Menopause International 2012; 18: 87–89. DOI: 10.1258/mi.2012.012011
Menstruation and mental health:what’s the chance of talking about that?
When asked to write this piece my first thought was
normal and it would settle, so agreed to another injec-
where will I begin? I feel its best to start from where I am
tion. The bleeding did not stop and the depression
today and work backwards. Today I am a happy, confident
became much more apparent. I also remember becoming
32-year-old woman who is happily married with two
fairly anxious at this time and I recall that I suffered from
beautiful children. I have a part-time job that I enjoy and I
insomnia – so much so that my fiance´ and I ended up
also run my own successful business working as a keynote
sleeping in separate beds as I disturbed him so much
speaker and trainer. I have no major health issues and I
during the night with my constant tossing and turning.
manage my surgical menopause very effectively using
So back to the general practitioner (GP) I trot. This time I
estrogen and testosterone hormone replacement therapy
asked for a referral to a gynaecologist and explained that I
(HRT) in the form of patches, gels and a vaginal estrogen
was sure that my symptoms had something to do with
cream. I am so grateful to finally be able to enjoy my life
hormones. The doctor felt that this was not required, that
every week of the month and as far as I am concerned I
we should just stop the injections and return to using a
owe my life to the gynaecologist who correctly diagnosed
contraceptive pill. It was documented that I had become
me and continues to support me in managing my chal-
very depressed on the injections – and I recall being
offered some advice on how to reduce stress as she felt
The reason that I am in surgical menopause is because
that stress/depression could also affect menstrual bleed-
in 2009 I made the decision to have a hysterectomy and
ing. (This I agree with to a certain extent but come on – 24
removal of my ovaries to rid myself of a hormonal con-
weeks of almost constant bleeding after a hormone
dition that had plagued my life for 10 years. I suffered
injection kind of screams out adverse reaction of some
from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome, recognized
sort!) I should probably point out at this point that I had
by some as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
no history of any mental health issues – and thankfully
Interestingly, this is where the first stumbling block is for
after correct treatment for my condition I have no conti-
sufferers like me – no-one can agree on what to call this
nuing issues in this area. I will also point out that I fully
condition. I read with interest lately that this issue will
understand how my condition could go unrecognized for
hopefully be resolved with the International Society for
such a long time as the many symptoms of PMDD can
Premenstrual Disorders looking to implement a new
easily be misdiagnosed as symptoms of other conditions. I
classification, which will hopefully lead to better diag-
was equally confused at times by the often very puzzling
nosis for women such as myself. I am hopeful that with a
symptoms that I presented with – it was only when the
clear set of diagnostic criteria women will no longer have
penny dropped that there was such a definite link to
to be shunted from pillar to post as myself and so many
hormones – that by reflecting upon my medical history a
I presented with mild symptoms in my teens. My
So anyway – I struggled on for another year trying a
medical notes document ‘issues appear to be cyclical’. But
spell of time hormone contraceptive free before returning
being a bashful teenager – I put up and shut up when I
to the pill to control bleeding for my wedding. I returned
was informed that periods are just part of a woman’s life,
to my GP. I recall this very vividly as I was only married a
learn to live with it basically. So I did – talking about
few months and my moods and bleeding were under-
periods, etc. was SO embarrassing at that age. So I
standably interfering with married life. It was noted that
muddled through trying various different contraceptive
I was still bleeding irregularly when off the pill. Bleeding
pills, which all gave me a different selection of side–
was occurring approximately two weeks of the month.
effects, but for me it was a case of which was the lesser
I was referred to see a gynaecologist. In November 2003,
evil. I agreed to try the contraceptive injection (age 22).
I attended my long-awaited appointment. I took my
After the first injection I bled almost continuously for 12
husband along with me for moral support. Both expressed
weeks and became depressed. I was advised this was quite
concern that my issues were related to my hormones.
