Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, Vol. 7 No. 3 2011, pp. 132-142 ISSN 1997-0838Original Text Copyright 2011 by Yavari, Mashinchi Abbasi, Vahidi, Najafipoor and Garooci ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effect of Exercise on Psychological Well-being in T2DM Yavari Abbas1*, Naimeh Mashinchi Abbasi2, Reza Vahidi3, Farzad Najafipoor4, Mirtaghi Garooci Farshi5 1 Physiology Student Department of Physical Education, National Public Health Management Center (NPMC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. 2 Psychology Student of Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran;3 Assistant Professor of Healthcare Service Management, National Public Health Management Center (NPMC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran4 Endocrine Research Center, Emam Reza Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, 5 Faculty of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz. Iran
Telefax: 00984113362081 Tel.: 00989366205275
Background: Type 2 diabetic patients (T2DM) experience health problems including psychiatric and
psychological complications that influence their general health. Since exercise has an additional effect on psychological improvement, we aimed to establish the role of exercise as improvement of psychological problems. Methods: 80 subjects with T2DM were assigned to take exercise for 90 minutes per session, 3 times a week for a period of 4 months. They answered the GHQ-12 questionnaire before and after the study project.
Results: Questionnaires were scored by Likert model and entered the statistical analysis. Our findings
demonstrate a significant decrease in the mean GHQ-12 scores. [13.39 ± 5.89 to 8.52 ± 5.12 (p < 0.001)]. Factor analysis by Graetz's three-factor model suggests that factor I (anxiety and depression) associates with more improvement than the other factors. Conclusion: Exercise improves psychological distress inT2DM and results in improved well-being. Key words: T2DM, exercise, psychological well-being, GHQ-12, mental healthJOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Type 2 diabetes, physical activity & mental health.ORIGINAL ARTICLE Effect of Exercise on Psychological Well-being in T2DM Yavari Abbas1*, Naimeh Mashinchi Abbasi2, Reza Vahidi3, Farzad Najafipoor4, Mirtaghi Garooci Farshi5 1 Physiology Student Department of Physical Education, National Public Health Management Center (NPMC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran. 2 Psychology Student of Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran;3 Assistant Professor of Healthcare Service Management, National Public Health Management Center (NPMC), Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran4 Endocrine Research Center, Emam Reza Hospital, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, 5 Faculty of Psychology, Tabriz University, Tabriz. Iran
Telefax: 00984113362081 Tel.: 00989366205275
Background: Type 2 diabetic patients (T2DM) experience health problems including psychiatric and
psychological complications that influence their general health. Since exercise has an additional effect on psychological improvement, we aimed to establish the role of exercise as improvement of psychological problems. Methods: 80 subjects with T2DM were assigned to take exercise for 90 minutes per session, 3 times a week for a period of 4 months. They answered the GHQ-12 questionnaire before and after the study project.
Results: Questionnaires were scored by Likert model and entered the statistical analysis. Our findings
demonstrate a significant decrease in the mean GHQ-12 scores. [13.39 ± 5.89 to 8.52 ± 5.12 (p < 0.001)]. Factor analysis by Graetz's three-factor model suggests that factor I (anxiety and depression) associates with more improvement than the other factors. Conclusion: Exercise improves psychological distress inT2DM and results in improved well-being. Key words: T2DM, exercise, psychological well-being, GHQ-12, mental health
Type 2 diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a chronic
ulcers, gangrene, and erectile impotence (Albright,
disorder, which is characterized by hyperglycemia
and glycosuria. High concentration of blood glucose
Complications of chronic disorders such as
diabetes may damage quality of life (Singh &
macrovascular events in the heart and blood vessels
Bradley, 2006). Furthermore, compared to the
as well as microvascular complications including
general population, the prevalence of psychological
retinopathy, nephropathy, and neuropathy, which
disorders such as depression and anxiety are higher
can finally lead to blindness, kidney failure, foot
among diabetic patients. The negative impacts of
emotional problems of the quality of life include
impairment. ADA notes that emotional well-being is
poor medical outcomes such as decreased adherence
part of diabetes management (ADA, 2009).
