Ciclosporin Mihaela Savu Dermatology Secretary Tel: 01935 3844871 Dermatology
Leaflet No: 44040011 10/2011 Review date: 10/2013
Which skin conditions are treated with What are the possible side effects of
These are carried out weekly for the first
Ciclosporin? Ciclosporin?
stable. You may be asked to keep a record
Ciclosporin is prescribed for conditions in
booklet with your test results. Bring this
overgrowth, tiredness and excessive hair
It is only licensed to treat psoriasis and
growth. It can also produce a mild tremor.
Sometimes a burning sensation of the hands
You must not take Ciclosporin unless you
for conditions not included in the original
If Ciclosporin is used at a high dose it can
Does Ciclosporin affect fertility or
also affect the liver. The side effects of
Ciclosporin tend to get better if the dose is
chronic actinic dermatitis, and cutaneous
pregnant – but it is possible. If you are
Are there any other side effects if Will Ciclosporin cure my skin condition? Ciclosporin is taken for a long time?
The long-term side effects of Ciclosporin
should discuss this with your doctor as soon
Ciclosporin is used are “cured” by this
include reduced function of the kidneys and
improvement is seen, starting in the first
Ciclosporin has to be reduced or stopped if
Can I take other medicines at the same
there is a rise in blood pressure or effects on
time as Ciclosporin?
cyclosporine treatment will be continued
monitored and appropriate adjustments are
What dose should I take?
made, these side effects are reversible.
Ciclosporin can also cause increased levels
some other drugs can interact with it and
Your doctor will advise you here and the
of lipids (e.g. cholesterol) in the blood.
you should always tell your doctor before
Taking Ciclosporin for a number of years
body weight. Ciclosporin is usually taken
Ciclosporin. You should not take ‘over the
increases your risk of getting some types of
in capsule form twice daily. The capsules
counter’ preparations without discussing
cancer. This is true for skin cancer, and
are available in four strengths: 10, 25, 50
this first with your doctor or pharmacist.
patients on Ciclosporin should limit their sun
or 100mg. Ciclosporin is also available as
exposure. You should talk to your doctor
a liquid. The total dose is usually within
Can I have immunisation injections while
day. Grapefruit or grapefruit juice should
How will I be monitored for the side on Ciclosporin? effects of Ciclosporin treatment?
not be taken for one hour before or after
You should avoid immunisation injections
Because Ciclosporin can affect the kidneys
with any of the live vaccines such as polio
and blood pressure, your doctor will arrange
and rubella (German Measles). Flu vaccines
for you to have regular tests of your blood
Moda Health Plan, Inc. Subject: Remicade (infliximab) Medical Necessity Criteria Page 1 of 6 Developed By: Medical Criteria Committee Approved: Mary Engrav, MD Date: 12/1/2013 Description: Remicade® (Infliximab) is a tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blocker indicated to reduce the signs and symptoms, inhibiting the progression of structural damage, and improving
YLEISIMMISTÄ LASTEN SAIRAUKSISTA LYHYESTI . Flunssa eli ylähengitysteiden virustulehdus (=virusinfektio) on ylivoimaisesti yleisin sairaus. Oireita ovat; yskä, nuha ja kuume. Virusinfektiot paranevat yleensä hyvin, ilman antibiootteja 1-2 vi kossa. Al e 3-vuotias lapsi sairastaa keskimäärin 10 flunssaa vuodessa. Aiheuttajaviruksia on yli 200, ni stä tärkeimmät ovat rinovirukset