Microsoft word - osteoporosis chronic dx handouts pcmh.doc
Board Certified Family Medicine / Geriatric Medicine / General Surgery / Physical Medicine / Cardiology
Goals We at Preferred Medical Group, PC are recognized as a Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH.) This simply means that we meet stringent requirements as a health care team and as a team we are committed to providing you the best state-of-the-art care we can. You are an integral part of this team as well and without your help our success will be lessened. To the best of our ability we will work in conjunction with other doctors, the hospital and others as needed to help to coordinate your care. Here’s to your health! Disease Defined Osteoporosis is the progressive thinning or demineralization of bones. This process increases the risk of fractures or broken bones—primarily of the hip, the spine and the wrist. Risk Factors Increasing age, menopause in woman and low testosterone in men, hyperthyroidism, hyper parathyroidism, rheumatoid arthritis, early menopause, causation (white) race, excessive alcohol, low body weight, certain drugs such as cortisones (steroids) and anti-seizure medicines, and lack of exercise. Primary Prevention (preventing disease from occurring) Mitigating the above risk factors Secondary Prevention (finding disease as early as possible BEFORE it causes serious problems) Densitometry or DEXA scans are the best way. Sometimes plain X-rays can suggest low mineral content of bone also. Treatment The goals of osteoporosis treatment are to:
Prevent bone fractures with medicines that strengthen bone and exercise
Minimize the risk of falls that might cause fractures
Medications Medications include Calcium (1,000-1,500 mg) and Vit D (1,000 IU’s), Bisphoshonates some of which are oral and others intravenous, Caclitonin-a hormone, Estrogen Replacement-also a hormone, Raloxiphene (Evista) and a newer agents such as Denosumab and Fablyb. Each has benefits and risks and we work with you to determine which, if any, are best suited for you.
Marc Weisman, DO, FAAFP / Jason Talbert, MD/ Alan Carbajo, MD
Michelle Petropoulos, PA-C / Tara Caudill-Deaton, MD / Heidie Vasko, PA-C / Dwijen Misra, MD / Jim M. Newman, MD
1200 WEST TWELVE MILE ROAD MADISON HEIGHTS MI 48071 248.543.0600 248.543.4720 (fx)
Board Certified Family Medicine / Geriatric Medicine / General Surgery / Physical Medicine / Cardiology
Patients Responsibilities To work on reducing all the risk factors you can, increase activity as directed by health care providers, being compliant with medications and instructions from your doctors and monitoring your own health so that early warning symptoms are brought to the doctors attention. Providers Responsibilities We will do our best to help you prevent disease and, if it already exists, to find it early. We also work with you and all others involved in your care to maximize effectiveness of treatments and help you achieve your responsibilities.
Marc Weisman, DO, FAAFP / Jason Talbert, MD/ Alan Carbajo, MD
Michelle Petropoulos, PA-C / Tara Caudill-Deaton, MD / Heidie Vasko, PA-C / Dwijen Misra, MD / Jim M. Newman, MD
1200 WEST TWELVE MILE ROAD MADISON HEIGHTS MI 48071 248.543.0600 248.543.4720 (fx)
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