North Clinic PA Scheduling: 763-587-7752 Nurse Line: 763-587-7753 Fax: 763-587-7075
Pre-Op Instructions for Abdominal Surgery
You will need a pre-operative physical one week prior to your Surgery. Your primary care doctor will make sure you are in the best condition to undergo surgery. Give the doctor a full week to work out all of your medical needs. If you don’t have a primary care doctor, we will be happy to arrange a visit with one. If you smoke, there is no best time to quit. Smoking increases the risks of surgery and anesthesia. Discuss the options to help you quit with your primary care Doctor. Do not take any aspirin, Ibuprofen or other non steroidal anti-inflammatory medications ONE week prior to surgery. If you are taking Coumadin™ (Warfarin), Plavix™ or any other blood thinners please contact you primary care Doctor for instructions. Purchase at your local pharmacy two 10 ounce bottles of Magnesium Citrate. They are inexpensive and DO NOT requires prescription. You may have a light breakfast the day before your surgery (Toast, cereal, banana, coffee or tea). Start on a clear liquid diet after breakfast. Drink at least one glass every hour. Drinking liquids will make your cleansing easier.Avoid dairy products. PLEASE, DO NOT DRINK ONLY WATER. Starting at __________ the day PRIOR to your surgery take one full 10 ounce bottle of Magnesium Citrate. Take the second full bottle 90 minutes later. Stay on a clear liquid diet the day prior to your surgery. Do not eat or drink anything after _______. All other prescription medications can be taken with a sip of water. Ask your primary care Doctor about your regular prescription medications. On your arrival at the hospital, you will be admitted by a nurse. She will get you ready for surgery. The anesthesia team will talk to you. You will also see Dr. Isaac prior to your surgery. Try to have a good night’s sleep. Please give yourself enough time for the ride to the hospital. You are scheduled for surgery at:______________________________________ Date of surgery:____________________________________________________ Please arrive at (time):_______________________________________________ Location: _________________________________________________________ Please bring a current list of medications and allergies. If you have any questions about your surgical procedure, please contact us. It is very important to be well informed about the procedure, risks and benefits, alternatives and expectations. We take surgery very seriously. It is better to contact us during business hours, we have a team of caring professionals that will respond to your needs. Our telephones are answered 24 hours a day. In case of emergency please call 911 For more information call our nurse line (763) 587-7753 or please go to our website Look for patient education and instructions.
Concurso Externo Extraordinário Proposta da reunião da Mesa Negocial de 15.11.2012 As alterações introduzidas encontram-se a “negrito” 1- O presente decreto-lei estabelece um regime excecional destinado à seleção e recrutamento de pessoal docente nos estabelecimentos públicos da educação pré-escolar e dos ensinos básico e secundário na dependência do Ministério d
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