to medication, impaired self-care behaviors or
According to US Department of Health and Human
glycemic control, risk of cardiovascular
Services, regular physical activity as a non-
complications, increased rate of mortality, and high
pharmacological intervention leads to multiple
costs (Koopmans et al, 2009; Pouwer, 2009, p.670;
physiological and psychological benefits that can
improve glycemic control, overall health, and
Several studies have shown that the quality of
quality of life (Hayes et al, 2007, p. 37)
life in diabetic patients is decreased as compared to
Salmon (as cited in Zacker, 2004) states the
healthy persons because their daily life can involve
many restrictions, which may affect their mood,
Exercise has long been recognized as an essential
mental health, physical, and social function (Schram
component of diabetes management. It appears
to foster psychological well-being through the
Ali and Barnard (as cited in Schram et al., 2009)
expressed that "Individuals with diabetes have a
1) antidepressant effects, 2) anxiolytic effects,
two-fold increased risk for depression, affecting
and 3) increased resilience to stress. (p.142)
approximately one in every five diabetes patients".
Several theories have been supposed about the
Depression is a leading cause of disability, work
mechanisms of which exercise improve mental
place absenteeism, lost productivity (Egede, 2005).
health. One theory involves the production of
Anxiety and diabetes- specific distress (for
endorphins. These natural opiates are chemically
example not accepting diabetes, worries about
similar to morphine and have "pain-relief" effect.
complications, concerns about food, feeling of guilt
Exercise leads to a β-endorphin surge into the blood
or shame, and distressing social interactions are also
stream to provide post-exercise mood elevations. In
common (Pouwer, 2009, p. 666). Self-confidence,
animal studies, it has been found that exercise
family life, and even general perceptions of health,
increases levels of serotonin, dopamine, and
and pain are negatively impacted by diabetes
norepinephrine, which are associated with elevated
(Nizami et al, 2005; Singh & Bradley, 2006).
mood. Recently, enhanced activities in the brain
Physical inactivity could be a behavioral factor
lobes and the hippocampus as well as increased
linking depression and poor T2DM outcomes
levels of "brain-derived neurotrophic factor
(BDNF)" have been purposed. BDNF is thought to
improve mood (Koehl et al, 2008). On the other
In order to reduce the risk of late complications
hand, exercise ameliorates many of the known
of diabetes, permanent changes in lifestyle and
vascular risk factors by positive effects on blood
lifelong multipharmacological treatment are needed.
pressure, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol,
aid in the loss of weight and visceral fat. The results
psychological and social situation as part of the
are the better glycemic control and improved quality
medical management of diabetes. It also offers
screening for psychological problems such as
depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and cognitive
According to Greist (as cited in Zacker, 2004),
"the first research on the link between exercise and
JOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Type 2 diabetes, physical activity & mental health.
emotional health was begun in the late 1970s, with
However, the GHQ-12 has been used for the
an investigation made into running and depression".
assessment of many other conditions in diabetic
During the last few years, an increasing interest has
been observed towards the impact of diabetes on
patient's well-being because they must deal with
their disease every day. Therefore, several validated
Our study included 80 patients with type II
measures have been used to assess the satisfaction of
diabetes by the age of 34-70 years, which were
patients with the treatment programming and their
registered through hospitals of Tabriz University of
quality of life. These measures, which are performed
Medical Sciences. They were selected according to
by using different questionnaires, have demonstrated
certain criteria, such as diagnosed type II diabetes
that improved glycemic control could improve the
for more than one year; HbA1c≥6.5, taking oral
patient's well-being status (Milenkovic et al, 2004).
