Many wrongs: the advantage of group navigation
Department of Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
Research into the puzzling phenomena of animal
navigation and aggregation has proceeded along two
Experimental and observational work has refined our
distinct lines. Study of navigation generally focuses on
knowledge of a wide array of orientation cues that are
the orientation ability of the individual without refer-
available to long-distance migrants including geomag-
ence to the implications of group membership. A simple
netic and solar information in combination with an
principle (the ’many wrongs principle’), first proposed
internal circadian clock, stellar rotation, geographical
by Bergman and Donner in 1964, and developed by
topology, olfactory cues and complex interactions or cross-
both Hamilton and Wallraff three decades ago, provides
calibration of these cues (c.f. However, naviga-
a link between these lines of current interest by
tional imprecision has many sources. For example,
suggesting that navigational accuracy increases with
geomagnetic compass precision is reduced near the
group size. With unprecedented scope for testing the
equator and the poles; stellar rotational cues are unavail-
hypotheses it generates, it is now time that the many
able for much of the year in polar regions; and solar cues
vary with season and location Navigation errorintroduced by limitations that are inherent to the
Animal navigation has been a source of fascination to
orientation cues themselves is compounded by additionalhazards such as wind drift Correction mechanisms
humans for centuries. Navigation directly affects dis-
serve to reduce directional bias, but add a further source of
persal patterns, which influence conservation efforts as
random error. Even if orientation cues were absolutely
well as population and evolutionary dynamics. In spite of
reliable, flawless navigation would require perfect sensory
intense recent research that has improved our under-
interpretation and integration of cues by individuals. This
standing of the navigational tools used by animals, a
inherent individual error is at the heart of the current
consensus has yet to be reached on explanations for the
controversy over whether orientation mechanisms, as they
accuracy with which migration is accomplished In
are currently understood, are sufficient to explain the
a seemingly unrelated area, scientists continue to seek
explanations for why animals tend to form groups, with
Error rates measured on individual birds are implicitly
recent work focusing on group decision making
assumed to result in a corresponding dispersion of
and complexity theory . Although migrating animals
individuals around the target migration destination.
often occur in groups, the studies of navigation and
This scatter is traditionally described (using circular
aggregation have persisted as independent lines of
distribution statistics) in terms of a mean migration
research. A largely unnoticed idea that was first
direction and directional concentration. The three focal
suggested 40 years ago might hold the key to solving
papers show how the failure of orientation systems to
the current impasse: it could account for unexplained
account for observed navigational accuracy could be the
navigational accuracy and simultaneously offer an
result of an unnoticed but flawed assumption about how
individual error rates should determine directional scatter
Bergman and Donner first made the intriguing sugges-
tion that we should not expect to account for accuracy ofmigration by studying individual navigational error rates
we should expect group error to be lower than that of
The many wrongs principle is based on the idea that the
individual members because group migration ‘increases
pooling of information from many inaccurate compasses
the accuracy of the orientation mechanism’ . Hamilton
yields a single more accurate compass (because
and Wallraff then placed the original suggestion
individual orientation error is suppressed by group
within a solid theoretical framework. Inadequacies in both
cohesion . Renewed attention to the principle
the technology for tracking migratory animals and
might provide a vital step toward a fuller understanding of
datasets available to test the principle might explain
why the papers received little attention at the time of
The simplest, or null model can be envisioned as one
publication. They now offer an appropriate null model and
in which there are no innate differences in accuracy
general framework on which to base empirical tests of the
among individuals within a flock, and individuals
contribute equally to the mean flock direction. Underthis null model, expected flock accuracy is a functionof flock size; smaller flocks are expected to miss
Corresponding author: Andrew M. Simons ([email protected]).
their target more often (. Recent work on the
evolutionary advantage of aggregation posits superior
group decisions based on consensus or democratic votecounting , and requires communication of infor-
Given that it is the individual rather than the group that has tools fornavigation, it is at this level that studies of navigation have
mation among individuals. The elegance of the many
traditionally focused. Interindividual variation in flight paths is an
wrongs principle lies in its simplicity: the navigational
appropriate measure of scatter for birds in solitary flight [2,3], but
flocks are cohesive units that share a single path, and groups must be
viewed as random samples of n individuals drawn from the
This flock size advantage can be generalized to more
On the scale of linear measurements, for example, the standard
complex scenarios. Variation in navigational abilities
deviation of the mean (or the standard error) is given by sffi
among individuals is expected, and has several sources.
error decreases as sample size, n, within each group increases.
