Newsletter layout 5

January 2005
Volume 8, Issue 1
More Stuff, Less Space: the Museum
Upgrade Project
By Paul Robertson, Curator of Known Space and Other Stuff
victims of our own success. Since the for- From the Chair
mation of this institution in 1991, the en-thusiastic public response to the call todevelop a health care collection has been overwhelming. Our artefact holdings havegrown from approximately 8000 items in Executive Director’s
time, however, we have been unable tokeep up with the infrastructure to housethis material properly and long ago ex- ceeded storage capacity in the upper floorsof the Ann Baillie Building.
Museum Highlights
objects is clearly the museum’s greatestasset, without which this institution Highlights Continued
would not exist. This is not a new revela-tion, but the realities of caring for arte-facts and archival materials, often with very specific physical needs, are majorchallenges financially, spatially, and in staff Curatorial Corner
Renovations begins on the AnneBaillie Building. Education Report
the start of the long anticipated renova- panded our storage capacity in this build- optimum for environmentally safe artefact List of Donors
artefacts and work areas for artefact treat- storage. That is why the “dungeon” as I ment and exhibit preparation. All of this affectionately call it is the focus of our first will occupy less space than is now possi- curatorial and exhibit workspace are partof the first phase of major improvementsand restorations to the museum building.
Details of the larger project were outlinedin the July 2004 issue of The Bailliewick.
These long-term plans include a sensitiveadaptation of the historic Ann Bailliebuilding as a modern museum facility andthe restoration of its fine century-old her-itage architectural features.
Curatorial Staff survey the ‘Dungeon’ in Health Care’s extensive artefact collection, preparation for the transformation into an optimal storage space for artefacts. From the Chair
It’s a great honour for me to follow Don – whose interest and influence will help us attain a national profile and attract the Board. Don, the Board of Directors, Dr.
Jim Low, staff and volunteers have already ing and cataloguing thousands of artefacts into the Anne Baillie Building, which KGHgenerously provided for this purpose. Our Vision is to be Canada’s premier museum tious goals, the Board and Staff held a se- devoted exclusively to the story of health ries of workshops during the past year – and a key element in a local centre of ex- brilliantly facilitated by Nancy Matheson.
The outcome of these deliberations havebeen consolidated into a Five Year (2004- remarkable energy and intellect to collect- gic Initiatives have been articulated, with ing, cataloguing and displaying health re- lated artifacts and archives. Local support ing these formative years, but we now findourselves at a “cross roads”. If we are to achieve our Vision and fulfill our Mission critical, exciting time and appreciate your Mr. Alan Grant, Chair, Board of Directors continuing input and support. I look for- a “National Advisory Board” of distin- Museum’s progress as the Strategic Plan ibility for storage arrangements and pro- vide space for future expansion of the col- storerooms to be ongoing over at least the seum artefact storage. This will createsafer areas for environmentally sensitive materials, such as the collection of medi- are taking this opportunity to completely pletely replace the storerooms upstairs, we tional groups such as cardiology, patient terms, this classification will then be fur- ther refined so that items of similar ob- ject type, size or other physical charac- as school programmes and public lectures.
teristic can be placed together on storage units best suited to particular spatial and that is exactly what we will end up with.
be able to work with his or her “largesse”, In actual fact, the storage surface area will ple, all microscopes together, large equip- that is, the wealth of objects in the collec- be vastly expanded, but will take up sig- nificantly less floor area than we have now.
well-housed and documented collectionis then to be able to use it as a basis for historical research, publication, and ex- tracks that allow the shelving bays to be system will serve as the framework for the Baillie’s basement, we are literally getting ing with them, thus leaving room for more ceived into the collection and will go far in assisting curatorial staff in determin- Executive Director’s Message
Forward Planning: A Critical Exercise
by Dr. James Low, Executive Director
has been actively engaged in forward plan- strengths and weaknesses, opportunitiesand threats. The results of these assess- ments were used as a basis for a vigorous a review of the museum programs andmarketing. A review of the current audi- priorities followed. The third step exam- ined the characteristics, wants, needs of the regional and national target audience the Museum. These includeactions to: recruit, manage and was developed. The criteria for these pro- approved by the Board of Directors. Simi- larly, the importance, goals and strategies determined. A marketing plan for 2004-2005 was prepared, endorsed by the Pub- by the Board, this plan will be the roadmap for the Museum for the next three to five years. This plan will be of value only identify the direction of the Museum over the next three to five years began in Janu- a regular basis. This plan will not be fixed but rather will, on review, be revised when set and a work plan to achieve these goals Plan has provided the Directors, staff and facilitator of this project that involved the Directors, museum staff and volunteers.
Four valuable sessions were held through- a great debt to Nancy Matheson for theleadership provided in creating this plan.
sion of the Museum was articulated. Theenvironment of the many aspects of the Museum Highlights
Museum Program Update
• Over 90 visitors dropped by to experience special tours as part of Doors Open Kingston on September 18, 2004. KGH Nursing Alumnaegave visitors a sneak peak at life in a nursing residence, and ResearchFellow Jen Walker and KGH Walking Tour Guide Jen Young gavespecial tours of the Fenwick Operating Theatre.
• Plant enthusiasts experienced the Museum’s Horticultural and Gar- den Day program in August. A hands-on interactive displayshowcased plants used in traditional remedies, and our “Potions,Pills and Prescriptions” exhibit was highlighted.
• We joined forces with the Kingston Historical Society on August 1st for Murney Tower Family Fun Day, despite some nasty weather onthe original program date. Kids were invited to get a ‘fake wound’(made of yummy strawberry jam), and to become a medical detec-tive.
• Over 500 visitors experienced our fascinating walking tour, “Plagues, Politicians and Prisoners of War” The Astonishing Past of KingstonGeneral Hospital” in 2004. Regular tours will once again be offeredstarting in May 2005. If you’d like to book a group tour in the mean- Summer students Melinda and Kate having a blast at Murney time, please give us a call at 548-2419 or email [email protected].
Bringing History to Life: Dr. Fenwick and the
Margaret Angus Research Evening