hypoglycemic agents without insulin therapy,
The General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12),
age≤70 years, and having no sever diabetic
a self-assessing and screening instrument, and a
measure of current mental health is one of the best
cerebrovascular incidents. Baseline characteristics
psychological well-being measures to detect
and their changes are shown in Table 1.
psychiatric disorders in the general population and
within community or non-psychiatric clinical
The GHQ-12 that has been adapted to many
settings such as primary care or general medical
cultures and languages was used in our study. It has
outpatients. It was developed by Goldberg in 1970s,
been used over the world and its numerous versions
and was originally developed as a 60-item
exist in different number of languages (i.e. Persian
instrument but altered as versions like GHQ-30,
language). It has been studied within various
populations and has been validated in different
This questionnaire assesses the respondent's
nations (Makikangas et al, 2006; Montazeri et al,
current state and asks whether it differs from his or
2003, Discussion section, para.1; Ozdemir &
her usual state (Nizami et al, 2005). This self-
Rezaki, 2007; Sanchez-Lopez & Dresch, 2008; Tait
administered questionnaire focuses on two major
areas- the inability to carry out normal functions and
Each item of the GHQ-12 is rated on a four-point
the appearance of new and distressing psychological
scale and there are four scoring methods including:
Likert method (a total score ranging from 0 to
The GHQ-12 questionnaire has been known as a
36), Modified Likert scoring (that yields a total
valid instrument in primary care settings beside the
score from 0 to 24), GHQ method or bimodal
other instruments such as GHQ-20, STAI, PSS,
method, and C-GHQ method (both methods give a
CHADS, WHO-QOL… (Nizami et al, 2005; Surwit
total score 0 to 12) (Montazeri et al, 2003,
Background section, para.1; Hankins, 2008,
In the present study, we have evaluated the effect
Background section, para. 5). In all methods, higher
of exercise training on psychological well-being and
scores indicate worse conditions (Gao et al, 2004;
general health in T2DM patients by using the GHQ-
Hankins, 2008, Discussion section, para.1; Sanchez-
12 questionnaire. We found no similar studies in
literature, which have previously been performed.
JOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Table 1. Baseline characteristics and after intervention changes. 44.77/55.22 P< 0.0001* The values that are not made bold present M ± SD
While the longer versions of GHQ are normally
three times a week in 90 minutes per session for a
considered multidimensional, the GHQ-12 is
period of 4 months under the supervision of
sometimes regarded as a unidimensional measuring
professional trainers. All types of exercise training
of psychological health. However, several authors
progressed gradually in intensity and duration at 60
have revealed at least two factors (Vanheule &
% to 75 % of maximum heart rate and from 15 to 60
The proposed 3-factor model by Graetz is one of
The aerobic exercise was performed using
the commonly used methods, which was used in this
treadmill, fixed bicycle, and eleptical ergometers
study. Several studies have found that the Graetz's
and the resistance training was performed by weight
3-factor model gives goodness-of-fit than the others
machines. Furthermore, the combined exercise
(Gao et al, 2008). Its validity and reliability have
training included both the aerobic plus resistance
been found in Persian version by Montazeri et al
Before the interview and doing the trainings, all
patients were informed about the study design. They
After a two-week run-in phase of exercise test,
were received a questionnaire both before and after
80 subjects were randomly divided into different
types of aerobic, non-aerobic, and combination
During the study, 13 subjects were dropped out
training groups. Training programs were performed
due to adverse events, changing the therapy method
JOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Type 2 diabetes, physical activity & mental health.
or inadequate number of training sessions, and
condition and the most negative mood state. Then
finally 67 subjects entered the analysis process.
the statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Statistical analysis:
Statistical analysis was done using SPSS. (16.0).
Descriptive statistics suggests a mean GHQ-12
The results were evaluated statistically significant
score of 13.39±5.89 (p<0.001) for the pre-
by a two-tailed p value< 0.05. Furthermore, the data
intervention state of participants and a mean score of
are shown as mean ± standard deviation.