For example, adult and juvenile raptors differ in their
Variation among flight trajectories must be measured on an angular
ability to compensate for wind drift Similarly,
rather than linear scale because orientation is a compass directionthat is taken from a circular distribution that has neither true zero, nor
naı¨ve migrants might orient correctly but only
true high or low values. Analogously to the linear scale, it is the
experienced individuals can adjust this vector naviga-
angular sampling distribution of flock means rather than that of
tion if displaced from the correct route. When differ-
individuals that determines directional scatter [12,24]. Therefore, all
ences in ability are recognized by fellow flock members,
else being equal, individuals flying within larger flocks will arrive
navigational responsibility might be weighted unequ-
more reliably at their destination than will individuals within smallerflocks, because of the declining relationship between flock size and
ally among individuals. The effective sample size of a
standard error of flight trajectories (Figure I). Thus, the assumption
flock for navigation would then be smaller than the
that error rates of flight trajectories are given by individual error rates
bird count, but the correct expectation for directional
is erroneous when individuals navigate in groups constrained by
scatter among groups must still consider the general
their cohesiveness to follow a single trajectory.
The sampling distribution of flocks converges on that of
individuals only if a single individual assumes exclusive
navigational responsibility for an entire flock. However,
even at this logical extreme, flocks will show little scatter ifexperienced individuals lead the flocks. Thus, the use of
individual error to predict directional scatter is reasonable
only for solitary flight or under the unreasonable assump-tion that a single individual of average navigational abilityleads.
Tests and implicationsThus far, the scant references to the original papers,with few exceptions, do not directly test the naviga-tional advantage of aggregation. Important exceptionsdo exist. A comparison of orientation ability in homingpigeon Columba livia pairs that were manipulated todiffer in orientation abilities shows that the trajectoryof the flock of two birds is a result of a compromisebetween the paths that the birds would have takenindividually . Randomly assembled flocks of three –six
directional scatter and homing times compared withsingle birds although, in another study comparingone- and four-member pigeon flocks, no significantgroup
accuracy increases with flock size in the skylark
Alauda arvensis providing support for the many
Figure I. The advantageous effect of large group size on navigational accu-
racy. Shaded areas depict 95% confidence intervals of trajectories for
With the development of tracking technology and
groups of 1, 10, 100, and 1000 individuals of equal navigational ability.
the accumulation of large datasets, several testable
The trajectory of a cohesive group is given by the angular mean of theindividual navigators comprising the group as calculated using angular
predictions based on the automatic grouping advantage
statistics [24]. The mean angular deviation is given by s ¼ 1808
should provide fruitful avenues for research. The most
where r, the angular concentration, is given by the length of the mean vec-
basic prediction is that, within species, directional
tor. The 95% angular confidence interval of group orientation is then cal-culated as 2s. Here, a fixed value chosen for r results in an angular
scatter among groups will decrease with increasing
deviation s ¼ 10.368 for animals navigating alone; s ¼ 3.438 when partici-
group size. Furthermore, if the ’correct’ direction can
pating in groups of size 10; s ¼ 1.078 in groups of 100; and s ¼ 0.348 ingroups of 1000. In a manner analogous to this simultaneous vector sum-
be inferred, larger flocks will deviate less from the
mation for many individuals, accuracy can also be gained from sequential
correct direction than will smaller flocks. Species
trajectory summation (c.f. [25]) if a trajectory is chosen only at the begin-
characterized by small group sizes are predicted to
ning of each stage of a migration that occurs in multiple stages.
either have more efficient navigational tools, or to
suffer greater losses during migration. Grouping is
migration routes: an attempt to evaluate compass cue limitations and
predicted to be more prevalent in danger zones or if
required precision. J. Avian Biol. 29, 626 – 636
environmental factors limit the efficacy of orientation
3 Thorup, K. et al. (2000) Can clock-and-compass explain the distri-
bution of ringing recoveries of pied flycatchers? Anim. Behav. 60,
tools. If overwintering and breeding destinations differ
in size, flock size is predicted to differ accordingly
4 Thorup, K. and Rabøl, J. (2001) The orientation system and migration
during spring migration compared with migration in
pattern of long-distance migrants: conflict between model predictions
the autumn. Finally, flight paths will deviate from the
and observed patterns. J. Avian Biol. 32, 111 – 119
shortest path if perilous habitat (e.g. open ocean)
5 Ba¨ckman, J. and Alerstam, T. (2003) Orientation scatter of free-flying
nocturnal passerine migrants: components and causes. Anim. Behav.
