Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
syndrome. The origin of this sympathetic hyperactivitymay at least in part be due to higher levels of hyper-
Impact of hypertension on sympathetic nerve
insulinaemia in hypertensive metabolic syndrome.
hyperactivity in the dysmetabolic syndrome
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; Sympathetic nervous
Robert J. Huggett*, Jeff Bannister, Alan F. Mackintosh,
Department of Cardiology, St James’s University Hospital,Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Visceral obesity as well as abnormalities of glucose,
insulin and lipoprotein metabolism are common in patientswith hypertension and commonly characterise the metabolic
Risk and impact of incident glucose disorders in
syndrome. In people who have essential hypertension
hypertensive older adults treated with an ace inhibitor, a
without features of the dysmetabolic syndrome it is widely
diuretic, or a calcium channel blocker: A report from the
accepted that an increase in sympathetic nervous system
activity occurs. However, the impact of hypertension itselfon the level of sympathetic nerve activity in the dysmeta-
Joshua I. Barzilay*, Sara Pressel, Barry R. Davis, Karen L.
Margolis, Jeffey Cutler, Stephen T. Ong, Jan Basile, Laurie
We therefore planned to determine the effect of hyper-
S. Sadler, John Summerson, Paul K., Whelton, for the
tension on the level of central sympathetic drive to the
periphery in people with the metabolic syndrome.
Using the NCEP (ATP III) definition for the metabolic
Endocrinology, Kaiser Permanente of Georgia, Tucker, GA,
syndrome, two groups of patients; one with all the metabolic
syndrome criteria including hypertension (MS+EHT) and
Coordinating Center for Clinical Trials, University of Texas
one with all criteria except hypertension (MS-EHT) were
Health Sciences Center, School of Public Health, Houston,
compared. These groups were matched for confounding
variables, which are known to influence sympathetic nerve
Clinical Epidemiology, Hennepin County Medical Center,
activity including age, body mass index (BMI), heart rate
(HR), mean arterial pressure (mBP) and drug therapy.
NHLBI, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Peroneal muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) was
measured by microneurography. MSNA was obtained as the
Ong Medical Center, Oxon Hill, MD, United States
resting mean frequency of bursts per 100 cardiac beats (b /
General Internal Medicine, Ralph H Johnson VA Medical
100b). Waist circumference, fasting blood lipid profile and
insulin were measured in each person. There were no
Lipid Research Center, St Vincent Charity Hospital,
significant differences in age, BMI, HR, mBP and waist
circumference ( P at least > 0.05; unpaired t test) between
Department of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest School
the two groups. However in people with hypertensive
of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, United States
metabolic syndrome both sympathetic nerve activity and
Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans,
the level of insulin were significantly higher than people
with normotensive metabolic syndrome, ( P 0.03;unpaired t test).
Several cardiovascular disease (CVD) trials (e.g., HOPE,
In Conclusion people with hypertensive metabolic
SOLVD) have reported that treatment with ACE inhibitors
syndrome criteria have higher levels of sympathetic nerve
(ACEI) is associated with a lower risk of incident diabetes
hyperactivity than those with normotensive metabolic
mellitus (DM) as compared to placebo therapy. Several
9999-9994/$ - see front matterdoi:10.1016/j.endend.2005.06.055
Abstracts / Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
hypertension (HTN) trials (e.g., LIFE, ALPINE, CAPP)
increased cardiovascular risk. Aim of this study was to
have shown ACEI use reduces risk of DM compared to beta
evaluate the impact of MS on left ventricular (LV) anatomy
blocker use. No study has compared the risk of DM and
and function in non-diabetic patients (pts), without clin-
elevated fasting glucose (FG) levels associated with ACEI
ically detectable heart disease and never-treated with
use against diuretic or calcium channel blocker (CCB) use.
antihypertensive or lipid-lowering drugs. We enrolled 88
Moreover, no trial has assessed the impact of incident
consecutive pts (56 men, 46 T 12 years, BMI 27.2 T 2.8 Kg /
elevated glucose levels associated with these HTN medi-
m2) admitted at our out-patients’ clinic because of newly
discovered high clinic blood pressure (BP). Each pt
We analyzed the ALLHAT data-set, a double-blind HTN
underwent : 24h ambulatory BP monitoring, echocardio-
trial that compared use of ACEI, diuretic, and CCB for the
gram, evaluation for metabolic syndrome (following ATPIII
prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) and other CVD.