8.52±5.12 (p<0.001) for their post-intervention
mood state. The mean difference was -4.86±3.96.
In the present study, it was observed that women
The participants answered the questionnaire in
had mean scores of 14.05±5.75 and 9.54±5.54
two times, before and after the program. Due to the
respectively before and after the exercise program.
short form of the questionnaire, our subjects spent a
The order of these scores for men was 12.56±6.06
Each item has four answer choices and we
Furthermore, it was revealed that the p-value of
scored the questionnaire using a 4-point Likert-type
the difference between both genders was not
scale from 0 to 3 that seems to produce a wider,
statistically meaningful, however both pre-test and
smoother, and more acceptable distribution of scores
post-test scores for the men were less than the
for a parametric analysis (Sanchez-Lopez & Dresch,
women were (Table 2). In this study, the calculated
2008). This method generates a total score ranging
value of Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.88.
from 0 to 36 with high scores show worse health
Table 2: Gender Differences in Mean Scores
For factor analysis, we used the current 3-factor
We evaluated the mean scores of each factorial
dimension before and after the correlation of paired
- Anxiety and depression (factor I, 4 items),
samples. Of total 36 scores, related scores of the
- Social dysfunction (factor II, 6 items) and;
three factors are 12, 18, and 6 respectively. In this
- Loss of confidence (factor III, 2 items).
way, the generated data in the present study is
JOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Table 3: Data Based on Graetz 3-Factor Model of Factor Analysis
Comparing the other two dimensions, factor I
glycemic control through increased insulin
points were more affected by this intervention and
sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance, changed
its average score was significantly decreased at the
lipid profile, and improved cardiovascular risk
second questionnaire. However, we observed the
factors. Psychological alterations include adherence
lowest change in the mean score to the third factor.
better to medication or diet regimens as well as
The gender-related differential data in these factors
changed lifestyle. These alterations will cause a
revealed a similar order of reductions in mean scores
reduction in the long-term complications of diabetes,
for women, whereas the men showed the highest
delayed progression of existing problems, finally
difference in factor III and the second factor
elevated mood, and enhanced quality of life
demonstrated the lowest change in mean score.
(Albright, 2000; Hayes et al, 2007). DISCUSSION
Depression in T2DM is associated with impaired
effectiveness of exercise on the improved quality of
diabetes self-care behaviors (Pouwer, 2009, p.670).
life among T2DM patients that their meaningful
Even depression may be a barrier to exercise
reduced mean scores after the intervention
initiation (Vickers et al, 2006). Physical activity
confirmed this opinion. Therefore, we used the
affords significant acute and chronic benefits for
Persian version of the GHQ-12, for the assessment
patients with type 2 diabetes. The chronic benefits
of exercise effects on quality of life in these patients.
are more numerous than acute effects, emphasizing
Although other questionnaires have been used to
the need for regular exercise for these patients.
evaluate the effect of exercise on type 2 diabetic
patients' well-being, using literature search we found
Regular physical exercise as an alternative
no previously published studies that have used the
treatment for stress motivates people to adopt better
12-item GHQ for this aim. Our results confirm the
findings of researches that have used other
Exercise as different types (aerobic, resistance,
questionnaires as instruments for assessing. For
or combined form) acts as a therapeutic tool to
example, Kucukurslan et al (2009) obtained
ameliorate the emotional problems of diabetic
improvement in the SF-36 mental component scores
after an exercise program including resistance
mechanisms. Regular physical activity improves
training and home-based walking in diabetic
JOURNAL OF STRESS PHYSIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY Vol. 7 No. 3 2011 Type 2 diabetes, physical activity & mental health.
