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Leonard Harry Goldberg, M.D., F.R.C.P.

A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Valacyclovir (1000 mg and 500 mg, twice daily) Compared with Placebo in the Treatment of Recurrent HSV in Immunocompetent Patients Principal Investigator: Leonard H. Goldberg, M.D. Protocol to Compare Suppressive to Acute Acyclovir in the Management of Recurrent Genital Herpes. Principal Investigator: Leonard H. Goldberg, M.D. A Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Burroughs Wellcome Co. Orally Administered 256U87 in the Treatment of P66-04; H1179 Recurrent Genital Herpes in Immunocompetent Patients. Principal Investigator: Leonard H. Goldberg, M.D. Field Cancerization of Skin due to Environmental Principal Investigator: Sagarika Kanjlal, M.D. Co-Investigator: MR Spitz, MD & LH Goldberg, MD The Role of DNA Repair in Malignant Melanomas Principal Investigator: Qingyi Wei, M.D. Leonard H. Goldberg, M.D. Center, $73,901 Molecular Characterization and Therapy of Principal Investigator: Gary L. Clayman, M.D. (Grant Renewal Period: 04-01-02 thru 03-31-07)

1976 The International Congress on Psoriasis. Ultraviolet Light Measurements at the Dead Sea and Beersheva. Goldberg LH, Stanford, California, January
1986 The American Academy of Dermatology. The Epidermal Nevus Syndrome: A Clinical- Pathologic Photographic Essay. (Bronze Medal), New Orleans, Louisiana, December. 1987 The American Academy of Dermatology. Staining Techniques for the Diagnosis of Melanocytic Lesions on Frozen Section. Goldberg LH, New Orleans, Louisiana,
The University of California at Los Angeles, Symposia on Tumor Progression and Metastasis. Simultaneous Transfer of Tumorigenic and Metastatic Phenotypes by Transfection with Genomic DNA from a Human Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Ananthaswamy HN, Price JE, Goldberg LH, Straka CE, Keystone, Colorado.
The American Academy of Dermatology, Summer Session. Multiple Logistic
Regression Analysis of Primary and Acquired Risk Factors for the Development of
Basal Cell Carcinoma.
Collins SA, Goldberg LH, and Sperber J., December
1996 A 10-Year Study of Patients Treated with Acyclovir for Recurrent Genital Herpes 2000 The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Skin Graft Placement
Under High Tension Side-to-Side Closure of Large Cutaneous Facial Defects.
M, and Goldberg LH. Chicago, IL, October 31-November 3.
2001 American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Combined Annual Meeting.
Keratoacanthoma as a post-operative complication of skin cancer excision. Goldberg
, Silapunt S, Beyrau KK, Peterson SR, Friedman PM, Alam M. New Orleans, LA,
October 9-12.
65th Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology. Treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma with 595 nm pulsed-dye laser: A clinical and
histological study.
Silapunt S, Alam M, Peterson S, Kimyai-Asadi A, Jih M, Friedman
PM, Goldberg LH. Providence, RI, April 28-May 1.
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting.
60-minute application of Caine peel prior to the 1,064 nm long-pulsed Nd:YAG laser
treatment of leg veins.
Friedman PM, Sadick N, Jih MH, Marquez D, Kimyai-Asadi A,
Goldberg LH. Dallas, TX, March 31-April 4.
American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery Twenty-Fourth Annual Meeting.
Treatment of inflammatory facial acne vulgaris with the 1,450 nm diode laser: A pilot
. Friedman PM, Jih MH, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH. Dallas, TX, March 31-
April 4.
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the American College of Mohs
Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Combined Annual Meeting. Primary
Cutaneous Mucinous Cardinoma with Multiple In-Transit Metastases.
Jih MH,
Friedman PM, Goldberg LH, Kimyai-Asadi A, Silapunt, S. San Diego, CA,
September 30 – October 3.
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the American College of Mohs
Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Combined Annual Meeting.
Treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma with 595 nm pulsed-dye laser: a clinical
and histological study.
Silapunt S, Alam M, Friedman, PM, Goldberg LH, Jih MH,
Kimyai-Asadi A, Peterson SR. San Diego, CA, September 30 – October 3.
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the American College of Mohs
Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Combined Annual Meeting. Efficacy
of Silver-Mesh Dressings for Treatment of Granulating Surgical Wounds of the Lower
Extremities: an Open Label Study.
Alam M, Goldberg LH, Wrone DA. San Diego,
CA, September 30 – October 3.
The 63rd Annual Meeting American Academy of Dermatology. An Analysis of 3000
Biopsied Seborrheic Keratoses.
Silapunt S, Goldberg LH. , New Orleans, LA,
February 18-22, 2005.
The 63rd Annual Meeting American Academy of Dermatology. Split-Face Comparison
Treatment of Inflammatory Facial Acne Vulgaris: 595-nm Pulsed-Dye Laser and 1450-
nm Diode Laser.
Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Alam M. A, New Orleans, LA, February
18-22, 2005.
The 66th Annual Society of Investigative Dermatology. Invasive Sqaumous Cell
Carcinoma of the Auricle
. S. Silapunt, L.H. Goldberg. St. Louis, Missouri, May 4-7,
2007 Mohs College Annual Meeting. Tumors of the Eyelid: A 9-year Look at Lesions
Treated with Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Vujevich J, Seitz S, Goldberg LH. Naples,
FL, May 3-6, 2007.