ing, illumination was from a novelcupola roof, with a glass ceiling thatallowed light in, diffusing it gently bound as she took us back more thana hundred years, describing events events led to Dr. Fenwick’s early death celebrate a lively research evening she entitled “ ‘….a blessing to the citi- zens and neighbourhood at large.’ – Dr.
hood at large.’ He left a legacy that that restored to its original state – a monu- could scrub-up close to the patient.
Curatorial Corner
Coming Up…
Trouble with . . . Tonsils! Latest
“Mini” Exhibit at Museum

iliary will open in the Hall ofHonour at Kingston General strange little pair of organs at the back of sils facts when you visit Trouble with . . . your throat is really for? Do tonsils have Tonsils! , the museum’s latest “mini” ex- a purpose, or are they just there to annoy hibit features a selection of tonsil removal Get your imagination going andthinking caps on – there arepoints for creativity! be held at the Museum on Tues-day, April 19, 2005, at 4pm.
Billings Tonsillotome, one of the artefacts featured in “Trouble with Tonsils”. What’s New in the Collection:
The Forecaster

Now Playing…
Tuberculosis” and “Beyond Ether: 150 Years of Anaesthesia” can be the Nation: A Short History of Con- diac Pacemakers”. If you’d like a Forecaster” is essentially a mod-ern “scientific” version of cycle Curatorial Corner
Artefacts on
the Road!