Menopause International Vol. 18 No. 2 June 2012
D Barrowman Menstruation and mental health
I explained the strains that my situation was causing
the gynaecologist stating that as I had been in hospital as
within our relationship, my moods, the constant bleed-
a result of my suicide attempt, and they had found no
ing, painful intercourse, etc. Various unpleasant internal
physical cause for the bleeding I was being discharged
examinations took place (which later came back clear).
from any further investigations at his clinic. His docu-
My first appointment ended with me leaving in tears as
mented reason was that he was now certain my problems
my husband and I had basically been told again that my
were stress related. Can you imagine how very frustrating
symptoms were related to stress – but this time there
and upsetting this was, when I knew deep within myself
appeared to be some ammunition for this claim. His
that something that was completely out of my control
theory was that our relationship was being tested as we
were newly weds, so I was suffering from stress and that
So thankfully being the strong person that I am I
was impacting upon my menstrual cycle. Explanation
decided that this was not going to beat me. I got back to
that these issues had been going on since my teens
work, and returned to taking the contraceptive pill that
appeared to fall on deaf ears. I tried to explain that it was
had given me the least problems. The Efexor, after a few
the bleeding, moods and other physical symptoms that
increases in dosage, kept me ticking along. I am
were causing me stress but he appeared convinced it was
delighted to say that the following year I fell pregnant
with my first beautiful son. Efexor was stopped and
So I gave up – returned home and came to the con-
pregnancy was a joy as I had no vicious cycle; however,
clusion that this was just the way life was going to be.
after birth things went downhill fairly quickly. The
Learning to work around my bad weeks, I would try and
anxiety and insomnia came back along with a few new
avoid certain situations and only socialize if I had to. This
symptoms including intense paranoia, confusion and
had a huge impact upon my quality of life, I had also
sweats. By this time the monthly pattern was screaming
started my own business – something I was more than
out to me. I had a spell back on antidepressants as I was
capable of doing and I had always wanted to do. But sadly
diagnosed with postnatal depression but they made no
the symptoms were becoming a lot worse – the insomnia
difference this time. Back on the pill until I could take it
and anxiety occurring every third week was debilitating as
no more and asked for another gynaecologist referral.
was the continued heavy irregular bleeding. I would
But once again I fell pregnant with my second beautiful
become so upset as I felt so out of control of what was
son. So out the window went any further investigations
happening to my body and mind every month. But then
until after childbirth. I will admit that I was scared of
the cloud would lift and I would be enjoying life again
bringing another child into the world as I was just
and functioning well until the next cycle. At this point
functioning at this point two weeks out of every month.
my husband had really started to notice how intense
Blair arrived and the symptoms returned with a ven-
things were becoming and supported me in every practi-
geance. This is the point that I decided I could no longer
cal and emotional way he could – but he could not
live with this as I was beginning to get scarily low and
remove or understand the horrid pattern of symptoms
did not want a repeat of what happened a few years
that would come and then go. It must have been incred-
previous. Some may argue that it was the dealing with
ibly frustrating for him as half the month he had happy,
two children that made things worse – but when I reflect
confident, sensible Donna and the other half he had
back the only reason I could cope before I had the chil-
irritable, anxious, exhausted and paranoid Donna. Things
dren was because I could literally lie down to this con-
came to a head in June 2004 when I was totally over-
dition. That however was not an option with two
whelmed with anxiety – completely irrational and
children to care for, and on my two good weeks I was a
exhausted. I went to my GP who was shocked and could
fantastic mother, nothing phased me and life was good.
not understand what had happened, and how it hap-
My new GP was wonderful and recognized that my
pened so quickly. She had never seen me at this point in
problems were hormone related and supported me to
my cycle before as I was ashamed to admit that I was
follow the guidelines published by the National
having mental health issues. She immediately did what
Association for Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS). We tried
would have been the sensible thing at the time and
a few newer pills, then the Mirena coil but every time I
started me on Prozac. Sadly three or four days later – as
had something with any amount of progesterone I
things peaked I tried to take my own life. To this day I
would feel awful. Through charting my symptoms
have no idea when I crossed the line between sanity and
during a normal cycle it was obvious that they related to
suicide. I can just remember thinking that I was such a
the days when progesterone was at its highest. We tried a
burden on everyone, I was a failure as a wife and that my
combination of numerous things but with no success.