criteria). LV diastolic function was evaluated by means of
Among those with normoglycemia (FG < 110 mg / dl) at
Doppler transmitral flow and pulsed tissue Doppler imag-
baseline, mean age was 67 years, ¨ 30% were Black, and
ing (E / A ratio at basal septum and E / A ratio at basal
mean FG was 91 mg / dl. Over a mean of 4.9 years follow
lateral wall). MS was diagnosed in 40 pts. Comparing MS+
up, FG levels rose in all three groups. At 4 years, mean FG
group to the 48 pts without MS (MS-), the 2 groups were
level for ACEI (n = 3,705), diuretic (n = 6,149) or CCB
similar with regard to age, gender, 24h systolic and
(n = 3,602) treatment groups was 98.8, 102.0, and 99.8 mg /
diastolic BP (MS+ 133 T 11 / 85 T 9 vs MS-135 T 11 / 84 T 8
dl, respectively (p < 0.006, chlorthalidone vs ACEI or CCB).
mmHg, ns), whereas BMI, fasting glycemia and triglycer-
The incidence of DM (any FG ! 126 mg / dl) was 7.6%,
ides were significantly (p < 0.001) higher and HDL-choles-
11.5%, and 8.3%, respectively. For those with impaired
terol (p < 0.001) lower in MS+ group. The prevalence of
fasting glucose (FG 110 – 125 mg / dl) at baseline (ACEI
hypertension (24hour BP > 130 and/or 80 mmHg) was
n = 407, diuretic n = 628, CCB n = 364), mean 4-year FG was
similar between the 2 groups (67% vs. 75%, ns), whereas
122.9, 138.8, and 135.0 mg / dl, respectively, (chlorthalidone
prevalence of impaired glucose tolerance, high triglycerides
vs ACEI, p < 0.001) and DM incidence was 36.8%, 52.5%,
and low HDL-cholesterol was significantly higher
(p < 0.002) in MS+ group.With regard to LV, end-diastolic
We conclude that DM and FG levels are lower with the
diameter was normal (< 57 mm) in all and similar between
use of ACEI over the 4.9 years follow up of the trial as
the 2 groups, whereas LV mass index was significantly
compared to CCB and diuretic use. Nonetheless, during
higher in MS+ group (108.7 T 23.3 vs 95.5 T 25.8 g / m2,
follow-up, these differences did not translate into more
p = 0.013), due to greater septal and posterior wall thick-
CHD events, or into higher all-cause mortality, in the
ness; LV systolic function was normal in all and similar
chlorthalidone group, as previously reported. Indeed, risk of
between the 2 groups; both TDI parameters of LV diastolic
certain CVD outcomes was lower with chlorthalidone
function were significantly (p < 0.02) lower in MS+ group.
treatment. Data will be presented regarding the effect of
The significant difference between the groups with regard
hypokalemia and beta blocker use on these metabolic
to LV mass and diastolic function held true after correction
In conclusion, in non-diabetic never-treated patients the
Keywords: Diabetes; Fasting glucose; CVD risk
presence of MS is associated with greater LV mass anddecreased LV diastolic function. These preclinical cardiac
abnormalities are not accounted for by difference in age,gender or 24h BP and therefore could be reasonablyascribed to the interplay of the metabolic components thatcharacterize the syndrome.
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; Myocardial hypertrophy;
The metabolic syndrome influences left ventricular mass
Anna M. Grandi*, Mariaelena Giudici, Paolo Saggiorato,Emanuela Laurita, Francesco Solbiati, Francesca Piperno,Andrea M. Maresca, Achille Venco
Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Insubria,Varese, Italy
Albuminuria predicts cardiovascular outcome withlosartan versus atenolol in patients with diabetes,
The metabolic syndrome (MS) is a cluster of closely
hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy. A life
related risk factors that together convey substantially
Abstracts / Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
Hans Ibsen*, Michael Hecht Olsen, Kristian Wachtell, Knut
Borch-Johnsen, Lars Lindholm, Bjoern Dahloef, SteveSnapinn
Hunting for hypertension genes: The nationalmillennium genome project in japan, the first report
Medical Department M, Glostrup Hospital, Glostrup,Copenhagen County, Denmark
Tetsuro Miki, Yasuharu Tabara*, Katsuhiko Kohara, Jun
Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Copenhagen County,
Nakura, the Study Group of Millennium Genome Project for
Department of Family Medicine, Umea University Hospital,Umea, Sweden
Department of Geriatric Medicine, Ehime University School
Deparment of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Gothenburg,
Department of Medical Genetics, Ehime University Schoolof Medicine, Onsen-gun, Ehime, Japan
Objectives: We have previously shown that baseline level
In 2000, national cooperative projects, under the banner
of urinary albumin / creatinine ratio (UACR) is closely
of ‘‘Millennium Projects’’, were started in Japan. The
related to risk for cardiovascular (CV) events.