1987 Multiple logistic regression analysis of primary and acquired risk factors for the development of basal cell carcinoma. Clinical Research, Collins SAB, Goldberg LH,
and Sperber J.
1989 The 29th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. The Acyclovir Group, Safety & Efficacy of Long-term Suppressive Oral Acyclovir (ACV) for
the Treatment of Frequently Recurring Genital Herpes.
Goldberg LH, Kaufman R,
and Batenhorst RL, Houston, Texas, September.
8th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Linear Basal Cell Carcinoma. Alcalay J, Bruce S, Tschen JA, and Goldberg LH. San Francisco,
California, December.
1990 The Southern Section Meeting. Excision Repair of Pyrimidine Dimers Induced in Skin of Basal Cell Carcinoma Patients by Simulated Solar Radiation. Alcalay J, Freeman
SE, Goldberg LH, Kripke ML, Wolf JE Jr, New Orleans, Louisiana, January.
1991 The Annual Meeting of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Influence of Muscle Relaxation and Patient Positioning on Skin
Tension Lines.
Goldberg LH and Meirson D, Orlando, Florida, March.
Genetic alterations in human non-melanoma skin cancers. Pierceall WE, Goldberg
, Ananthaswamy HN. Photochem and Photobiol, 53:52S.
ABSTRACTS: (Continued)
1992 The 24th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Metastasis and Recurrence Rate
Following Mohs Micrographic Surgery for Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
Naylor BL,
Burns MK, Goldberg, LH, Scottsdale, Arizona, March.
1992 The 24th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma of
the Face: Outcome After Mohs Surgery.
Chin SP, Burns MK, Goldberg LH,
Scottsdale, Arizona, March.
The 24th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Mohs
Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Presence of Human Papilloma Virus
Type 16 DNA Sequences in Human Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers.
Goldberg LH,
Pierceall WE, Ananthaswamy HN, Scottsdale, Arizona, March.
1993 The 25th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. Benefit of Modified Frozen Section
Technique for Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
Goldberg LH and Mangelsdorf H,
Charleston, South Carolina.
1993 Annual Meeting of the Society of Investigative Dermatology. Identification of HPV-18 and Analysis for p53 Mutations in Primary and Metastatic Penile Squamous Cell
Wang X-J, Shaw P, Kadmon D, Baer S, Goldberg LH, Greenhalgh DA,
Roop DR, Baltimore, Maryland, April.
The 26th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American College of Mohs
Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology. The Mercedes Closure. Goldberg
, Kolbusz RV, San Diego, California, May.
The 5th Mohs Surgery Conference and Workshop. Treatment of Actinic Keratosis. Madison, Wisconsin, July. 1996 The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. 10-Year Study of Patients Treated with Acyclovir for Recurrent Genital Herpes. Washington, D.C., February. 2005 The American Academy of Dermatology 63rd Annual Meeting. The Accuracy of Serial Transverse Cross-Sections in Detecting Residual Basal Cell Carcinoma at the Surgical
Margins of an Elliptical Excision Specimen.
Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH, Jih MH.
New Orleans, LA, February
The American Academy of Dermatology 63rd Annual Meeting. A Lidocaine 7% and
Tetracaine 7% Peel for Local Dermal Anesthesia Before Cryotherapy Treatment for
Actinic Keratosis.
Goldberg LH. New Orleans, LA, February.
The American Academy of Dermatology 63rd Annual Meeting. Comparison Treatment
of inflammatory Facial Acne Vulgaris: 595-NM Pulsed-Dye Laser and 1450- NM Diode
Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Alam M. New Orleans, LA, February.
1977 The International Congress of Dermatology. Perforating Collagenosis with Phototraumatism, Mexico City, Mexico, October. The Mycology Review. The Tzanck Smear, Stanford, California, October. The International Congress of Dermatology. Ultraviolet Light Measurements at the Dead Sea and Beersheva. Mexico City, Mexico, October. 1978 Review Course on Dermatological Treatment. Newer Treatment in Psoriasis. Review Course on Pediatric Dermatology. Treatment of Psoriasis in Children. Stanford, California, August. The American Academy of Dermatology. Keratosis Lichenoides Chronica and Treatment with PUVA. San Francisco, California, December. The American Academy of Dermatology. Pharmacokinetics of the Skin. Seminar in depth, together with H. Schaefer, San Francisco, December. 1979 The Annual Meeting of the American College of Physicians, PUVA and the Eye. San The Joint Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology and the European Society for Dermatological Research. PUVA and the Eye. Amsterdam, Holland, June. 1981 The Society for Investigative Dermatology, Southern Division. Histological Margins of Basal Cell Carcinoma. New Orleans, Louisiana, November. The American College of Chemosurgery. A Single Large Multifocal Basal Cell Carcinoma in a Young Man. San Francisco, California, December. The American College of Chemosurgery. Morphea Basal Cell Carcinoma of the Forehead. San Francisco, California, December. 1982 The Texas Ophthalmological Society. Reconstruction Following Mohs' Surgery for Basal Cell Carcinoma in and Around the Eye. San Antonio, Texas, May. 1984 The Texas Plastic Surgery Society. Comparison of the Cosmetic Results Following Excision of Basal Cell Carcinomas using Primary Closure and Secondary Intention. Fort Worth, Texas, May. The American College of Chemosurgery. A Cosmetic Index for Dermatologic Surgery. Washington, D.C., December. 1985 Baylor College of Medicine, Division of Medical Education. Prevention of Skin Cancer: Course on the Prevention of Cancer. Houston, Texas, March. The Texas Dermatology Society. A Cosmetic Index for Dermatologic Surgery. Dallas, Texas, April. The American Academy of Dermatology. How to Estimate the Size of a Basal Cell Carcinoma. Las Vegas, Nevada, December. 1986 The American College of Chemosurgery Annual Meeting. Nasal Defect Repairs. Baylor College of Medicine, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Communicative Sciences and The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Soft Tissue Workshop. Los Angeles, California, September. The International Society of Dermatologic Sciences and The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The Accurate Localization of Tumor in Tissue. London, England, September-October. VIIth International Congress of Dermatologic Surgery. Dermatological Surgical Photography. London, England, September. VIIth International Congress of Dermatologic Surgery. Nasal Defect Repairs. London, England, September. American Academy of Dermatology. Merkel Cell Tumor with Early Metastasis. New Orleans, Louisiana, December. American Academy of Dermatology, How to Estimate the Size of a Basal Cell Carcinoma. Various Cities, December, 1986 - 1990. The Houston Dermatological Society. Update on Acyclovir. Houston, Texas. The Houston City Council and Baylor College of Medicine, Herpes Virus Research Symposium. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Houston, Texas. 1987 Baylor College of Medicine, Division of Plastic Surgery and the Clinics of North America. Tumors and Conditions of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue. Houston, Texas, April. The Texas Dermatology Society. Skin Cancer: A Preventable Disease? Austin, Texas. 5th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, Faculty Participant. Closure of Skin Defects. Los Angeles, California, January. ESDR-JSID-SID Tricontinental Meeting. The Sensitivity of Langerhans Cells to Simulated Solar Radiation in Basal Cell Carcinoma Patients. Washington, D. C., April. 14th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. Skin Cancer: The Epidemic, Skin Biopsy Techniques. Houston, Texas, April-May. LECTURES (Continued):
45th Brazilian Dermatologic Congress. Tissue Repair After Mohs Surgery. Sao 8th Annual Mohs Micrographic Surgery Conference. Skin Flaps on the Nose. 8th Annual Mohs Micrographic Surgery Conference. Out Patient Surgery in Patients Aged 90 and Older. Tucson, Arizona, January. The 18th Annual Clinical and Scientific Meeting of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, Mini Symposium. Intraoperative Nasal Ala Fixation. Orlando, Florida, March. The 15th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine Workshop. Skin Biopsy Techniques. Houston, Texas, May. The Family Practice Center and Family Residency Program. Skin Cancer: The Epidemic. Houston, Texas, May. The Israel Dermatology Society. Skin Tension Lines. Tel Aviv, Israel, June. Cosmetic Surgical Society of Texas and The Town and Country Surgery, Inc. Live Lipo-Suction Surgery, Houston, Texas, March European Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Review Meeting. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Birmingham, England, July. The 46th. Brazilian Dermatologic Congress, Belo Horizonte. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Sao Paulo, Brazil, August – September. The 46th. Brazilian Dermatologic Congress, Belo Horizonte. Tissue Repair after Mohs Surgery. Sao Paulo, Brazil, August – September. 1991 The 46th. Brazilian Dermatologic Congress, Belo Horizonte. Herpes: An Update. Sao The 18th Scientific Meeting and Annual Corporation Meeting of The Dermatological Therapy Association, Inc. Skin Cancer: The Epidemic. New Braunfels, Texas, October. The 18th Scientific Meet and Annual Corporation Meeting of the Dermatological Therapy Association, Inc. Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster. New Braunfels, Texas, October. The 5th Venezuelan Congress of Dermatology. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Caracas, Venezuela, November. LECTURES (Continued):
The 5th Venezuelan Congress of Dermatology. Liposuction. Caracas, Venezuela, November. The 5th Venezuelan Congress of Dermatology. Treatment of Acne Scarring. Caracas, Venezuela, November. The 50th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. What's New in Dermatologic Surgery? Dallas, Texas, December. The 50th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. A Lab Workshop in Flap Surgery, Instructor, Dallas, Texas, December. 1992 The 9th Annual Mohs Micrographic Surgery Conference. Biology of Basal Cell Carcinoma, Co-Director, San Juan, Puerto Rico, January. The 16th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine. Skin Biopsy Techniques. Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas, May. The 16th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. Overview of Skin Cancer. Houston, Texas, May. The 18th World Congress of Dermatology. Healing by Granulation and Epithelialization. New York City, New York, June. The Congress of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of South Africa. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Cape Town, South Africa, October. The Congress of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of South Africa. The Epidemic of Skin Cancer. Cape Town, South Africa, October. The Congress of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of South Africa. Granulation and Epithelialization as a Method of Wound Healing Following Removal of Skin Tumors. Cape Town, South Africa, October. 1992 The Congress of the Association of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of South Africa. Tumescent Technique for Liposuction Surgery. Cape Town, South Africa, October. The 51st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. A Lab Workshop in Flap Surgery. Instructor, San Francisco, California, December. The 51st Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma Treated by Mohs Micrographic Surgery. San Francisco, California, December. 1993 The 17th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine. A Workshop on Skin Biopsy Techniques. Sheraton Astrodome Hotel, Houston, Texas, April. LECTURES (Continued):
The Stony Brook Health Sciences Center. Grand Rounds: Long-Term Suppression of Recurrent Genital Herpes with Acyclovir. Stony Brook, New York, April. The Israel Dermatologic Society. Skin Biopsy. Tel Aviv, Israel, October. The Israel Dermatologic Society. The Ellipse. Tel Aviv, Israel, October. The Wellcome Norge A.S. Company, sponsored. A Workshop on Suppression of Genital Herpes with Zovirax. Genital Herpes. Oslo, Norway, November. 1994 The 6th Annual Advances in Family Medicine. Diagnosis and Treatment of Melanoma. South Shore Harbour Resort and Conference Center, League City, Texas, January. The Burroughs Wellcome Company. Suppression of Genital Herpes with Zovirax. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, February. The Burroughs Wellcome Company. Suppression of Genital Herpes with Zovirax. Austin, Texas, March. The Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Urology, Grand Rounds. Penile Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Houston, Texas, March. The 18th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine. Skin Tumors. Houston, Texas, April. The Israel Dermatologic Society. Proliferative Actinic Keratosis. Tel Aviv, Israel, June. Baylor College of Medicine, Pathophysiology Course. Benign Skin Tumors. Houston, Texas, July. 1994 Baylor College of Medicine, Pathophysiology Course. Malignant Skin Tumors. Baylor College of Medicine, Plastic Surgery, Grand Rounds. Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Houston, Texas, September. Conroe Family Physicians Group. Long-Term Suppression of Recurrent Genital Herpes with Acyclovir. Conroe, Texas, October The Texas Dermatologic Society. Management of Weird Basal Cell Carcinomas. McAllen, Texas, October. The Antivirals Symposium. Advances in the Treatment of Herpes Zoster: The Skin, Eye, and Nerves. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, October. LECTURES (Continued):
