A merging algorithm m() for macro-level similarity measurement 1. Calculate the position value for each element of I. O as the n elements of I with the lowest position values. n is a parameter provided by the user or the CBIR system. 3. Rank the elements of O by the position values. The order of where I is the set of input objects (described by their dissimilarity objects with equal position value may be arbitrary. values d for all F features) and O is the result set. I has n This algorithm is implemented in QBIC and Virage. If we evaluate this algorithm by our proposed conditions we get the - LWM does not fulfill the minimality condition. If we set I = I + I then the result set O contains only halve of the objects of O and each object twice. This is just a minor problem. We can introduce a new first step in our algorithm: “1. Eliminate all duplicate rows from I”. Then, LWM fulfils - It fulfills the second and third condition: it is non- Here, r is the i-th of m elements in the result set. Index A discriminating and generates a partial order and a ranked describes that it represents element A of I. i is the rank of r . We propose that each implementation of m() has to fulfill the LWM does not meet the linearity condition. This is obvious, because for an arbitrary partition (I , I ) both m(I ) and m(I ) would produce result sets with N elements – no matter if the P(,) = P(, + V(,)) objects in these result sets are similar or not. This can not be corrected by a new rule. It is a structural problem of LWM. for each subset s(I) of I. That is, the result set has to be Even if we would allow that m(I ) and m(I ) may produce independent from duplicates in I. result sets with n/2 elements, condition 4 would only be fulfilled for input data sets I and I with half the similar the average query execution time in our test environment by 66% (in comparison to a QBIC system with the same feature classes Because LWM does not fulfill the merging conditions and because of our experiences from earlier work, we conclude that LWM is not a suitable algorithm for macro-level similarity 7. CONCLUSION
measurement. In the next section we will outline the algorithm In this paper we have presented a general view on the CBIR querying process, pointed out related work in the field of 6. QUERYING IMPLEMENTATION IN VIZIR
similarity measurement and proposed a set of rules for similarity measurement on the macro-level. Then we have investigated two In our earlier work we have developed a querying paradigm that approaches for macro-level similarity measurement: the widely is based on the Boolean Retrieval Model (see Section 2) but uses applied Linear Weighted Merging method and our Query Model a reduced set of logical operators. We call it the Query Model approach that is based on the Boolean Retrieval Model. From the approach. A Query Model consists of a set of layers and each results we draw the conclusion to implement the Query Model layer of a feature extraction function, a threshold for the approach in our Visual Information Retrieval framework. maximum distance of two objects and a weight for the Finally, we would like to invite interested research importance of the layer. All layers are combined by AND. This institutions to join the discussion and participate in the design and means that each layer is an information filter, which sorts out all implementation of the open VizIR framework. objects from the input data set taken over from the preceding layer that do not have a distance smaller than the threshold (if the 8. REFERENCES
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