European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and
Reproductive Biology 110 (2003) 190–195
Stress relief after infertility treatment—spontaneous conception,
aFertility Workgroup—Reproduction Medicine & Endocrinology, Munich University Hospital—City Centre,
Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Maistrasse 11, D-80337 Muenchen, Germany
bDepartment of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University Medical Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University, Sigmund-Freud-Street 25, D-53115 Bonn-Venusberg, Germany
cDepartment of Epidemiology & International Health, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
1665 University Blvd., Ryals Building, Birmingham, AL 35294, USA
dDepartment of Gynecological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine, University Medical Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Christian-Albrechts-University, Brunswiker Street 10, D-24105 Kiel, Germany
Objective: In this study, we sought to evaluate characteristics of couples with spontaneous conceptions after treatment with assisted
reproductive technologies (ART). Study design: Data from 254 couples who underwent 1127 therapy cycles between November 1987 andFebruary 1997, were analyzed. Chi-Square (w2) test and Student’s t-test were used. P < 0:05 was considered significant. Results: Spontaneouspregnancies occurred in 14% of all treated couples. Psychological counselling only was performed in 21% but was observed significantly morefrequently among patients without later spontaneous conception. Ten percent of all treated couples applied for adoption. The miscarriage ratewas significantly higher in the group of treatment dependent pregnancies compared to the group of patients with later spontaneous conception(27% versus 9%). The spontaneous conception rate differed significantly depending on women’s age and normal semen analysis. Conclusion:Appearance of spontaneous conception after ART-procedures should be taken into account in the first patient’s interview. Depending onwomen’s age and andrological parameters, treatment-success will differ. The positive impact of psychological counselling for stress reliefduring and after therapy should also be noted, even though a statistically significant impact could not be demonstrated in the present study. Adoption should be discussed as an alternative to overcome infertility. # 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Spontaneous conception; Infertility treatment; Adoption; Psychological counseling; Miscarriage
investigations have focused on the impact of psychologicalcounseling on the success-rate of ART-procedures without
It is well established that spontaneous pregnancies after
regarding the period afterwards. Only a few studies have
infertility therapy occur even in cases with severe subfertility
focused on the employment of psychological counseling after
. Most studies focus on treatment-independent pregna-
ncies after in vitro fertilization (IVF) . Little is known
Before intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) became a
about the instance of spontaneous conception in couples
standard ART-procedure and gestational surrogacy arrange-
where different assisted reproductive technology (ART) pro-
ments were legalized in some countries, adoption and donor
insemination were common alternatives for couples with
Several studies have evaluated interference of psychologi-
severe male subfertility In some cases, adoption still
cal adjustment of infertile couples Anxiety, depression,
represents an option for couples after unsuccessful ART
self-esteem, and marital satisfaction were analyzed using
treatment Researchers have explored the correlation
different scales and checklists. However, most of these
of stress relief, spontaneous conception, and adoption sepa-rately to ART treatment However, little information
is available concerning the interaction of all three aspects
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49-89-5160-4678;
and their correlation to ART treatment. On the other hand
fax: þ49-89-5160-4918. E-mail address: [email protected] (M.S. Kupka).
women’s age, semen analysis parameters, and duration of
0301-2115/$ – see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0301-2115(03)00280-X
M.S. Kupka et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 110 (2003) 190–195
infertility are well known prognostic factors in ART-proce-
intra-fallopian transfer was performed. On average, each
dures and are therefore also analyzed in the present
couple underwent 4.5 treatment-cycles (range 1–12, S.D. 3.8).
A clinical pregnancy was defined as the occurrence of at
least one ultrasonography-confirmed gestational sac (whichexcludes biochemical pregnancies) with confirmation of
positive heartbeats. For IVF and ICSI procedures, the cal-culation of the clinical pregnancy rate was related to the
Between November 1987 and February 1997, a total of
embryo transfer; for GIFT procedures it was related to
1127 therapy cycles were performed in 254 couples at an
gamete transfer. A live birth was described as a treatment
University Medical Center in Germany. These cycles
cycle that resulted in at least one live born neonate with
included controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (COH), intrau-
a minimum gestational age of 25 weeks. Analysis was
terine homologues insemination (IUI) with and without
restricted to only one spontaneous conception per couple.