The Quebec Society of Dermatology, Surgery Seminar. Lines of Preferential Excision: Biopsies and the Ellipse. Montreal, Quebec, Canada, October. 1995 The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting, Focus Session. Mohs Surgery: An Overview. New Orleans, Louisiana, February. Public service lecture to Hebrew Academy. Acne. Houston, Texas, February. The Bromenn Regional Medical Center, Department of Medicine. Antiviral Therapy. Normal, Illinois, June. The Israel Dermatologic Society. The Relationship of Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Actinic Keratosis. Tel Aviv, Israel, June. The Israel Dermatologic Society. Evidence that a Low-Fat Diet Reduces the Occurrence of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Tel Aviv, Israel, June. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Plastic Surgery, Grand Round. Skin Tumors: Malignant. Houston, Texas, June. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology. Benign Skin Tumors. Houston, Texas, July. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology. Malignant Skin Tumors. Houston, Texas, July. The Exxon Company, U.S.A., Upstream Purchasing Safety Committee, a Public Service Lecture. Skin Cancer: Prevention and Detection. Houston, Texas, July. Baylor College of Medicine, Department of Family Practice. Melanoma. Houston, Texas, August. 1996 The 20th Annual Review Course in Family Medicine. Skin Biopsy. Houston, Texas. 1997 The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. Moh’s Micrographic Surgery: An Overview. San Francisco, California. H & H Dermatology Seminars. Post-Operative Repairs of Defects of the Nose. H & H Dermatology Seminars. Proliferative Actinic Keratosis. 1998 The International Dermatology Society Meeting. Flaps of the Face and Unusual Tumors. Brazil, October. The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. Mohs Micrographic Surgery: An Overview. Orlando, Florida, February. LECTURES (Continued):
1999 The Dermatologic Nurses Association Meeting. Pre- and Post-Operative Care of the Dermatologic Surgery Patient. February. The American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting. Hemostasis Ring. New Orleans, Louisiana, March. The American Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma and Pilomatrix Tumors. Miami Beach, Florida, May. The American Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutanteous Oncology Annual Meeting. Mohs Practice Efficiency. Miami, Florida, May. The Israel Dermatologic Society. Disseminated Proliferative Actinic Keratosis. Tel Aviv, Israel, June. 17th Annual Mohs Surgery Conference of the Skin Cancer Foundation. Improving the Cure Rate of Mohs. Costa Rica, January. The New York Medical Center, Department of Dermatology. How to Run a Mohs Practice: The Nuts and Bolts. New York, New York, September. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Disseminated Proliferative Actinic Keratosi (DPAK): An Incurable Disease, So Far. Denver, Colorado, November. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Advanced Flaps and Grafts. November. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. ACMMSCO Session:Masters’ Panel. Chicago, IL, October 31-November 3. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Relative Importance of Factors Contributing to Delayed Diagnosis and Tratment of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: A Prospective Patient Survey Study. Chicago, IL, October 31-November 3. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College of Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Mohs Practice Efficiency Session. November. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery and The American College Mohs Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology Annual Meeting. Microscopic Presentation of Small (less than 12 cm) Basal Cell Carcinomas. November. LECTURES (Continued):
59th Annual Meeting of The American Academy of Dermatology. Actinic Keratosis Benign or Malignant? Washington, D.C., March. The 2001 Annual Spring Meeting of The Texas Dermatological Society and The Texas Medical Association Educational Showcase and Expos. Case Discussions with Panelists. Houston, Texas, May. 25th Annual Meeting of the Israel Dermatological Society, Keynote Speaker. Dermatologic Surgery: Fifty Years of Struggle, Excitement and Progress. Tel Aviv, Israel, May. The Texas Dermatological Society, 2001 Fall Meeting. Actinic Keratoses and Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Tyler, Texas, November. The 22nd Congress of The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the 4th Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Cirugía Dermatológica y Oncológica, A.C. A Special Laser Presentation. Anestesia Techniques for Dermatologic and Cosmetic Surgery. Guadalajara, Mexico, November-December. The 22nd Congress of The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery and the 4th Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Cirugía Dermatológica y Oncológica, A.C. A Special Laser Presentation. Proficiency in Cutaneous Oncology. Guadalajara, Mexico, November-December. 2002 The American Academy of Dermatology, 60th Annual Meeting. Actinic Keratoses Benign or Malignant? New Orleans, Louisiana, February 22nd – 27th. The Association of Surgical Faculty, Annual Meeting. Closure of the Eyebrow. New Orleans, Louisiana, February 24, 2002. International Society for Dermatologic Surgery XXIII Congress of The International Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Local Anesthesia. Porto, Portugal, September 18th – 21st, 2002. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery – American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Combined Annual Meeting. A Flap for Reconstruction of the Nasal Supratip. Chicago, Illinois, October 31 – November 3, 2002. The American Society of Dermatologic Surgery – American College of Mohs Micrographic Surgery and Cutaneous Oncology, Combined Annual Meeting. Digital Mapping Techniques in Mohs Surgery. Chicago, Illinois, October 31 – November 3, 2002. 2003 American Academy of Dermatology 61st Annual Meeting. Actinic Keratosis San
American Academy of Dermatology, Association of Surgery Faculty. East West Flaps (private meeting). Kerathoacanthoma as a Postoperative complication of Skin Cancer Excision. Israel Society of Dermatology Annual Meeting. Haifa, Israel, June 18-19, 2003. 2004 American Academy of Dermatology, Association of Surgery Faculty. Actinic Keratosis: American Academy of Dermatology, Association of Surgery Faculty. Treatment of Acne Vulgaris with 1450 nm diode (smooth beam) laser. The 28th Annual Meeting of the Israel Society of Dermatology and Venereology Treatment of superficial basal cell carcinoma with 595 nm pulsed-dye laser: A clinical and histological study. Israel, June 17-18, 2004 Treatment of Inflammatory facial acne vulgaris with the 1450 nm diode laser: A pilot study. Puerto Rico Dermatological Society Annual Meeting. Reconstruction of the Nose, Combined Annual Meeting of the ASDS-ACMMSCO. How Would You Reconstruct It? San Diego, CA, September 29 – October 3, 2004. Combined Annual Meeting of the ASDS-ACMMSCO. Linear Closures for Nasal Defects Following Mohs Micrographic Surgery, San Diego, CA, September 29 – October 3, 2004 ASDS Dermal Fillers and Injectables Course. Collagen, Houston, TX, October 15 – 16, 2004. 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Actinic Keratosis: Benign or Malignant. New Orleans, LA, February 18 –22, 2005. The 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Surgical Pearl Symposium: Linear Closures of the Nose. New Orleans, LA, February 18-22, 2005. Reconstruction Symposium. Stanford, California Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Actinic Keratosis. Manaus, Brazil. June 2005. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. The Future of Dermatologic Oncologic Surgery. Manaus, Brazil. June 2005. LECTURES (Continued):
Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Advances in Mohs Surgery. Manaus, Brazil. June 2005. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Linear Closures of the Nose. Manaus, Brazil. June 2005. Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Techniques in Reconstruction Surgery. Manaus, Brazil. June 2005. ISDS - 26th Annual Congress of the International Society for Dermatologic Surgery. Nasal Reconstruction, Surgical Problems of the Midface. Dublin, Ireland, September 2005. ASDS – ACMMSCO Combined Annual Meeting.Upper Eyelid Rotation Flap for Reconstruction of Medial Canthal Defects. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. ASDS – ACMMSCO Combined Annual Meeting. The Incidence of Major Complications From Mohs Micrographic Surgery: Comparison of Office-Based and Hospital-Based Surgery. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. ASDS – ACMMSCO Combined Annual Meeting. Diffuse Epidermal and Periadnexal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Situ. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. ASDS – ACMMSCO Combined Annual Meeting. The Acuracy of Bread-Loafing in Detecting Redidual Basal Cell Carcinoma at the Surgical Margins of an Elliptical Excision Specimen. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. ASDS – ACMMSCO Combined Annual Meeting. Efficacy of Narrow Margin Excision of Well Demarcated Primary Facial Basal Cell. Atlanta, Georgia. October 2005. 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Florida Society of Dermatology. My Favorite Flaps. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, May 29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Quantification of the Amount of Blood Loss during Mohs Micrographic Surgery. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. My Favorite Flap – An Interactive Audience Poling Session. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. How would you close the defect? Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Should This Patient be Treated in the Office or in an Ambulatory Surgery Center. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. LECTURES (Continued):
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Fractional Photothermolysis for Hypopigmented Scars. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Pulsed-dye Laser for Chronic Ulceration with Hypergranulation Tissue. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Melanoma Margins. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Comparison of Diode alone vs. Pulsed-dye + Diode. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. American Society for Dermatologic Surgery Annual Meeting. Latest Techniques in Facial Rejuvenation - Circulating Faculty. Palm Desert, CA, October 25-29, 2006. 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Cutaneous Surgery, Poster Discussion Moderator. Washington, DC, February 3, 2006. The 65rd Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Actinic Keratoses. Washington, D.C., February 5, 2007. The 65th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology. Cosmetic Dermatology. Washington, DC, February 6, 2006. Lecture to the University of Pretoria, South Africa, Department of Dermatology. Pre-malignant Skin Lesions. Lecture to the University of Pretoria, South Africa, Department of Urology. Diseases of the Skin as Related to the Genital Region. . Lecture to the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas. Office-based Surgical Procedures of the Skin. March 13, 2007. 2007 Mohs College Annual Meeting - The American College of Mohs Surgery. Margin Involvement after the Excision of Malignant Melanoma: The Need for Complete En-Face Examination of the Margins. Naples, FL, May 3, 2007. 2007 Mohs College Annual Meeting - The American College of Mohs Surgery. Cellular Dermatofibroma: Benign or Malignant? Naples, FL, May 4, 2007. Medicine Grand Rounds – The Methodist Hospital. Tumors of the Skin. Houston, TX, October 9, 2007. PUBLICATIONS:
Goldberg LH and Schamroth L: A-V and trifasicular block: High grade A-V block,
idionodal escape rhythm with right bundle branch block and intermittent left anterior and
right posterior hemiblocks. J Electrocardiol, 1972;5(4):395-400.
Schamroth L and Goldberg LH: The concept of a wandering pacemaker. Heart and Lung,
Schamroth L and Goldberg LH: Ventricular interpolation within the effective sinus cycle.
Heart and Lung, 1:661-662,1972.
Goldberg LH and Sagher F: Psoriasis treatment at the Dead Sea. Cutis, 16:61,1975.
Goldberg LH and Kushelevsky A: Ultraviolet light measurements at the Dead Sea. In
Farber EM. and Cox A.J., Eds. Psoriasis: Proceedings of the Second International
, Yorke Medical Books, New York, New York, 461-463, 1976.
Goldberg LH, Schaefer H, and Farber EM: PUVA and the eye. J Invest Dermatol,
72:278, 1979.
Goldberg LH, Cox AJ, and Abel, EA: The mitotic index in psoriatic plaques and their
response to PUVA therapy. Clinical Research, 27(1):137A, 1979.
Schaefer H, Farber EM, Goldberg LH, Schalla W: Limited application period for
Dithranol in psoriasis: A preliminary report in penetration and clinical efficacy. Br J
102:571-573, 1980.
Goldberg LH, Cox AJ, Abel EA: The mitotic index in psoriatic plaques and their response
to PUVA therapy. Br J Dermatol, 1980 Apr;102(4):401-5.

