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Jill is a 49-year-old pharmacist who lives with her husband and two of her three children in a rural area. Her current role is divided between being a practice pharmacist/dispenser for a local GP-dispensing doctor’s surgery and acting as a senior medicines management pharmacist for the local PCT. She has been with the dispensing doctor’s surgery for over ten years now and very much enjoys her role there. She started in the PCT just under five years ago and is finding keeping up with the ever-changing responsibilities extremely challenging.
Prior to joining the dispensing doctors, Jill’s career took her outside pharmacy altogether when she was working for the local council, training playgroup leaders Her CPD entry arose when one of the GPs she works for as a practice support pharmacist asked her for advice about the prophylactic use of aspirin for patients with cardiovascular disease. This type of question was routine in her role. Her research would not only go to help the one patient that the doctor was initially enquiring for, but would then go on to influence the local practice policy on Name of entry: Aspirin dose in cardiovascular disease
Date Identified: 22/03/2004
What do you want to learn to
Make recommendations about dosage of aspirin for patients with be able to do?
cardiovascular disease. Learn what the local guidance is. How have you identified this
Request from GP for guidance, in my role as practice support pharmacist. learning objective?
What methods did you use to
Feedback from users of services/products identify this objective?
Who is driving this?
Bottom up: users of your services/products What skills, knowledge,
attitudes and behaviours will
Knowledge of aspirin policy. Influencing skills you need to develop?
To which areas of
competence does this
Using expert knowledge and skills to benefit patients learning objective relate?
Urgency: By when will you need to meet this learning objective?
Importance: What will be the impact of your learning on you, users of your services, colleagues and organisations
What activities could you undertake to meet this objective?
Action Category
Date completed
Time taken
Add to CE record
Attend meeting run by local cardiologist. What have you learnt as a result?
Recommended dose is 75mg dispersible aspirin daily. However, local cardiologists recommend leaving a patient on their current dose and form unless there is an identified clinical need to change. Has your learning objective been met?
Please describe an example of how you have applied what you have learnt
GPs have been informed at a practice meeting of the local advice. Patients have been left on current Please describe any feedback you have had from those on whom your learning was to have an impact
or those who have been able to observe your performance
ReflectionJill had already undertaken a series of similar CPD entries relating to responding to GP requests for information. She was able to specify what she wanted to be able to do (make recommendations) and what she needed to learn in order to be able to do it (establish local guidance). PlanningWhen planning her CPD, Jill had under-estimated the potential impact of her learning. She had scored the impact to everyone as being low. She felt that this was a routine enquiry and although she knew it was her job to undertake the learning, she didn’t feel that it would be of any significant value.
It is easy to fall into the trap of feeling that routine learning is not significant and that CPD is all about learning totally new and challenging things. This is not always the case and retrospectively Jill could see that her learning had potentially major impacts. She was then able to re-word the importance of her impact as: • I will be able to perform my role as a practice pharmacist, • The GP will prescribe aspirin for his patient appropriately thereby reducing his/her risk of cardiovascular disease whilst minimising side-effects, • I shall be able to inform my practice and PCT colleagues of any changes in local guidance thereby possibly affecting prescribing in the other practices in the PCT area • If there are patients who should be prescribed aspirin and are not, any guidance produced following this learning may increase the numbers of patients benefiting from the cardiovascular effects of aspirin therefore helping the organisation achieve ActionJill was able to find out the information she needed by reading current relevant articles and going to a meeting where the local hospital cardiologist was able to answer her direct question.
EvaluationJill was able to pass on the information that she had accessed directly to the GP. During her evaluation of her CPD cycle she also asked herself who else may benefit from her learning. She decided to pass on the information to the practice meeting so all the GPs would be aware. She also told all the practice pharmacists that worked for the PCT so that they would also benefit and be up-to-date. They could have used this information to start a CPD entry at action if they had wanted.
SummaryThis may seem like a simple entry but it does show how easily a CPD entry may be completed. It also shows how your learning can easily be shared with others.
• Don’t under-estimate the impact of your learning just because
it's routine.
• In your Plan & Record entry, always think through and
describe the impact of your learning to all groups concerned.
This will help you prioritise your CPD needs.
• During evaluation ask yourself “Who else may benefit from my
learning?” Passing on information may change somebody
else’s practice and may provide you with some feedback.

Source: http://uptodate.org.uk/casestudies/PCP15.pdf

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