[updated: May 2013]
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[78] V. Pata, Exponential stability in linear viscoelasticity, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 64 (2006), 499–513
[79] V. Pata & S. Zelik, A remark on the damped wave equation, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 5
[80] V. Pata & S. Zelik, Global and exponential attractors for 3-D wave equations with displacement dependent damping, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 29 (2006), 1291–1306
[81] V. Pata & S. Zelik, Smooth attractors for strongly damped wave equations, Nonlinearity 19 (2006), 1495–1506
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[83] M. Conti, S. Gatti & V. Pata, Decay rates of Volterra equations on RN , Central European Journal of Mathematics 5 (2007), 720–732
[84] M. Grasselli, A. Miranville, V. Pata & S. Zelik, Well-posedness and long time behavior of a parabolic- hyperbolic phase-field system with singular potentials, Mathematische Nachrichten 280 (2007), 1475–1509
[85] A. Miranville, V. Pata & S. Zelik, Exponential attractors for singularly perturbed damped wave equations: a simple construction, Asymptotic Analysis 53 (2007), 1–12
[86] V. Pata & S. Zelik, A result on the existence of global attractors for semigroups of closed operators, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 6 (2007), 481–486
[87] V. Pata & S. Zelik, Attractors and their regularity for 2-D wave equations with nonlinear damping, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 17 (2007), 225–237
[88] V.V. Chepyzhov, V. Pata, & M.I. Vishik, Averaging of nonautonomous damped wave equations with singularly oscillating external forces, Journal de Math´ ees 90 (2008), 469–491
[89] M. Conti, S. Gatti & V. Pata, Uniform decay properties of linear Volterra integro-differential equations, Mathe- matical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 18 (2008), 21–45
[90] F. Di Plinio & V. Pata, Robust exponential attractors for the strongly damped wave equation with memory. I, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 15 (2008), 301–315
[91] F. Di Plinio, V. Pata & S. Zelik, On the strongly damped wave equation with memory, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 57 (2008), 757–780
[92] S. Gatti, A. Miranville, V. Pata & S. Zelik, Attractors for semilinear equations of viscoelasticity with very low dissipation, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 38 (2008), 1117–1138
[93] C. Giorgi, V. Pata & E. Vuk, On the extensible viscoelastic beam, Nonlinearity 21 (2008), 713–733
[94] M.I. Vishik, V. Pata & V.V. Chepyzhov, Time averaging of global attractors for nonautonomous wave equations
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[95] V.V. Chepyzhov, V. Pata & M.I. Vishik, Averaging of 2D Navier-Stokes equations with singularly oscillating forces, Nonlinearity 22 (2009), 351–370
[96] M. Conti & V. Pata, On the regularity of global attractors, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 25 (2009),
[97] F. Di Plinio & V. Pata, Robust exponential attractors for the strongly damped wave equation with memory. II, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 (2009), 61–73
[98] S. Gatti, V. Pata & S. Zelik, A Gronwall-type lemma with parameter and dissipative estimates for PDEs, Non- linear Analysis 70 (2009), 2337–2343
[99] C. Giorgi, M.G. Naso, V. Pata & M. Potomkin Global attractors for the extensible thermoelastic beam system, Journal of Differential Equations 246 (2009), 3496–3517
[100] V. Pata, Gradient systems of closed operators, Central European Journal of Mathematics 7 (2009), 487–492
[101] V. Pata, Stability and exponential stability in linear viscoelasticity, Milan Journal of Mathematics 77 (2009), 333–360
[102] M. Conti, S. Gatti, M. Grasselli & V. Pata, Two-dimensional reaction-diffusion equations with memory, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 68 (2010), 607-643
[103] M. Conti, E.M. Marchini & V. Pata, Semilinear wave equations of viscoelasticity in the minimal state framework, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 27 (2010), 1535–1552
[104] M. Coti Zelati, C. Giorgi & V. Pata, Steady states of the hinged extensible beam with external load, Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 20 (2010), 43–58
[105] M. Coti Zelati, V. Pata & R. Quintanilla, Regular global attractors of type III thermoelastic extensible beams, Chinese Annals of Mathematics - Series B 31 (2010), 619–630