10. Abel EA, Goldberg LH, Farber EM: Treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis with topical
methoxsalen plus longwave ultraviolet light. Arch Dermatol, 1980 Nov;116(11):1257-61.
11. Goldberg LH, Stewart MM: Newer aspects of the use of anthralin in psoriasis. Western J

12. Goldberg LH, Robins P: Hemostasis in cutaneous surgery. J Dermatol Surg Oncol,

13. Goldberg LH, Robins P: Basal cell carcinoma on and around the female genitalia. J
Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1981 Jul;7(7):572-5.
14. Selim MM, Goldberg LH, Schaefer H, Bishop SC, Farber EM: Penetration studies of
topical anthralin. Br J Dermatol, 1981 Aug;105 Suppl 20:101-3.
15. Hacham-Zadeh S, Goldberg LH. Malignant melanoma and Papillon-Lefevre syndrome.

16. Weinrauch L, Peled I, Goldberg LH, Wexler MR: Squamous cell carcinoma of the palm.
Dermatologica, 1983;166(2):89-91.
17. Goldberg LH, Stal S, and Spira M: Recognition and treatment of recurrent basal cell
carcinoma. Anal Plastic Surg, 11:313-318, 1983.
18. Goldberg LH: Role of Mohs Chemosurgery in the treatment of skin cancer. The Cancer

19. Goldberg LH, Fachin-Viso R. Large multifocal basal cell carcinoma in a young man.
Med Cutan Ibero Lat Am, 1983;11(3):191-4. Spanish.
21. Baran R, Panizzon R, Goldberg LH: The nails in keratosis lichenoides chronica:
characteristics and response to treatment. Arch Dermatol, 120:1471- 1474, 1984.
22. Goldberg LH, Altman A: Benign skin changes associated with chronic sunlight exposure.
Goldberg LH, Rapini RP: Actinic keratoses. Am Fam Physician, 1984
Goldberg LH, and Rosen T: Darkly pigmented lesions in dark-skinned patients.
J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1984 Nov;10(11):876-81.
25. Berlin C and Goldberg LH: Reactive perforating collagenosis and phototraumatism.
Dermatologica, 1985;171(4):255-8.
26. Bruce S, Tschen JA, Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma of the nipple. J Dermatol Surg

27. Goldberg LH ,Altman AR: Venous lakes of the ears. Cutis, 1985 Dec;36(6):472-5.
28. Goldberg LH, Villarreal D, Wiemer DR: Recurrent basal cell carcinoma presenting as a
telangiectatic plaque. The Cancer Bulletin, 38:87-90, 1986. A,Goldberg LH: Seborrheic keratoses. Am Fam Physician, 1986 Aug;34(2):147-

30. Goldberg LH and Sperber J. Erythema multiforme due to herpes simplex: Treatment with
oral Acyclovir. South Med J, 79(6):757-759, 1986.
31. Basler E and Goldberg LH: Clinical variations of basal cell carcinoma. The Cancer

32. Goldberg LH: Clinical estimation of the size of basal cell carcinomas. The Cancer

33. El-Azhary R and Goldberg LH: Percutaneous absorption of minoxidil. Arch Dermatol,

34. Goldberg LH and Sperber J: A case of erythema multiforme treated with oral acyclovir.
Southern Med J, 1986 Jun;79:757-9. Goldberg LH, Altman A, Kalter DC. Paint pellet purpura: A peril for pistol-
packing paramilitary personnel. Letter to the Editor. JAMA, 1986 Jun 27;255(24):3367.
36. Goldberg LH, Kaufman R, Conant MA, Sperber J, Allen ML, Illeman M, Chapman S:
Oral acyclovir for episodic treatment of recurrent genital herpes: Efficacy and Safety. J Am Acad Dermato,l 1986 Aug;15(2 Pt 1):256-64.
37. Siegel DM, Freeman RG, Goldberg LH: A technique for improving resolution of cell
structures with application in Mohs surgery. J Dermatol Surg Onc 1987;13:807. 38. Azizi E, Buchanan C, Goldberg LH, Kripke ML: Perturbation of epidermal Langerhans
cells in basal cell carcinomas. Am J Dermatopathol, 9:465-473, 1987.
39. Goldberg LH, Collins SA, Siegel DM: The epidermal nevus syndrome: Case report and
review. Pediatr Dermatol, 1987 May;4(1):27-33. Goldberg LH, and Sperber J: Comparison of cosmesis following healing by
surgical closure and second intention. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1987 Sep;13(9):1016-20. Goldberg LH, and Tschen J: The solitary brown macule. Am Fam Physician,
42. Altman A, Rosen TR, Tschen JA, Hoffmann T, Bruce S, Siegel DM, Levy ML, Schaefer D, Goldberg LH: Basal cell epithelioma in black patients. J Am Acad Dermatol 1987
Nov;17(5 Pt 1):741-5.

43. Goldberg LH, Sperber J: Acyclovir prophylaxis for herpes simplex virus infection.
(Letter to the Editor) Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1987 Nov;31(11):1865.
44. Mertz GJ, Eron L, Kaufman R, Goldberg LH, Raab B, Conant M, Mills J, Kurtz T, Davis
LG: Prolonged continuous versus intermittent oral acyclovir treatment in normal adults with frequently recurring genital herpes simplex virus infection. Am J Med, 85(Suppl 2A):14-19, 1988. Goldberg LH, McGavran MH: Carcinosarcoma of the skin. Review. J Cutan
Pathol, 1988 Feb;15(1):31-5. Review.
46. Ananthaswamy HN, Price JE, Goldberg LH, Bales ES: Simultaneous transfer of
tumorigenic and metastatic phenotypes by transfection with genomic DNA from a human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J Cell Biochem, 1988 Feb;36(2):137-46. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