occurs on one side of this path. Smaller flocks will
hedge their bets by deviating landward because the
6 Conradt, L. and Roper, T.J. (2003) Group decision-making in animals.
fitness cost of a random deviation oceanward from the
7 Rands, S.A. et al. (2003) Spontaneous emergence of leaders and
The interpretation of observational data might be
followers in foraging pairs. Nature 423, 432 – 434
8 List, C. (2004) Democracy in animal groups: a political science
confounded by factors that are themselves amenable to
perspective. Trends Ecol. Evol. 19, 168 – 169
study. First, the size of a group in nature might be
9 Parrish, J.K. and Edelstein-Keshet, L. (1999) Complexity, pattern,
determined by the navigational abilities of its mem-
and evolutionary trade-offs in animal aggregation. Science 284,
bers, in that group size might increase until a critical
group orientation threshold is reached. If so, little
10 Bergman, G. and Donner, K.O. (1964) An analysis of the spring
migration of the common scoter and the long-tailed duck in southern
variation in error will be found among groups in spite
of differences in group size. Furthermore, if there is a
11 Hamilton, W.J. III (1967) Social aspects of bird orientation
cost to large group size, recognized navigational ability
mechanisms. In Animal Orientation and Navigation (Storm,
might influence group membership decisions. Although
R.M., ed.), pp. 57 – 71, Oregon State University Press
difficult, ideal tests of the many wrongs principle would
12 Wallraff, H.G. (1978) Social interrelations involved in migratory
follow randomly assembled aggregations of different
orientation of birds: possible contribution of field studies. Oikos 30,401 – 404
13 Able, K.P. and Able, M.A. (1995) Interactions in the flexible orientation
Early work recognized that the standard error of
system of a migratory bird. Nature 375, 230 – 232
group trajectories is lower than the scatter that is
14 Weindler, P. et al. (1996) Magnetic information affects the stellar
predicted based on individual error rates The
orientation of young bird migrants. Nature 383, 158 – 160
navigational advantage is general in that it applies in
15 Gudmundsson, G.A. and Sandberg, R. (2000) Sanderlings (Calidris
alba) have a magnetic compass: orientation experiments during spring
principle to all cohesive animal groups that exhibit any
migration in Iceland. J. Exp. Biol. 203, 3137 – 3144
degree of random individual orientation error and
16 Alerstam, T. et al. (2001) Migration along orthodromic sun compass
subsumes, as special cases, scenarios in which naviga-
routes by Arctic birds. Science 291, 300 – 303
tional responsibilities are unequally divided among
17 Lohmann, K.J. et al. (2001) Regional magnetic fields as navigational
markers for sea turtles. Science 294, 364 – 366
18 Thorup, K. et al. (2003) Bird orientation: compensation for wind drift in
The automatic advantage of group navigation helps
migrating raptors is age dependent. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 270,
to reconcile the difference in expected and observed
migratory accuracy, and provides an additional expla-
19 Perdeck, A.C. (1958) Two types of orientation in migrating starlings
nation for the widespread phenomenon of animal
Sturnus vulgaris L. and Chaffinches Fringilla coelebs L., as revealed
aggregation. Given the current interest in both sub-
by displacement experiments. Ardea 46, 1 – 37
jects, the research orientation advocated by Wallraff in
20 Burt de Perera, T. and Guilford, T. (1999) The orientational
consequences of flocking behaviour in homing pigeons, Columba
1978 now merits amplification: the ‘influence of
social relationships on migratory orientation of birds
21 Tamm, S. (1980) Bird orientation: single homing pigeons compared
deserves, in my opinion, more attention than it has
with small flocks. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 7, 319 – 322
22 Keeton, W.T. (1970) Comparative orientational and homing perform-
ances of single pigeons and small flocks. Auk 87, 797 – 799
23 Rabøl, J. and Noer, H. (1973) Spring migration in the skylark (Alauda
arvensis) in Denmark. Influence of environmental factors on the flock
I thank M.R. Forbes, J-G.J. Godin, M.M. Krohn, S. Medd, T.N. Sherratt
size and correlation between flock size and migratory direction.
and J.E. Yack for comments and suggestions. This paper benefited from
comments by H. Wallraff, T. Alerstam and two anonymous reviewers.
24 Batschelet, E. (1981) Circular Statistics in Biology, Academic
Supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council
25 Alerstam, T. (2000) Bird migration performance on the basis of
flight mechanics and trigonometry. In Biomechanics in Animal
Behaviour (Domenici, P. and Blake, R.W., eds), pp. 105 – 124, BIOS
1 Mouritsen, H. (1998) Modelling migration: the clock-and-compass
model can explain the distribution of ringing recoveries. Anim. Behav. 56, 899 – 907
0169-5347/$ - see front matter q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 Sandberg, R. and Holmquist, B. (1998) Orientation and long-distance
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The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(4):725–731, 2008LESSER SNOW GEESE AND ROSS’S GEESE FORM MIXEDFLOCKS DURING WINTER BUT DIFFER IN FAMILY´ N EINAR JO´NSSON1,2,4 AND ALAN D. AFTON3ABSTRACT.—Smaller species are less likely to maintain families (or other forms of social groups) than largerspecies and are more likely to be displaced in competition with larger species. We observed mix