projects are focusing on bold technological innovations in
Aim: To investigate in patients with diabetes and
three areas which are of vital importance to Japan:
hypertension a) whether baseline UACR predicts the degree
informatization, the aging society and the environment.
of benefit of losartan on CV outcomes, b) whether changes
The discovery of genetic variations linked to the develop-
in albuminuria across the study differ on losartan versus
ment of hypertension is one of the leading missions of the
atenolol c) whether benefits of losartan relate to its influence
Millennium Project. Four other diseases, diabetes mellitus,
cancer, asthma, and Alzheimer’s disease were also targets
Design and Methods: In 1,195 diabetic patients with
for the gene hunting. This is the first interim report of the
hypertension and ECG-verified left ventricular hypertrophy
Millennium Genome Project for Hypertension.
(LVH) included in the LIFE study UACR was measured at
The whole-genome case-control approaches using a
baseline (after two weeks of placebo treatment) and at each
hundred thousand of SNP markers and thirty thousand of
year of treatment with either losartan or atenolol. Primary
microsatellite markers are being carried now. The SNPs
composite endpoint (CV death plus non-fatal MI and
were previously discovered from Japanese population as a
stroke) was recorded during 4.8 years of follow-up. Cox
national project. The microsatellite markers were assigned
models were run including and excluding time-varying
less than 600 kb apart. The case subjects (n = 192)
albuminuria values, and the treatment coefficients were
fulfilling the following criteria were recruited from
Japanese nationwide: male, BMI < = 25 kg / m2,
Results: The benefits of losartan superior to atenolol
SBP => 160 mmHg and/or DBP=> 100 mmHg or under
were more pronounced in patients with baseline UACR
untihypertensive treatment, age of onset was between 30
above the median value (3,05 mg / mmol): a risk reduction
and 59 (y.o.), and having family history of hypertension
of 30% for primary endpoint and of 50% for CVmortality,
within parents and siblings. The control subjects (n = 192)
as compared to patients with UACR below the median
were also recruited with the following criterion: male, BMI
value. Reductions in albuminuria at year one and two were
< = 25 kg / m2, SBP < = 120 mmHg and DBP < = 80 mmHg
app. 30% greater on losartan compared to atenolol
and not under untihypertensive treatment, and no family
(p < 0.001). One-fifth of the outcome difference in favor of
losartan versus atenolol could be explained by its superior
In the SNP markers approach, we identified 2 hyper-
tension-associate locus at 7p (p = 7.5 Â 10À 11, odds = 0.457
Conclusions: In diabetic patients with hypertension and
(0.361 – 0.578)), and 19p (p = 1.5 Â 10À 5, odds = 1.657
LVH baseline UACR above median value identify patients
(1.318 – 2.082)) from the 5600 SNPs analyzed so far. There
with the greatest benefit on losartan. For the same degree of
were 9 SNPs with p < 0.001. 78 SNPs showed p < 0.01. On
BP reduction losartan reduced UACR to a greater extent
the other hand, we also identified several quantitative trait
than atenolol. Approximately 20% of the benefit of losartan
loci with the microsatellite markers analysis. For example,
could be attributed to a superior influence on reduction in
on the chromosome 17, 2 locus were strongly associated
with hypertension (17p, 17q, p < 1.0 Â 10À 5). Positive ratewas 9.2% in 4202 microsatellite markers we have analyzed
Keywords: Albuminuria; Diabetes; Left ventricular
To eliminate the false positive markers and obtain high
quality mapping of the hypertension genes, we plan to
perform 2nd screening using different population. Theprojects are expected to be completed at the end of 2004.
Abstracts / Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
Keywords: Genome-wide search; Case-control approaches;
Va, myosin light chain-2, haptoglobin and transthyretin,
Through a proteomic approach, we have been capable of
analyzing the difference heart’s proteome between hyper-tensive and normotensive rats, showing a number of alteredproteins in the damaged heart, some of them normalized orimproved by antihypertensive drugs. These data offer the
potential to find new disease markers and drug-targetvalidation.