47. Ananthaswamy HN, Price JE, Goldberg LH, Bales, ES: Detection and identification of
activated oncogenes in human skin cancers occurring on sun-exposed body sites. Cancer Res, 1988 Jun 15;48(12):3341-6.
48. Goldberg LH, Sperber J: Fatal varicella in an adult. Cutis, 1988 Aug;42(2):118-120.
49. Goldberg LH, Kaufman R, Conant MA, Sperber J, Allen ML, Illeman M, Donohew PS,
Chapman S: Episodic twice-daily treatment for recurrent genital herpes. Am J Med, 1988 Aug 29;85 (Suppl 2A):10-13.
50. Goldberg LH, Rubin HA: Management of basal cell carcinoma: Which option is best?
Postgrad Med, 1989 Jan;85(1):57-8, 61-63. Goldberg LH, Carter-Campbell S, Reddick M, Chamberlain RM: The ratio of
basal cell carcinoma to squamous cell carcinoma in Houston, Texas. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1988 Aug;14(8):886-9.
52. Ananthaswamy HN, Applegate LA, Goldberg LH, Bales ES: Deletion of the c-Ha-ras-1
alleles in human skin cancers. Mol Carcinog, 1989;2(5):298-301. Goldberg LH, Tschen JA: Differential diagnosis of malignant melanoma. Am
Fam Physician, 1989 May;39(5):203-14. Review.
54. Ananthaswamy HN, Price JE, Tainsky MA, Goldberg LH, Bales ES: Correlation between
Ha-ras gene amplification and spontaneous metastasis in NIH 3T3 cells transfected with genomic DNA from human skin cancers. Clin Exp Metastasis, 1989 May-Jun;7(3):301-13.
55. Ananthaswamy HN, Applegate LA, Goldberg LH, Ley RD: Skin fibroblasts from basal
cell nevus syndrome patients are hypersensitive to killing by solar UV-B radiation. Photochem and Photobiol, 1989 May; 49(suppl):60s. Goldberg LH: Facial nerve palsy as a result of squamous cell carcinoma of
the skin. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1989 May;15(5):510-13. Goldberg LH, Wolf JE Jr, Kripke ML: Variations in the number and
morphology of Langerhans’ cells in the epidermal component of squamous cell carcinomas. Arch Dermatol, 1989 Jul;125(7):917-20.
58. Goldberg LH, Hsu SH, and Alcalay J: Effectiveness of isotretinoin in preventing the
appearance of basal cell carcinomas in basal cell nevus syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1989 Jun;21(1):144-5. Goldberg LH, Kripke M, Wolf JE Jr: The sensitivity of Langerhans’ cells to
simulated solar radiation in basal cell carcinoma patients. J Invest Dermatol, 1989 Dec;93(6):746-750. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):
60. Kidd M, Tschen JA, Rosen T, Altman A, Goldberg, LH: Carcinoembryonic antigen and
basal cell neoplasm in black patients. An immunohistochemical study. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1989 Nov;21:1007-1010. Goldberg LH, Ley RD, Ananthaswamy HN: Hypersensitivity of skin
fibroblasts from Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome patients to killing by ultraviolet B but not ultraviolet C radiation. Cancer Res, 1990 Feb 1;50(3):637-41. Goldberg LH, Wolf JE Jr, Kripke ML: Ultraviolet radiation-induced damage to
human Langerhans’ cells in vivo is not reversed by ultraviolet A or visible light. J Invest Dermatol, 1990 Aug;95(2):144-6.
63. Goldberg LH and Alcalay J: The needle scratch technique. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1990

64. Alcalay J, Freeman SE, Goldberg LH, Wolf JE Jr: Excision repair of pyrimidine dimers
induced by simulated solar radiation in the skin of patients with basal cell carcinoma. J Invest Dermatol, 1990 Nov;95(5):506-9.
65. Goldberg LH, Rosen T, Becker J, Knauss A: Treatment of solitary keratoacanthomas with
oral isotretinoin. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1990 Nov;23(5 Pt 1):934-6.
66. Pierceall WE, Mukhopadhyay T, Goldberg LH, Ananthaswamy HN: Mutations in the p53
tumor suppressor gene in human cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas. Mol Carcinog, 1991;4(6):445-9. Goldberg LH, Tainsky MA, Mukhopadhyay T, Ananthaswamy HN: Ras
gene mutation and amplification in human nonmelanoma skin cancers. Mol Carcinog, 1991;4(3):196-202. Goldberg, LH: Mohs micrographic surgery: Harefuah. J Israel Med Assoc,
1991 Feb 1;120(3):146-8. Review. Hebrew.
69. Alcalay J and Goldberg LH: Pedal basal cell carcinoma: Unusual location of a common
tumor. Int J Dermatol, 1991 Oct;30(10):727-9. Goldberg LH, Ananthaswamy HN: Presence of human papilloma virus type
16 DNA sequences in human nonmelanoma skin cancers. J Invest Dermatol, 1991 Nov;97(5):880-4. Goldberg LH: Intraoperative nasal ala stabilization using the Foley catheter. J
Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1991 Dec;17(12):957-8. 72. Balfour HH, Rotbart HA, Feldman S, Dunkle LM, Feder HM Jr., Prober CG, Hayden GF, Steinberg S, Whitley RJ, Goldberg LH, McGuirt PV, and the Collaborative Acyclovir
Varicella Study Group. Acyclovir treatment of varicella in otherwise healthy adolescents.
J Pediatr, 120:627-633, 1992.

73. Beer RE, Alcalay J, Goldberg LH: Multiple bone metastases from basal cell carcinoma.
Int J Dermato,l 1992 Sep;31(9):637-8.
74. Beer RE, Alcalay J, Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma occurring at the site of a
strawberry hemangioma. Cutis, 1992 Feb;49(2):111-12. Review.
75. Goldberg LH, Kaufman RH, Kurtz TO, Conant MA, Eron LJ, Batenhorst RL, Boone GS.
Continuous five-year treatment of patients with frequently recurring genital herpes simplex virus infection with acyclovir. J Med Virol, 1993;Suppl 1:45-50. Goldberg LH: The influence of age and patient positioning on skin tension
lines. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1993 Jan;19(1):39-43. Review.
77. Harris AO, Levy ML, Goldberg LH, Stal S. Nonepidermal and appendageal skin tumors.
Clin Plast Surg, 1993 Jan 20(1):115-30. Review.
78. Goldberg LH, Kaufman R, Kurtz TO, Conant MA, Eron LJ, Batenhorst RL, Boone GS.
Long-term suppression of recurrent genital herpes with Acyclovir. A five-year benchmark. Acyclovir Study Group. Arch Dermatol, 1993 May;129(5):582-7.
79. San Juan EB, Guana AL, Goldberg LH, Kolbusz RV, Orengo IF, Alford E. Aggressive
trichoepithelioma versus keratotic basal cell carcinoma. Int J Dermatol, 1993 Oct;32(10):728-30. Goldberg LH, and Kolbusz RV: Basal cell carcinoma developing within a
smallpox vaccination scar. Turkish J Clin Dermatol, 3:138-41, 1994.
81. Goldberg LH and Oram Y: Keratoacanthoma: a review of the literature. Turk J

82. Kolbusz RV and Goldberg LH: The labial-ala transposition flap. Arch Dermatol, 1994

83. Guana AL, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma on the nailfold of the right
thumb. Int J Dermatol, 1994 Mar;33(3):204-5.
84. Guana AL, Kolbusz RV, and Goldberg LH: Stump the experts. J Dermatol Surg Oncol,

85. Black HS, Herd JA, Goldberg LH, Wolf JE Jr, Thornby JI, Rosen T, Bruce S, Tschen JA,
Foreyt JP, Scott LW, et al.: Effect of a low-fat diet on the incidence of actinic keratosis. N Engl J Med, 1994 May 5;330(18):1272-5.
86. Goldberg LH, Joseph AK, Tschen JA: Proliferative actinic keratosis. Int J Dermatol,
Goldberg LH, Levy ML: Juvenile basal cell carcinoma. Pediatr Dermatol,

88. Burns MK, Chen SP, Goldberg LH: Microcystic adnexal carcinoma: Ten cases treated by
Mohs micrographic surgery. J Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1994 Jul;20(7):429-34.
89. Wong WY, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH, Guana A: Treatment of a recurrent
keratoacanthoma with oral isotretinoin. Int J Dermatol, 1994 Aug;33(8):579-83.
90. Florin EH, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma simulating eczematous
dermatitis. Cutis, 1994 Sep;54(3):197-8.
91. Florin EH, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH: Verrucous carcinoma of the lip originating on the
vermilion border. Int J Dermatol, 1994 Sep;33(9):637.
92. Florin EH, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH: Verrucous carcinoma of the oral cavity. Int J
Dermatol, 1994 Sep;33(9):618-22. Review.
93. Florin EH, Kolbusz RV, Goldberg LH: Stump the experts: Mycosis fungoides. J
Dermatol Surg Oncol, 1994 Oct;20(10):647, 696-7.
94. Dhir A, Orengo I, Bruce S, Kolbusz RV, Alford WE, Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma
on the scalp of an Indian patient. Dermatol Surg, 21:247-250, 1995.
95. Goldberg LH, Griego RD. Absence of human papillomavirus in squamous cell
carcinomas of nongenital skin from immunocompromised renal transplant patients: A Comment. Arch Dermatol, 1995 Jan;131(1):107-8.
96. Black HS, Thornby JI, Wolf JE Jr, Goldberg LH, Herd JA, Rosen T, Bruce S, Tschen JA,
Scott LW, Jaax S, Foreyt JP, Reusser B: Evidence that a low-fat diet reduces the occurrence of non-melanoma skin cancer. Int J Cancer, 1995 Jul;62(2):165-9. Goldberg LH: A persistent dermal nodule in an African-American
patient. Dermatol Surg. 1995 Nov;21(11):991-2.
98. Goldberg LH, Mauldin DV, Humphreys TR. The postauricular cutaneous advancement
flap for repairing ear rim defects. Dermatol Surg, 1996 Jan;22(1):28-31. Goldberg LH, Amberger D: Nail dystrophy in a 35-year old man: Subungual
enchondroma. Arch Dermatol, 1996 Feb;132(2):223, 226.
100. Humphreys TR, Goldberg LH, Wiemer DR: The postauricular (revolving door) island
pedicle flap revisited. Dermatol Surg, 1996 Feb;22(2):148-50.
101. Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma. Lancet, 1996 Mar 9;347(9002):663-7 Review.