ovarian stimulation, IVF with and without ICSI and, in rare
Two study groups were established: those without sponta-
cases, gamete intra-fallopian transfer (GIFT). In accordance
neous conception after infertility treatment (Group I) and
with the German Embryo Protection Act and the guide-
those with spontaneous conception after infertility treatment
lines of the German Medical Association, no donor program
(Group II). Semen analysis parameters were used as recom-
in IVF/ICSI procedures was established, a maximum of
Concentration >20 Â 106/ml, motility >40%, normal morphology >40%
Concentration <20 Â 106/ml, motility >40%, normal morphology >40%
Concentration >20 Â 106/ml, motility <40%, normal morphology >40%
Concentration >20 Â 106/ml, motility >40%, normal morphology <40%
Concentration <20 Â 106/ml, motility <40%, normal morphology <40%
three embryos could be transferred, and fertilized oocytes
Chi-Square (w2) analysis, Student’s t-test, and confidence
were frozen in the pronuclear stage.
intervals were calculated. P < 0:05 was considered signifi-
In this study, cycles with frozen–thawed embryo transfer,
cant. Data entry and analysis were performed using SPSS
azoospermia, and bilateral tubal occlusion were excluded.
Two women who changed their partners during the observa-tion period were also excluded.
During the time span nearly 4900 couples were treated at
the department. The analyzed treatment cycles were con-ducted by only one physician from the University Medical
3.1. Characteristics of the study population
Center in order to reduce bias attributable to differenttreatment-strategies and clinical experiences.
Women’s age ranged from 23 to 43 years with a mean of
Calculation of women’s age was fixed at the beginning of
33.7 years (A statistically significant difference
the ART treatment. The follow-up interval lasted 9–60
was observed for both groups (P ¼ 0:049). Women without
months and ended in September 1997. After ART-proce-
a spontaneous conception were older than Group II women
dures were performed, all couples decided not to continue
(33.9 versus 32.2 years). The highest rate of spontaneous
conceptions (44%) occurred in women aged 31–35 years.
The medical records for all 254 couples were analyzed for
Men ranged in age from 19 to 62 years, with a mean of 36.1
history of infertility as well as for information following
years. No statistically significant difference was observed
the treatment. In addition, 142 couples completed a detailed
questionnaire evaluating resort to psychological counsel-
A mean duration of infertility of 3.7 years was observed
ing and application of adoption. The questionnaire was
among all 226 couples and varied from 3.1 (Group II) to 4.0
pre-tested by employees of the department. Eighty-four
years (Group I), although this difference was not statistically
telephone interviews were conducted using a standardized
format, yielding information for a final group of 226 couples
Almost three out of four (74%) couples in Group I were
undergoing a total of 1005 treatment cycles.
found to have primary infertility at the beginning of ART-
Most of the 1005 treatment cycles were performed as
procedures. The rate was higher for Group II couples (88%)
IUI (368) or controlled ovarian hyperstimulation (237).
although the difference was not statistically significant.
The more invasive treatments were represented by 208
Tubal disease was identified as the main infertility diagnosis
IVF-cycles and 166 ICSI-cycles. In 26 cases a gamete
for 8% of Group I and for 9% of Group II couples. Severely
M.S. Kupka et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 110 (2003) 190–195
Table 1Characteristics of the study population
a Couples without later spontaneous conception. b Couples with later spontaneous conception. c Oligoasthenoteratozoospermia.
reduced sperm quality as the sole infertility factor was
The outcome of 71 treatment dependent pregnancies
described in 31% of Group I couples, compared to 19%
showed a miscarriage rate of 27% and a live birth rate of
of Group II couples. No statistically significant differences
73% (This was a statistically significant difference
were found with regard to infertility diagnoses.
from the clinical outcome of Group II pregnancies. A lowermiscarriage rate (9%) was associated with a higher live birth
rate (91%). No ectopic pregnancy or induced abortion wasreported.