New Faces
Care’s collection are being featured inupcoming exhibitions in Montreal and further education in the fields of Public Growing Up in Montréal / Grandir à time, Chris enjoys writing and theatre.
Montréal is a major new exhibition at the plores the behaviours and rituals, habits years and is scheduled to run until 5 Sep- Saint Mary’s University. He has also com- Care regulars, The Caring Profession / Les soins infirmiers - L’histoire d’une profession ratorship program at Sir Sandford Fleming piad, as well as various debating activi- the Atlantic in Halifax, and has just re- the present. It will bring together the two Tim is excited to be a part of the team and parallel but separate nursing traditions in looks forward to learning about the fasci- nating history of medicine and the health day-to-day practice of nursing, as well as the struggle for recognition of the profes- sion will be represented through artefacts, through the Queen’s Work Study program.
We are pleased to announce that Soodabehwas able to continue her work photo-graphing our artefacts for this school year.
In addition, we are pleased to welcomethree more students to our busy environ-ment. That brings our total to four stu-dents for 2004 – 2005. We are very grate-ful for their contribution! Webb joins us as oursecond ArtefactPhotographer. He isa fourth year Historyand ConcurrentEducation student Carbolic Spray device, one artefact that will soon be on the road with the Museum of Civilization's The Caring Profession Exhibit. Education Report
Onions: A
Summer Programming at the Museum:
Traditional Cure-All
Hands on Heritage
The onion (Allium cepa), like its cous- ins garlic, chives, scallions and leeks, is amember of the lily family (liliaceae). It hasbeen cultivated for over 5,000 years andtoday the onion is the most importanthorticultural crop after tomatoes.
history not only for their culinary valuebut also for their therapeutic properties.
Like garlic, onions are rich in powerfulsulfur-containing compounds that givethem their pungent odor and health pro-moting benefits.
of onion is for the treatment of asthma,bronchitis, coughs and colds. In folkmedicine, raw onions were chopped andstewed in milk to clear congested airways.
Onion syrup, made by slicing onions andcovering the slices with brown sugar over-night, was given out liberally at the firstsign of a cough or sore throat. In Asianmedicine, onions have been used for cen-turies to treat coughs, bacterial infections,and breathing problems and according tomedical papyri the ancient Egyptians werealso familiar with the use of onions toprevent colds.
Education Officer Vivane Paquin explores the mysteries of a Doctor's Bag with excited students properties. Strongly flavoured onions will during this summer's “Hands on Heritage” Camp. make an especially good addition to soupsand stews during the cold and flu season.
If you can’t stand the taste of onions then the diseases and injuries of pioneers, how enjoy the health benefits of a topical ap- participated in “Hands on Heritage”, a they were cared for in the home, and about plication! According to folk medicine the Bellevue house, Fairfield House, Kingston tique trephine, scarificator, and various • The inside of an onion placed on cuts back from the campers was very positive.
children to explore their local heritage. In • Carrying a small onion in your pocket with a different program and a variety of runs for six weeks beginning the first week of July. Registration forms will be avail- List of Donors
Granting Organizations
Artefact Donors
Foundations and Major
Financial Donors
and all of our new and renewing Mem-
Project Partners
bers, Sustaining Patrons, and Volun-
to the list in the next Bailliewick issue.
Do you shop
Now Available in Our Gift Shop!
Thanks in part to the many emails and letters sent to Downtown Kingston! at A&P?
from our Members and supporters, the Ann Bailllie Building has been madeinto a commemorative pewter ornament. Many thanks to everyone who madethis possible – what a wonderful way to commemorate the building’s 100th An- Save your A&P cash
niversary! This lovely representation of the home of the Museum of Health register receipts and
Care is available for sale in our gift shop.
help the Museum of
Health Care benefit

We Need Volunteers!
from the A&P “Save-A-
Tape” program. Our
months. Donna, Carol, Connie andMarilyn ensured that our late summer and mailing address is:
that has collected over 27,000 artefacts,and produced over 15 exhibits, all in the Museum of Health Care,
past 15 years, volunteers are not only im- Ann Baillie Building,
portant, but also essential! If you have an George Street,
interest in health care history, or in anopportunity to work with enthusiastic Kingston, ON, K7L 2V7.
on a project to research museum gift shop issues. We hope she’ll come up with a few tential! Steve Vollick has been an ‘un-of- Relations Assistants. If you have an inter- ficial’ volunteer for the past several years, Health Care, give Mary a call at 613-548- him as a ‘Special Projects’ volunteer. We Stuart and King Street signposts after they “Thank you”, and “Welcome”!
nearly became casualties of the construc-


DIAGNOSE UND THERAPIE DES MORBUS GAUCHER: AKTUELLE EMPFEHLUNGEN DER DEUTSCHEN THERAPIE-ZENTREN IM JAHRE 2000 Prof. Dr. Claus Niederau 1 , Prof. Dr. Arndt Rolfs 2 , PD Dr. Stephan vom Dahl 3 , Prof. Dr. Dieter Häussinger 3 Dr. Ludger Wilhelm Poll 4, Dr. Eugen Mengel 5, Prof. Dr. Michael Beck 5 1 Innere Abteilung, St. Josef-Hospital Oberhausen, Akademisches Lehrkrankenhau

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Survey of the Occurrence of Pharmaceuticals and Other Emerging Contaminants in Untreated Source and Finished Drinking Water in Ontario Ce document hautement spécialisé n’est disponible qu’en anglais en vertu du règlement 411/97, qui en exempte l’application de la Loi sur les services en français . Pour obtenir de l’aide en français, veuillez communiquer avec le m

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