102. Goldberg LH, Leis P, and Pham HN: Basal cell carcinoma of the neck. Dermatol Surg,

103. Goldberg LH and Humphreys TR: Surgical Pearl: Using the liposuction cannula / syringe
apparatus for conservative evacuation of postoperative hematomas. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1996 Jun;34(6):1061-2.
104. Humphreys TR, Nemeth A, McCrevey S, Baer SC, Goldberg LH: A pilot study
comparing toluidine blue and hematoxylin and eosin staining of basal cell and squamous cell carcinoma during Mohs surgery. Dermatol Surg, 1996 Aug;22(8):693-7.
105. Goldberg LH and Segal RJ: Surgical Pearl: A flexible scalpel for shave excision of skin
lesions. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1996 Sep;35(3 Pt 1):452-3. 106. Skinner Turyk ME, Wilbanks GD, Benson C, Frank B, Heseltine P, Galpin J, Kaufman R, Goldberg LH: The efficacy and safety of Skinner vaccine towards modulation of herpes
genitalis; report of a prospective double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Med Microbol
Imnumol (Berl),
186(1):31-6. 1997.

107. Goldberg LH: Basal cell carcinoma as a predictor for other cancers. Lancet, 1997 Mar
108. Humphreys TR, Goldberg LH, and Wiemer DR: Repair of defects of the nasal ala.
Dermatol Surg, 1997 May;23(5):335-49; quiz 350-1 Review.
109. MacFarlane DF, Pustelny BL, Goldberg LH: An assessment of the suitability of Mohs
micrographic surgery in patients ages 90 years and older. Dermatol Surg, 1997 May;23(5):389-2; discussion 392-3.
110. Suchniak JM, Bear S, Goldberg LH: High rate of malignant transformation in hyperkeratotic
actinic keratoses. J Am Acad Dermatol, 1997 Sep;37(3 Pt 1):392-4.
111. Mac Farlane DF, Pustelny BL, Goldberg LH: Mohs surgery for nonagenerians. Dermatol

112. Goldberg LH: A technique for constructing a user-friendly ear dressing. Dermatol Surg,

113. Goldberg LH, Actinic Keratosis. Letter to the Editor: J Am Acad Dermatol, 36(4) 135-136.

114. Schroeder TL, Mac Farlane DF, Goldberg LH: Pain as an atypical presentation of squamous
cell carcinoma. Dermatol Surg, 1998 Feb;24(2):263-6
115. Lee MW, Goldberg LH, Dorsey K, Baer SC: Syringoma resembling confluent and
reticulated papillomatosis of Gougerot-Carteaud. Cutis, 1998 Apr;61(4):227-8. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

116. Leis PF, Stevens KR, Baer SC, Kadmon D, Goldberg LH, Wang XJ: A c-rasHa mutation
in the metastasis of a human papillomavirus (HPV)-18 positive penile squamous cell carcinoma suggests a cooperative effect between HPV-18 and c-rasHa activation in malignant progression. Cancer, 1998 Jul 1;83(1):122-9.
117. MacFarlane DF, Goldberg LH: The nasal floor transposition flap for repairing distal nose
/ columella defects. Dermatol Surg, 1998 Oct;24(10):1085-6.
118. Bhat L, Goldberg LH, Rosen T: Basal cell carcinoma in a black woman with syringomas.
J Am Acad Dermatol, 1998 Dec;39(6):1033-4.
119. Brown TJ, Jackson BA, MacFarlane DF, Goldberg LH: Merkel cell carcinoma:
Spontaneous resolution and management of metastatic disease. Dermatol Surg,1999 Jan; 25(1):23-5.
120. Conrad N, Jackson B, Goldberg, LH: Amelanotic Lentigo Melanoma: A Unique Case
Presentation. J Dermatol Surg, 25(5):408-411, 1999.
121. MacFarlane DF, Goldberg LH: Use of the cotton-tipped applicator in lower eyelid
surgery. Dermatol Surg, 1999 Apr;25(4):326-7.
122. Goldberg LH, Rollefson-Chang JR, Baer SC, Schmidt JD: Proliferative actinic keratosis:
Three representative cases. DermatolSurg, 2000 Jan;26(1):65-9.
123. Ruiz HA, Goldberg, LH, Humphreys, TR, Blacklock, JB: Cutaneous metastasis of
chordoma. Dermatol Surg, 2000 Mar;26(3):259-62.
124. Gardner ES, Goldberg LH: Granular cell tumor treated with Mohs micrographic surgery:
Report of a case and review of the literature. Dermatol Surg, 2001 Aug;27(8):772-4. Review.
125. Gardner ES, Goldberg LH: Neglected microcystic adnexal carcinoma: The second
reported case in a black patient. Dermatol Surg, 2001 Jul;27(7):678-80.
126. Gardner ES, Goldberg LH. Single-handed needle-holder loading: A safer and more efficient
cuticular stitch. Dermatol Surg, 2001 Jun;27(6):594-6.
127. Gardner ES, Goldberg LH: Axillary basal cell carcinoma: Literature survey and case
report. Dermatol Surg 2001 Nov;27(11):966-8. Review
128. Alam M, Chaudhry NA, Goldberg LH: Vitreous floaters following use of dermatologic
lasers. Dermatol Surg. 2002 Nov;28 (11):1088-91
129. Alam M, Norman RA, Goldberg LH: Dermatologic surgery in geriatric patients:
psychosocial considerations and perioperative decision-making. Dermatol Surg. 2002 Nov;28 (11):1043-50. Review. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

130. Alam M, Goldberg LH. Serious adverse vascular events associated with perioperative
interruption of antiplatelet and anticoagulant therapy. Dermatol Surg. 2002 Nov;28(11):992-8. discussion 998.
131. Gardner ES and Goldberg LH. Eyebrow reconstruction with the subcutaneous island
pedicle flap. Dermatol Surg 2002 Oct;28(10):921-5
132. Chilukuri S, Alam M, Goldberg LH. Two Atypical Fibroxanthomas of the Ear. Dermatol
Surg 2003. Apr;29(4):408-10.
133. Yilmaz Belma, Goldberg LH, Schechter NR, Naomi R, Kemp Bonnie L, Ruiz Hiram.
Basal cell nevus syndrome concurrent with adenoid cystic carcinoma of salivary gland. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2003 May;48 (5 Suppl):S64-6.
134. Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. New and emerging treatments for non-melanoma skin cancer
and actinic keratoses. J. Drugs Dermatol. 2003 Aug;2 (4):429-32.
135. Alam M., and Goldberg LH. Oblique Advancement Flap for Defects of the Lateral Nasal
Supratip. Arch Dermatol, 2003 Aug;139(8):1039-42.
136. Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Alam M, Topical and light-based treatments for Actinic
Keratoses. Semin Cutan Med Surg 2003 Sept;22(3):162-170.
137. Doshi SN, Friedman PM, Marquez DK, Goldberg LH. Thirty-Minute Application of the S-
Caine Peel Prior to Nonablative Laser Treatment. Dermatol Surg 2003. Oct;29(10):1008-11.
138. Alam M, Goldberg LH. Two-Lobed Advancement Flap for Cutaneous Helical Rim
Defects. Dermatol Surg 2003 Oct;29(10):1044-9.
139. Goldberg LH, Alam M. Horizontal Advancement (“East-West”) Flap for Symmetric
Reconstruction of Small to Medium Cutaneous Defects of the Lateral Nasal Supratip. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2003 Oct.;29(4):685-9.
140. Friedman, R, Hansen S, and Goldberg LH: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Arising in a
Leishmania Scar. Dermatol Surg 2003. Nov; 29(11):1148-9.
141. Silapunt S, Peterson R, Alcalay J, Goldberg LH, Mohs Tissue Mapping and Processing: A
Survey Study. Dermatol Surg. 2003. Nov; 29(11):1109-1112.
142. Peterson SR, Chilukuri S, Goldberg LH, Joseph AK. Surgical Pearl: Use of sterile glove
finger as a surgical drain. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2003 Nov; 49(5).
143. Peterson, SR ,Goldberg LH.. The rounded Siegel scalpel handle: a better instrument for
curved incisions. J Drugs Dermatol. 2003 Dec; 2(6): 617-18. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

144. Jih MH, Goldberg LH. Lupus miliaris disseminatus faciei: treatment with the 1.450 nm
diode laser. Arch Dermatol. 2004.
145. Jih MH, Friedman PM, Sadick N, Marquez DK, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH: 60
Minute Application of S-Caine Peel prior to 1,064 NM Long Pulsed ND: Yag Laser treatment of leg veins. Lasers Surg Med. 2004;34(5):446-50.
146. Alam M , Goldberg LH. Utility of fully buried horizontal mattress sutures. J. Am. Acad.