Thirty-two out of 226 couples reported a spontaneous
Group II couples underwent less invasive treatments such
conception after ART treatment, indicating a spontaneous
as intrauterine insemination or ovarian stimulation more
often. IVF was performed in 14% of Group II and 22%
Fifteen treatment-related conceptions occurred in this
of Group I patients. ICSI was performed in only 9% of
group (). Nevertheless, successful ART treatment
Group II patients and in 18% of Group I patients. The
showed no statistically significant difference in the two
treatment dependent clinical pregnancy rates demonstrated
no statistically significant differences between the twogroups
Clomiphene citrate (CC) or human menopausal gonado-
tropin (HMG) were typically used for controlled ovarian
Clinical pregnancy rate in ART procedures
hyperstimulation procedures (426 and 492 of 908 cycles,
a Treatment cycles. b Couples without later spontaneous conception.
a The percentages refer to the total number of each column.
c Couples with later spontaneous conception.
b All pregnancies were twin pregnancies.
M.S. Kupka et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 110 (2003) 190–195
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 % spontaneous pregnancy rate 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 months after ART-procedures
Fig. 1. Cumulative spontaneous pregnancy rate: (a) in all 32 spontaneous conceptions; (b) in couples with former treatment dependent pregnancies (N ¼ 15);(c) in couples with no former treatment dependent pregnancy (N ¼ 17).
respectively). Gonadotropin releasing hormone-antagonists
of women with treatment dependent pregnancies underwent
(GnRh-A) and, in most instances also agonists, were not
psychological counseling. This was not statistically different
available during that period. No statistically significant
difference was observed in the comparison between thedrug therapies for Groups I and II cycles.
The time between the end of ART-procedures and spon-
taneous conception ranged from 6–56 months, with an
Comparing results from the first semen analysis per-
average period of 19 months ). Eighty-four percent
formed at the department, normozoospermia was found in
of the couples with spontaneous conception became preg-
39% of Group I and in 59% of Group II couples, a statis-
tically significant difference (P ¼ 0:03) (). In couples
During the first 18 months, 80% of the couples with a
with treatment dependent pregnancies, normozoospermia
former successful ART treatment conceived spontaneously,
was found in 47%. This was not statistically different to
compared to only 47% of those without a former successful
the group of patients with treatment dependent pregnancies.
ART treatment. Although the results showed no statistically
There were no statistically significant differences observed
significant difference, a former successful ART treatment
for other classifications such as oligozoospermia, astheno-
zoospermia, teratozoospermia, or OAT-syndrome.
Comparing the group of patients with treatment depen-
3.3. Adoption and psychological counseling
dent pregnancies and later spontaneous conceptions, nosignificance was detected with regard to the distribution
Overall, only 22 of all 226 couples (10%) applied for
of normal semen analysis. Among patients with treatment
adoption (), consisting of 17 couples without later
dependent pregnancies, 47% of the tests showed normal
spontaneous conception and 5 Group II couples. During
results. An OAT-syndrome was found in 10% of Group I and
ART treatment, four of the five couples with later sponta-
neous conception applied for adoption, compared to 6 out of17 couples in the group without spontaneous conception. None of these differences were found to be statistically
Over one in five couples (21%) agreed to psychological
Improvements in all aspects of assisted reproductive
counseling (This included only two Group II
technologies have increased pregnancy rates among sub-
couples (6%) and 45 couples (23%) from Group I, a dif-
fecund couples. For example, in Japan and in France,
ference that was statistically significant (P ¼ 0:03). Both
spontaneous conception after delivery of an IVF-baby
Group II couples underwent psychological therapy during
was observed in 18 and 9% of couples, respectively
ART treatment. In Group I, 30 couples (67%) decided to
Without considering treatment dependent success
undergo psychological therapy during ART treatment and 15
in an IVF group, a spontaneous conception rate of 7% was
couples underwent this therapy afterwards. Sixteen percent
reported separately by Roh et al. and Haney et al. .