Modifications in the proteome of hearts fromspontaneously hypertensive rats (shr) treated with
Keywords: Hypertension; Hypertrophy; Proteomic
Julio Gallego-Delgado*, Alberto Lazaro, Julio Osende,Fernando Vivanco, Jesus Egido
Renal and Vascular Laboratory, Fundacion Jimenez Diaz
(UAM), Madrid, Madrid, SpainCardiology Service, Gregorio Maranon Hospital, Madrid,
Arterial elasticity and structural changes of the
cardiovascular system in asymptomatic young adults:
Poteomic Unit, Complutense University, Madrid, Madrid,
G.S. Berenson*, W. Chen, S.R. Srinivasan, E.R. Urbina,
Left ventricular hypertrophy is a common finding in
hypertensive patients. Although distinct cellular and genetranscription patterns have been associated with heart
Tulane Center for Cardiovascular Health, Tulane Health
hypertrophy, their molecular mechanisms remain mostly
Sciences Center, New Orleans, LA, United States
unknown. Proteomic analysis could afford novel informa-tion on potencial diagnostic and therapeutic targets.
The cardiovascular (CV) system is affected by the
The objectives of this study are: a) the identification of
intrinsic aging process and the long term burden of
proteins differentially expressed in the hearts of SHR rats
clinical CV risk factors. Autopsy studies clearly show the
compared with Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. b) to investigate
‘‘Silent’’ phase of arteriosclerosis (atherosclerosis and
the effects of antihypertensive drugs in the differential
hypertension) occurs in early life. Earlier studies with
expression pattern and to find new proteins involved in
M-mode sonography showed increasing numbers of risk
factors are associated with greater arteriosclerosis in
Studies were performed in male SHR randomized to
carotid arteries. Arterial elasticity, an indicator of impaired
nontreated animals, that received 360 mg / L of the a
structure-function, was examined in a sample of 516
1-adrenoreceptor antagonist doxazosin, and animals that
healthy young, asymptomatic subjects, aged 26 – 37 years
received 180 mg / L of doxazosin plus 20 mg / L of the
(71% white, 39% male) who participated in the Bogalusa
angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor quinapril.
Heart Study. Arterial elasticity was measured from ultra-
As normotensive control, WKY rats of the same age were
sonography of the common carotid artery as Peterson_s
studied. Animals were followed during 36 weeks until they
Elastic Modulus (Ep) and Young_s Elastic Modulus
were sacrificed. In order to detect changes in heart proteins
(YEM). Risk factor variables include age, race, gender,
associated to severe hypertension, we performed the
systolic and diastolic blood pressures, cholesterol total /
analysis of protein expression patterns by two-dimensional
HDL ratio, LDL, and HDL triglycerides, BMI, waist,
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE). From the more
insulin, glucose, heart rate, and the double product. After
than 1000 spots resolved in the pH 4 – 7 range by 2-DE of
controlling for age, blacks and males had higher Ep and
myocardial tissue from WKY and SHR, we focused on 459
males higher YEM. In univariate analysis, generally all
spots well resolved. In comparison with those obtained in
risk factor variables relate to parameters of elasticity.
normotensive rats, 383 spots remained invariable and 76
Importantly, risk factor variables explain 38% and 21% of
spots were altered in the heart of SHR. Out of 76 altered
the variance in EP and YEM, respectively. Although these
proteins in the heart of SHR, 26 were normalized by
results show adverse changes in the vascular structure-
doxazosin, 37 by doxazosin plus quinapril and 33 by
function related to CV risk factors, genetic studies
quinapril low doses. By mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF,
involving functional candidate genes provide additional
TOF-TOF and ESI), we have identified different spots such
clues to understanding complex traits of CV diseases.