147. Friedman PM, Jih MH, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH. Treatment of Inflammatory Facial
Acne Vulgaris with the 1450-nm Diode Laser: A Pilot Study. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Feb; 30(2 Pt 1): 147-51.
148. Kimyai-Asadi A, Jih MH, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Surgical pearl: A rapid sanitary
technique for surgical waste disposal. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2004 Apr; 50(4) 642-3.
149. Goldberg LH, Alam M. Elliptical Excisions: Variations and the Eccentric Parallelogram.
Arch. Dermatol. 2004 Feb;140(2):176-180..
150. Silapunt S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH, Friedman, PM, Murad Alam. Basal cell carcinoma
on the vermilion lip: A study of 18 cases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 Mar;50:(3)384-7.
151. Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Peterson SR, Gardner ES. Eyebrow Reconstruction: Options for
reconstruction of cutaneous defects of the eyebrow. Dermatol Surg.2004 Apr;30 (4 Pt 1):530-5;discussion 535. Review.
152. Goldberg LH, Silapunt S, Beyrau KK, Peterson SR, Friedman PM, Alam M.
Keratoacanthoma as a post-operative complication of skin cancer excision. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 May; 50 (5): 753-758
153. Kimyai-Asadi A, Jih Mh, Goldberg LH. Is curettage really necessary for basal cell
carcinoma before Mohs micrographic surgery? Dermatol Surg. 2004 May;30(5):820; author reply 821-2.
154. Friedman PM, Jih MH, Burns AJ, Geronemus RG, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH:
Nonphysician Practice of Dermatologic Surgery: The Texas Perspective. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Jun; 30(6):857-863. 155. Chilukuri S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Granular cell tumor of the heel treated with Mohs technique. Dermatol Surg. 2004 July; 30:857-63.
156. Jih MH, Friedman PM, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH. Successful treatment of a chronic
atrophic dog-bite scar with the 1,450nm diode laser. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Aug;30(8):1161-1163. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

157. Krejci-Manwaring J, Markus JL, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM, Markus RF. Surgical Pearl:
tumescent anesthesia reduces pain of axillary laser hair removal. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 Aug;51(2):290-1.
158. Kimyai-Asadi A, Jih M, Friedman PM, Goldberg LH. Surgical complication on the
temple. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2004 Sep;51(3):496-7.
159. Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM, Basal cell carcinoma arising on a port-wine stain.

160. Kimyai-Asadi Arash, Goldberg LH, Nemeth A, Friedman PM,. Jih Ming H . Mohs
Micrographic Surgery for Elliptical Excisions of Skin Tumors: A Surgical and Histologic Study. Dermatol Surg. 2004 Oct; 30(10):1310-7; discussion 1317-8.
161. Kimyai-Asadi A, Jih MH, Goldberg LH. Perioperative primary stroke: is aspirin
cessation to blame? Dermtol Surg. 2004 Dec; 30 (12 Pt 2):1526-9
162. Goldberg LH, Friedman RH, Silapunt S. Pigmented speckling as a sign of Basal cell
carcinoma. Dermtol Surg. 2004 Dec;30(12 Pt 2):1553-5.
163. Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH. Island pedicle flap. Dermatol Clin. 2005 Jan;23(1):113-
164. Jih MH, Friedman PM, Goldberg LH, Kimyai-Asadi A. Curettage prior to Mohs
micrographic surgery for previously-biopsied nonmelanoma skin cancers: What are we curetting? A retrospective, prospective and comparative study. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Jan;31(1):10-15. 165. Katz TM, Silapunt S, Goldberg LH, Jih M, Kimyai-Asadi A. Analysis of 197 female scalp
tumors treated with Mohs micrographic surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Feb;53(2):291-4.
166. Silapunt S, Peterson S, Alam M, Goldberg LH. Clinical Appearance of Full-Thickness
Skin Grafts of the Nose. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Feb:31(2):177-183.
167. Goldberg LH, Peterson SR, Silapunt S. Reconstruction of a Large Surgical Defect
Involving the Upper Lip. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Feb:31(2):206-209.
168. Jih MH, Friedman PM, Kimyai-Asadi A, Friedman ES, Hymes SR, Goldberg LH. Lupus
Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei. Arch Dermatol. 2005 Feb:141(2);143-145.
169. Jih MH, Goldberg LH¸Friedman PM, Kimyai-Asadi, A. Surgical Pearl: The use of
Polaroid photography for mapping Mohs micrographic surgery sections. J Am AcadDermatol. 2005 Mar:52(3);511-12. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

170. Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH, Jih M. The Accuracy of Serial Transverse Cross-Sections
in Detecting Residual Basal Cell Carcinoma at the Surgical Margins of an Elliptical Excision Specimen. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Mar:52(3); AB2. 171. Goldberg LH, Silapunt S, Alam M, Peterson SR, Jih MH, Kimyai-Asadi A. Surgical
Repair of Temple Defects after Mohs Micrographic Surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005

172. Jih MH, Friedman, PM, Kimyai-Asadi A., Goldberg LH. A rare case of fatal primary
Cutaneous mucinous carcinoma of the scalp with multiple in-transit and pulmonary metastases. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 May S76-80. 173. Goldberg LH, Silapunt S, Kimyai-Asadi A. “Jigsaw Puzzle” Advancement Flap for
Repair of a Surgical Defect Involving the Lateral Nasal Ala. Dermatol Surg. 2005 May:31(5);569-71.
174. Glaich AS, Friedman PM, Jih MH, Goldberg LH. Treatment of inflammatory facial acne
vulgaris with combination 595-nm pulsed-dye laser with dynamic-cooling-device and 1,450-nm diode laser. Lasers Surg Med. 2005 Sep 22 175. Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH, Jih MH. Accuracy of serial transverse cross-sections in
detecting residual basal cell carcinoma at the surgical margins of an elliptical excision specimen. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Sep;53(3):469-74. 176. Kimyai-Asadi A, Alam M, Goldberg LH, Peterson SR, Silapunt S, Jih MH. Efficacy of
narrow-margin excision of well-demarcated primary facial basal cell carcinomas. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Sep;53(3):464-8. 177. Espino-Ardila C, Goldberg LH. Atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX). Dermatol Nurs. 2005

178. Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg L.H., Diffuse epidermal and periadnexal squamous cell
carcinoma in situ: A report of 13 patients. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Oct; 53(4):623-7.
179. Jih MH, Kimyai-Asadi A, Goldberg LH. The Incidence of Major Complications From
Mohs Micrographic Surgery Performed in Office-Based and Hospital-Based Settings. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Oct; 53 (4): 628-34 180. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH. Upper eyelid rotation flap for reconstruction of medial
canthal defects. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Oct; 53 (4): 635-8
181. Behroozan D, Goldberg LH. Dermal Tumescent Local Anesthesia in Cutaneous Surgery.
J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Nov; 53 (5): 828-30
182. Silapunt S, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Squamous cell carcinoma of the auricle and Mohs
micrographic surgery. Dermatol Surg. 2005 Nov; 33 (11 part 1): 1423-7. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