life was always going to be controlled by this horrendous
The moment my life changed was when I found a
pattern. I remember being in hospital and not believing
specialist gynaecologist who I believe saved my life. We
what I had done, I was so ashamed of myself. Notes show
decided to go ahead and try the gonadotropin releasing
that within a few days I was once again lucid, and hopeful
hormone analogue monthly injections to force my body
for the future. I must have appeared very bizarre when the
into menopause and remove my cycle. After two months I
only reason I could give as an explanation to the psy-
was literally a new woman. I could not actually believe
chiatrist was that my periods were causing me to have
the difference in myself – and my husband was
such severe symptoms. Again they put it down to stress
astounded. I no longer hated myself, I felt in control
and sent me home with different antidepressants – Efexor.
rather than out of control. The bleeding stopped, the
These did help me, mostly with the anxiety but did not
anxiety and paranoia disappeared and I was functioning
remove the physical problem of the heavy irregular
like a normal human being. The relief was immense. A
bleeding. Sadly a few weeks later I received a letter from
few menopausal symptoms crept in but they were solved
Menopause International Vol. 18 No. 2 June 2012
D Barrowman Menstruation and mental health
by using low-dose estrogen HRT. I used this regimen for
symptoms. I eventually decided that something else must
six months. This relief, however, came at a cost. It was not
be wrong with me – and ordered some blood tests to
advisable to stay on these injections long term; however, a
check for infection, etc. They came back clear. At the same
hysterectomy and removal of my ovaries would give a
time I contacted my consultant again who explained to
permanent solution. At age 29 this was a huge decision
me that a woman of my age would normally have a lot of
but if I wanted to have any quality of life with my family
estrogen in her body – and that the HRT was simply
it was the only option for me. Yes I had my children and
replacing what I would normally have. She suggested
probably did not plan to have any more but I hated
increasing the dose of patches and adding in some local
having that choice taken a way from me by this con-
estrogen direct to my vagina. If I am 100% honest – I was
dition. Anyway, I proceeded with the surgery and today I
not convinced but I went ahead anyway. I am pleased to
say that I have never looked back. I have taken a great
So here I am 2.5 years postsurgery. Hormones still
amount of time to educate myself about HRT, and it is
challenge me as I am now in surgical menopause.
very interesting and eye opening to read how flawed the
Menopause – believe it or not came as a complete sur-
study was that led to all the scaremongering around HRT. I
prise to me. I do not know if I just did not allow myself to
was also amazed to read the amount of evidence that
think about it – but boy did I know when it arrived. I
supports estrogen therapy in women – especially young
assume that because I entered menopause via surgery – it
women like myself. But sadly many doctors are still
arrived like a tornado. The first thing that really disturbed
reluctant to recognize this. Thankfully I have a very good
me was the dryness and soreness of my vaginal area – and
medical team now – they trust me and I trust them. I feel
being a typical woman I put up with it – not wanting to
as is I have finally taken control of my hormones – rather
bother the doctor with something as unimportant as my
than my hormones controlling me. I now speak at
vagina!! Then I started to feel like I had just gone 10
women’s health conferences – helping to educate the
rounds with a boxer – I ached, I was exhausted. At this
medical profession about the very real effect hormones
point I was using 1 Â 25 mg patch of estrogen every three
have on women – and I am pleased to say that they are
days – when I look back know I laugh my head off at how
starting to listen. Menopause does not need to be
naive I was. Understandably my GP advised me to stay on
as low a patch as possible of HRT – and to be fair I kept alot of my symptoms to myself – especially the vaginal
Menopause International Vol. 18 No. 2 June 2012
Medical Hypotheses (2004) 63, 1054–1056 impact of boron on vitaminD function – does it reflect inhibitionof 24-hydroxylase?Dusan Miljkovica, Natasha Miljkovicb, Mark F. McCartya,*a FutureCeuticals Inc., 5080 Shoreham Plaza, San Diego, CA 92122, USAb Department of Orthopedic Medicine, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, YugoslaviaRe
Members of the ISA Board of Trustees, Mr. Eduardo Ong, Mr. Oscar Co, Parents of the Preschool Learners, ISA Facilitators, Preschool Learners, ISAers, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon. Philosophers differ in explaining the world, but the problem is how to change the world. As educators, we disdain to conceal our fervent intention to mold the mind and soul of the next generations accord