M.S. Kupka et al. / European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 110 (2003) 190–195
Excluding only bilateral tubal occlusion, spontaneous preg-
nancy rate of 11% was observed versus 7% in the group
nancies were found among 8% of Israeli couples
of patients without later spontaneous conception. Primary
Excluding additional azoospermia in an IVF group, a spon-
and secondary infertility were analyzed at the beginning of
taneous pregnancy rate of 11% was determined by Vardon
ART-procedures. At this time a previous pregnancy seemed
et al. Without consideration of the preceding ART
not to have any influence on the later spontaneous concep-
treatment, Merzoug et al. found 16% treatment inde-
tion. Secondary infertility with at least one former conception
pendent pregnancies. Hennelly et al. found subsequent
was seen more often in the group without later spontaneous
spontaneous conception in 21% of couples who underwent
conception and appeared to have no influence, as has also
In the present study, spontaneous pregnancies occurred in
Most of the spontaneous conceptions were observed
14% of all treated couples. This also could be related to
within a period of 2 years after the termination of ART-
patients’ work up to avoid unnecessary ART treatments. The
procedures This period was similar to 18 months
quality of diagnostic procedures and characteristics of cou-
ples therefore should be evaluated. Women now are older
An increased rate of miscarriages in women undergoing
when asking for IVF-treatment. The annual report 1996 of
ART-procedures was described in sundry investigations
the German IVF Registry demonstrate that IVF-treatment
. In the United States, at least 15% of spontaneous
was performed in 29.7% in women aging 35–40 years and in
abortions were found in women undergoing ART-proce-
9.0% in women aging more than 40 years. In 2001, this
dures . The overall miscarriage rate in the present study
changed to 32.7 and 10.6%. Health insurances in Germany
was 21%, and showed a statistically significant difference in
now are objecting a detailed checklist before paying for an
the two groups. It should be noted that the number of patients
IVF-treatment (for example two sperm-counts in a period of
was relatively small and the significance was seen as having
3 months with fixed limits for morphological criterias are
no great statistical power (P ¼ 0:046).
necessary for ICSI-treatment). So the diagnostic pathway
Undergoing an ART-procedure is not usually indicative of
signs or symptoms of psychological maladjustment .
In the present study, 71 of 226 couples conceived as a
Nevertheless, for men and women ART-procedures can be
result of successful ART treatment. Five factors help to
stressful . Stress management groups and short courses
explain the relatively low treatment dependent success rates.
of psychotherapy during ART-therapy have been described
First, treatments were performed in a period where new
by Brandt and Zech and by McNaughton-Cassill et al.
techniques and substances for controlled ovarian hypersti-
. Poehl et al. described that 18% of a sizeable
mulation were being introduced and established. Second, a
collective underwent psychotherapeutic counseling and
relatively high rate of male infertility (30%) also influenced
another 10% would commit to undergoing treatment. In
success rates. Third, ovarian stimulation was employed in
the present study, 21% of the couples decided to undergo
only a moderate extent, so that no higher multiple pregnan-
psychological treatment with a statistically significant dif-
cies occurred. Fourth, legislation in Germany limits the
number of transferred embryos to a maximum of three
Among patients without spontaneous pregnancies, the
and prohibits embryo selection and donor-programs.
frequency was significantly higher. A positive correlation
Fifth, a tertiary-care hospital restricted patient selection
between psychological counseling and the occurrence of
to a certain group, the majority of whom had been unsuc-
spontaneous pregnancies after ART-procedures could
cessfully treated in other reproductive units. Furthermore,
not therefore be demonstrated in this study. The results
there must be a negative bias of patient’s selection in the
could indicate a correlation to longer ongoing infertility
department because the pregnancy rate per transfer in all
and therefore a more stressful non-adjustment to ART
7200 IVF/ICSI cycles ranged from 12.0 to 27.2% between
therapies. Psychological counseling presented a diversity
of therapy techniques so that a detailed evaluation was not
The likelihood of spontaneous conception after ART-
therapy is significantly higher in some groups of patients.
Seventy percent of the couples started the treatment
One of the most important prognostic factors for infertility
while undergoing ART-procedures. Although IVF-units in
treatment is woman’s age This was also seen with
Germany were not committed, at that time, to offering
spontaneous conception in our study, where a statistically
psychological counseling, this altered, so that it became
significant difference was determined between patients with
easier for couples to gain this support at the same clinic.
and without later spontaneous conception. The duration
Stress relief could be observed not only through acceptance
of infertility undoubtedly is related to age but showed no
of childlessness, but also by alterations in personal situations
. In six couples, spontaneous conception became appar-
A correlation between successful ART-therapy and the
probability of spontaneous conception was determined, as
In general, differences in psychological characteristics
has also been shown by Fadini et al. Among those with
between couples with and without fertility disorders could
later spontaneous conception, a treatment dependent preg-
not be seen in a study of 564 German couples
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