183. Behroozan D, Peterson SR, Goldberg LH. Surgical Pearl: Patient-applied manual pressure
for hemostasis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Nov; 53 (5): 871-2
184. Behroozan D, Glaich A, Goldberg LH. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans following
tanning bed use. J of Drugs in Dermatology. 2005 Nov/Dec; 4 (6): 751-4
185. Glaich AS, Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Double rotation flap to repair two cheek defects
in close proximity. Dermatol Surg 2005; Dec;31:1717-1719
186. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Combined linear closure and Burow’s graft for a dorsal
nasal defect. Dermatol Surg 2006; Jan; 32:107-111 187. Glaich AS, Cohen JL, Goldberg LH, Injection necrosis of the glabella: Protocol for
prevention and treatment after use of dermal fillers. Dermatol Surg 2006; Feb; 32:276-281
188. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Glaich AS, Dai T, Friedman, PF, Fractional
photothermolysis treatment for poikiloderma of civatte. Dermatol Surg 2006; Feb; 32:298-301
189. Glaich AS, Behroozan DS, Cohen JL, Goldberg LH, Lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma
of the skin: A report of two cases treated with complete microscopic margin control and review literature. Dermatol Surg 2006; Feb; 32:316-319
190. Glaich AS, Friedman PM, Jih MH, Goldberg LH, Treatment of inflammatory facial acne
vulgaris with combination 595-nm pulsed-dye laser with dynamic-cooling-device and 1,450-nm diode laser. Lasers in Surg and Med; 2006 March; 38:177-180
191. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Dai T, Geronemus RG, Friedman PM, Fractional
photothermolysis for the treatment of surgical scars: A case report. J Cosmet Laser Ther; 2006 April; 8:35-38 192. Glaich AS, Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH. Triple advancement flap to repair an upper lip
defect. Dermatol Surg. 2006 Mar; 32(3):415-7.
193. Adams B, Levy R, Rademaker AE, Goldberg LH, Alam M, Frequency of use of suturing
and repair techniques preferred by dermatologic surgeons. Dermatol Surg. 2006 May; 32(5):682-9.
194. Behroozan DS, Goldberg LH, Glaich AS, Kaplan B, Kaye VN. Mohs micrographic
surgery for deeply penetrating, expanding benign cutaneous neoplasms. Dermatol Surg. 2006 Jul; 32(7):958-65. 195. Wang LE, Hsu TC, Xiong P, Strom SS, Duvic M, Clayman GL, Weber RS, Lippman SM, Goldberg LH, Wei Q. 4-Nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced mutagen sensitivity and risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer: A case-control analysis. J Invest Dermatol. 2006 Jul 13; [Epub ahead of print]. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

196. Jih MH, Friedman PM, Goldberg LH, Robles M, Glaich AS, Kimyai-Asadi A. The 1450-
nm diode laser for facial inflammatory acne vulgaris: Dose-response and 12-month follow-up study. J Amer Acad Dermatol. 2006 July; 55(1):80-7. 197. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. Surgical pearl: running horizontal mattress suture with
intermittent simple loops. J Amer Acad Dermatol. 2006 Nov; 55(5):870-1.
198. Wang, SQ, Goldberg LH. Burow’s wedge advancement flap for lateral forehead defects.

199. Glaich A, Goldberg LH, Dai T, Kunishige JH, Friedman PM. Fractional Resurfacing: A
New Therapeutic Modality for Becker’s Nevus. Dermatol Surg. 2007;
200. Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Friedman RH, Friedman PM. Fractional photothermolysis for the
treatment of post-inflammatory erythema resulting from acne vulgaris. Dermatol Surg. 2007 July; 33(7):842-45.
201. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. The setting sun sign: Visualizing the margins of a basal cell
carcinoma on serial frozen sections stained with toluidine blue. Dermatol Surg. 2007; 33:761-63.
202. Glaich AS, Rahman Z, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Fractional photothermolysis for the
treatment of hypopigmented scars: A pilot study. Dermatol Surg. 2007 June;33(6):289-94.
203. Krathen RA, Behroozan D, Goldberg LH. Island Pedicle Flaps for the Repair of a Nose,
Cheek, and Lip Defect. Dermatol Surg. 2007;33:351-54.
204. Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Dai T, Friedman PM. Fractional photothermolysis for the
treatment of telangiectatic matting: A case report. J Comet Laser Ther. 2007 Jun; 9(2):101-3.
205. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. The Merits of Adding Toluidine Blue Stained Slides in Mohs
Surgery in the Treatment of A Microcystic Adnexal Carcinoma. J Amer Acad Dermatol. 2007 June. 56(6):1067-9.
206. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. Pulsed Dye Laser Treatment of Nonhealing Chronic Ulcer with
Hypergranulation Tissue. Arch Dermatol 2007 July; 143(6):700-703.
207. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. Surgical Conundrum: Tunneled island pedicle flap for an earlobe
defect. Dermatol Surg. 2007 July, 33(7):835-8. 208. Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Friedman, RH, Friedman PM. Fractional photothermolysis for
the treatment of post-inflammatory erythema resulting from acne vulgaris. Dermatol Surg. 2007 July; 33(7):842-6 .
209. Vujevich J, Goldberg LH. Repair of Partial and Complete Earlobe Clefts: A Review of 21
Methods. J Drugs Dermatol. 2007 July. 6(7):695-99. PUBLICATIONS (Continued):

210. Wang SQ, Goldberg LH. Multiple polypoid basal cell carcinomas on the perineum of a
patient with basal cell nevus syndrome. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Aug;57(2 Suppl):S36-7. 211. Kunishige JH, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Laser therapy for leg veins. Clinics in
Dermatology. 2007 Sep-Oct; 25(5):454-61. 212. Wang L, Li C, Strom SS, Goldberg LH, Brewster A, Guo Z, Qiao Y, Clayman GL, Lee JJ, El-Naggar AK, Prieto VG, Duvic M, Lippmann SM, Weber RS, Kripke ML, Wei Q. Repair capacity for UV light – induced DNA damage associated with risk of nonmelanoma skin cancer and tumor progression. Clin Cancer Res. 2007; 13(21) BOOK CHAPTERS:
Stal S and Goldberg LH: Nonexcisional therapy for benign skin lesions. In: Clinical
Ananthaswamy HN, Price, JE, Goldberg LH, and Bales ES: Simultaneous transfer of
tumorigenic and metastatic phenotypes by transfection with genomic DNA from human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. In: Tumor Progression and Metastasis, (G. L. Nicholson and I. J. Fidler, Eds.). Alan R. Liss Inc., New York, New York, Vol. 78, pp. 29-38, 1988. Goldberg LH: Healing by granulation and epithelialization. In: Proceedings of the 18th
World Congress of Dermatology. Parthenon Publishing, Lancaster, United Kingdom, 1992 Harris AO, Levy ML, Goldberg LH, Stal S: Nonepidermal and appendage skin tumors.
In: Clinical Plastic Surgery, 20(1):115-130, 1993. Burns MK, Chen SP, Goldberg LH: Microcystic adnexal carcinoma: Ten cases treated
by Mohs micrographic surgery. Abstracted in Year Book of Dermatologic Surgery. In: Mosby-Year Book, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, 1996. Goldberg LH: Part III: Procedures and Technical Aspects, Cold Steel Surgery: The
Ellipse. In: Principles and Techniques of Cutaneous Surgery. (Gary P. Lask, M.D. and Ronald L. Moy, M.D., Eds.). McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, New York, pp 165-170, 1996. Silapunt S, Goldberg LH: Repair of the split earlobe, ear-piercing and earlobe reduction.
In: Robinson JK, Hanke CW, Siegel DM, Sengelmann RD, RD, ed. Surgery of the Skin: Procedural Dermatology, Elsevier Mosby, London, United Kingdom, pp. 291-309, 2005. Goldberg LH: Treatment of Premalignant Lesions of the Skin. Conns Current Therapy,
Goldberg LH: Cancer of the Skin. Conns Current Therapy, 2001.
BOOK CHAPTERS (Continued):
10. Goldberg LH: Cancer of the Skin. Conns Current Therapy, 2005.
11. Silapunt
Goldberg LH. Lentigno maligna and Mohs micrographic surgery. In: Snow
SN and Mikhail CR, ed. Mohs Micrographic Surgery: second edition, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, pp. 169-273, 2005. Goldberg LH. Genodermatoses predisposing to skin cancers. In: Snow SN and
Mikhail CR., ed. Mohs Micrographic Surgery: second edition, The University of Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, pp. 269-276, 2005. JOURNAL ARTICLES IN PRESS:

1. Fulchiero GJ, Vujevich JJ, Goldberg LH. Non-verbal hand signals: A tool for increasing
patient comfort during dermatologic surgery. Dermatol Surg. Goldberg LH. Residual basal cell carcinoma after treatment with imiquinod: A
caution on assuming complete cure. Dermatol Surg.
3. Peterson
Goldberg LH. Talking to patients. Dermatol Surg
4. Glaich A, Silapunt S, Alam M, Goldberg LH. White Coat Hypertension During Mohs
Micrographic Surgery. J Drugs Dermatol.
5. Chrastil B, Glaich AS, Goldberg LH, Friedman PM. Fractional photothermolysis: A novel
treatment for disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis. Arch Dermatol. Goldberg LH.Cellular and Atypical Dermatofibromas: Case Series and
Discussion of the Malignant Nature of these Entities. Derm Surg. Goldberg LH. Pulsed Dye Laser for the Treatment of Hypergranulation Tissue
with Chronic Ulcer in Post Surgical Defects. J Drugs Dermatol.

Source: chemistry

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