[106] M. Fabrizio, C. Giorgi & V. Pata, A new approach to equations with memory, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 198 (2010), 189–232
[107] S. Gatti, A. Miranville, V. Pata & S. Zelik, Continuous families of exponential attractors for singularly perturbed equations with memory, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics 140A
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[108] V. Pata, Exponential stability in linear viscoelasticity with almost flat memory kernels, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 9 (2010), 721–730
[109] V. Pata & R. Quintanilla, On the decay of solutions in nonsimple elastic solids with memory, Journal of Mathe- matical Analysis and Applications 363 (2010), 19–28
[110] M.D. Chekroun, F. Di Plinio, N.E. Glatt-Holtz & V. Pata, Asymptotics of the Coleman-Gurtin model, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S 4 (2011), 351–369
[111] F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, Long-term analysis of strongly damped nonlinear wave equations, Nonlinearity 24 (2011),
[112] E. Laeng & V. Pata, A convergence-divergence test for series of nonnegative terms, Expositiones Mathematicae 29 (2011), 420–424
[113] V. Pata, Uniform estimates of Gronwall type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 373 (2011),
[114] V. Pata, A fixed point theorem in metric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 10 (2011), 299–305
[115] V.V. Chepyzhov, M. Conti & V. Pata, A minimal approach to the theory of global attractors, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 32 (2012), 2079–2088
[116] M. Conti, E.M. Marchini & V. Pata, Approximating infinite delay with finite delay, Communications in Con- temporary Mathematics 14 (2012), no.1250012
[117] F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, Strongly damped wave equations with critical nonlinearities, Nonlinear Analysis 75 (2012),
[118] F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, Memory relaxation of type III thermoelastic extensible beams and Berger plates, Evolution Equations and Control Theory 1 (2012), 251–270
[119] V. Pata, On the regularity of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 11 (2012), 747–761
[120] M. Conti, E.M. Marchini & V. Pata, Exponential stability for a class of linear hyperbolic equations with hereditary memory, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 18 (2013), 1555–1565
[121] M. Coti Zelati, F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, Energy decay of type III linear thermoelastic plates with memory, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 401 (2013), 357–366
[122] V.V. Chepyzhov, M. Conti & V. Pata, Totally dissipative dynamical processes and their uniform global attractors, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis [123] M. Conti, E.M. Marchini & V. Pata, Reaction-diffusion with memory in the minimal state framework, Transac- tions of the American Mathematical Society [124] M. Conti, V. Pata & R. Temam, Attractors for processes on time-dependent spaces. Applications to wave equations, [125] C. Giorgi, D. Grandi & V. Pata, On the Green-Naghdi type III heat conduction model, Discrete and Continuous Preprints
[126] M. Conti, F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, Timoshenko systems with fading memory[127] M. Conti, E.M. Marchini & V. Pata, Nonclassical diffusion with memory[128] M. Conti & V. Pata, Asymptotic structure of the attractor for processes on time-dependent spaces[129] F. Dell’Oro, J.E. Mu˜ noz Rivera & V. Pata, Exponential and polynomial stability of linear thermoelastic plates [130] F. Dell’Oro & V. Pata, On the stability of Timoshenko systems with Gurtin-Pipkin thermal law


Microsoft word - 010 hypertension.doc

The emergency it represents in the clinical setting of : Hypertension Author : - Dr. Edward Tsang (registered Chinese Herbalist & Acupuncturist ) Wu Zhu Metaphysician Hypertension is quite common and popular for modern society nowadays due to people’s daily diet. Patients with the symptom of diastolic blood pressure over 120 mmHg is defined as hypertensive crisis (Cameron et al

DEFINITIONS  Concentration of lipid in the blood of a fasted (>12 h) patient that exceeds the upper range of normal for that species; includes both hypercholesterolemia and hypertriglyceridemia  Lipemic serum or plasma separated from blood that contains an excess concentration of  Lactescence opaque, milklike appearance of serum or plasma that contains an even higher concentrat

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