as alpha-tropomyosin, cytochrome c oxidase polypeptide
Decreased elasticity of large and medium sized arteries
Abstracts / Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
has been associated with hypertension, while the endo-
ELISA on samples derived from homogenized whole
thelial nitric oxide (ENOS) gene is known to play a role
arteries (injured and uninjured) isolated from ovarectomized
in the regulation of blood pressure. The effect of the
rats treated with either E2 or vehicle.To assess the biological
ENOS gene polymorphism (G894T) on carotid artery
activity of these arterial homogenates, in vitro chemotaxis
stiffness was examined. Blacks displayed a lower fre-
assays were performed using isolated human neutrophils in
quency of the T allele than whites (0.127 versus 0.327,
a 96 well modified Boyden chamber appropriate for the
p < 0.001). After controlling for gender, age, BMI and
blood pressure, the genotype effect on arterial stiffness
RESULTS: The CINC-2a content in the injured artery from
was significant for Ep (p = 0.013) and YEM (p = 0.033) in
vehicle treated animals is much greater than in uninjured
blacks, although a similar trend was seen in whites. These
control arteries, while in the injured artery of E2 treated rats
results indicate that both structure and function changes
CINC2a levels are significantly different than the other two
occur in young asymptomatic individuals, consistent with
groups. Likewise, neutrophil chemotactic activity of injured
the concept that genetic-environmental interactions play a
arterial homogenates is suppressed in the E2 treated animals
role in the CV aging process. Understanding genetic and
compared to the vehicle treated group.
environmental interactions help provide more rational
CONCLUSIONS: Neutrophilic infiltration into the balloon
injured rat carotid artery is mediated by IL-8 like chemo-kines such as CINC, and E2 treatment suppresses chemo-
Keywords: Carotid arterial stiffness; Endothelial nitric oxide
kine release at the site of injury. We therefore hypothesize
that E2 induced inhibition of neointima formation in arteriessubjected to endoluminal injury may be mediated, at least in
part, by this novel anti-inflammatory mechanism.
Keywords: Neutrophil; Chemokines; Vascular injury
Ovarian hormones modulate neointima formation in ananimal vascular injury model through effects onneutrophil chemokine production
Nathaniel M. Weathington*, Andrew P. Miller, Ji An Feng,
History of hypertension and 5-year global mortality and
Dongqi Xing, J. Edwin Blalock, Yiu Fai Chen, Suzanne
causes of death after acute myocardial infarction
Giuseppe Berton*, Rocco Cordiano, Rosa Palmieri, Stefania
Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University
Petucco, Valeria Pagliara, Paolo Mormino, Paolo Palatini
of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, UnitedKingdom
Cardiology Department, Conegliano General Hospital,
Department of Hypertension and Vascular Biology,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL,
Cardiology Department, Adria General Hospital, Adria,
RO, ItalyCardiology Department, Bassano General Hospital,
BACKGROUND: Neointima formation after balloon injury
of the rat carotid artery has been shown to be related to
Clinica Medica IV, University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy
neutrophil movement from the adventitia to the injuredartery. Administration of estrogen (17 and beta; estradiol,
Aim of this study was to ascertain whether there is an
E2) to ovarectomized rats greatly relieves both the
association between history of hypertension (HT) and global
neutrophil burden in the artery and the formation of
mortality and main causes of death in long term follow up
neointima. We investigated whether neutrophil attractant
after acute myocardial infarction (AMI).
chemokines related to Interleukin 8 (IL-8) are mediators of
This is a prospective study which investigated 505
this inflammation, and if E2 treatment can change the levels
consecutive, unselected patients admitted to 3 coronary
of chemokine present. We also did in vitro neutrophil
care units for definite AMI. All patients completed 5 years
chemotaxis experiments to determine the relative biological
follow up and causes of death were reported from medical
records (including post mortem report where available) and
METHODS: Protein levels of the rat IL-8 homolog,
family doctor reports. Documented history and duration of
cytokine induced neutrophil chemoattractant (CINC) 2a
hypertension were recorded. HT was present in 46.7%
were determined by performing a multiplexed sandwich
patients (mean duration 11.9 T 9.4 years). Mean age was
Abstracts / Journal of End-to-End Testing 33 (2005) 1 – 6
69.6 T 11.4 years among HT and 63.7 T 11.9 among NT,
population. Regular exercise has also been shown to lower
p < 0.0001; females were 41.1% among HT and 17.8%
blood pressure (BP) in hypertensive patients (HT) and
among NT, p < 0.0001; CK-MB peak was 171 T160 IU/L
therefore has been recommended as standard lifestyle/
among HT and 183 T 159 among NT, ns; Killip class > 1
behavior management in HT. To test the impact of exercise
during hospital stay was 42.8% among HT and 34.9%
on the long-term cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality
among NT, ns; thrombolytic agents were used in 32.6% of
among HT, we have examined the National Health and
Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES I) and 1992
Global mortality was 44.5% among HT and 30.5%
follow-up study. Of 14,407 NHANES I participants, we
among NT (p = 0.001). In the present analysis causes of
identified 4,668 HT (BP ! 140 / 90 mm Hg or on anti-
death were divided into 3 main sub-groups: non sudden
hypertensive therapy) without previous history of heart
cardiovascular mortality (non-SCVM) (30.5% among HT,
disease and/or stroke. They were 42.9% male, 76.3% white,
13.7% among NT, p < 0.0001), sudden death (SD) (8.5%
with a mean age of 56 years, and baseline BP of 151 / 91
among HT, 10.8% among NT, ns), and non-CV mortality
mm Hg. Exercise was assessed at baseline by response to
(non-CVM). (5.5% among HT, 5.9% among NT, ns). At
the question ‘‘Do you get much exercise in things you do
univariable Cox survival analysis, HT was associated to
for recreation, or hardly any exercise, or in between?’’
