Soma iv.xls

ITEM# 20126DC - Passage Set
Grade III tubular passage set. All metal components
Door Prep - Crossbore 2 1/8", Edge Bore 1", Latch Face 1"x2 1/4"
Door Thickness - 1 3/8" to 1 3/4"
Function: Both levers always free
Strike - Full lip radius corner standard. Other options available
Latch - 1/2" throw bolt, 2 3/8" or 2 3/4" backset adjustable. Radius corner
face plate standard. Other options available
Door Handing - Non - handed
ITEM# 20226DC - Privacy Set
Grade III tubular privacy set. All metal components
Door Prep - Crossbore 2 1/8", Edge Bore 1", Latch Face 1"x2 1/4"
Door Thickness - 1 3/8" to 1 3/4"
Function - Both sides lever locked or unlocked by center turn- button
inside. Also can be opened by emergency key out side
Strike - Full lip radius corner standard. Other options available
Latch - 1/2" throw bolt, 2 3/8" or 2 3/4" backset adjustable. Radius corner
face plate standard. Other options available
Door Handing - None - handed
ITEM# 20326DC - Dummy Lever
Grade III dummy lever. All metal components
Door Prep - Surface mounted with 2 exposed mounting screws. No door
prep needed
Door Thickness - greater than 1"
Function: Active lever, for doors where only a pull / push is required.
Door Handing - Non - handed
ITEM# 25526DC - Entry Set
Grade III tubular Lever-Lever entry set. All metal components
Door Prep - Crossbore 2 1/8", Edge Bore 1", Latch Face 1"x2 1/4"
Door Thickness - 1 3/8" to 1 3/4"
Function: Both sides locked or unlocked by key out side or center turn-
button inside
Cylinder - 5 pins, Kwikset® KW 1 keyway
Strike - Full lip radius corner standard. Other options available
Latch - 1/2" throw dead latch, 2 3/8" or 2 3/4" backset adjustable. Radius
corner face plate standard. Other options available
Door Handing - Non - handed
ITEM# 20926DC - Trim Lever
Grade III handleset trim lever, works for all BHP offering handlesets.
All metal components
Door Prep - See BHP handleset door prep
Door Thickness - 1 3/8" to 1 3/4"
Function: Lever always free
Door Handing - Non - handed



Landessortenversuche Körnermais NRW 2011: frühes Sortiment Hektarerträge (dt/ha bei 86 % T) relativ und Trockensubstanzgehalte (T) vorläufige Ergebnisse Versuchsorte Haus Düsse D.-Merfeld Del.-Ostenland Neulouisendorf Kerpen-Buir Coesfeld Paderborn Warendorf Erftkreis Emsland, Nds. Standorte Reifezahl Züchter/ Vertrieb dt/ha rel. dt/ha

(Actos cuja publicação é uma condição da sua aplicabilidade) REGULAMENTO (CE) N.o 1662/2006 DA COMISSÃO de 6 de Novembro de 2006 que altera o Regulamento (CE) n.o 853/2004 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, que estabelece regras específicas de higiene aplicáveis aos géneros alimentícios de origem animal (Texto relevante para efeitos do EEE) consumo humano. O óleo de p

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