Please avoid Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Aleve, as these can cause excessive bleeding. If you are on anticoagulants/blood thinner such as Coumadin (Warfarin) and Plavix (Clopidogrel) you must inform the performing surgeon.
In addition to Aspirin-like medications, Vitamin E and many herbal supplements need to be stopped such as Garlic, Ginkgo, Ginseng, Flaxseed, Ginger, Feverfew, Bilberry, Chamomile, and Selenium. You can take Tylenol (acetaminophen) for pain relief. The following medications need to be stopped 10 days prior until 5 days after surgery. Shoulder patients should not restart the medications until 6 weeks after surgery. The pre-admissions nurse will review your medications with you and tell you which ones to take the morning of surgery and which ones to avoid until after surgery.
Lanorinal Aggrenox Lioresal Piroxicam Diclofenac Alka-Seltzers Diflunisal Di-agesic Robaxisal Dipridacot Anadynos Dupyridamole Measurin Disalcid Meclotenamate Meclomen Mefenamic Arthropan Dong Quai Root Meloxicam Arthrotec Salicylamide Arthritis Pain Formula Mendomen Durgesic Methcarbamol w/ Salsalate Ascriptin Selenium Asocdeen-30 Micrainin Sine-Aid Aspergum Echinacea Sine-Off Sinus Emprazil Mobigesic Empirin with Codeine Momentum Stanback Bayer Products Encaprin Monacet with Codeine B.C. Tablets & Powder Ephedra (Ma-Huang) St. John’s Wart Equagesic Nabumetone St. Joseph Products Bilberry Etodolac Sulindac Bufferin Products Naprelan Buffets II Excedrin Naprosyn Synalgos-DC Buffinol Naproxen Buf-tabs Fenoprofen Neocylate Butalbital Feverfew Norgesic Ticlopidine Butazolidin Fiorinal Novnaproxen Tolectin Cama Products Novodipiradrol Tolmetin Carisoprodol Flaxseed Cataflam Flurbiprofen Triaminicin Celebrex Gaysal-S Trigesic Celecoxib Garlic (Allium Sativum) Trilisate Chamomille Oxaprozin Valdecoxib Cheracol Gemnisin Valerian Cilostazol Pabalate-SF Vanquish Clinoril Ginko (Biloba) Pabrin Buffered Tabs Vitamin E Clopidogrel Congesprin Chewable Goody’s Panalgesic Voltaren Warfarin Ibuprofen Pepto Bismol Willow Bark Coricidin Percodan Indomethacin Persantine Coumadin Ketoprofen Persistin Damason P Ketorolac
A O M C L I N I C A L P R A C T I C E G U I D E L I N E This guideline has been reviewed and approved by the AOM Board of Directors on March 30, 2006. Principal Authors AOM Clinical Practice Guideline Working Group Lynne-Marie Culliton, R.M., Owen Sound, ON Kathelijne Keeren, R.M., Mississauga, ON BACKGROUND countries. The midwife plays a central role in prevention and trea
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