25th October - 4th November 2012 Yasalam PhOtO COmPetitiON 2012 terms aNd CONditiONs
Please find below the Terms and Conditions associated with the Yasalam Photo Competition (the Competition). The Competition is promoted by FLASH Entertainment FZ LLC (FLASH).
QualifYiNg The purpose of the Yasalam photo competition is to identify ‘Yasalam’ moments. In order to qualify for the competition, you must submit a photo in accordance with the Entry guidelines stated below (under the heading “Entry”). Your photo must have (a) been taken in the territory of the UAE; and (b) a minimum resolution of 2000 x 1390 pixels. geNeral terms By entering the Competition, you accept and agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions in full, together with any additional rules or terms of the Competition as provided or published by or on behalf of FLASH. The prize offered for the winner of the Competition is: a pair of Golden Circle wristbands to attend all three days of the F1™ After-Race Concerts and access to the photographer pit for the unique opportunity to capture photos of the artists close up. The winner and each runner-up will have their photo displayed on the Corniche, Abu Dhabi, in the ‘Galleria’. All qualifying submissions will be displayed on FLASH’s Facebook page and Instagram feed. All prizes are non-transferable, non-refundable and non-redeemable for cash or other goods or services. The winner of the Competition will be determined by FLASH. FLASH’s decision will be final in all respects. eNtrY To enter the Competition, upload your photo through the Yasalam Facebook Application on the ThinkFLASH Facebook page or via Instagram (using the hashtag #Yasalam) on or before 1 October 2012 (UAE time). You must include the following information when uploading your photo: (1) your name (2) the title of your photo (to be associated with your exhibit if it is chosen for display on the Corniche Galleria display). FLASH may amend any title
Facebook and Instagram are the only channels through which FLASH will accept submissions to the Competition. FLASH will not be deemed to have received any photo submitted through any other channel (such as email)If you are an employee (either permanent or temporary, current or former), intern, contractor or sponsor of FLASH (or an immediate family member of the foregoing), you may participate in the Competition but unfortunately you are not eligible to win.
abOut YOur PhOtO You must own any photo you submit for the Competition. If you did not take your photo, it is unlikely that you own it. Please do not submit someone else’s work. In the event of any dispute as to the ownership of a submitted photo, FLASH’s decision will be final. Any photo which contains content which is or may be deemed to be offensive or immoral (in FLASH’s sole discretion) will be excluded from the Competition. additiONal terms By entering the Competition, you consent to the storage, transfer and use by FLASH and its affiliates of any information you supply. As a prize winner you may be required to participate in publicity. All content generated in the course of the Competition is the property of FLASH. By operation of these terms and conditions only, you (i) assign on behalf of yourself to FLASH all copyright and other intellectual property rights in such content; and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing (ii) allow FLASH to use such content in any way FLASH sees fit without further consultation with you (including, without limitation, the right to publish, adapt, distribute, copy, display or translate the content, each on an irrevocable, perpetual, royalty-free, commercial or non-commercial basis). You also grant FLASH the right to license, assign or transfer such rights to others. Events may occur that render the Competition itself or the awarding of any prize impossible due to reasons beyond the control of FLASH and accordingly FLASH may at its absolute discretion amend or vary the prize. The entrant agrees that no liability shall attach to FLASH as a result of such amendment or variation. You agree to indemnify and hold FLASH (and their employees, directors, agents and affiliates) harmless from any third party claims for loss, damage, prejudice, liability or expense suffered as a result of or in any manner in connection with any content you submit or generate or any other of your acts or omissions in relation to the Competition. FLASH shall have no responsibility for, and hereby expressly disclaim all liability associated with and arising from, use of the prize (or, as the case may be, a winner’s inability to use the prize for any reason). Your participation in the Competition, including being selected to receive a prize, in no manner constitutes an endorsement or support by FLASH of your views or aims or of any products or services. You shall not advertise or otherwise claim to have obtained any such endorsement or support. The FLASH name and logo are the property of FLASH and should not be used in any manner whatsoever without the prior consent of FLASH. FLASH must approve in writing any statement, advertisement, press release or similar communication in any media (including a blog or any other type of self-publishing platform) relating to your participation in the Competition. These rules, the Competition and all matters related to them are governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates, as apply in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
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