patients. In another study that SF-36 and WBQ-12
We observed no difference between genders in
questionnaires were used for measuring mental
the p-value of mean scores; however, male patients
health, it was shown that the aerobic, resistance
obtained lower scores in both times of answering the
exercise or both have significant effect on well-
questionnaire. This suggests that compared to the
being status, while, resistance exercise was better
women, men have lower problems and this pattern is
than aerobic or no exercise for improving physical
similar to the general population; that is women are
more likely than men to have a high GHQ-12 score
(Ozdemir & Rezaki, 2007; Purdon & Eren, 1995,
Our results confirm the findings of previous
researchers such as Surwit et al (2002) indicating
that "stress management can improve glycemic
However it is noteworthy that based on the
control", they also support the data obtained by
available evidence different models of GHQ-12
Albright (2000) found that "exercise can play a role
dimensional analysis may show several factors
in reducing stress". Furthermore, the results of the
across various samples or among different versions
present study are in line with the data suggested by
and since our aim was not the evaluation of
Zacker (2004), Arora, Shenoy, and Sandhu (2009),
confirmatory factor analysis, so we chose the current
who used the questionnaire of Bradley & Lewis and
model of Graetz for the interpretation of our
showed that general well-being was improved in
type 2 diabetes after 8-week supervised exercise
Factor analysis in this research revealed that the
training. In addition, they are the same as the study
highest improvement was obtained in the anxiety-
of Praet and van Loon (2007) that have focused on
depression factor that has been recognized as a
the benefits of various types of exercise to improve
common co-occurrence diabetic complication. All of
the psychological problems and general well-being
the patients showed less improvement in the
in diabetes or Martyn-Nemeth, Vitale, and Cowger
confidence factor. After adjustment of the triple
(2010), who demonstrated an improvement in
factors, they were compared with each other and
psychological parameters by a culturally focused
meaningful mean differences were observed
between "FI-FIII" and "FII-FIII". Where as the
Besides, our study is consistent with the study of
difference of the mean changes between "FI-FII"
El-Rufaie with coauthors who revealed the presence
was statistically meaningless. Therefore, it suggests
of psychiatric disorders among type 2 diabetic
that comparing with the other factors; the confidence
patients by using the GHQ-12; however, their aim
dimension has shown the least changes.
was not examining the link between psychological
The order of changes in women was similar to
morbidity and exercise (El-Rafaie et al, 1999).
overall changes (i.e. FI > FII > FIII), whereas the
changes of those factors in the male group had
coefficient was 0.88, similar to the obtained result
another trend (i.e. FIII > FI> FII). In other words,
by Montazeri with coauthors (0.87), which was the
first confirmatory study of general population in
In the present study, although we did not focus
In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that
on social, education, and economic classes, we
exercise program improves psychological distress
observed the high prevalence of the first factor
including anxiety and depression in type 2 diabetic
(anxiety-depression) in women. This could be
patients and results in the improved quality of life,
contributed to their occupational state, because most
well-being, and finally better glycemic control in
of them were housekeeper. This parameter plus
these patients. Thus, exercise could be considered as
illiteracy or low grade of education level in this
a justifiable public-health approach and
group not only can result in worse psychological
interventions such as life style changes using
symptoms of diabetes, but also lead to their
exercise and diet will have important roles in long-
unawareness about the disease, denial reactions, and
lasting management of disease. However, it is better
the most limited social communication.
As expected, after the study design, the exercise-
adherence was significantly increased in women and
This research was supported by a grant from the
considerable number of them as well as the men
National Public-Health Management Center
continued their exercise programs. Furthermore,
(NPMC), and with a co-operation of Endocrinology
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& Metabolism Unit of Sina hospital (Tabriz
identification of depression and the other aspects of
well-being through Likert scoring in Iranian
population that could be compared with diabetic
population in our study; however, significant
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Repertorio alfabético de términos, siglas, conceptos, temas y organizaciones A.C.M.: Association for Computing Machinery Ábaco Abuso de posición dominante Accenture Accesibilidad Acceso a recursos de clase mundial Acceso inalámbrico Accionistas Aceleración social Activos Actúa en el ahora, pensando en el largo ahora Actuar como si Adaptación Adaptación de la pym