global mortality (RR = 1.6 CL1.2 – 2.2, p < 0.0001) and non-
Answers were a) much (most) exercise (n = 746), b)
SCVM (RR = 2.4 CL1.6-3.6, p < 0.0001) while HT was not
moderate exercise (n = 1525) and c) least or no exercise
associated to SD (RR = 0.9 CL 0.5 – 1.6, ns) and non-CVM
(n = 2396). During an average of 15.6 years follow-up,
(RR = 1.1 CL 0.5 – 2.2, ns). At multivariable analysis,
there were 2,152 deaths, of which 1,152 were CVD.
(models included age, gender, diabetes mellitus, previous
Compared to those with least exercise, those with most
MI or angina, CK-MB peak, heart failure, arrhythmias,
exercise had higher education and income, lower BP (150 /
thrombolysis and HT), HT was no associated to global
90 vs 153 / 92 mm Hg, p < 0.001), were less likely to have
mortality (RR = 0.9 CL 0.6 – 1.2, ns), SD (RR = 0.6 CL 0.2 –
diabetes (3.6 vs 6.8%, p = 0.003), be overweight (33.5 vs
1.1, ns) and non-CVM (RR = 0.6 CL 0.3 – 1.1, ns) while HT
42.4%, p < 0.001), and more likely to take larger amounts
resulted independently associated to non-SCVM (RR = 1.6
of total calories (1905 vs 1575 Kcal / day, p < 0.001). Age-
CL 1.1 – 2.5, p = 0.001). All the other variables in the Cox
gender-adjusted CVD mortality rates by exercise (least to
model but gender and arrhythmias were significantly
most) were: 17.9, 14.3 and 13.3 / 1000 person-years
associated to non-SCVM. In conclusion, HT in AMI
(p = 0.03) and total mortality rates were 32.4, 27.5 and
patients followed up for 5 years, resulted as an independent
25.9 / 1000 person-years (p < 0.001). In Cox regression
predictor for long term non-SCVM. No association was
analysis, adjusting for sociodemographic and clinical
characteristics, dietary caloric intake and other CVD riskfactors, exercise was significantly associated with CVD
Keywords: Myocardial infarction; History of hypertension;
mortality-compared to those with most exercise, patients
with least exercise had 30% higher CVD mortality (hazardratio (HR) 1.30, 95% confidence interval 1.03 – 1.64). At
the same time, history of diabetes (HR 2.09 (1.63 – 2.68)),male gender (HR 1.90 (1.58 – 2.30)), smoking (HR 1.59(1.32 – 1.92)), increased systolic BP for each 10 mm Hg(HR 1.12 (1.08 – 1.16)), less than high school education
(HR 1.25 (1.04 – 1.49)), and age for every 10 years (HR2.31 (2.10 – 2.22)) were all associated with higher risk of
Exercise and cardiovascular mortality among
This study is consistent with and extends previous
observational data demonstrating that increased energy
expenditure is associated with decreased overall and CVDmortality among HT.
Epidemiology and Population Health, Albert EinsteinCollege of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States
Keywords: Exercise; Epidemiologic follow-up;Cardiovascular mortality
A favorable effect of exercise on cardiovascular
longevity has been repeatedly reported in the general
Health Clinic Panui Kia Ora Tatou K o k i r i M a r a e H a u o r a a n d S o c i a l S e r v i c e s By now we should all be feeling refreshed and moving into the me- dium/fast paced lane of life. We are almost into the first quarter of this year already. Some of us have chosen to take a new path and pace in life than that which exists at Kokiri Hauora and Social Ser- Feb
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